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[女s男m] 男童惩戒学校 上

发表于 2023-1-11 21:30:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Christopher couldn't keep still. He sat between his mom and+ ]; H2 |" Z7 o/ W. V1 a
brother Andy on the hard bench in Judge Robinson's courtroom
' |( N5 }7 H9 v  \) n5 J8 L2 Cas the judge sentenced teenaged boys and girls to the
5 Z& ~2 b& S. f4 E9 V# Fvarious youth prisons in the state. Dad sat alongside mom
2 R: E3 _* }' s/ Iand their six-year-old sister Susie leaned against dad, her
. M1 ]( S0 e) v2 T) J8 oeyes closed, snoring gently in the hot room.
8 j4 e. X1 f- D! T# H5 i/ V8 R0 u2 p! U0 N5 V
This was Juvenile court and nine year old Chris and Eleven-
5 k9 @8 e* N7 l0 Dyear-old Andy were here because they had been caught% H" ?& O* n2 u. v
shoplifting for the third time.  This time the storeowner4 F/ l2 R9 A; h5 Z- P
had pressed charges. The boys had been given a court
& v+ k' r. O  u6 }9 [appointed lawyer because Mr. and Mrs. Micelli, their parents5 i, v3 m# {) @; d- [, e& b" A; `
could not afford to hire one.
% [) V. d7 R  j$ E& S
7 P& Q3 d+ f1 o8 G8 d8 SAndy sat quietly watching the Judge. If he was worried his: ~1 E( u! Z9 d# O8 S
face didn't show it. He was a street kid, as tough as they7 U, K" U* {. p% ]) C$ I
came. His parents tried but the boys were running wild,
; f9 {( K' G" V  {' c& icutting school and stealing.
( b1 g0 N4 p6 J  g. s1 p
9 j/ {. ?, u. \4 K( C0 uFinally the bailiff called their case. Their lawyer had
1 l3 n, \6 A8 ]$ ~3 F- h( o& kadvised them to plead guilty. He explained to their parents,9 `: @7 q: Z" u3 [7 r
"Because your boys are so young the judge will go easy on
+ O. N7 ^+ \8 Y- Mthem. He'll probably lecture them and let them go with a: L7 s# a, r6 E+ ~9 {% m
warning. Make sure they're cleaned up and dressed in their* I# V8 Y, F" m" Z7 W6 d: @
best clothing. If he sees two polite well dressed boys he'll5 t& G9 {* i0 }' `# `1 p
be more impressed."
: O' K2 ]- o7 s' I9 ~# F! |( Q+ \& q3 |; a+ y
The boys and their parents stood as the lawyer explained to
- H, D# F( C1 t* \8 o* ^His Honor how the boys were truly sorry and their parents( H( V4 s$ i; [- L! \7 ]" }% |
would make sure they'd behave better in the future.* y9 {4 E! C& c/ ?' T

/ s& }5 Q5 _# t+ J! a0 FThe judge looked at the two young boys standing in front of
" U4 h+ C/ c% [9 n" @the bench heads down. He waited until the lawyer finished.
" m/ E/ w0 Y4 C6 H* j  C% A9 H# o5 Y1 J& `
"Due to the young age of these two defendants I'm inclined
! }$ w. [6 @& d" hto show mercy. But I see this is the third time they've been
7 M7 ]0 U; \; R( z' o! Aarrested for stealing. The other two times the storekeepers
. @9 h& e/ y  o( Z5 e- }declined to press charges. I also see they've been truant
0 M" p6 J+ X  u& \" Jfrom school and have been in other kinds of trouble before.
& |3 e4 ^1 L2 m' w/ H" k  z. NFurthermore the school psychologist feels they are on their2 U7 Y6 o/ n5 W  h( x: ~( F' T5 g# l
way to becoming a danger to themselves as well as others."  
2 c; y! o5 ?, u6 H7 |He looked at Mr. and Mrs. Micelli. "I know you both work and
" X, q! P- C7 q! M5 A& ^, Y+ jthe children are on their own for long periods after school.
* I* O+ e; d1 M5 C& h6 A* zIt's hard raising kids nowadays. But that's neither here nor
" f! L( G5 L) O8 L" Jthere."5 d  V# x/ k# H0 g, X, f

# Q( G: M) l1 Y4 j* ?; LAndy looked up as the judge continued. "These two boys need
. |/ [2 z- }' U" A2 Qsome more guidance and its apparent you are both trying to
+ {: {, }7 T; F' p' d* Ginstill values in them. However I think you need some help.4 o( S$ p0 t4 }# P. n
There's a new program in the state that's in the" q1 s' @: O' z8 ?9 b7 v! u
experimental stage. It's called the Grandview School."
) x3 n( b, y9 `2 q# V5 D, j2 j3 a7 T4 H- `' J
He went on. "It's run by Mrs. Jean Connelly, a widow with
. `" L% u( Q& L! o% Cfour girls of her own. They will be handling six or seven- h" o( x" k; \) k' Z# p
boys initially as an experiment. If it works out the school
8 Q' {" A) G. _; hwill expand to include more boys and eventually some girls.
; E' r, g( `, H/ w0 M5 AThe boys will be staying at the school full time. Mrs.
, @6 b% B! X2 G% t" |' u. eConnolly is a teacher and there is another 2 teachers as" a+ `+ ?6 t) I
well as a doctor and nurse. The school is funded by the
5 n2 W; V, F) @state. It's minimum security but Mrs. Connolly assures me
% B1 H( N0 H! H  Lthe boys will not be able to run away if they don't like
' M! r7 o) e! I6 Q5 D1 tit."! d6 p2 k+ `) b; |
3 ~# G9 R$ p; {. R
He looked down at the boys. "She has some strange ideas
* W7 O2 @* c# Y# u& u4 ]about discipline and I don't agree with all of them, but in& u# Y6 C# `& p$ x; J% e, J; [
this case I feel these two will benefit greatly."( ]' W/ w5 }) d. `

) r! ~( [) z& o' {"Therefore, I am sentencing Andrew and Christopher Micelli8 U$ ^8 T6 l, ]! x3 R
to six months at Grandview school. We will then meet with* R& \; r: X; [- n6 }
Mrs. Connolly and review their records and listen to her6 U9 K+ z) |4 o9 z% m1 g
recommendations. You can drive the boys upstate to the5 a  x0 W8 B) A* k/ {5 T
school. The bailiff will give you directions."
+ _: d8 J3 E& C; e+ n7 x7 y# R. k) J) R; P- G* t
He addressed the boys, "This is a great opportunity to turn
( |' j1 b' C4 ?$ N" Tyour lives around. I know that Chris was just following
1 w: A& C; @& M& \Andy, but that's no excuse and both of you will benefit
8 h1 a7 {) M, g0 \7 {" Ugreatly from this experience Good luck to the both of you."
8 S% R  k/ A  o! w1 w& Q/ gHe banged his gavel down, dismissing them.
/ n# U2 Z# p0 _+ j- H  p! p' H+ i5 j+ v1 k, @6 L
Out in the hallway Christopher was yelling at Andy "This is
1 S& B; h. @5 T- Vall your fault Dickbreath. Now we can't live with Mom and
8 r4 v* R- _) X2 O9 J) d6 Q0 E* w) zDad."
( K7 L0 i3 f  D! P- s
: T) R5 a; v; O0 a, n9 @; L/ MAndy felt a cold chill up his spine as reality set in. They: H1 i; W+ l5 P. P
were being sent away. No more Mom and Dad, for six months at
# ]4 Y, e- v2 |* k( `least. Chris was starting to cry.  
# k; a8 b: |) m% M! f4 W' k% Y4 ?2 G! p/ p& B
Nancy Micelli looked at her two boys. Andy was so good3 q. m! ^1 r7 h  p* {
looking. He was short for his age and slim, with dark brown! ~3 |' `" C! S! O9 m/ ?7 s
straight hair that always needed combing and big brown eyes.
2 U6 t0 c& l- s+ V9 x' Q4 wHe had long eyelashes and a light tan complexion. Chris was9 D3 j2 J" M8 U6 E- M
shorter than his older brother with the same dark straight
- @" D! U0 h3 t$ Ehair and large brown eyes. "They're so beautiful," she
0 r. P/ d/ J( R2 Hthought sadly. "If only they would behave." She felt tears
9 [, M, p# L# L1 G; g. ~1 fwelling up in her eyes. She was going to miss them like
7 o- F4 @; w* I( D5 A# ecrazy but maybe this would be a good thing.& L3 M; Z8 R* p
! ?* l6 s! ?1 R2 p2 e
Dad, Carrying Susie was getting directions to the school. G, e- Z0 w" e/ B& y/ R2 ]" X
from the bailiff. "I guess we should get home and pack their
5 ]. v9 ~! D4 j" w$ z- Jclothes," He said sadly.
4 f" p2 @! h" |, u- J2 [  H9 U1 _9 T& e: h! U6 e1 _" j" y" C9 w
"No you don't have to do that," The bailiff smiled. "They'll
# D" ^3 U/ h: Q! B8 Kfurnish everything your boys will need up at the school." # V; G8 C) v% a# ]' t) l: C0 r
, u4 L, l! I' F  F
Soon the family was on its way upstate. The bailiff had told8 m9 M" C8 U, c9 G, D
dad to be there no later than five o'clock to get the boys
& g8 O% C6 B9 U! A) ~  j  kchecked in. 0 L9 ^# i. F$ a4 |- V
- C) J1 `- ]: i, C/ ^
Andy was quiet on the trip. Susie prattled on, not
: W9 p8 M! s% m& \1 T. a# Eunderstanding that her two bigger brothers were leaving
8 z6 H9 m0 r* @$ `4 a9 R) M! ~- S3 T9 xhome.
- v# c6 {- P* }# e$ E& D! {3 U* u9 T+ I7 y5 O- s; [
After stopping for a late lunch they approached the school.2 Q+ ^* {) \% [
It was a tall old building set up on a hill surrounded by
# j  Z( @6 g: a0 v0 X$ R+ w3 ^+ topen fields. A sign reading Grandview School directed them
5 K$ `2 ]6 ]. `5 Sto a dirt road leading up to the house. From up close the# ~+ S; W  u! g. f; F$ Y* ?
building looked like a castle with about thirty rooms.
! P% L* [0 g' d2 `% Z5 I- i) t. H
- Q& o, y& K+ LDad whistled, "Some building. What's it doing way out here
9 ~  b% a7 p# y2 x/ l2 u" \in the boonies?" he asked.
) R% h& W; c" G% [2 R& b, ]& T3 g; |- x0 x' K. a- d
They piled out of the car and Dad rang the bell. A tall3 B) E4 ~$ T5 ]  e
heavyset black woman answered the door. She was wearing a
2 R' C4 v/ x* I: h/ Y! p4 X2 Duniform and over the pocket was the name Paula. " A2 R, N& E+ c/ f4 o
/ W) C( s# G2 ~5 B
"Yes?" She asked. ' S$ R( e3 z( s# j/ v% ]9 I
5 |* M* _2 Y" I; G6 ~( R
Mr. Micelli said, "Mrs. Connolly?"
$ c5 t* D) E# g7 g/ t5 `* [8 t0 k2 p9 P- |3 O) z5 |
"No I'm Paula Thomas. I'm one of the guards here. Mrs.7 Z0 ^% Y9 {, f6 Y: Y
Connolly is inside." Andy's heart jumped, Guards. What3 d2 q! l1 M, ]  F
guards?  This was supposed to be a school.& h9 J  W( t) X4 z" t7 [; \6 u

, S4 G, Z; p+ q. o& m- LMiss Thomas stood aside and gestured them into the
: k5 k5 _; o  C/ {/ p, m) ~3 L) j& {vestibule. There were two passageways leading inside from
. a% z& b- G6 v& ]) b6 rthe front door. Standing in one were two pretty young girls.
: I8 v8 m" a) cOne was about ten and the other was around eight. Except for0 E) a3 S, s; B4 a# E* y
their ages they could have been twins. Both had short
; J$ Y/ f. Q) Q# q, V5 `0 F3 nstraight blonde hair and big blue eyes. They were giggling
5 k' A7 P# d- O# I, ?. C/ w9 Z) ?as they checked out Andy and Chris. "That's Christie and
# |/ j, y0 |1 b3 s- EKelly. They're Mrs. Connolly's two youngest daughters," Miss
0 n8 v2 z" I- hThomas explained. : P, |5 A; e7 l+ |1 O& B5 P- D

" k. X. v7 H$ B# _: PBoth girls were dressed like Miss Thomas, In blue uniforms
( ?7 b' ~6 u/ d) Mwith the words "Grandview School Staff" on the back. They; {" x5 B# C6 C( r
had white sneakers and socks on their feet.5 G) c. t: H# [6 p

5 P/ w& I# S2 R  L7 ?  e- L. y. TMiss Thomas led them down the other hallway to a door marked0 ]/ E2 s' f4 ]* a
Reception area. "Wait in there and I'll get Mrs. Connolly,"
1 l: F& m" J& pshe told the Micelli's.
& u- `( J) j3 g/ R6 u4 L
" ]; a; O* y0 k- e( ?They entered the small room. There were four chairs against
, H& l( O5 B9 {  Z. A/ `a wall and a large wooden desk. Behind the desk was another
1 a1 {9 Z7 ^: Z0 Y4 Vdoor marked "Receiving room." They sat down, Nick Micelli6 X; U8 G3 R1 |; r- r: Q6 Q2 C
holding Susie on his lap.
6 }; u/ _: w4 V1 p+ K. b7 z9 a
: U( H, y% u% X2 C! S% i"I don't like this place," Andy said to his Dad. "It gives  g5 A0 |/ X& S6 q- U0 }+ N
me the creeps."
# H% _7 ~$ ?/ o& q6 z) X# X$ }8 s. L) o4 A; ?+ a! S
"You should have thought about this when you were stealing: A# ]0 ]8 H. c1 m+ D8 }) y
those magazines," Nick Micelli said sadly.) ]% f- q- @& r7 s- C% z7 K; y
: f( b) w6 I; b, c, K
Andy was about to answer when a tall blonde woman who looked
, m! m% m% v6 k/ p7 r' dto be around thirty-five or so, followed by the two girls
, |3 `" y* o+ Xthey had seen before and two older girls, entered.
) l1 |5 O/ G. w/ g2 B% V; T- a) Y3 h$ y. ?
The older girls were larger copies of the younger ones. They
% Y& F# j! P6 t9 N5 ?# Yhad on the same uniform. Blue pants and shirt and White
. ?' R0 A- C: J) H! Wsocks and sneakers. The four sisters and the mother all had
; D& E6 L# J( e* _! ~5 Cthe same blue eyes and blonde hair. Andy read the names on
9 I0 Y, X, S4 ]7 v; a* Y7 otheir uniforms. The oldest was Jennifer and he thought she  v' v9 [8 N2 H7 j- S/ H6 Q' _
was around fifteen. Next was Caitlin who looked around6 v  g! i' Y; m7 s/ w; l
thirteen, followed by Christie and finally the youngest,
2 U* P# t* D4 s- ^Kelly.
* ?! x0 T7 H/ [2 W& a0 C; m# l
2 A7 k. h" s- G. ZThe woman shook hands with Nick and Nancy Micelle. "I'm Mrs./ `* g; W2 ]# h- Y9 i
Connolly," She said. "These are my daughters. They're part! G; N- ^% A; u. K! _, K' x
of my staff here at the school. This is a new idea. My
, a! x* B9 ?; b2 x( v: M( b' thusband's family owned this house and when he died last year; Q, t/ e7 }' d$ f2 I8 v1 ~, M
I inherited it. Rather than sell it and allow it to be torn; h$ x3 ]) i: X9 p
down I came up with this Idea and presented it to my friend! V! a0 M0 J9 f" `1 J
the governor. Your boys are the first of seven students who
: @6 g! B# c, Y- b6 J" W( Owill be here this term. If it works out we will expand next
0 J! ~; d' a* V5 Vyear to thirty or so children."
4 b& m/ ?. j1 O8 g
7 N3 i/ J- x5 a! P9 i" G. HShe pressed a buzzer on her desk. The tall guard, Miss
# K* H5 U4 {0 |! q: bThomas came in from the other door. "Take the boys into+ K( s2 Z  X, Q  e* k
receiving and get them ready," Mrs. Connolly instructed.8 o. a, h: ^, p* B0 K( z9 B
"I'll do the paperwork with their parents. When they're
8 F1 l, ^" q' [0 s& Pready we'll all come in and begin the indoctrination."
7 @1 l6 u8 S& C8 O* }: m8 Q4 O- M3 W" {: o0 C
Miss Thomas nodded. "Come on you two. Follow me, You'll see
! g' g% M, {/ t5 E- C- U6 nyour parents in a few minutes."
4 Y: x. u/ E6 i! |4 {: V- @* T, O4 b* ~
"Mommy can Christie and I help Miss Thomas?" Kelly asked
$ y$ |/ u$ l2 z, U! ssweetly. / m1 J: }$ ~1 l+ v' `

# P1 t/ E  i4 c7 d: A) k4 S7 x; l( x$ ?"Sure honey," Mrs. Connolly smiled. "If it's ok with Paula."
7 s/ ]+ w% y9 q% M, F
/ N/ V7 f4 W2 P; r+ n( d"No skin off my ass," The guard muttered.  
/ x: N* k! J! R* d1 f
( K0 j- y; Z* D6 i1 Q$ J3 H% pShe led the two boys, followed by the little girls into the5 c, Z. l/ A) t- z0 m" ]' x
other room. There was a bench and a table. On the table were
  ~) V% O$ `8 _two empty cardboard boxes. There was also a row of seats on) p1 F3 O7 I  r3 L) e$ s
the far wall. Andy counted ten chairs.( S+ _. L9 A; K

. H( l3 F+ X5 A2 U2 B6 fMiss Thomas turned to the boys. "Remove all your clothing
% R) i, }, H: u' dand put them in those boxes," she ordered. "Your folks can
  A' }6 S5 S0 Utake them home with them."
, t4 z2 e% }' S$ V1 B; ~0 p9 b1 t6 m7 x7 X% `
"No way," Andy yelled. "I'm not undressing in front of you.
4 I3 [3 V- K: m5 U' x% II'm certainly not getting undressed in front of them." He
* J1 H/ x9 |9 F/ c8 D4 P9 bpointed to the two giggling girls.
* H8 x/ |, v1 Z# K, Q
& W4 X* |" [2 s. @"Yeah no way," Chris said echoing his older brother.
4 V' K7 ~3 m. w9 J
' B( _2 j9 G7 Q' z7 q0 I( rMiss Thomas shrugged. "Have it your way, but that lady out) l6 n3 V" M. |' y# Z4 b8 v; @" _
there is telling your parents about the program. When she7 |! Q8 U7 V7 t% u7 j
gets their permission you two had better be naked. The
$ w9 v2 n8 A0 t, v. i! l6 p/ fpunishment for disobeying is bare butt spanking and there# t; y5 H0 o2 l1 O
are lots of people here who know how to spank. Now I'm gonna
, V. x' [8 K2 bcount to ten and when I'm finished I'd better see two small
+ j  C8 p' y  Bnaked white asses."
' n4 d& {$ e9 w% d8 Q& u/ z+ _% b
, J0 i9 M& u9 y/ g* \  LAndy looked at the big guard. He thought "If Chris and I
. I9 x+ ?+ c. K/ T' ]6 w( R3 C# Sboth jump her, Maybe we can get out the door and make a
! N' ]. W! h! r7 c7 lbreak for it."
% j) e. x/ T6 K  I! X) y# I- G& w/ h# C
"I know what you're thinking boy," Miss Thomas smiled.
. S% Z; D: ~! H6 K( T0 F"Don't even think of trying anything. I can snap you in two3 m2 }7 v4 O" v- f
without breaking a sweat."  
4 e9 l& R4 c3 r: [% L; a1 V' W
"Well I'm not stripping for you or anyone," Christopher9 y  z$ t/ r& d1 f3 R# N7 C: ~% f& t! X
yelled. "I want my Mom!") r" {7 j) {& a  b8 ^# `4 i
- |3 A' x0 {1 I
In the outer office Mrs. Connolly was explaining the school4 K. b0 S% u0 a% a2 Z& c5 G$ @4 x
program to the Micelli's. "I hope you're willing to go along# u* ?: g  ?& l  u5 f% S7 ^
with the program.  It's kind of unorthodox but I think it* ?/ e- g& X5 y3 `2 b9 G
will work on your boys. You see we control the boys and
- I( }1 v4 T' A' i/ N& ^3 C: |8 ^$ uteach them discipline by keeping them naked all the time."
: n1 W, i7 B% q' F$ n+ g: q0 g' c+ F6 b9 c
; _  P/ F: k% f She saw the shocked look on Nancy Micelli's face. "Just let
1 \( m- \5 x$ B+ C5 Lme finish she said. "Once they're naked in front of the( A  j+ ?  Q6 Z8 `2 x6 G9 Z
girls and women here at school their belligerence seems to  y! W7 M# a/ q* A
fade away. "They become dependant on the women and we're3 J7 B$ i9 P3 z* s1 s) D, [6 f3 ]
able to teach them respect."- q1 a+ v' [8 V, f

+ s; @- M- n  o1 y"But must you strip them?" Nancy Micelli asked. "It seems so
; X7 M9 o. Z0 X" m; _cruel. And my boys are so modest they don't even undress in
% z) M) e& V% N" m+ T1 Ifront of each other."
7 q; d+ R' ^5 y! H9 ~7 n# M+ z
" ~/ j) b0 {% M, x9 e+ V: }"Believe me Mrs. Micelli it is necessary. It's the first6 F" L2 p" p0 d( L2 z1 B
step in turning these young men into productive citizens.
% S9 F5 ]) O# s" G: z) O# X0 jYou won't recognize them in six months." Mrs. Connolly5 k+ o9 p# O$ p2 m! B
assured her.2 m: j6 e, l% ]
8 M8 m" K, ~$ Z/ o
Mr. Connolly said, "I'm convinced. I feel it's a losing- h4 @+ r+ c0 X
battle with those two. I hope this will turn their lives
: A0 [* \2 k4 k7 F' maround. Where do we sign?"! e/ B- x9 Z" @5 R3 L" i- e' ^

7 P* K" J4 ?# d" p5 q"You understand you are assigning temporary custody of your1 I& ]) t  U/ M. `- |1 L8 M+ a
two sons to the Grandview school?" Mrs. Connolly asked.0 X) S/ v$ \& c2 B

9 C5 @0 _0 y$ P6 LBoth Micelli's nodded. She pointed to the line for their
, C; ~$ i& f* J& v' ~signatures. 2 m; r& i% I$ C# f& P
* D8 A1 T% \: \! o
Susie asked, "Are Andy and Chris going to be naked now?"
. w1 X9 S1 ~% y" @% T0 v9 |
! w4 r* J4 ~+ f. w9 j. F# c3 u0 OMrs. Micelli smiled sadly, "Yes honey its part of the school7 d" d/ U" n& B5 H
procedure."7 A8 y" ~. H+ d4 f' J) Q! E! D% f
" e# I# F- h( a$ Q8 n2 L
"Can I see them naked, mommy?"  Q6 @/ O. |" \
4 e( h) D# J7 `! k: T
"Actually we want you all to see them nude before you go. It
, k7 a. R/ P5 @shows them you mean business and takes the starch out of: y- {5 S$ I6 T7 x
their sails somewhat." Mrs. Connolly told them. "They should
. r( e9 e0 S# r+ w, ~6 Dbe naked now. Shall we go in?"
. z7 Y! S$ R% g( a- }. ^6 r# \# K
' e7 Y- p. T: {4 v3 W  t6 a' u# qThe boys weren't exactly naked when Mrs. Connolly opened the
9 T* y. D" E0 I% D" }! N6 Jdoor. There they were fully dressed, the table between them
4 O: N1 E. H# C" \2 E& j% Z; Uand Miss Thomas. The two little girls were laughing as the, I# o% O* |) _
guard tried to corner the two boys.
* c  K3 b5 h$ x, x" l
& k% O) H$ J% \- h  d6 E' S( O6 r"What's going on here?" Mrs. Connolly roared. "Those two; l# R. `: ^8 y) z6 s! ^
should be stripped and ready for the cavity search."
8 \+ G- u6 J" k( ^9 y! T0 \6 j6 h8 N4 b9 w5 [- h  `
"I'm sorry Ma'am, Miss Thomas apologized. "They're faster; E' w1 O  S' p* n7 z* w8 {+ I
than I thought and I'm new at this.". \. Z( M. f% Y+ \6 E9 F

  g6 N/ k1 d3 _"Dad, Mom, help. She's trying to get us naked," Andy shouted6 q  |" j. R1 _4 i; ^, r% N
at his parents. "Get us out of here. They're crazy."
' E8 f, x7 j( @# L# C8 x; m% u1 N" g7 p2 N' T# k5 I9 \
Mrs. Connolly looked at Nancy and Nick Micelli. "You said
4 ^- D& T9 I, y( e# T* z* N  Rwhatever it takes. Now is the time for tough love."
6 I% A* `& I; R, u% p  c( s
$ ^' ~( g( Q/ v  W7 BNick nodded. "Andy and Christopher, Stop where you are. I; l8 x# ~$ c0 U4 b4 @; X3 ?" H! b( i* R
want you to undress and do it right now," He ordered., ]$ a( I$ B5 {7 w+ r# U# b

( q  f  h8 M% A8 Y: cAndy's mouth popped open "But Dad," he whined. "I can't get- Y2 t/ i2 f% l1 g4 U/ ^
naked in front of all these females, I just can't."
  A8 N8 P' C6 @& f4 {# Z% x  `
( i# {; d* D; yChris started crying, "I'm not gonna let them see my dickie.. R" Y! ^- y, j3 d( [" H6 b( w) t
Mom please I'll be good," He pleaded.* O9 d. |; b% U) f1 }

& s9 e: K% U6 t( Y% }% OThe room was now filling up with people. In addition to) ^8 r. x7 o+ ~' y6 m
Andy, Chris, their parents and little sister, Mrs.
5 b% V% c( v# [" b/ {Connolly's four daughters had taken seats for the show. Mrs.3 N  T6 g$ g% }. ~' Z: H6 X" l; B- b3 j
Connolly knew that she had to show them all who was boss or) s* E3 k7 e1 i
her program would die before it even got started.
' n  c2 C0 h1 j! v' v0 F
# ~: T: W# r9 O: F2 H0 |% d"Listen up," She shouted. "There isn't going to be any more7 v& Z/ H9 ]' y# y0 X8 ~. @
arguing. You two are to take off all your clothing and put
3 r4 Y: `/ o% {3 wthem in these boxes. So far you've earned twenty spanks on
6 @5 {/ V# U- N; l9 i8 c4 o: wyour bare asses each. If you don't take something off in/ q- f# a: R9 A0 M! N
five seconds it will increase to forty."% B& q& e" o* k0 \% ?- s

9 M0 o2 h. I: E- ]- h. NAndy looked at his folks. They both nodded. "Do it Andy,"8 S0 J, f" D" A; l( `) S6 V
His Mom said. "You're here for six months. You better make7 o) U9 M- y5 q8 K& s7 \7 a/ d
the best of it." : n7 }8 P( z4 g9 k, f
5 O3 b! B8 v1 G( V3 @' [
His parents sat down. Without allies the eleven-year-old2 f# R& i$ ^7 O' B
knew he had no choice. "Come on Chris we don't have a6 Q& C9 u. V; G3 D# d% ?
choice," He told his little brother, his voice cracking.6 ]2 [; @9 f; V, n! n

4 |+ E. D1 I/ u# ?# ^* U1 b4 b/ wThe boys sat down on the bench. Andy leaned down and untied1 I# C1 U* l4 \, E( J" S
Chris's sneaker laces. Then he untied his own. He gently
$ ?7 |; B4 ]1 c1 s& W) s. S( U1 epulled his brother's sneakers off, Then his own.
3 e$ t( O3 W! n- I; N9 O9 t- ^
5 f& z% b! R3 |$ m6 H# hChristopher was crying. He rubbed his nose with his sleeve,
- g! m/ b7 ?9 j/ Bthen his eyes. Andy pulled his socks off then took Chris's3 ?# ^- ^% ]0 U# G, o- s7 H
off. He stood up and put their shoes and socks into the( g# d, d8 g! F6 C1 _% _: {
cartons.9 O4 U% T* R, {0 O9 ], Y$ i
* E& l, a& L" W+ L9 d& t
Still standing he pulled his shirt over his head. He wasn't
6 u5 ~+ x+ {2 X7 G! ~wearing an undershirt. The girls giggled as they took in his% e8 j: F# g) F
slim hairless torso, still tan from the summer.) j, S2 e" r- ^# ^/ J- T; X

- u+ N2 q! U0 a* a' M; n% O$ ZAndy was slim and small for his age but already had muscles.: {7 `  Z% a# L1 ~3 z# H
He put his arm around Chris and stood the younger boy up.
2 \- z/ r* ]; B( R$ t2 `& _  _Christopher was still crying as his brother removed his. ?' u; V  Q, M# A% [
shirt. The younger boy was a smaller version of Andy. Slim0 p/ n; y+ m6 M
and hairless with tan skin.
& ?  v% a- C2 X; ~" k9 f1 i5 N1 n4 K( G$ T" E: @5 D4 L( B
Andy made eye contact with his mother. Nancy had tears in3 c6 `8 i# K1 V3 d
her eyes as she watched her sons undress." s- [# z+ T! g: w9 x8 e

- |# D5 [3 y  J8 ^4 f' y"Hurry up," Mrs. Connolly urged, "We still have a lot to do, ?! g$ m% w3 t
today."4 d8 O) I9 U: I2 [1 b& ^0 K
& O5 y" v! L/ ^7 _5 |
Andy unbuckled Chris's belt and pulled his brother's pants$ {: X& d+ L5 b* I8 t$ I
down. He knelt and lifted the young boy's feet out of his
1 ^1 q0 ^& k5 g& ?% p6 f) N) _' dpants. Then stood and unbuckled his own pants and let them
. j; S. X; ]  _' Ldrop.
+ B5 T" Y( Z# c0 g2 E6 @/ Y2 x1 x$ d% ]) a( I# |( B) P
The boys were now naked except for their underpants. That6 t8 R/ F/ w5 E+ W( z  B2 D
started Christie and Kelly giggling all over again.
( Z: W; y- n5 J% T  I' [! G
1 v0 G2 a0 y- ~1 o2 ]: iRed faced with embarrassment Andy took the pants and placed. @; ]6 i8 e: \' w6 G) h% \
them into the cartons.4 ^9 @! j/ R0 @' n

/ l) E- S7 n  j) [8 c( s1 ?Both boys faced their captors. Andy in white bvd's Chris was- x) S0 ~0 s  Y$ a
in a pair of Superman underoos. Andy now was crying along
4 B  w2 s$ u$ K4 `with Christopher. $ P  y; y( C0 D& [6 T

" z  W, l6 q* A1 _( _6 d  ?"Are we gonna see their peenies now Mommy?"  Susie asked  Y& y# J! o+ e
loudly."4 S, ?' ~3 P8 ]" T6 X& l$ W  F! D

' I1 b* W! \$ \+ a  X3 U$ ^7 ^' H"Shhh," Mrs. Micelli whispered. to her little six year old.
. z, F4 W0 }- H  f) r0 k2 g"Your brothers are embarrassed enough.". x, _* s/ V; G. F( M, |) q! ^
  y- y( Z0 }, m( s% {
"No that's good," Mrs. Connolly said. "We want to humiliate
$ w2 p, f2 R; d: J* Oand embarrass the boys. It's the start of their training. As( l9 t- R; L1 u% S
a matter of fact, how would you like to take off their
8 i8 q! ~3 B- S1 C% |4 a( \1 Junderpants, honey?" She asked Susie.
) ^+ U# ~) w, S- u1 H/ Q" A! w" T# x: W3 M' h  R5 D. e' T% g. Z% N; U
"Could I Mommy?" Susie asked excitedly, her eyes glowing. G8 ^( f+ h7 @" k7 M7 @
with excitement.; Z4 Y; U3 H% n" W8 U- \& w4 {

. F5 ]2 {  B' j" ~) C' z1 n* c4 O"I don't know," Mrs. Micelli said. "I don't want her to get
  \3 s) C$ x; X. dinto the habit of looking at boy's penises."
5 c1 T5 N! d) K8 {+ a0 q
4 u5 W3 }% B4 ^' h! ["I was going to let Kelly strip their underpants off. She's
) `9 _5 h! e' K5 V# ~  Aonly eight and I think its good for my girls to see what0 C  v2 v4 Y& S  F4 Q! `8 k
little boys have. You should let Susie help her." Mrs.
; N, j) Y3 h. \( w: mConnolly said. "She can do one and Kelly can do the other."7 i( H5 f, R0 M7 B

" y2 S3 G' w/ `0 [' ]"Well all right but I'm still not sure that stripping them
. Y* u. y) c+ O) ?4 a; q; sis the best thing for them," Nancy said.8 T( J5 v; N* D& q4 q& @' k

( U* W+ }" ^* c5 [+ [8 p" H3 q Her Husband put his arm around her. "We haven't had much/ j7 L' a6 y( m: G+ _( o
success with the boys. The judge sentenced them to this
1 q3 B+ }3 D% L7 B, Jschool. We have to trust them honey."
* Y* S7 h% t( S: O 3 r/ z0 E- `; f' T. c
Both boys were trembling as Kelly and Susie approached them.
6 }* j7 o: Z$ gSusie said, "Hi Chris," to her brother as she hooked her& F/ d8 y' l1 N4 A' O! X2 }
little fingers in the waistband of his underpants,- u3 X! L) A& v5 f- l7 j0 e
7 l$ y4 L3 k3 c- @
Kelly faced Andy. She smiled at the trembling boy. "Put your! u. q. E+ h. Z# t1 C& d
hands behind your head and keep them there," She ordered.- Y  W3 h/ p( X0 {4 B/ t' q9 ?4 O+ w
Andy was too frightened to disobey. He slowly raised his; o+ o& q: W4 \# ^+ @! V* z# D
hands and knotted his fingers behind his head. Then she
4 x% ?6 ~& h/ w. l$ y- vreached over and pulled his underpants down. She knelt and$ Y: T7 u% X1 z/ G+ N7 Z
lifted first one bare foot then the other and removed his3 j2 B' i1 W8 F- G, c8 J7 ^
underpants completely. Andy closed his eyes as everyone4 l0 U& J; ?' K
stared at his little dick.
* t5 a$ f2 `. h5 h$ D
8 d. y/ g( Z9 p( s+ [1 WSusie had Chris follow Andy and as he raised his hands she
! r/ o! R) R1 |3 r" _0 n, t2 z$ }* jgave a yank and now both boys stood naked in front of5 ]: D. [, i3 b1 x4 I( X
% q+ j+ o' A) V* p4 z+ T1 O8 b; p1 S; z9 H/ Q# [9 _
Andy's circumcised penis was about two and a half inches! F! t- ?9 q7 z3 ?- O% B
long. It hung over and hid his small ball sack almost
" u. ^7 F1 j' y1 s* s! @completely. Like the rest of his body it was hairless. Kelly! a7 b4 I6 C. r) G, T. |
stared at it up close. "This is all there is?" She thought.8 m+ p7 \" \' L
"What's the big deal?" 7 H9 x+ q- @  a. R; x

3 o7 {6 j  M/ g2 ASusie like any six-year-old was curious. She copied Kelly
; y. `# V# z- ]  Zand knelt to remove Christopher's underpants. As she lifted  r* U/ J; R( M+ }6 w9 x! H
his feet and took the underpants off she reached up and
! x" V8 `& q& `6 H9 K; `grabbed his penis. ' n1 W* C# }0 R% Z7 J+ M7 B8 ~
4 w$ Q- q3 }3 r5 E0 d
"Susie," her Mother gasped. "Stop that. That's your
/ ^, ?  a) `/ s8 bbrother's penis. That's not for you to grab."
2 x2 P  D7 u" ]) [% g3 ~
! N+ K% d) m% U3 B% Z3 {# N"No let her," Mrs. Connolly interrupted. "Kelly you can go
! S; v; h2 w; t/ _) P+ yahead and play with Andy's cock a bit." She turned to Nancy
" X4 {6 o3 M6 ~Micelli. "We encourage the staff to humiliate the students
3 H( I# W& X. b8 mas much as possible. It shows them that here everyone is not  q6 S+ Y4 |) t9 S
equal and they have to earn privileges.". Q- n9 `) E& r6 w, _' t2 M, c( g

9 R/ ~' U& N1 p0 eKelly was examining Andy's cock. She cupped his balls in her
# }5 E0 J/ i; ~  Xlittle palm, weighing his small testicles. Then reaching, f( e* e& R4 `: h$ j# T$ ~7 F
with her other hand she skinned back his circumcised* f9 W. f' J7 R  ^# X2 G1 j
foreskin and examined his cock head. Andy was mortified. He
) Q/ k) T0 A/ [% m) _stood eyes closed and face bright red as little Kelly6 x/ E; e- O, v  G9 m& l) w
fondled his balls and rolled his cock around. Despite his
$ T7 r, I$ N* f: Shumiliation he felt his dick hardening.4 Y4 j+ `) ^" _& t. k# D% u( c
1 z" X$ [* D  C% B2 w
Christopher wasn't doing much better. His little sister1 F( c" \* X4 A. e
roughly fondled his balls and tugged on his little penis as7 P2 ^3 Q5 p, C  ~# t
he stood red faced and crying his eyes out.
8 ]+ z, y+ E" B- |0 p: o) Q: e# x  J% O
Christie was still in her chair taking it all in. Her mother6 o/ f3 u8 ?9 \) `- K5 R
looked at her and the two older girls." Don't you want to9 a, W" X0 [: L& u
examine those boys? That's all you spoke about this entire0 j8 Q3 N& }/ d% W( k
1 u; I8 ]. S5 o7 F' O
) `+ {1 {$ g6 m: U$ EJennifer and Caitlin giggled. "Oh mom, Sure we do. We just" E0 M2 k0 H5 W3 w2 |* r
figured we'd let the little ones go first and harden them up1 h+ c5 {, `5 \7 h, c% s
a bit." Caitlin answered as she and Jennifer got up to join
. D) ~4 l" G/ ^in. Christie followed.2 P. V9 ^6 y! J1 D% `6 o
- I1 D% A; {" f/ {9 m( m) D: ?$ w
Jennifer and Caitlin joined Kelly who was still pulling1 n( Z2 p* {7 m$ ~. Q4 S. t6 K
Andy's cock. "Let me get a turn," Jennifer said pushing her
( L9 u8 M( `6 w% p. Z8 `5 Ylittle sister away. "Oh my god its just so cute," She told4 |2 C6 b7 x/ S( g
2 K& ~0 V; a2 {- j
+ O' O: O; B; a- O" ^The two big girls took turns fondling Andy's cock. Caitlin
' [0 ~$ W) X8 V: \ran her nails over his cock head.  Andy shivered. His dick
6 R" s) \2 R4 ~8 o6 u9 efelt like it was bursting at the seams. While it wouldn't
- J; l+ B7 S$ Z" [! [1 pset any records for size it was now standing straight out
& T- n) b4 n: T/ |! u* @and was a respectable 4 inches.* J* Y8 W" J, l5 e5 r
( @" a' o6 s$ H
Christie was examining and playing with Chris's cock and4 P- d- `) D# N$ H
explaining to little Susie how it got hard when you pulled" S. v* p1 A% y
on it. The little girl watched as Christie cupped his balls/ x/ R/ H8 N" p3 [+ `! W5 F, @
in her palm and stroked his little dick He stood rigid with7 N2 w0 ^4 [, ~& ?2 E- A1 M- [1 c
his eyes closed as if to block out this humiliation. Kelly
8 P  M7 T3 q! g, Y7 o: r1 @/ kdrifted over and joined the group.6 f$ c9 B# ]: b& c
/ I4 I4 n- P7 ?. C1 g  z
The girls were giving the two boys a cock workout as the# R+ Z# z/ \& |, {; B3 G
Micelli's, Miss Thomas and Mrs. Connolly looked on.  "This, k# p2 N  u4 j2 Q5 t
is the first step in their orientation," Mrs. Connolly. q8 g% \, w( n5 h$ W7 j
explained. "Once they get used to the girls exploring their3 o/ U$ ?0 H& N  f. ^2 e; t& Z
genitals and cum a few times we'll move on."
4 N3 Y& }) ~( Q, F
. Y( a* e1 T1 gNo sooner had she said that than Andy stiffened and arched
$ o6 U6 \) h5 t& ghis back. He let out a shout of "Arghh" and exhaled as he
1 X8 t% h) d: T5 T. r4 {came. Jennifer and Caitlin watched in amazement. "He just9 V* h7 |- B- `
came Mom. How come he didn't shoot any semen?" Caitlin
, }/ m5 b( y' n7 d- v& x* R$ u3 F' ?! m7 xasked.
6 M& K0 P- E' D* m
5 d* O, J" b* I0 ["He's only eleven years old," Miss Thomas answered. "His/ \( A* @5 w$ C% w
body doesn't manufacture sperm yet. He had what's called a5 z2 z  G' y0 m0 @; E5 n
dry cum. Keep playing with that cock. He'll get hard again."& U% [" V2 O' j0 p% y

: x$ O; k* e2 [7 g, _; ]9 n  ~( ZSure enough, after several more strokes by Jennifer and with/ f; P. ~2 j( \5 B! s
Caitlin kneading his balls, Andy's cock was once more( ?' Y7 ^3 m& m4 x% [
standing straight and proud. Christie and Kelly were doing
" R5 e4 }. q( n5 Spretty much the same thing to Christopher. The two boys had
+ C; `- s3 f3 _* u  \) }! W/ athree dry cums each and the girls had switched places when
4 J. ?7 Z" e! s6 [9 mtheir mother interrupted.1 @6 Z* I9 W3 n' }$ u$ n2 W5 Z

' W1 U, p5 ]" }, m8 \7 F4 A0 w"I think that's enough exploring for now. I want to" o0 U' T$ [( Z  R+ _: V( ^+ Z4 |
establish the rules the boys must follow during their stay
; G9 T  u+ [* `here." Mrs. Connolly said. The girls reluctantly gave up+ J% o4 D* [1 z5 A  Q1 F
their playing and released Andy and Chris's sore little
7 E9 }! j; K( t2 g0 ccocks.$ ]0 g/ b; A' X- c2 a
6 z" b( p4 R# N- J6 q1 ^% i
As the girls took their seats, Susie climbed into Nick's  d; l: ^4 {$ Z. h' r' }
lap. "It was fun playing with Christopher's dicky she told
' j' R3 U" k& X8 \% ?& pher father.1 X3 |4 _5 s0 S) W3 f9 n

) V* l% f: T& EMrs. Connolly faced the two naked boys who stood with their
3 |3 q9 N' B# G6 @' a$ X# bheads down, Sobbing quietly. Their little cocks were still
9 d$ Q0 U) e1 G6 v1 V8 R9 j  F. qhard from being handled by the girls.* p8 w' T# R- d/ i. Z
: B5 ]( w' D8 c1 Z& k  ]% c8 x* ?
"Let me start off by saying that you two have gotten off on
8 g1 r2 R  M9 \' }! R/ d$ xthe wrong foot." Mrs. Connolly told them. "The punishment! W! N3 z2 R% `" k- i$ M
for disobeying an order from any of the girls or the guards
. r& z6 \8 k$ l8 O5 Kis a bare butt spanking. By refusing to undress when Miss1 ?6 R; D( \# }6 x% f0 X
Thomas told you to, you've earned twenty swats each and
# X1 Z" Q& z, u* byou'll be given them after you're processed in."
( Q5 W9 M& z* f' D  e6 ?2 x$ f! x& I: ]; T( J! A: P
Andy and Christopher were crying harder as Mrs. Connolly
+ Q* Q! g: ?  y' Cwent on. "During your stay here you will be naked at all
( E$ o- O2 R. B2 J& ptimes. The uniform for the pupils will be shower clogs and
9 |1 f- v4 `6 D. m! Ybaseball caps. That is all you'll be allowed to wear. The0 k3 G. \$ d! K
girls will be allowed to touch you and examine you any time) `- J5 d) s0 e% k5 I
they feel like it. No part of your body is off limits. They
$ E# k0 ?- c( C: L/ _can make you do anything they want. Failure to obey will9 F$ G! \, {: j# H! I5 N- _9 s& m
result in immediate spanking. Is this clear to you?"  ! k  y! o( |' p0 r

1 I; C% ]4 |2 O) j! J, dThe boys nodded. Andy wiped his eyes with his hand.
4 R3 v1 Q$ _1 L5 p
- E: q6 A0 x+ @+ ?, p4 ^You will go to school in the mornings. There are two full9 ~( p. ]! m: P# X# {) S/ H( `7 D
time teachers on staff. They live in the village and you'll4 R! z. z+ V+ o1 D. w, Q
meet them when all the boys report in. In the afternoons you+ I! ~. E( b7 X% n$ e1 K
will be put to work on the farm in back of this building.
( `& [0 r' U' l% |& a. i* RThere are two more guards who live in the village. You'll
2 ^8 m. \: }0 U% Tmeet them in the morning."( b0 W( v6 V  |" K, f$ p5 G
/ J2 \" g, z0 J9 u$ A1 l! W; b) _
"I'll allow you a moment to say good-bye to your family then, W$ m) V* X" C# q/ W8 @8 W
we'll start the processing." Mrs. Connolly concluded. . N$ E5 ^) v( W' U% M: n
1 z1 w; @5 _) y( ?1 g
Andy's Mom hugged him. She kissed him on his forehead. "Take
& u/ \6 g5 c: dcare of Christopher, Andy." She had tears in her eyes.
4 l6 Z6 K" D- S2 ^8 ?! Q, PAndy's dad shook his hand. "Let's see you make this a
0 Y. z2 q  Z. \learning experience, son." I hope when you get out you'll
2 m" J# e. Y' H& t& Y" Shave learned your lesson." 3 h$ g4 y4 L# @0 O: l$ o
* I% r4 s! V* H; J# U
Both parents hugged Christopher. Suzie reached over and$ w6 m7 T: S  p7 z/ Y1 e( v
stroked Andy's bare cock. "I never even got to play with
& |2 m+ ~5 z0 t8 Z" Wyour peenie," she sighed.$ o: W' z6 p0 h0 m+ _, {! H

1 `+ c( n8 W- ]. C1 J"We'll call you every week and see you on visitor's day,"
; f7 q1 |2 S* q) W% S/ }; yMrs. Micelli called out to her sons as Miss Thomas ushered
7 j- u& f5 R9 b" \% N. k1 ?! a$ Ithe family out. 5 \' @% H& y+ D0 ]

  r5 c2 U6 @9 w' d9 @Now Andy and Christopher were alone with the
" F# P2 I8 |2 a9 Ywarden/principal, her four daughters and the guard.
( Y: c  h/ U2 ^" O$ f
( ~! h, ]/ y  p- o"The first thing we have to do is a cavity search to see if+ d( v- R  N4 s) D5 {
you're smuggling any drugs or weapons in," Mrs. Connolly$ m3 [; n" c/ a
informed them. "Every day when you come in from the farm" `/ d5 t3 n0 `2 E3 b! F$ h
you'll be searched like this so get used to it.". `7 m0 h% L$ G2 g5 w, @1 H0 F

# e( q$ g$ s! B) gMiss Thomas opened a locker and removed two pair of surgical
- w  e, p+ W9 D3 A3 egloves. She handed one to Mrs. Connolly and the two women
2 |# a& q  X4 ~; {put them on. The four girls were giggling hysterically. Andy
! Q; h% _5 p, m% f: vdidn't know what cavity meant. He wondered what was so; z% Z9 K  a/ r' P
funny. Him and Chris had just been to the dentist and they6 d0 l# Z. k3 F- j
didn't have any cavities.; {3 N4 ]9 C2 J: s

& G5 A8 c" f7 ?& eMrs. Connolly pointed to the table. "Climb on up and stay on6 ?& O3 ]3 `% F1 D3 e. V) l
your hands and knees," She ordered.  The boys slowly obeyed.2 y8 [  O, A% x/ a$ U
Andy was embarrassed because the girls would see up their
. S% {% i# h. d2 {0 `% B- Wbehinds when they climbed.3 `  K1 y6 }* e9 ]$ k7 C

5 }, \$ \& A9 E1 Q/ ~He tried to turn sideways so they wouldn't see anything and
1 P# T: ^% q! \. m7 nreceived a smack on his buttocks from Miss Thomas. "What do7 D1 ~) R/ H( J9 ~  e3 Q
you think you're doing?" She asked in a nasty voice.
, @% ^: J3 h0 o1 A' }! T' ?0 P# R1 j6 A$ R8 d
"I don't want anyone to see up my behind," Andy answered
/ h; A" ^+ j( l+ U0 {# @still unaware of the women's intentions. 3 r! {1 M4 l/ L, [

- ?$ }2 J! R9 }2 B8 X' D/ W"That's funny," Miss Thomas laughed. What do you think a
# Y) Z) j" `# k( w2 x& wcavity search is you idiot? . Now turn and face the wall so1 g, g3 T* h5 R1 X; b5 v; ^
we can get a look up your assholes." 0 f6 S" N% H8 h, ?& ?

% T8 a) G  m6 H+ ?# [& \Andy and Chris faced the wall. They had their knees together
1 {5 z$ }* ~* \6 P: }5 oin a futile attempt to keep the women from seeing their most
1 y3 ?8 p6 S, k5 Fsecret spot.6 a2 n8 p. l; I- P

: K1 K6 s# y7 T+ a' |"Spread those legs apart you little delinquents." Miss
* _' g# x# S8 m. k; v5 vThomas ordered. "You're only postponing it for a few
9 L4 S1 G0 y! D8 t; nseconds." 4 V! d. V  F3 V0 d: {% h8 z
* s. [2 D6 t* i* Y: h3 U
There was plenty of room on the table. Slowly, As everybody
' F, V1 Z+ }. `0 S4 jcrowded around, Andy and Chris spread their legs apart. "I'm/ M& Y- G/ b) a# v
gonna really enjoy this boy," Miss Thomas informed Andy.+ m: o- T) p8 s( Z7 x+ {
"This will show you what happens when you don't listen to
' M- {2 [( d" w' k4 ]4 W3 }me."
$ [, C) i3 [, D4 }" E- j$ t7 _* v' D5 a' ]& A
"Lean on your elbows and raise your butts up so we can get/ s6 H0 I4 |. ]- [0 u# k2 X
a better look," Mrs. Connolly ordered the two humiliated
. @% N# J8 Q: e. ^6 Y, ^- iboys.
3 j  B9 n, x2 k& D5 L8 k
& R0 s/ i9 ]5 I! J  mBath boys were on their elbows and knees with their legs( ]+ J+ a1 L  g" ~+ a
wide apart, their pink puckered assholes on full display.
5 w$ R! W* f+ J* g0 h. G1 dTheir little nut sacks were hanging down as the girls and8 n$ L5 k1 d0 M( q6 _
the two women gazed at them.& T% l9 y5 N- O- z2 k7 g
7 a; r7 I8 d0 V6 a
Jennifer and Christie pulled Andy's butt cheeks even further, |- ]6 t8 L" h
apart and Caitlin and Kelly did the same to Christopher.$ e  M% X% d( b
Andy felt a pushing sensation against his puckered ass: @" c0 ~1 Y% h9 G. X& F
muscle as Miss Thomas pushed against it with her dry, rubber
2 s" w/ }- i/ K9 B& P4 B$ S6 z+ ]encased finger. His sphincter muscle resisted the intrusion
8 J( W7 _/ Y; y: p8 D6 Ifor a moment. He screamed in pain as she pushed harder and1 z4 ~6 r2 Y( ^) y7 j3 g- E# p* _
penetrated into him. ., a6 }3 S# s( F; Z

& \* C8 u, S' |! G"If you'd of cooperated when I told you to get naked I'd* S7 s: H: ^' T# x. J6 E
have lubricated you up a bit first," She informed the crying
- t5 L& n3 l. O" D5 Clittle boy as she wiggled her finger inside his ass.
7 [) ~$ a0 H/ ^
7 D8 F; R% W& |1 O* B' mChristopher was feeling the same pain in his ass. If( f  [" N1 c9 i8 j: Z5 A
anything he was hurting even more than his big brother. Mrs.
1 `( e2 T) G& W1 Z, x, iConnolly had large fingers and he had a smaller asshole than, J4 x0 e; {1 a9 p
Andy did.: {+ _4 c. ^; [8 o9 E/ ?; l* W6 G
4 V+ D# L5 R; c" K3 X$ e
The warden was showing him no mercy. He screamed as she
* {! h0 \! h; Bplunged her index finger past his sphincter and up into him.* p2 }2 l/ \+ e# m% }$ j6 \
Both women stayed inside exploring the two boys tortured9 @9 q" O7 w! s9 m
anuses. Andy and Chris cried and begged for mercy. The four; v# t* E+ N3 a9 \' |8 }  Q# x
sadistic girls watched in fascination as they witnessed the
' j: _/ N5 s" x$ I+ ~first cavity search done at the school.
0 l9 \" u7 R" p/ X) l' k9 m; i7 |+ b3 p  u2 a8 S2 `- j
Satisfied that Andy and Chris were not smuggling drugs or
1 }; g( h/ |4 r* q) X" p1 m8 Qweapons Mrs. Connolly removed her finger from Chris's2 q" D4 I! h+ _/ [# d
tortured asshole. Reluctantly Miss Thomas removed hers from- D. n' Z" i) x
Andy. They stayed in the same position as each girl in turn* v. l; J' [9 M; t- u* t
looked inside them.1 Q- l6 h- @! S& r* u; M
% _. ^% T6 c9 ]
Mrs. Connolly told them to get up. They climbed off the& t8 e# }) J$ m4 N+ G
table, their red faces betraying the humiliation they felt. # @2 i" n5 J, Z6 u
Each boy was now given a hat that said Grandview school and4 D% J, E0 \* o; N) b
a pair of cheap rubber shower clogs. "Put these on. This is
% k# A: A- D2 D6 K' z9 T1 o  tyour school uniform," Miss Thomas laughed.
8 D5 `3 g0 u8 e6 ]* K2 a, ^& b3 l
) W& f% z# G! N# J& G9 ZThe boys were led back into the reception area. Christopher
! p& h+ r! V9 r( ^, P4 m2 twas told to sit in one of the chairs and be quiet. Kelly sat7 o! n% d9 G; q
on one side of him and Christie on the other. "Open your
- f" V  L' P! V/ x8 ^! olegs a little," Christie told him. "We want to play with
% L: g! I1 C( `your cock." The girls fondled the little boy's cock as his; B  @& s& O" I& k: U
older brother was positioned in front of a white screen   e+ F8 K: K  `: Y8 K! g
5 {- ^* Q% t  I- ~% t, S' R4 V3 O
Mrs. Connolly informed Andy. "This is a penal institution. G8 ~0 U' M0 M: X) M$ ?3 G; h6 j
and we need to have your picture on record. So we're gonna
& d3 Y9 }8 X% ^& V. Utake some "Penile" pictures." She looked at his cock. It was. _4 i" ^' N0 M% l, m9 W) K- j
dangling loosely; all traces of his former hard on were
7 E& t( z5 c0 j  Ogone.
, b( v0 E8 \6 ^3 t* M
; l( x2 L  F# b+ tShe shook her head. "That won't do at all. Your cock won't2 L- P6 h, _/ a5 S" R
show up in the pictures unless you have a hard on."- E# q3 E  Y3 J' e! F) u5 h, U

+ ^! p. {0 _. o4 R) }She moved over and faced Andy. "Put your hands on your head,$ x' b, O$ K: p/ H8 R! y
"She ordered. The puzzled boy did as he was told. Mrs.: e! S$ Q. [1 J
Connolly knelt down, her eyes inches away from his little7 Z" s4 r4 I8 r0 b) H
cock. She took it in her hand and gently stroked it. "It's" l& q" P: ^! J0 W5 K
been awhile since I held a dick in my hand," She told Miss9 x7 \( |$ A8 _1 O5 l4 ?
Thomas. She expertly milked his little boy cock back into
3 q) x( @& ]/ ^8 `& {) Hlife. With her other hand she cupped his balls and fondled  `3 @0 |" ~  A" V" [' b
them. Andy's cock stiffened quickly under her expert hand$ t% o" }& K# f
job. He was gasping as she stroked and rubbed. / c4 ~8 W/ l, `- r  o
5 u- h( E% r, {6 X9 F
Releasing him she walked over to the desk She removed a. b; @, g$ `( H% N- ]
camera from the top drawer. "Put your hands behind your back% P7 d9 e! [" J) [
and hold still," she told Andy as she focused the camera.
) o! K. D4 o2 d, b' b
: P3 L: Y8 m+ b5 F6 z( F7 `Mrs. Connolly shot an entire roll of film as Andy, d2 L2 \' F/ }' m" P0 X
reluctantly posed. The first seven shots were frontal, She! f+ c6 c: X2 i/ d& u
then used the close up lens and snapped pictures of his cock
" l+ H& s) ]4 D7 W/ K) i2 m3 Xand balls.
* e, j) I! k" ]0 K
  E) D3 |7 O2 d# M' r8 oThen Andy had to turn around while she photographed his ass.& M+ _! W4 E! q; T
The last five shots were taken with him bent over, legs
( M1 l  x8 o9 Q" n7 D3 Q5 yapart, his hands pulling his cheeks wide open, showing his3 X/ _% h3 C% X( G# ?. d
still sore asshole to the camera.5 _* R  [2 b, j0 \
+ x% F& M! N0 a% M
Andy was allowed to sit down as Mrs. Connolly reloaded the
* p7 \5 g2 i$ K( O% o$ w3 Ncamera. Now it was Christopher's turn. The younger boy's
- @& G- G/ I. F$ [cock was still hard from being fondled By Christie and" ?* ^7 G: f1 _8 i* H/ W, i+ j# F
Kelly. Mrs. Connolly placed him in front of the screen and' U# W# V0 f4 {0 `
repeated the process. Christopher was photographed with his
3 P) h/ I% J" ?  A; G8 T, ilittle hard on for the first four shots. "Mrs. Connolly told
/ W( N8 U" S- Y' ]8 g; u' }1 E; Q% bhim, "Play with your cock." The humiliated little boy pulled
- ]' l2 y' J( f( P5 l; `  Ohis dick as she snapped another eight shots, some close-up.
) k1 c% D3 L3 A: u$ `. |6 `Then she ordered him to turn around and snapped off another) O' Y2 h- S* S
five shots of his bare ass. Finally she finished up the roll9 n0 H6 K3 |6 J- e6 Z$ |+ y. O
of film by making him bend over and open up his cheeks once
4 F  X% l( v) K0 i( m' Jagain exposing his asshole.% T) I& {( r$ S' Z

2 l+ n9 b* I6 n( LThe boys were led to another room the girls following4 B" ]4 `5 s6 B4 _1 L
behind. "We need to fingerprint you," Miss Thomas told them.( G1 Q1 k7 k* J$ r3 p
Each boy was fingerprinted and then Miss Thomas grabbed
) K$ a( a# t" ~8 }% u% P1 u0 vAndy's cock. She played with it rubbing it until it was
, b7 R1 c1 f4 Z  D3 r% Z- Xhard. Taking the ink she applied it to his dick and took a3 h  ~+ j5 N! T% o' v8 ^3 {
cock impression along with his fingerprints. "Now you can
; B7 h9 p$ T  d8 xsay you have blue balls," she told the embarrassed boy. "I: e0 B5 @5 O2 e
always wanted to do that," she explained to the giggling
- K4 P7 U" r8 X7 M" c: k+ |3 Fgirls.
$ c! v3 p% N9 h* Q# Z* Y6 q) e) d# q8 @2 N% X8 x
Andy and Christopher were thoroughly humiliated by the
  F+ _; o3 b9 T4 f3 B9 ktreatment they had been given. Mrs. Connolly assigned
' }7 Z* h) w8 V, r& @- i, ~1 cJennifer and Caitlin to march them to the shower room and, q' g5 |0 O% T" a* b
clean them up. She asked if they were hungry. Both boys
; @0 i8 H' ?) B6 }4 M- D5 Lshook their heads. They were too upset to eat.
! s' r2 L1 M5 I( ~8 {2 ~  C( I0 n% `; D8 ~* L1 T9 ~
The Connolly family with the exception of the two older' H8 D7 P9 }; ^( d& k+ Y
girls went off to dinner. Jennifer and Caitlin led the naked
! W( M8 F2 u5 V! Wboys to a separate area. Jennifer unlocked a heavy steel* \# \6 _: O" U
door. "This is where you students will spend your nights,"
/ t6 P$ L6 _0 ?She explained. The room was large and well lit. There were
( h0 |8 z) o( oseven beds. By each bed was a small night table. There were
  m: q: d4 {( Q' J! H- vno closets. None would be needed.( v5 _% m7 ~( L7 E) }/ e7 D3 O

/ o/ }# k/ t/ fOff to the right was a large bathroom and shower room. There  V- j* ]9 h  l' y. b2 J" G* c
were four toilets side by side out in the open.
! A0 ]  {# Q6 a: v1 E  v, ]1 m0 W  t& C' R- \1 a; Z7 B
The girls led Andy and Christopher into the bathroom. Andy
; X& {# x4 F8 A4 I2 D; h0 U/ thad to pee. He looked at the girls. "I have to use the9 g: L" K4 f# }! }; ~; d* y+ ?
toilet," he explained.
. T$ @" O+ \, x4 K9 _
8 _0 {: i6 X& h: z8 H"Don't let us stop you," Caitlin giggled. Neither girl0 D- z( T! l& m7 R1 {+ O
moved. 0 }# s- m2 P4 _6 s

3 N4 U( S# r. I+ J1 x- YAndy blushed beet red. "I really have to go," He said0 h1 C: i6 O, B1 q+ A. ~
, E. J2 U  E5 U. H/ |7 |  t* }# L8 y1 A9 w
"Then go," Jennifer said. "I want to see you piss. We're not
1 Q+ X" Q/ {% u9 j  T; k  Tmoving so get used to it. If you had to shit we'd still stay
% z" w5 v6 U& ^5 L: N8 _0 b' Fand watch you. Privacy is a right you've lost." She folded. K; J0 A4 G: E1 S
her arms and stared at the red faced naked eleven-year-old.; S+ g3 b$ G; ~) H, y4 y, _

0 }2 H# ^6 g4 Q! zAndy knew the battle was lost. He stood at the toilet and/ m- D0 C9 D; I/ K$ T
peed as both girls watched, giggling and making comments.) ~) {9 X: Y7 D  D0 {
8 Y( I8 f" d  a
The boys were next given soap, wash clothes, a comb2 }# H2 r3 `4 _# h
toothbrush and toothpaste. "These are yours to keep,"
' v, Y4 B; s8 q$ L) MCaitlin explained. "Keep them in your night tables."
7 X4 V& W) s2 ~2 [' T1 \
' s: _5 R6 R' ~; t& b0 j+ `Andy and Christopher spent the next ten minutes in the warm. U4 i3 S/ l! U7 o0 N' h
shower Andy washed the ink off his cock. He had to rub; ]& E9 S( o/ u( |, {7 m  d
really hard to remove it all.  They washed each other's+ R9 D3 @  f4 j+ [* Z0 H1 _/ j5 k
backs, watching their hands so they wouldn't touch each4 B  J- l# v/ T- n, M. Q
other in the wrong spots. This was the first day they had
# i/ D/ t, h7 j$ j% ubeen naked together since they were much younger and they6 O1 E& K+ w1 N  _0 L3 \
still were embarrassed at seeing each other's nude bodies., e6 q( r! W% y0 h

, [/ i2 e0 k4 M, M4 ~Andy was tempted to stay in the warm soothing shower
* X- G6 O2 p  L% A0 Aforever. Christopher was lathering up his balls and
& I& s: \, L2 m, xscrubbing as if he wanted to wash off the feel of all those
! L- G3 B2 K& y( Z$ Xhands fondling him.3 b0 D, e1 o; l' w2 I* R4 v

' B0 V, O! ], V' `; cCaitlin brought the two boys back to reality. She stuck her
  u% [( [  x9 W2 o4 d$ C: Fhead around the corner and yelled above the noise of the! E/ C& z8 o0 w5 @& I
shower. "Wipe off and get out here. We still have a few more( c& e* h. ^0 X3 J4 a
things to do before you can go to bed."
4 w' t; u' ~0 F+ Y, r& ?1 V9 j2 N# i
( D4 A" S0 z" \4 wAndy turned off the water. The boys toweled off and combed! T  L, @& v( D0 i# C5 ?$ H4 P# l
their hair. They put the hats and rubber clogs on and walked
, z& y( |3 Q5 E) n& Z6 N# Rinto the dorm room together.: F0 Z1 n( A" n+ s  C. B+ Z. J

# {' D- g- W& i* r( vJennifer and Caitlin were sitting side by side on one of the+ P- P  \  ?7 z& e2 ]3 @. m
beds. They beckoned the two youngsters over. "Put your hands' K6 |' }+ z  x4 p/ P
behind your heads," Caitlin ordered. "We need to inspect you4 w- k& ]* U4 I4 g: n9 t
to see if you cleaned everything."6 \0 D: Q2 ]8 R9 ~/ m

5 p  m$ ]3 u; t+ pBlushing with embarrassment the boys obeyed. Jennifer cupped# f5 E7 e) M! L' M
Andy's balls in her hand. She leaned over and played with
+ W, p+ g* B! B3 y' }3 athem, Her fingers squeezing first one then the other. She
0 ^) |) k% G7 I# P8 dskinned back his foreskin with her other hand and ran her
7 q$ B  k7 k! R* B5 Gfingernail over his pisshole.
, f8 O  r, i0 r. K
8 Z! M  x1 ], _; TCaitlin wasted no time. She was stroking and kneading4 e, b+ d$ l8 Q$ k" H" j
Chris's little genitals with one hand and squeezing his ass
: l! s' ~9 ]! uwith the other.
; N7 _" s/ B' q# G" |  ]
  V4 S/ i  q' g; [6 e2 K4 L; n% F! fJennifer released Andy's rigid cock. "I have to check your
2 I0 v0 \; J0 G8 ^0 Z) ^asshole now," She told the boy. "Mom's rules are that after+ \+ C4 M) `1 F  f
a shower we check everything." Bending over Andy spread his
0 i* U5 o* s7 T$ X# o5 g: g' J5 C2 Z2 Flegs and she opened him up and stuck her small index finger* _( `6 t: T* ~
in. Once again Andy grunted as a foreign object pushed in
. N. J, r! u3 U/ {past his puckered muscle into his rectum. At least Jennifer) Y4 R7 p4 w; @" @% r1 x" \4 G1 ]1 b
wasn't wearing gloves and her hands were much smaller than+ Z5 t% P8 c2 t$ `' H) ]; b( p2 S
Miss Thomas's or her mother's. She wiggled her finger around
& d8 R5 i+ x8 R' dand as she pulled it out she peered, in checking to make% F1 o8 d% M' @/ n- X3 `
sure he washed himself thoroughly up there.' z. P% t+ h3 S$ `
" P4 @$ v5 Y$ }* P! B0 v6 _) _$ s
Caitlin had Christopher on the bed in the same doggy
* d/ ^# q" r) h; [position as before. His elbows were on the mattress and his
5 v% _: g0 @* N5 A- Plegs were wide open. His ass was once again up in the air3 v- h3 V( k5 Z; f0 K
with his asshole in plain view. She pushed her finger in& g% R  I4 b3 K9 L! G
causing the little boy to cry out in pain. After wiggling it
# F; T1 ~9 z0 p: `around in his rectum she withdrew it and pronounced him1 t( W9 L/ V6 D# u( F+ r/ h
; f6 n) N0 l- n' R$ D! q! r% h9 l; ^, ~( k  r
As the girls finished up their inspection the rest of the* v( s( a( ?' p" V
family arrived in the room. Miss Thomas was carrying a small
7 c- f5 e# ?+ qgym bag. Christie and Kelly ran over to a vacant bed and
- O+ B; k0 a. i) K" f' p# Esat, smiling evilly.
+ N' z; Z9 b2 S  x7 y& s " x( j8 B1 L4 n
Miss Thomas opened the gym bag as Mrs. Connolly explained to
- V/ f/ e% x: ~% K3 ~the two boys. "Its time for your punishment session. Each
8 y3 Q3 U6 \% i% j) Knight we'll add up the amount of swats on your bare asses
5 g0 \7 H$ l' u% X# F8 _% u. pthat you've earned during the day. One or more of us will9 B6 U$ H- l! r7 v+ F+ u
then give you that amount. Tonight we'll start out with( ^& g- e3 ~/ |. d$ t0 ?( y
Christie spanking Andy and Kelly taking Christopher."
. ?$ l7 H2 b! [/ l8 J  R4 V# A1 v; V
Christopher moved to Andy's side and hugged him. "Please
$ ^& P- C7 e$ F) ^" R5 e5 ^' a7 uAndy. Don't let them spank me," He begged.' h% e# ]; {0 h6 _$ `/ y  |

8 r6 z- I& [; h! BAndy drew himself up to his full four foot seven and a half-
, z8 i& b+ ]8 M2 s8 ]) qinch height. "You're not spanking either of us," He said
. U0 d* C0 S! W! b. x1 Jbravely. "The first one of you that tries to touch us is" E) H' |4 K" q& j( ?
gonna be sorry."& C7 s; z" {% D: L1 q0 C: A

, d) ?1 r' m! e$ i- {"That's pretty brave talk for a naked little kid," Mrs.+ r3 m" m9 q% Z/ H1 H
Connolly said chuckling, She nodded to Miss Thomas who moved' ]# e1 k( E4 e; M6 B  E
forward. 1 C( y# `. B7 u
% |4 r; S8 m5 L
"Come on you little twerp," The guard taunted. "Take your
% P7 u" s% E) Z8 v/ S# k! ~0 r- kbest shot." Andy tried his best. As she reached out towards
9 e6 v7 N2 m! [. U3 L7 Thim he threw a left. Miss Thomas easily deflected it and5 E5 o! z" L0 @* R/ |
pushed him. He flew backwards and landed on the floor taking' L- b' }+ K5 H2 K
Christopher down with him in a tangle of bare arms and legs.8 M7 R. L5 A+ _8 b- Z4 r

; L' t; {% [& F7 @( g& E& AThe big guard reached down and lifted Christopher off Andy
$ d; o" V! z* Feasily. She handed him to Jennifer and turned back to Andy.
' I5 L0 z: P: m( Q; ~"That's the second time today you've pissed me off boy. Now,
8 H! n; x* V# S, JI'm gonna be the one that gets to spank that little white& p$ U- b7 W. @( n
ass of yours. I'll tell you what. It ain't gonna be no
/ v# O5 O* Q; t* e" z" Rtwenty either. You need to be taught a lesson."
* g# e9 u; t! O. D, Q& q. K7 b( }4 k' _! _
She reached down and grabbed the cowering boy's arm and
! X: U2 Q) r3 w5 f  [4 x; b. n+ Jyanked him up. "Stand right there," She ordered as she
5 a( T3 K1 `! T+ H7 p/ {reached into the gym bag. 1 O: q8 k& e$ e

+ l& t+ B" P0 p* |0 [Meanwhile poor Christopher had wound up on Jennifer's lap.
; Q7 \1 ~( {0 h% I) RHis feet were off the ground and his ass was positioned+ z0 K/ d' L4 j
perfectly. Miss Thomas removed two paddles. She handed one
, f3 d9 W* X9 X* i5 R) P/ \0 yto Jennifer and turned back toward Andy. The paddles were
. ^( _( ?  a& c$ mcarved out of wood, about seven inches wide on their flat* D! E* X1 d8 v
side with black taped handles. Andy turned white when he saw/ R9 F0 U1 B1 o  w4 O2 |# b
them. He'd never been spanked before and neither had Chris.
0 j( c( C  ~, ]# O0 Q
# {! K" J+ X" W1 j! bHe stood petrified as the guard grabbed him by his cock. She) a$ o& A7 d4 W2 `# V
led him over to a bed and sat down. Andy standing in front5 A# `0 e* R1 y7 b/ c
of her was trembling as she stroked his little pecker. "Yes
3 S1 Z! Y' p: |8 O( i& _sir your ass is gonna be red as can be," she threatened as! u' a& G7 p9 o
she cupped his balls and played with his cock. Christie and$ L6 l* q( u5 N6 J5 f
Kelly, their jobs taken over by Miss Thomas and Jennifer,
9 W  o, l. h' i% J3 [* Z' y" ]4 j8 ]positioned themselves to watch as the guard expertly1 M8 N( `/ M% Y% F7 I
masturbated Andy. Despite his fear and despite the
5 y: B' r# H$ ]4 [punishment he knew was coming, Andy responded. His cock grew2 W% O& a3 p" N$ p
hard, and as she kneaded his ball sack and stroked his dick  l+ p7 U. _! l0 ^6 n3 N. X3 ^' G
he stiffened and with a loud yelp he came.9 i# Y5 b3 K2 Y+ G
7 N4 Y5 b" b- h' e1 S" _/ c
"It's a good thing you don't shoot yet," Mrs. Connolly+ |) w% x, [4 H& r6 A
chuckled.  "Or you'd be up all night cleaning floors after; Q$ ?$ |/ v8 b7 n6 J. x1 P
your spanking."1 k" X$ p7 N3 `9 k9 r
+ O4 x9 u& |) {6 }* A1 j  y
Jennifer was absorbed watching along with everyone else as
+ C& {$ R& k  `; {" iMiss Thomas was playing with Andy's cock. She held the7 z5 }4 F3 X6 X3 J! M! ]+ M( M' k8 p8 G
squirming Chris down easily with one hand. Now she turned9 r/ v+ T2 x4 J! x) P9 r# t8 b
back and lifted the paddle. "This is for all the crying and
# H& j  c# j3 w" s. `2 {& `4 hwhining you did today," She said as she brought the paddle
5 B+ Z4 c" @$ m3 @4 s  p+ ndown sharply on the little boy's exposed white ass., u6 f: x  b4 D' R. Z

( T, N1 ^) _& `( _& g  n' sChristopher screamed and jumped forward as the paddle hit
$ |% C+ s" M& V/ U" B) h8 ?) Qhis left buttocks. It smashed down on his right then his
3 B3 v8 ]& ^' }% k/ i9 ?left again. The little boy howled like a dog in pain as0 N) C6 m4 A8 r. a- U
Jennifer pounded his little bubble butt continuously. He
3 r! A3 S9 t, {kicked out with his legs, throwing off the flip-flops and2 L; M( |& X6 z3 U, }1 Y( O: ~
just missing Kelly who was watching in awe.- `4 c# d$ ?& f. _
6 L! n! i+ y3 j4 f# e
Andy was not doing much better. Miss Thomas, still holding
# t3 `. Y' g4 a2 |his cock pulled him forward. He landed on her lap face down.: s' \" C4 \9 A! _* }1 Q
She raised the paddle and smashed it down on his exposed
/ n/ ^/ A. P6 S, t$ Sass. He felt a searing pain as the flat edge bit into his
' ^4 @" U4 ]+ ~: {plump little bottom. He barely had time to cry out when it
( p6 R5 K, Q- s" }" N+ @) ddescended again.  "The next time I hear one word out of your
4 J7 l( K& R; H2 n3 m3 x6 [& Mmouth I don't like I'll be back and do this again," the7 E" q+ A2 i4 t& Z9 l$ S" }/ D
guard threatened as she rained a steady stream of spanks on, L. C, N+ z. M) S
him. His ass felt like it was on fire and the blows kept
* o* w- ~. m* o) X, w, X$ m% Bcoming.   @0 Z) O9 ?) q% T, C5 J. U: S
  Y5 O" _! u; `
Andy lost count of the number of times the paddle landed on; K7 `( w4 ]7 H# y' }
his sore butt. All you could hear in the room were the howls
! Q0 {8 m* _6 M) P3 o; Y2 A' pof the two boys as the cleverly designed paddles tortured
4 F8 S1 o& Y0 l4 ~$ D* b8 Uyoung ass flesh without cutting the tender skin. Finally
9 U) J3 e) x8 c. rJennifer released Chris. He was bawling his little eyes out8 t- f6 J& j+ {0 {# ~0 C- z: \. H
as he hopped around the room barefoot, rubbing his tortured2 j& X. i  A9 K( c* U* B
behind. 6 x& Z" U* B+ ~
4 q# ?& g4 l, e# R- M3 V
Everybody's attention was now on Andy as Miss Thomas kept it% g/ U: a, a- F3 h& Q* V
up. Thirty, forty, then fifty times the paddle dug into his8 }2 _/ V* Q5 Z8 m) c" X
throbbing behind. His skin was glowing crimson. Mrs.
* e, W& V5 w: A$ bConnolly interrupted the guard. "That's enough," She said.
! m3 w) K: V4 R0 Y9 f+ g"You'll wear out the paddle. Tomorrow is another day.1 a0 u/ ?+ G- I. Q( S7 ~
There's a lot to do and I need them to be able to walk."
- {& G- J% h9 {5 K2 p. S" i/ G4 w6 |) [2 ]
Miss Thomas released Andy. Never in his young life had he
- ]) N: x' R  Mfelt so much pain. His nudity forgotten, he joined Chris,& m  ^; x1 e0 F0 Q
hopping around the floor, dancing and rubbing his throbbing
3 e( _7 P/ V/ U1 c  bass./ D6 c: \+ R2 Z+ H( |0 ]% f4 G! \# O
$ s( v- O4 z& q6 p/ M
The boys finally calmed down. Christopher stopped dancing# g  Y8 M' j6 `6 m
when he saw Little Kelly laughing at him so hard she was5 `4 s1 O( W2 L, u& o& E
almost crying. Andy was still rubbing his sore ass. Both
% x' K1 B% W+ J$ K' a& \0 ?( Eboys blushed bright red when it dawned on them how funny
3 s' a- W5 I4 a! ~$ jthey looked hopping up and down totally naked, while rubbing
! f# N7 X; K+ z- `4 htheir asses.  
5 ?; y& E3 B! C( V9 Z$ t. H$ H2 z+ n8 j& [; [
"You've just experienced what happens to bad little boys who
6 f" [9 H; q0 N7 W" h$ fdon't listen," Mrs. Connolly told them as thye stood in
$ [. r7 V. c# {% H- Q! u. Wfront of her, tears staining their cheeks. "Now get some( m# s4 K8 ]2 {% a6 X5 P* q
sleep. Breakfast is at seven o'clock. You're going to have a
5 y" K; p  N- j( X6 }1 xbusy day tomorrow, meeting the other two guards and the
$ g1 P7 `$ A; G4 vdoctor and nurse. Make sure you look clean and presentable
7 j' h* z7 q- d$ f" ~) L) n' T7 Afor them." She warned as she turned out the lights and left
2 f5 k# {4 |& A" a9 ffollowed by Miss Thomas and her four daughters. "Nighty$ `9 H+ W6 E1 G: ^
nite," Kelly giggled as she skipped out last.
! P8 J  [3 ?( q2 c+ Y! D5 ^, r  c, b- }
Andy sat down on the bed gingerly. His ass was still: Z, a7 t, E9 `4 Z% M$ }0 }1 e1 P8 q
throbbing. Chris came over and sat down with him. "I'm so
' D" w1 |! E$ B0 x- H5 `1 gscared," He told Andy. "Can I sleep with you tonight?", \/ [. ]) Y! d4 x- q- D; Q

% i# C& ]8 I- F/ U( k) fAndy put his arm around his little nine- year-old brother.
! y" l! j3 c+ Z- A"Sure squirt, he smiled. "Just watch your hands. We're naked# Y5 Y+ i1 ^- J1 D, w
you know," He joked.
9 N1 b1 k4 P) z1 q
: D5 S$ v1 v; X! A- D; Q7 EAs the two boys lay in bed in the dark Andy whispered to1 g3 P- d! f1 c1 o$ ~# T
Chris. "Tomorrow we're getting out of here. If we get- f# L: G/ Z; m( H  z! e: o
Christie and Kelly alone, we jump them, strip them and take, R# ^4 o4 P9 H/ ]% i% m
their clothing. They're a little smaller than we are but
8 Y4 D- h+ A! X" ttheir clothes should fit. Then we run down to the highway
9 A9 u% T% o8 y# _and hitch a ride."
4 s. Z0 d# z& A- M9 }& V
, H( X( o& b7 O* d. tChris drifted off to sleep. "O.K.," He murmured.
* x" v/ [6 m+ L) |
1 B- G' c; t, u/ m$ O# UChapter one the end.0 X$ Q- l5 i1 D# R
2 A2 D& W$ C8 ]' Z
& w* N8 m* W4 [# u8 {    ( J1 Z, {$ ~: O3 J! f* e% q

8 D9 J' s; s( @+ _8 C/ P7 H
8 }8 ~/ J) |/ B; t! [2 A6 ^, y  l
; U; ^: s7 e/ o) c1 [GRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 2  
( F$ S$ F; t& J% b$ V4 ]Andy and Christopher part 2& S; Q  H  H# A4 c4 v2 Z
' L, W. o$ X* h9 |# k
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
  S' q  r: B0 N0 d1 t" h4 pall rights reserved
, k# E" Q) a* S+ l- E& b9 k
8 S3 w" t' K4 X2 t) x! U# {3 u
. Z3 E: l. i! C1 c
$ |' {  b! o+ A: w- o: T
Andy was in the middle of a dream. He was in school and the9 R  O  l! z& b+ S
teacher had just called him up to the blackboard to explain a
) M- r  M: a: D+ }math problem. All the kids were laughing and pointing at him.
: z2 V) g# B' s' e2 \- hHe looked down and his heart jumped. "Oh my God. I'm naked in
4 f6 l9 i7 P! v7 L2 Zfront of the entire class!"
( H9 ~3 K2 W+ ^- J9 g
3 Y! o( \( p" Q' i& L, ZHe woke up in a cold sweat and sat up in bed. Next to him$ Q( ]9 a, D& n1 l
Christopher rolled over. It was still dark. "I'm not at  a  C  l: i- f, a5 X; r% h5 F
home," His foggy brain told him. Then he realized where he  [/ S3 c3 U* q# [, f( |
was. "The Grandview school," and he really was naked. His1 P1 N4 C  c/ \6 y* x. g8 z
bowels churned and he got out of bed and went into the
) |9 T  C# d* Mbathroom.  
- {7 c$ g9 {; T) \- a; w* H( p! A. Q( ?6 i) C( e% }9 a  Q5 l, |
He sat on the toilet glad to be alone without those fucken'0 L& m4 j. t& l8 J8 {, u/ a2 E2 w  U
girls watching him.  Finishing up he flushed and wiped
4 |  z$ T- v; Y. A& G# s. U9 Yhimself. "Better wash in there," he thought. "They're gonna
5 G% c. }% S. H8 }check me in the morning and I've gotta be clean or they're& b$ T$ ~2 M1 z% y) J) Y4 a
liable to spank me for that."
% m: [$ F) j/ ^% w0 k+ Z* h; o" y
9 v! r& i) f+ A+ Q0 X& u- WHe climbed back in bed next to Chris his mind racing, "How
6 s, w3 J6 y  V& o( [+ o  ucan we get out of here? I told Chris we'd jump the girls but
- n* l/ G# e# W; l/ Swhat are the odds Mrs. Connolly would leave us alone with
; _& I( ^$ \. y1 y6 C0 t: _Just Christie and Kelly to watch us?" ' f5 }- O3 W1 n' y; O6 T
' e: p" C3 T* f1 N5 F" n
He was still in that half-awake, half-asleep stage when the
% N2 @9 t! t7 v) Q0 G. r1 abell went off jerking him and Chris awake. The sun was out.
9 N' O! T. R* g0 |Andy hustled Chris into the bathroom and made the boy sit on
% O7 |: H3 X, Pthe toilet and take his dump. He then made sure that
  V- n# }( y0 `4 f1 {! CChristopher washed up really well. They brushed their teeth6 O3 P/ P0 l1 e3 {/ T% b
and combed their hair and put on the "uniform." The hat and* i& H" h3 y( ], j" O
, a9 x0 Z1 F6 ~% {) n+ V
$ G; Y3 x# B% ~+ }- x& `- i8 F( |His plan hit its first snag when Caitlin and another woman he
9 P; M- ^* Y- }+ s1 r& ?hadn't met the previous night, came to get them. . r. i7 W+ z8 t. D! `7 j  O0 u

0 ^: D9 y) P& F1 Z' G9 a9 I: RShe was old. Not just older than Caitlin, but even older than
. ~, S9 N% E1 y$ H1 LMiss Thomas and Mrs. Connolly. She had gray hair and wore the
0 I% a& b7 b- N- ]same uniform that Caitlin and the others wore, Blue shirt and" `7 r. t6 @) I  R# \  K4 C
pants and white sneakers. Her nametag read "Mrs. Maikowski."1 T8 g1 z8 g- [
) w! E; ~* T' d. d
"Good morning students," Caitlin giggled. "How was your$ O; g1 ]6 m1 d, _. v
night?" She turned to the older guard. "We spanked them1 R: k3 N' ]  u' B8 A
before bed last night. Their little asses were bright red
/ U5 }* d) z4 v. E" i, v, kwhen they went to sleep," she explained.
% c. P* `; v/ n/ H+ o8 a2 c
* Q8 @# `4 ~8 \+ f, d$ s"Oh let me see," the older woman said. "Turn around so I can2 d. I# d' c1 B7 S; |& u% |: ]; \
see your asses, boys," She ordered. Blushing, the boys faced" T# P# Y6 Q% J7 B% Y7 C
the wall as the guard knelt behind them "Might as well check
* }5 ~. C9 _' l7 l+ Atheir assholes too," She said looking at the boy's little red, q; p5 _1 J9 K" `9 T; ]9 x2 t
asses.. ?; E/ `8 U( S' K) `/ \8 o; ]

- y. y6 D5 ^) c* F% E( B5 V! u) l6 IAs she opened Christopher's ass up and looked in at his/ E0 W$ `  U( @' r. E
little asshole, Caitlin introduced her. "This lady is Mrs.# j* ~- D2 o" }  t  Z
Maikowski. She lives in the village and is one of the day# V1 Z& Y& Z/ I
guards here at the school. She is very nice as long as you' [- J, Z" {4 d
listen to her," She went on. The little one whose asshole
8 B( z' H0 Z( T8 c* uyou're inspecting is Christopher. His brother is Andy. Up* D& y0 [  I* O& h0 _
until last night Andy had a pretty big mouth."
* H) X3 D3 y: B+ P/ }6 }0 J$ X, H" o4 \* i# x7 `& K
I'm pleased to meet you both," Mrs. Maikowski said as she
: G3 E1 C" M0 E/ Jstuck a big finger up Christopher's asshole and wiggled it.
- I7 Z. I6 l) V' t* u' ?Chris jumped and yelped as she penetrated into his bowels.$ s2 c! U4 e$ W) C! g. ?; v
She satisfied herself and removed it. "Oh dear I should wear1 v" Y9 J% A- \$ B! B1 L
my rubber gloves, "she said. What if he was dirty?"( Q5 v4 t  a6 U9 l

( i2 Z5 N7 {3 [Now it was Andy's turn. "Spread your legs and pull your! Y8 A  _8 l7 `3 U, z0 n
cheeks apart for me," She told him. "I can get a better look3 ?5 Q9 Y  ]1 l
that way." Andy was blushing furiously as he opened himself! ~) K8 V6 L0 M6 r
up. Mrs. Maikowski looked up his ass and said, "He looks
6 e, m1 C9 A/ c7 J# k" ]) qclean. I'll take a chance," As she plunged her finger past5 }+ S7 v5 M' X
his puckered asshole. "The reason I took this job is because
; J8 V) N* p3 q, k! d  GI like children so much and Mrs. Connolly promised I'd get a- V; R, Z, V/ Y/ t" _
chance to play with all the students." She wiggled her finger. B0 `6 E, R0 J+ X& ]' b! t
inside Andy as he grunted, tears welling up in his eyes.
! @* S" M6 j+ [# V: v/ _' v+ c  o$ z- u: x2 A
Satisfied she pulled her finger out with a plop and turned( c- L$ s+ R6 G$ H4 d
the two boys around. Still kneeling she proceeded to examine
6 M9 h/ R+ h# x2 w; stheir little cocks close up. 0 F/ }! B4 t; g1 U* B+ s- G" \6 ^  e

/ g' \$ W/ }$ B: O/ A2 ?"Put your hands behind your heads," Caitlin ordered as the8 r5 |5 X" B  g+ Z8 F* y3 \
gray haired woman cupped Andy's balls and cock in her big# J5 c" T- ^0 F
hands. She kneaded his balls with her left hand and skinned$ M; ~/ A1 s/ L8 ]: s" n7 g/ U1 j
back his foreskin to get a better look at his cockhead with0 l- w8 Q3 U9 f
her right. "Very cute," she said to Caitlin. "I like the cut
9 r6 F( }* S+ ?( M) \ones. I think they look much neater. How about you?"
: w) r$ T1 w" ^
9 @4 V# R0 L" S7 H  O"These are the only two I've seen so far," Caitlin admitted.
; G7 ^6 L% G" U) q, y8 I& F) O"Mom says Sheriff's deputies are bringing another one later& x& h1 \2 ^+ m- J  d! p$ @6 P) H& R5 o
on today." ) w8 d7 x/ B0 v* d2 ?$ |+ w
+ Q7 q# j) P: k+ }2 w
The older guard turned to Christopher and cupped his balls! d" Z; X: N6 q) [
while still pulling on Andy's cock. "Does Andy cum yet?" she
7 X8 O. ?3 R$ \asked as she ran her hand up and down his thin cock.   }5 ^& d2 H  k9 i/ [

. N4 k  s2 t# h8 b0 F"Just dry cum, " Caitlin answered as she watched Mrs.9 q, [( i5 I" {1 X
Maikowski explore both boys' genitals.
; c& R, J: H5 S9 r! y
  H+ V; |" c9 c+ G" G; lAndy was breathing faster now as the older woman worked his
+ h, D+ R6 n7 Jpenis. Then he arched his back, raised his body up on his
' i2 ?/ G/ c& w( \! j" u3 Ktoes and exhaled loudly as he came. His cock started
, \% k* c6 N3 b; R) P5 |1 S: ashrinking. This was only outward sign that he had in fact. R* R; O7 f: [& m+ R$ z0 K# N4 j
cum.# l! F# p1 c5 g' D" _
0 W$ g; r, K9 u( n6 E! n% g5 V! p
Mrs. Maikowski released Andy's prick and concentrated both
  J, E0 l$ `. Lhands on Christopher. She expertly milked his tiny prick
. ]' u* j" z  R7 s( J& `( ggetting it harder and harder as the little boy squirmed.0 G, |! c( ~6 ^2 f) _( y7 W2 N
"Have you made them do it yet?"  She asked." ]4 i* _5 i1 [6 g: u
5 X) l" `3 \& Z, Y! h. h8 H! n7 Q
Caitlin shook her blonde head. "Mom wants to have all the+ M) k3 d! B& h# F4 o3 k! o0 J" e
boys here before we do," she answered.
  w* n4 E& P0 Q( l( \9 V0 A* |' R8 A8 i9 D
That puzzled Andy. What were they talking about, He mentally2 r3 s. U: R. y- Q7 l- V
shrugged. He guessed he'd find out sooner or later. Right now
8 @; w+ }4 |! F0 @, whe had other problems.' S( e: q) K7 \- r! {' Y$ e3 y9 e
, k$ F3 q( B+ A2 W% _2 i, E
Christopher was wiggling his ass and moving his hips in and2 c5 R5 ~, K5 I5 H
out as he got ready to cum. Then he stiffened, arching his; S5 P6 h3 {' G; }9 u% v
body and came, as her hands continued stroking him.
+ k1 T6 o: p, F
4 z  _5 c8 W# y2 lThe boys were led from their room to breakfast. There was no
) O4 K7 j# R0 I4 ~& d: wchance to escape. The old lady looked too tough for him and
1 e: `* n1 N5 {2 N% R2 O# TCaitlin was too old for Chris to fight.) k3 b6 F! Z( U1 y( \7 a

8 n+ j; Z. h/ b" v7 Z" X$ W# fThey were led into the small lunchroom where the family and+ b% C2 F0 I' h
Miss Thomas were waiting. Jennifer, Christie and Kelly were- T5 y* g# F0 X: Z0 q
in regular clothing. The two younger girls wore little skirts
1 }- \% k6 h$ G) `) }+ mand tops and looked like two cute little schoolgirls rather
7 h4 ]4 T2 c/ Qthan guards. Jennifer was wearing jeans with a red sweater
0 w. v% [% `0 c% nand sandals.  : w! ]5 `; ]2 @
: j8 K6 I4 J! t$ p& M- B
"Where have you been?" Mrs. Connolly asked Caitlin. "You're( }5 e0 a) |& o1 c
going to be late for school. Hurry and change."
( V6 F( y( [! L/ |: r' l
5 g2 }2 J* w/ k( o: ^# F4 I2 @) OAs Caitlin hurried out grabbing a donut, Mrs. Maikowski said,
9 y6 U8 X4 ^9 Q4 e( H7 l) x/ @  B/ P"It's my entire fault Ma'am. I wanted to check these two out
' U* V) g, ~8 X$ O% \and I took too long." / S8 s6 O, m" [% b1 d1 F

  D7 g+ [; M2 G3 O# h"That's quite all right," Mrs. Connolly said. "Its exciting% S, Z7 D0 i, ?# u& g
to see all our hard work coming together. I just don't want
+ M/ A/ C& {5 E3 Pthe girls late for school in town." She turned to the boys.
& I0 s) d  S9 o. u/ D"I'm not going to have my girls in school with a bunch of7 k( z% e5 O$ y' K2 Q# E
delinquents. They'll work as guards after school but they're  L# H, w/ K& H0 j8 j( a
going to a normal school in town."
8 S7 a( B2 ~1 w* }  s
: R! s. m8 s# r( I9 WAndy wished he were in a normal school right about now. After% ~" S" h+ p/ ?* L/ a, I+ ^
yesterday and today he'd be a good pupil and wouldn't cut
9 D: E3 n8 X* I' gclasses, No sir!
9 `+ c1 B! n# R9 I7 o8 F. X' y( A7 o! R4 \
The boys were fed cereal, milk and orange juice by Miss$ l7 ?8 B! n5 R2 l. `
Thomas and sat down to eat. Caitlin rushed in dressed in a. `! Z1 o7 a: F6 X! D. ~0 Q
skirt and sweater. She had her white sneakers and socks on
/ U' w) P; A# ~* k( d/ Hher feet.8 F& l3 I0 \9 l; e/ Z  X: _% x5 x
0 a$ l3 ?& k& H6 i( T8 a. \2 V5 J
All the girls kissed their mother good-bye and trouped out
( l& {5 y9 \3 H. rfollowing Miss Thomas who was driving them to school.
' _* @) J, H- B/ z7 Y$ N$ x2 z0 f, z- x) W9 |& g7 u
Mrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "Its time to take them to
5 g5 L" n. P6 c4 Z  G7 r, G, w9 \9 Sthe doctors office," She Told Mrs. Maikowski. "Nurse Randi is* ]* x* M$ e7 P$ Q  H# q- e; ]
already in. I saw her car."! I% C! N- {0 }' ^( K8 {

' p% A* y3 j4 q* DThe boys were allowed to gulp down the rest of their food and5 V- ]# A1 @: i% H2 W7 u7 r
finish their milk, then Mrs. Connolly led them down the hall- G* x/ W  U. j* j) g
with the older guard bringing up the rear. 4 D% j7 T0 q. B9 k  U& e! d

+ A2 {9 W$ q: o' WAndy's mind was working overtime. If he and Chris made a run# }8 x6 R; r' @2 d
for it they'd be naked in a strange part of the state. He
, y  h+ E9 T: ]- gwasn't even sure he could find his way out of the school, v2 I2 E* z6 ^/ I
building. He knew if they got caught, they'd get a worse) n( R* G( ?  d" e3 |- ^4 C
spanking than yesterday. Better to wait and see.+ C, u! T0 X0 @% S( |

9 n0 x3 Y: u$ F6 v+ D8 c$ b. uMrs. Connolly stopped in front of a door marked Elaine3 X% X: i+ n  p
Brenner M.D. and turned the knob. The boys followed her in. 0 V9 C1 E) [6 l6 |3 Q9 J
: B' ]+ V! Z, ]- X/ J- Z$ p
Sitting at a desk in the outer office was an absolute angel.
- {: ^4 M5 ?" m( |% ~% xAndy's hands flew down to cover his crotch. He didn't want
  [: r0 A9 J( J* z) \this woman to see him naked. She was about 23 years old with
+ `6 I% q- |+ n& {0 {5 N5 Nlong golden hair and just about the prettiest face Andy had
4 c& P6 ~: t$ t' w9 never seen. Both boys were covering their cocks with their
9 F- g3 D/ u" {6 Q- v  [hands in a futile attempt to hide their nudity from her. 4 G, N/ g! S8 o7 _# N! Z( O* ]6 J
) f" l7 }* S8 @; q; h2 `8 P
Mrs. Connolly said, "Randi this is Andy and his brother
# R3 I) e) P0 K! Y( gChristopher." She turned to the boys and her eyes flew open.4 W: E  v0 N. |" o: N+ V/ ~2 W
"What do you think you're doing," she yelled. "Get those, X+ z& P3 @7 y: T9 J$ B3 |! W
hand's behind your heads You've just earned 10 spanks each# C# H. {7 n" N4 s
; e' q1 u4 A$ X2 ?$ i1 l
' W: E! k" |5 D& u% z  v4 E( A8 MThe boys raised their hands and placed them behind their' d! |" a$ m8 u. J2 [$ K' H2 J
heads, exposing their cocks. Andy had half a hard-on.  He
  g, q! |8 q* |5 Fblushed as the nurse's eyes lingered on his genitals and she8 k5 L- I# L/ \4 l) a5 ]' g( [: o( T2 Y# G
smiled. 8 P0 q) W- U2 ^% l
, V( x8 ]( W: l9 M
"Oh come on boys," she said in a voice that went along with
+ a1 }, R: q; y/ N' Bher angel face. "I'm a nurse, or at least I will be when I
; M- p) p9 q2 e5 J5 @finish nursing school. I don't look at you like you're two, V- o- v' m. V* C# `7 ^5 Z
naked boys. I see you as patients." As she was saying this,- d* e. I; @5 q5 h8 i; V* g
however, her eyes kept jumping from Andy's cock to Chris's.
# b) B3 l2 I  ^+ `7 R# M, l4 i5 v8 T$ l
She turned to Mrs. Connolly. "The doctor called. She's in7 `% k+ O- }- k
town and will be here shortly. I'm to get a urine sample from' c+ ^$ s% h* R# a, B" h
each of the boys Then I'll weigh them and take their
+ ~0 ~' y/ @6 @; u* f4 \1 dtemperatures. The doctor will take a blood sample and take
2 r( q+ S; P0 htheir other vital signs when she gives them their physicals."* O$ D  q7 C5 e( E+ S
7 M$ h, r% t6 M/ ?% {( O
"Fine I'll leave Mrs. Maikowski to help you," Mrs. Connolly
7 o: u9 H! E- x; z( e0 J. z. msaid. "I have to make some phone calls. We're expecting7 S" E/ e+ H' g5 e9 E* y
another pupil later on and I'd like to know when he'll$ ~& h/ u7 i* m* w1 {4 |* b
arrive." She turned to the boys. "I expect you to be good and
2 o8 g% u2 C4 d$ |" z8 glisten to the nurse. If you don't, you know what to expect."  
# w: I. H9 l4 \+ v* l: }" `6 e8 x6 Y% G2 h7 p
Andy and Chris both murmured "Yes ma'am" as she turned to
- _4 ]' L  s% O+ k* Rleave.
$ ^4 p. [3 x7 U$ V  p9 _+ f7 U( A0 Q# G0 h4 \
"I'll be back later to help when the doctor implants the
; `$ y' A# ^. n1 [" Ltracking devices." She told the nurse as she closed the door.
) D9 z& d7 I4 l& w5 p: A4 {* B2 d+ Y) v5 A
"Come with me boys and I'll get started," Randi said. She led
' S+ }$ K4 y' Q1 e- @, r8 g6 \them into the examining room. Mrs. Maikowski following.  ; P8 @2 s3 m# E4 t/ l
6 Y( v- |$ g6 I* j7 w, Z
Randi handed the boys two small jars. "I'll need a urine
& O$ E2 O1 K# n* {* \sample," she told them. Andy looked around for the bathroom.
0 t9 y9 o9 l4 d; fThere was none. He stood dumbfounded until Randi said. "Just& T: O: V0 w5 g, Q4 i1 o
pee in those jars, ok?" $ X7 o. e- v+ g, T0 b7 J9 I9 w( c
She giggled, "It's not as if you have to get undressed."
6 ?. _# A* }3 z* T4 T
: V( X; u1 ~& p" U* o2 a  s  {Andy held the jar in front of his dick and after a few, I* [7 C8 ]7 v$ k
embarrassing moments when his bladder wouldn't work, managed
  t1 n- e% N6 I5 xto pee and fill the jar halfway up. Christopher tried and
6 t+ c  n& }6 Y# Ctried but was just too embarrassed.
) W+ P0 E  J3 u4 N$ j7 Z7 U; P# O% T  V+ v
Randi turned on the water at the sink. The sound of the water
2 S. M8 g. C1 ?4 O/ x+ Z9 ^from the faucet made Christopher pee at last and she
6 W3 j/ v8 v: B' F* U5 d$ Acollected the jars from the red-faced boys and labeled them.
# w- J0 J/ v8 |+ U5 m  d3 l( ^7 u. A- J' h- C/ W
Next she weighed each boy telling them that they were too9 b" s2 j2 S9 X% \; M( ~, P( x+ a" R$ u
skinny. She stood the boys against the wall and measured  ^9 R( l2 i5 F# r# x8 ?; B( K
their height, writing all this down in their charts. Andy3 z' ?' d; ~. F# u
tried to cheat but couldn't make four foot eight no matter# u% Z( y7 ~5 Q+ l2 [& v  d
how he stretched.! r4 }) A: d1 |# X& J2 L' O: T. ^

7 @" x6 t0 M0 z* X2 gShe pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and pointed to the
8 y& t4 q* N9 G. h9 ~examining table." Andy you go first," she said and he2 s/ m0 G. u1 i$ @
reluctantly clambered up.( _. k# a2 q/ P7 b% X3 R. _

; C% U9 c, L& s; @' I# D"Our names rhyme," he giggled "Andy and Randi, that's like so. H3 W0 P9 j; {
cool." She removed his flip-flops and placed his feet into
6 I: ~: j* D% I4 g! A9 r6 dstirrups. This opened up his ass nicely and she could see his
+ P, d* s0 f) [little puckered rim perfectly as she took a tube of KY Jelly
4 o8 n3 r% Q5 Hand lubricated up her rubber-gloved middle finger. "I'm gonna
; h, X$ M, y2 q7 f& ltake your temperature," she explained, " I need to lubricate
" g8 P% g2 J, I2 L0 r: i* z+ Dyour rectum for the thermometer and for the doctor to give
6 @. e. Q! @4 y$ ~. q/ fyou a rectal exam later.
! p! j8 x8 k! L5 {2 s8 |& S$ S/ ?& X0 m8 L
She put the tube of goo down and spread his asshole wider
/ P% G; r# P( ~with her other hand. "This won't hurt you," She told him in
* @! ~' s3 z3 K9 y8 Hher angel voice as she pushed her greased up finger deep into
) e1 |9 r) b" d9 qhim. ' L) B! u. G7 p7 k, {" F. S. P

+ F' m; P5 p9 P8 W' A/ BAs she wiggled her finger in Andy's ass her hand lightly
2 o7 F4 G4 i% P$ u2 }2 n# Ubrushed his dick. Instantly it sprang to life.  Randi looked
0 y6 [' G+ k/ \( kat his cock and smiled. She cupped his balls with her palm,
- V) Q2 `/ l' B. |her finger moving in and out of his ass at the same time. % v5 R, a+ I# R4 z

9 M9 G# Y1 {! I; T"Does this feel good?" She asked rubbing his cock. 3 k3 d/ B3 d/ y6 e

0 J! l% D6 F: w* u8 NAndy stammered "Yyyess," As she skinned his cockhead back and
2 w9 i. m6 R, b! j) C$ Y' ?lightly ran her gloved finger around his pisshole.
$ \# v3 Y) J" i. ]$ I. H) d
9 B! m4 s, Y( g& c- D$ \. l; ERandi continued exploring the young boy's cock and balls, her; v3 t# @8 |! e) K0 @0 {! E7 v
finger moving in and out of his ass all the while. Andy felt) z, {0 G5 J3 P
himself building up to a climax as she played with his stiff: C5 H" h" S8 C8 v
little dick.     
; f# _1 G( n2 J4 e0 l. w7 k. a# C- u4 G6 F5 [) M
As if sensing that he was about to cum she removed her finger
. P, v/ [, T& O. l4 l& uand reached over to a tray. She took a rectal thermometer and0 v4 B1 o; Q% S4 t, Z4 ~
stuck it up his well-lubricated ass.
2 q2 Q- ?4 G+ W' N9 ?9 J6 w3 Z
; q2 ]: Y4 B5 hChris was watching in awe His little dick was as hard as his
, K/ s) C, N  n) Folder brothers.
$ r$ O+ l. ]7 S  q7 J. f8 m9 ?! s, r. \- B* E$ C
Randi looked at the nine-year-old boy and smiled. "Does
$ u; A0 `" d3 k" b! }watching me examine your brother's penis excite you?" She
! S9 h2 ]; [9 ^3 c, Y' tteased.! P  H4 _1 u3 V3 t5 A% E

; ~% S: I+ o3 T7 u* U"Yes Ma'am," he answered solemnly.
, i9 Q$ P/ B( D  p* G
  |% |, u+ ~+ |$ l6 HShe laughed and turned back to Andy. She removed the7 e, x5 s* m; v3 S9 J
thermometer and told him he could climb down. Andy got off8 G: u5 ?+ R0 i" K) W9 p; R
the table, his cock still at attention. He looked0 p8 w' |% Y/ e9 f8 H- \
disappointed.  The nurse read the thermometer. "98.6," she
8 h) C: X; ]" |0 {+ ?2 Zannounced. "Perfect"
% i5 W0 e1 K& Q, N/ G0 u  g" V4 c5 L% s* e3 S* A  Q
Now it was Christopher's turn. He clambered up on the table,
3 Z+ x; b/ S- |, E  }kicked off his flip-flops and put his feet in the stirrups
3 M% w: \2 w6 q7 \+ L# d& lbefore Randi could even tell him what to do.' N& ?. i; g' C9 S: Y
4 I7 `7 [* C+ ~! F( R
"My you are an eager beaver aren't you?" She chuckled. "Do" _8 ?& r! s+ m
you want me to examine your penis like I did to your' v# `6 D0 J( }$ A- ?9 y
" p0 P- E3 P+ ]! P
& F+ a4 X7 l% uChristopher nodded, "Yes ma'am please"
9 E  r9 J: i- U# D/ T  k+ F# N  a1 g, ~# K$ }6 R" i" e
"I have to grease up your rectum and take your temperature.5 E9 j4 T5 Q& Z$ x
It may hurt you a little," She told him.
6 N- Y5 s- p% p  V' Z& f
1 c9 c# d* h1 mAndy was watching. His cock was still fully erect as the9 G: e: M$ c" d$ Q4 c. l( ?
pretty nurse greased up her finger again. "Everybody's been
  Q9 v% ~6 `! h7 @sticking their fingers in our asses anyway. At least you use
' r3 p) F2 `5 ?. Qgoo to make it go in easy," He told her.6 B6 E( o; c9 r: K. F" ~% [1 m

* X5 Q5 h* \& C; w" D$ k+ V$ AMrs. Maikowski interrupted. "They're not supposed to enjoy) w; W: t8 a$ @# S( I1 Q
this," She admonished the young nurse.
/ `9 S- `$ Z2 [" \% _4 ^6 C& s. O! Y/ C, ^& L* T! t
"They're just children," Randi told her. "They don't have to8 Z) K. S/ j1 i6 ]
be tortured." She turned back towards Christopher. "Raise# }) m7 {( {' w+ a! P  D
your hips a bit," She told him. "I need to see your rectum a
$ d& m' P7 O% L9 d% m; P# n. H; D4 klittle better."
$ z, e  O: @4 B" {5 \' b6 l2 I9 |3 G/ J' g6 s/ D* O2 y
Christopher put his hands under his hips and raised them up9 h1 E, W; X& F
exposing his asshole. "That's good Chris," the nurse smiled) U& K) {% |4 {$ ^* G
as she inserted her middle finger. * t( @- W+ Y0 S( v. j1 K+ G* k  v# l

& d, a' r+ l9 Y# M6 @0 N, _5 [5 KEven with the jelly the little boy cried out as his sphincter
! l6 q; W. b; Wmuscle was penetrated. Then she was in, Moving her finger
* J2 @& L7 z+ [- N: G& C) B/ haround as she explored his asshole. "Do you want me to
- @8 L2 Y/ }- xexamine your penis now?" She teased.
8 v4 N9 e, \# F' D' N( p2 U' [& y
# }& W: V5 b$ h! S$ O3 j/ z- x$ ~"Oh yes," Christopher said eagerly.
9 f( n! d  O/ f6 ]: u- `
4 h* t6 ]0 Z6 h1 }& x" jThe nurse took Chris's little cock in her hand. With her) t9 z( y# B; e. E) T
thumb and forefinger she stroked up and down the length of it
( f9 A9 j! c3 n) Yas she moved the middle finger of her other hand in and out
, w  N/ K6 [% j" e! c8 [( K" T/ Dof his asshole.  She moved her head down to get a better look
0 z; @1 q/ _4 I5 Das she skinned back the foreskin of his circumcised little
/ ^2 M' k$ O0 v# Y, c! oprick. "It's so cute," She said and kissed the tip of it
& z/ f0 x# V0 `* R6 l+ Rlightly.' @- f6 @& e' L5 T& ]: N) I2 q& ?' T
6 H2 d: w% B2 ~
The little boy was in heaven. His hips were moving as she9 P, K! @) m7 F3 x
played with his cock some more. Then she removed her finger
  U0 W% N/ q2 f2 M6 p9 e& zfrom his ass and inserted the thermometer. She stroked his4 P$ _. V2 Q& L) b6 @' w
cock and it grew even harder as she waited for his5 m( {. S6 N& K0 q$ k. ]
temperature to register. She then removed the thermometer and
2 f! A: b* O* dread it./ v: p$ `+ t) Q. R( x, l& i1 ?
9 d# H' z/ y; e
Miss Maikowski looked on in disapproval. This crazy young+ M" G# N4 N' |: L* T/ d" @. b
girl was turning this into a game. These boys were supposed; O4 P2 F/ b( Y# m% f
to be humiliated, not enjoying being naked.
" w; I9 C* L0 N9 p4 t" t4 j' ?) a. W- ^  q+ S( n* X
The door to the exam room opened. Mrs. Connolly and Miss5 s0 K  B& k( n8 D  _% e1 ]
Thomas walked in followed by a younger woman dressed in a
8 n8 |1 Y" b3 k' Ewhite jacket. * L; H8 F1 r4 k3 r

% ]% F7 m9 ~- }"Good morning doctor," Randi greeted the other woman.
0 j# S3 J1 U% O2 j& s  V! Q8 J) c& K& Q4 u/ f9 l7 ]: u
"Good morning Randi," The doctor answered. "I see our6 c  e3 z, k3 i
patients are here." She looked down at the two boy's cocks.1 x" A8 K: V* n. A' P* p! H+ p
"Why are they hard like that?" She asked.") N" B0 E  D$ p; d& T) O

! }4 \2 b$ Z4 |: @"She was playing with their cocks while she greased up their
# B. L9 Y# a6 I- ]asses and took their temperature," Mrs. Maikowski informed/ n- @; z" _& X2 W! F$ Z
the doctor and Mrs. Connolly. "Those two were loving every5 L3 s. T. v, `, R6 L! `
moment of it," She added., l' {+ P* w1 R9 R" m) u+ M7 G9 G

0 J  x6 o2 p; A3 K4 W& a+ vRandi blushed. "I took their temperature and weighed and
, ^6 |# e/ J1 R: vmeasured them. Their asses are all ready for the rectal
; v0 f' |7 _; H! F0 Xexam," She told the doctor.9 _4 ?9 H1 c( n3 [+ x* O
  s: D  `9 b) @" }) k  V. i
"I have to examine them but we need to get rid of those
$ G* B/ c0 Z& Oerections," The doctor told Mrs. Connolly.
/ c- H$ ^9 J% X0 q% y5 x1 E% f  t
6 }/ j; o+ }1 [: Q. Z0 Y"I know exactly how to do it," Mrs. Connolly grinned. She
* s( o  P5 M: b' v. M! gturned to the two boys. "So, you liked it when the nurse8 ~! ~8 q; A2 A
played with your cocks huh?" The boys looked ashamed. "Well
$ L1 N: G( q# |& Q) gif you like to have your cocks played with you're about to( _; s* c0 v- ~. Y. [# L
get your wish. Christopher I want you to take Andy's cock in( [- T6 C) Z2 o+ `; m
your hand." She ordered. "Andy you take Chris's in your hand.0 J3 ]8 K4 k  e" L( w6 \5 |. a' I
You're to jerk each other off until you cum."
& Q6 C4 C$ Y) w: d( ?; b
  n; f) Q. w: J  q3 RThe boys looked shocked. "He's my brother. I can't do that."
: C8 b# J$ e8 u" H5 @; JAndy protested.
& J) ^' {' y; S
& h. i2 ^- `' x5 e"Yeah that's gay," Chris chimed in.3 j0 h8 z# O2 @

1 W" f0 Y2 A; J1 U"That's ten more spanks tonight," Mrs. Connolly informed the$ ?8 t( m: s8 E2 B- i
boys. "Would you like to double it? You're already up to
: P, H, m, c; N9 qtwenty."
- W0 ~' I3 Z0 L1 y; C4 f1 ?6 n; |
+ Y9 w# T& V$ m- i9 c; ^& R"Please Ma'am," Andy pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears.
" D! w/ `2 W4 i4 _: Z6 K"Don't make us do this. He's my brother."
- n% Q. P; N6 \# K2 w
2 X5 }8 a. y8 W- M8 `Mrs. Connolly looked at the two boys their hard-ons
/ j/ e# F8 ~0 lshrinking. "Do it now" she said sharply. This is your last
# ]" C8 C: c+ i, A' @5 xchance. Your total is now up to thirty spanks each with the
% r1 [. L5 }+ j, Q$ Z% g: T9 Apaddles and its still morning."   
6 Y. E6 G7 E  n+ p2 F: X
, H- p% y  H" V( B  m  MBoth boys were now sobbing. Andy moved in front of Chris.
2 x  y4 @  J; F% X- t' dEveryone was watching as he reached his hand out and gently
" V, ~" M6 S# k. |" {, }5 `: vtook Chris's prick in his hand. Chris followed and grasped
1 D. S: f7 i! b& OAndy's cock at the same time. They nervously pulled on each
6 \5 F, s+ Y% U# P$ fother. Their cocks were stirring back to life. Slowly and
# a7 {5 U, H* u, ]% zgently the brothers masturbated each other as all five woman4 a& y4 I& s$ f  q% @8 z; y7 t% x1 i
watched. Andy cupped Chris's balls while he pulled the little" ^2 x, _8 ?$ m% @+ D' g1 g, l0 ~
boy's dick. Chris copied his older brother. , a% d( ^7 `' L5 @1 I( L. {4 i! b  O

/ L; l0 L5 p* G# U- b* }1 S+ M9 QBoth boys were blushing bright red as the Warden made them
; N6 h7 H6 S/ c8 |, Qmasturbate themselves in front of the pretty nurse. Andy
- g" X& w: \4 E: aglanced over and saw the look of pity in her eyes. He also
7 z7 g- {0 N0 m6 D3 c" Wsaw something else. She was enjoying their humiliation as1 h+ z- j2 l+ c4 `+ }: e/ g, o
well.( w, _- j: L3 r! @* w( k, L. _

7 M6 P) u; q! R+ m; E6 B8 ]# XMrs. Connolly instructed them. "Move in closer to each other.
. l& ^/ x* {1 G  |% b+ s6 vStand toe to toe and rub your cock heads together."& i# M! y1 C- V! \
/ b4 P% D# a" m! a2 q6 e. {
The boy's faces got even redder, but fear of the paddles won
. ^7 J. e" l1 t5 n4 Mout. Andy tugged on Chris's little cock and rubbed it against8 ^- D, v% Z( N  i. B7 Q# @
his own. Christopher was kneading Andy's ball sack with his# G9 J7 |, E$ e4 j% ~5 B9 a
left hand as he held his older brother's dick against his. ; {% ]5 [& @1 ^  ~! t+ }( I

1 L1 H2 p. ^; r2 x. }4 u7 b, b; dThe women were watching closely. "I was going to wait until a8 ^$ J/ \2 W. E
few more boys were here at the school before I started this
9 z! h+ k8 y2 @2 jdiscipline system," Mrs. Connolly informed the doctor. "I+ g+ b6 R4 G& L1 }* K' `/ _
wanted the girls to have them do this first but I need to8 Z1 k# P$ I! d$ G, d% U/ F) O% y
show them who the boss is."$ g8 N2 L" @  N+ A; \+ e# x$ J
, O; Q6 b% v' m$ c* _
"Speaking of who's in charge," The doctor said sternly.
+ u! \( }) E) P# i  X- R: G"Randi, The next time you have to take a patients temperature
. b4 }* \8 E" C: _9 i+ `* t: L" Yor perform any procedures, don't get close to them. I would
5 c8 v2 D9 h/ n, J, R# o- @& thate to let you go. Is that clear?"" N- g* h- b: [" G
    + O: |$ M2 D' D/ H' b7 T: ?
Randi nodded solemnly, "Yes Ma'am," she said. "It won't
) e+ T3 K; k/ Q5 whappen again, Doctor Brenner."
- L1 d, F1 o9 L" }; x, M. |0 O) e/ ]2 v% i: n# ?
Christopher came first, Arching his back and making a
2 _- J6 y+ R# b3 i7 d( x+ Tcroaking sound as he dry came. Andy pulled his brother's cock& K; M+ n1 O3 Q# q) i
closer against his own and in a few more strokes came also.
0 i7 G2 M+ Q' x6 _4 D& L$ Z4 b$ l2 VBoth boys stood still holding their shrinking cocks, unsure3 W( l) {, k% C
of what to do.  z' w5 U: [% W+ a; L1 t7 s
5 K- Q$ [* k5 ]' @
"That's very good boys," The doctor said. "I'm Dr. Brenner
" q/ [- M- D+ B# K# k' c1 qand I'm going to give both of you a complete physical. Now" c3 o3 h" H3 f" q% ?
who wants to go first?"5 h$ w2 y8 i8 d
9 A: z* }+ \' Q3 \( }
The doctor was in her early thirties with medium brown hair.: Q' S. o6 z# A$ |3 h
She was about five foot six and was kind of pretty. At least' n$ [# I& A4 ]* G
Andy thought so. He said, "I'll go first Ma'am." 7 H  [9 C0 y) S. A2 R6 Z8 ~/ g

9 Y+ I5 g1 ]: T9 b7 o5 U"Good Andy," the doctor smiled. "Please sit down here while I
* G; L+ P! R; ^take your blood pressure." The other women made no effort to
8 a' q0 W. L- zleave as the doctor strapped the cuff around Andy's arm. She1 a; Q: V7 G1 T' U6 I: z- p
took his pressure noting, "Its fine considering he just got a
# u# u+ L; K7 mhand job and is naked in front of a bunch of women."
9 c: _! r& q+ R( M- D# B. u
0 G) a% H  t3 L, X2 H$ S. @"All right Andy now I'm going to draw some blood," She told7 `5 X9 Y9 n+ q
him. "Be a brave little boy. It won't hurt very much."  She( w0 t( Y! A9 Y# I  k0 B" Y" _
strapped a rubber band around his arm and swabbed his vein
  |, |3 A0 p' vwith alcohol. Andy looked away as Randi handed the doctor a
/ @, G8 k6 v4 O5 E; Bsyringe. He felt a pinch in his arm and then she loosened the, x4 K5 m, o4 M8 S* S
rubber strap. After a moment or so she pulled out the needle.
. l) i% m5 D8 J3 f# hChristopher looked pale as he stood by his brother's side" m0 y# N, _& }3 p+ A* s
waiting his turn.3 l9 n& n& K3 v6 \+ o7 |/ D5 A

1 z1 ?: v+ Q$ k% T# G1 {' t% wThe doctor put a band-aid on the puncture and Andy smiled at# c& M; r' D: g' Z* h) _8 U8 A& v
Chris. "Didn't even hurt," he said bravely.4 ~8 S0 A/ n) J( U9 L
% e+ H) X4 z, \* m3 S. U' ?
The doctor checked Andy's ears and Throat. He gagged on the  V4 l2 b9 n# l' S# t& d  V
wooden tongue depressor. She checked his eyes, shining a& V0 v# B) P, p! P# Q- F, z
light into his pupils then tapped his knees to check his! a: ^4 T; N0 b8 K: D7 y
% k! W8 o# n8 _4 t/ J+ l, R& Y) ^3 i2 |
"Ok Andy now I want you to bend over with your legs wide open4 q) u4 e6 K& ^3 O: h: _+ p9 z
while I examine your rectum. I understand you've been cavity! F1 _5 B; p$ N& `
searched a lot in the last twenty-four hours so you must be: e2 r* C* T, J
used to this. I'm going to check your prostate and insert a- P, o! X" ?9 ~. M7 k& N
tube in your anus. You'll feel a little more pressure than  ~# m: t) T% }9 s% U' B
you're used to but it'll be over soon." She informed the. S/ g; R- e8 }
little boy.
2 B. U% }, ]1 C
1 m+ x+ G7 o9 n6 J( d, Z% P3 iAndy placed his hands on the exam table as he bent over
4 L8 z5 N9 h  U6 E" F4 m: L' Tspreading his legs wide. The doctor moved in behind him and' @+ f/ ]! }# M2 I( X
peered up his greased up ass. "No swelling due to the: N. d) O" J0 X
fingering he received," She announced. "That's very good."
5 I+ @6 M* c+ b+ u* B0 ^+ P/ W  ?& v7 \
She pulled his cheeks further apart and peered inside him at
& x0 R# f3 q6 W6 i- o4 r, rhis puckered rectal muscle." Looks fine no bruising or9 Z4 ~! g0 Z1 g9 ?- j* H
redness," She announced  X2 {  O' i6 Y* h" P1 h( A1 O5 z  u

4 ]! h" c& p- A1 S- wRandi handed her a pair of rubber gloves and Andy relaxed a$ |2 b" d! i9 `2 u& q6 R
moment while she put them on. Then she spread his cheeks once
  Z8 O; X( \3 ?. k7 l# d" ymore and Pushed her way past his sphincter and up into him as
; M  Y  j7 A3 q5 O, X8 Bhe grunted from the pressure he felt inside him.# T8 N2 b! D( r, |
( R) g' T. u" ?. ^
He jumped forward and cried out as her probing finger found$ T: O2 c4 m+ Y& L
his tiny prostate. "You'll be dry cumming for a few more
/ ?4 m* _5 R* \4 w7 o4 R6 dmonths, Judging by the size of your prostate," She informed
* ~' Q/ D/ O# P, D( x: j$ yhim.
! K- h5 k, m) j7 a8 D/ n  d3 j( K: G) l+ V& V
She removed her finger and Randi handed her the probe. "This
/ A1 G; X4 ~' W0 `is a sigmoidoscope. I generally use it on older men when I
) g7 b' b+ P3 Kexamine them in the state prison. The state wants all inmates  F* C' [& h' Z4 S; \# ?  E8 A
including the students of this school to have a complete% Q0 E3 O( S$ F
physical and this is part of it." She went on as Randi) F' _( p+ o. S' }5 |
reached over and Pulled Andy's ass cheeks apart.
: w7 g& X" A* r
; i9 y7 j7 l: N+ TThe doctor slowly inserted the probe as Andy grunted. He felt8 Y3 I, Y( y) ^& P) H) \
as if he was being ripped open. The pressure was increasing
1 R( }' R" y/ p: Jas she pushed deeper into his bowels. He felt like he had to9 X1 X; K& h6 C6 M4 y7 [
take a shit.
+ p* E: |# [9 a  w- [/ v, P, q( W; v
Then it was over as she pulled the probe out. Andy breathed a: s0 g3 n6 M) ~" c, |& W
sigh of relief. Tears were running down his cheeks as he
4 D& {# d, f3 m# s9 _" g* nstood up. "Here wipe the goo off your ass," Randi said and( Z# B, a) D9 }9 ?3 `
handed him a sanitary wipe. He barely had time to finish when
- M- C1 C, x- uthe doctor said. "Climb up on the examining table and put
2 F- k/ g. X9 h1 A- _9 C1 ^your feet in the stirrups."
) u' C# Q, \1 J: \! d2 ~2 N% Q
" m) L* K2 A" h( J! mAndy kicked off his flip-flops and lay back on the table.4 E3 E* s) G! g6 I( |2 }" q0 k
Randi placed his feet in the stirrups. The doctor lifted his' v8 \7 l+ ?& j- x8 c" b/ I$ N: M
cock and pulled back his foreskin. She examined every little. e* I2 D3 {" @# X8 e
inch of it then cupped his balls in her other hand. She7 h0 ], N* W# V/ w* M
squeezed gently. "Does this hurt?" She asked.
+ O4 ]. W7 d  W4 i1 C6 y
% z8 X! @: j! K; U% G, m1 O"No ma'am," Andy answered as she peered closely at his* l' U( [, q2 X+ m8 i
scrotum. "Turn your head to the side and cough," She! W' v1 ]/ Z! ^, ?/ D" Y
ordered," still holding his balls. "Very good Andy you're
9 k4 j) X  J& Q( Q+ w2 d) Vquite healthy." She released his balls and put her* P* R; K1 E/ _" S6 h$ t/ [+ b
stethoscope to his chest. "Breathe normally, She told him as  J+ b! ~! r& f# I1 i, R7 R
she listened to his heart and lungs. & F  V7 L4 T. K3 s# w
3 {- T- H% }! b6 h5 P- z8 O& v% ?
"You're a fine specimen and I'm sure Mrs. Connolly and her
7 `( z/ t% J( }# Ugirls will get good use out of you," She informed him. "You
3 C% `4 a: }9 N( y. y  o$ rcan step down now but stay here. There's one more thing I
# g9 A5 V9 F  s3 {have to do after I've examined Christopher."
0 i1 `; f4 J% M/ w( J; _. n% P6 V
" v+ O# X- |- k/ E4 K8 n, F"Thank you ma'am," Andy said politely all the while thinking,
) O! @* p  V0 E"I'd like to shove that torture tool up your fat ass, you4 n: u/ `: Y/ c5 O; ~, p
Fucken' Bitch."
" a/ i, N) ~3 r0 r+ s. K: `& q9 `
Now it was Chris's turn. He was crying as she took his blood( Z. E: t' c/ Q$ J3 I' f/ b& b7 [
pressure. "His pressure is acceptable considering the
& x  [* D. [2 t7 Lcircumstances," She told Mrs. Connolly.* Z6 |, U2 k7 Q( `
) i. U5 e, b5 g; Z  ?/ q" s2 c
"Please don't take my blood he sobbed." Andy comforted him.
# N$ }0 k0 k0 y, L"I'll hold your hand Chris," he told the smaller boy. "Just% g1 E$ T/ u' A; x6 ?' F6 F
don't look.": f9 i$ a3 h1 E0 g, G

" N% h/ w4 U' T4 HAndy held Christopher's hand while the doctor cleaned his7 n: i- R1 w; f! n4 l2 U, }
other arm with alcohol and jabbed the needle in his veins.- K5 }. L" N3 H8 I
The little boy screamed as the needle broke his skin.
$ m; w, s( f0 W  J, e3 k
# ^7 M" H' v4 QShe removed the needle and swabbed the puncture. Randi handed
1 d1 C- s8 X/ v6 N' E$ [& ther a Band-Aid. "Stop being such a crybaby," She admonished  U4 S9 N) i5 ]: \; s# G/ G0 c
the nine-year-old. "It didn't even hurt."
5 ^. q/ |# x+ b, E: M* L2 E2 R" m. _( `4 ?
She proceeded to check the little boy's throat and ears. His9 e- |3 m4 g0 w9 E# a! Q* i
reflexes and his eyes were next.    w0 l4 S9 i9 L4 q4 a+ F: V' }
9 r2 ]3 v2 a( f3 f" L
The doctor was ready for his asshole. Chris was told to stand; ]; v0 |1 X. e
up. "Face the wall and spread your legs open. I need to give2 L! I/ F  @2 o* N0 _/ @
you your rectal exam." The doctor told him.4 X/ l9 ?& z- l& T2 f' C
7 [2 g' X+ U2 W- @: P& H
"Can I stay with him?" Andy asked. "He's still a little boy."$ W5 C/ W3 l7 p: r# E
! g% c( A) p* R- {1 U$ q8 x- w9 f7 k
"As a matter of fact you can help me," The doctor said as
* ^0 n4 {2 p. W; T/ oChristopher bent over. "Spread his cheeks for me so I can/ I8 f3 q, F$ i
have both hands free."
* O2 v& F1 l) X$ g4 X
7 d6 U# N$ e" ?; O. PAndy knelt behind his brother and gently pulled his ass) I8 }. P# `# m1 c
cheeks apart. He felt strange looking up into his little
; T, a# [3 T- u) M4 Z1 e1 n* obrother's ass from such a close distance. The doctor peered" u! B! ?! |4 Y1 X
over his shoulder into Chris's greased up rectum. "A little
( G4 x4 x2 x1 r# s, zred but no tearing or swelling she announced."
0 n- {+ E* }7 ?, s1 t4 }  }& t
; y/ ~  {$ f3 O! J( R" VRandi gave her a new pair of gloves. "This will hurt a little
# U: P- n  x5 a7 @# s6 ?/ Sbut not as much as your strip searches did." The doctor
5 w6 n; J8 }4 U: k( ipromised as she inserted her middle finger. Andy held Chris's6 Y9 w' L: V2 y$ `
hand as the doctor poked her finger around in his little
  Z2 n  j: e( K: `5 k. X- @  x! {0 {asshole.
( u0 f& I2 m* `  l' q7 D
/ K- T/ d3 H4 r- f7 zChristopher tried to be brave but then she touched his' X2 V; f- [7 u6 Q" f. B" j' N
prostate and he jumped and started crying. "That hurt me like/ `! k; I* ]5 @6 }: u
when they strip searched me." He shouted.  "You said it
3 J4 r1 s* y- [9 w7 L8 _2 B' i/ _wouldn't hurt like that. You're a liar."7 r. \/ {  e5 [! |& N9 ?
% ]" _/ V. t& o6 t5 e
The doctor turned red but went on with her exam. Mrs.: V) o* x. ~% Y' ^- y
Connolly said, "That's another ten spanks for the both of
7 w; Q% Z; q( `$ o6 Kyou."
* W- q' |, {1 G
9 H6 k3 x+ e3 I# RAndy choked back a reply. It would only lead to more spanking7 _' u+ x- H" K: @: r
and they were up to forty already.
/ D8 e" f! p  o2 B6 C0 K: \) o6 k& s! u7 R  v
The doctor removed her finger and Randi handed her the+ V$ I6 L* x) I; _' l
Sigmoidascope. Chris's ass was well greased up so she just# N* |5 v5 K; C
inserted it. He shrieked as the instrument passed his) r' s7 _5 k; s9 ?% \  ^6 S
sphincter and went into his bowels.
2 ^$ L/ P8 S/ k% v9 i. t( D
5 k' X8 c; D" q4 Z; K/ A6 SAndy held him tightly whispering "Its all Right Chris. Just a
0 V* q8 y2 @! a& M9 ]few more minutes." Chris continued to howl all the time the
- o: d& q$ E  k9 D2 e' Oinstrument was in him.( C& W5 b! m" S$ d- ]' ]

# M& H; q1 {+ U- t, n/ bFinally it was over and the doctor let the naked little boy  u9 Z* o9 k# X1 r8 x0 ^
straighten up. She checked his heart and lungs and pronounced
! \- ^) ~9 Q8 fhim fit. "I'd like to perform the insertion now," She& V) g% p* x* _0 r% k6 m
informed Mrs. Connolly. "But after its done you can't spank
& j# G# `+ h5 Z7 dthem."
' _8 \, }: m+ Z$ Q; l! M+ u" [: d5 ?. \4 z( A) N- m
But I owe them forty spanks each," The warden said. "Might as8 q; [0 g# q7 H/ P% N
well do it now. They'll be screaming in a few minutes anyway" \9 x2 _2 L- ?+ V9 j
when you put in the devices," She laughed.+ D4 L6 g: v( Z  ]6 V
9 }! F& H7 R' o, N, Z% ?$ G
Andy was wiping the goo from Chris's ass when he heard that" |8 V( q9 Y' T; v7 H
conversation. Chris was still sobbing and not paying much: h2 K. W. {6 o0 A  u3 L  F. m
attention to the grown-ups. "Uh oh," Andy thought. "I don't
5 e1 w5 q' N/ ]2 k  a# _4 eknow what they're up to but I have a feeling I'm not gonna
0 |, {9 H4 M  n/ q! Glike it much."7 @: Q7 q) b3 f) n" d8 `+ X

% g; O% g$ l3 m8 m& Y, p! [Mrs. Connolly told the two boys, "You loved having Randi
$ b# \* M! Z8 d% a1 P# etouch your bodies. Well you're going to have the pleasure all
$ q3 ]/ b+ M" k: e, vover again." She turned to the pretty nurse. "I was really" F  O/ `0 c7 ]4 V4 }. b( k
upset that the boy were having such a good time when you were2 h/ S9 I7 }5 r8 N1 m4 f' ?+ a4 d
examining their cocks. If you want to get back on my good+ N% ]. r4 ^% `2 {# }( e
side you'll sit in that chair and whale the tar out of their
) o: L, \( q9 Ctwo little asses. "3 D; Q8 z& T' X4 H4 M8 H, q

( R4 j" F( [. g' E% vRandi looked horrified; "I'm a nurse, not a guard. Why do I
* h% ?, q/ j% s+ yhave to punish them?"& L( d1 T# _- \* K: X# r1 p7 I

1 d1 w. ?9 g3 f" z, y; y"You'll do as I say or you can look elsewhere for work. "! K" y7 o4 b0 Y- b4 |9 J3 C7 L1 q& R; v
Mrs. Connolly replied. "I'm your boss and I want you to do9 k( a9 u) ]" m1 S- l
it." She looked at the blonde nurse and smiled evilly, "And
" q% z9 V: t9 c, R# D6 S' pif you go easy on them, I just might pull your underpants
5 E& N& E5 C9 ddown and spank your bare ass in front of the two of them." ( Z6 E9 R. p" f0 A( }2 Y

8 G. _# @# N: \, Z" {$ r( v. c$ I$ _  dRandi sat down in the chair defeated. "You first," Mrs.( W% x* B- J' E
Connolly said to Christopher. "Your whining is getting on my
# w0 _/ y8 V) C6 q$ knerves."$ C3 M+ z& w# |% J

% U; m8 v8 @9 l+ e& R4 n9 F( yChristopher looked pitifully at Andy. There was nothing his( H3 j$ N- B& h$ ~! t! x5 O3 X, A
older brother could do. "I don't want to be spanked," He; E2 u. |6 a; C3 J" O
( X  E7 Y/ }; x, [) m6 B
/ u% l/ v3 y+ d  }Mrs. Maikowski quickly grabbed him and turned him over7 W9 [  w. }3 \9 f$ T
Randi's lap. "Do it good, Blondie," the old lady cackled.
( A$ t0 y! f$ ~( W! l1 N3 a7 h. X4 Z- `: p7 N6 `3 ]/ h1 H
Randi said, "I'm so sorry Chris," As she brought her bare
4 k6 ?7 D3 v- }( {hand down on his round little ass. Soon he was shrieking and
9 d. D8 d6 G% p* @( E) Y) Tkicking as she swatted first one bare cheek, then the other.
* b2 u3 E  g$ ^7 F& \( x1 q! @$ ^$ f3 G! A
Miss Thomas kept count, watching to make sure Randi was using
! C8 K) r  S* g( y7 d3 Vsufficient force on the little boy's buttocks. He kicked his/ |+ R7 U' o4 G. A" K  A# S; |
legs and shrieked like a banshee but there was Miss Thomas
1 q' n& n+ N% ~, T+ f5 M% a. Dand Mrs. Maikowski keeping track of each swat. Finally with
$ v! S& r2 U: g% D* [* j- Ohis ass on fire Christopher was released and allowed to dance0 U6 _- ?  C% n
around rubbing his behind.
  G- |5 E+ Q+ A7 `5 E6 k6 |% f. S% @0 x
Randi looked down at her hands. They were almost as red as! m9 N9 I/ }1 w1 U% I
poor Christopher's little ass. "I can't spank Andy. My hands
* J; Z, G- T: l" V4 G3 |are killing me," she lamented. So Andy found himself over
# w3 z# |) q& I5 i* |Miss Thomas's ample lap.
- Z: `( D" ^) _+ M6 ~: Q8 }  N/ k0 z2 P: @+ n9 N
He jumped as her hands came crashing down on his left, [( y8 E6 c7 {
buttocks then smack, after smack; the palm of her leathery
' e5 o) y' _4 Z) u4 Vhands punished each cheek. Andy tried to take the pain but
8 Y, p. _; \$ f3 Vher callused hands were worse than yesterday's paddles.6 u: m1 X9 ^$ z# m8 ^  L! S
Twenty, thirty, forty times they crashed down on his
, I6 S' m: x' T0 O$ e: _defenseless ass. Finally as he screamed in anguish, she
5 {* M9 D" z! l. j* cfinished, leaving his buttocks glowing crimson.5 i  `8 A) Z. c1 o5 h2 s* w, S

/ u, G: g% A0 W, fAndy joined his brother hopping around on his bare feet, as* W' ^! p1 W- h
the doctor prepared to do even more harm to their bodies.
# _: c2 J% a2 D3 w/ G1 A5 r. [' S$ r/ h3 _7 d. R( |
The two boys ran out of steam after about ten minutes. They
: [) n1 A" }/ o) m" a9 b+ istood sobbing quietly and rubbing their sore asses. Mrs.
3 Q9 j# M7 Z9 p* G6 `5 Q# tConnolly nodded and Miss Thomas grabbed Andy's arm and
! c) g5 i. e! ~3 T3 n. A6 Tbrought him back to the examining table. "Hop back on Andy,"
  C( k; ~8 h" c$ t" V6 h* v5 IThe doctor told him. "I have one more thing to do to you and5 b0 l& p& h) \! ]  d) U
Chris."7 t% H) i( J; i, l1 L- Z% e

$ Q+ A3 T7 j! O3 LAndy climbed back on the table, a puzzled look on his face. " b3 P6 h4 Z2 Y. |5 A
He gingerly lowered his aching behind down.7 g3 n) S$ e* ~; {

; J! N% C- v- r8 `0 O"Lie back and put your feet in the stirrups," She instructed.0 i/ T4 X! d( A" V  i# U* C2 J& ]
As the young boy did as he was told, the two guards held his
: n" n' f  z+ @8 H' B7 C+ Karms down. The doctor prepared a hypodermic needle. 7 J0 m1 [! U- u$ G. D
. q  f5 c  _" R4 |1 b, \) O' N
"I'm going to give you a shot of local anesthetic Andy it
9 n' l1 x8 r4 C7 e( Swill deaden your genitals, It may hurt a bit," She warned.
5 I" D) E7 R# a8 c3 x. F  h! o$ u1 `/ O
Andy arched his naked body trying to pull away but the two& ~2 Y0 ]8 A/ j/ h
women holding his arms were too strong. "No," He screamed.$ {# P3 m5 r( f3 Z0 A
"Keep away from my cock, you bastards." 5 c: D0 q0 C8 J" p& a  T
6 }' X+ m; `5 K$ u. k
Dr. Brenner quickly swabbed Andy's scrotum with alcohol and
3 h# _- K5 E5 y" J/ jinserted the small needle under the skin of his ball sack.7 ^* M" _" E9 `4 g: B
Andy twisted and turned trying to get away as he felt his, o& n+ v1 r! l$ I; U7 T0 ~8 U
balls and cock grow numb.
$ h# J* ?( ?9 E1 _) T7 J( {8 Q! @; f  K. r7 Y3 H/ d) j, V2 g% v
Chris was screaming "Leave my brother alone" as Mrs. Connolly
) z4 I2 J' n! |held him tightly.! {* U( [; j5 n" w

4 G- X! o  z: K, q+ c"I needed to deaden your scrotum so I can make a small8 G* v3 L5 p( S7 u. k, t
incision and insert a tracking and control device," the
2 F5 ?' \2 w7 a; B9 p8 Tdoctor explained. "I'm going to have to give you a few; T: m' @( t6 T$ ?& w6 c7 c
stitches which should heal in a few days."
; Q! x5 W# P- Z, J& w4 w! ~( L, N9 m5 w0 P8 b' z. w& ?& Q& {
She pulled on her surgical gloves and approached him with her' W. Z" J& S. T" o( B6 ?& c
scalpel. "I'd hold real still if I were you. It's not really+ P: `/ H5 \( N* H9 a) W
good to squirm around when someone is near your testicles- `/ v2 y" _1 D# K0 A1 ?( I" k, t
with a knife."
3 x8 v, C, [: v' r/ n
# [- P8 Y- t, F0 X% `2 V1 P/ KAndy gulped and stopped moving as she bent over his little
9 v: ]2 o) o, c7 f1 C# gnaked body. "Randi come here and help me," The doctor9 Q" P+ T: t! o8 L5 N/ c, W& |4 M
ordered. "Pull his penis out of the way so I can get at the9 n3 \. i: M* Y" K3 W4 ^+ N
back of his scrotum."
0 B3 P  r/ U) h
; D6 n& O( R( o& d& nRandi lifted Andy's little cock and moved it so the doctor( z" {5 J+ X/ Z5 I5 `
had a clear path to the back of his ball sack. He didn't feel
/ L6 O: Z2 I% z6 }( k- z3 k* M, La thing as the doctor made a quarter inch incision. "I've) N3 U! O. e1 g2 I* p: R& R
done this a hundred times," The doctor explained to Randi.1 b) `2 \8 N" O& x3 E
"We do it at the state prison weekly. It's a lot of fun doing. O+ @6 q1 |+ B; G
physicals and examining the naked men," She went on. "Next& N( k: M3 H8 l' ], _
week I have ten more of these operations scheduled at state.
$ }5 O. j3 b) n( t7 MWould you like to come with me?"
( t, o! h% {* p( `# U4 g4 G: @9 V$ n: l+ g4 T4 S! Y
The nurse nodded. "All those men and you get to see them
5 i2 w2 z8 [# i/ cnaked?  I'd love it. Count me in.": w6 o( U6 R5 X1 T( F
; T/ K$ Z0 m/ c5 e( O, z0 G6 H
Andy's heart was beating like a trip hammer even though his
( D8 B  w0 q; S$ q# |7 Dlower body, especially his cock and balls were totally numb.8 @% i3 _2 w, E! R4 N% L9 H
The doctor took a forceps from the instrument tray and picked
% ^( u. R7 ~. E3 m, Zup a tiny computer chip device, "This will be over in a# K. q) i1 q) E. N) y6 p
moment," She said as she bent over Andy's balls again. The* f) L  h# {6 P5 O7 o
room was quiet as the guards watched in fascination. The only
* }' ~  `8 K+ c, V! ~! Fsound was Christopher sobbing quietly as he moaned, "They're
% V) j" E/ j& |9 acutting off Andy's balls."
% j6 @( G: j6 I( ]3 }# v6 f% S9 O- O8 P: k+ D! x  o
The doctor inserted the device in the small opening. She took
) b' p4 J' _, L" U7 B* H; \% Bher needle and sewed two stitches, closing the incision.  b2 R7 }( e* o0 w. m
Randi wiped the tiny cut with a cotton swab and it was all3 W% }# \# h- Q- ]0 |
over. The doctor put a Band-Aid on the wound and Andy was
% ^  y; e; _+ aallowed to stand up.
' W/ f3 t) Y2 w  o+ V; e/ P% l2 b  [" t/ Q
"See Christopher, It was nothing."  The doctor told the% |# s" J( j6 |6 L2 h9 O
younger boy." Go ahead and lift Andy's penis up and look
2 [; G# P7 H, W  O: W( |( M+ @$ zunder his balls. The cut will be all healed in a few days and( G8 e) q2 Y6 _
you'll both be back to normal."
' M9 _' `) |- s- _; n! ]" v6 Y6 Z" t) ]5 `0 j( c6 {1 D
Christopher lifted Andy's cock tenderly and looked at his
+ r$ I. w. i7 B& Q8 L' I6 Z, s$ Lball sack. He felt Andy's balls "Good, they were both still. k- y. A7 D9 E" x& t
. B/ L9 K4 [# g4 N9 @+ G. }  K& m2 p' a4 c3 v4 K. l
Then it was his turn. He screamed as the two guards lifted
9 ~% C: _! c6 V6 q( R# y# D% ?him on the table. He was still crying loudly as the needle
# G* g" T# J: D- X$ ~# p$ Twent in. Soon his little nut sack with its precious jewels3 q3 v2 P7 M  k! |, F, K
was numb and so was his cock.
* N  _$ _9 w' u% L. S9 h1 y) W! P9 e. F1 q  J, G9 |
As the Nurse swabbed his balls he closed his eyes and didn't2 ?7 m! }: A" G1 I7 H" C7 V: ^
feel Randi's hands lifting his penis out of the way.# `1 {% L% V0 q" C, ]

: a$ O" r2 w$ K; y& aThe incision was made and the device inserted before he$ g9 g8 J4 `2 S% T- w
opened his eyes. Two little stitches and he was back on his
7 Y* `+ L1 \- G3 ?+ Z* F# x$ ~feet. " e' {' `+ P  b/ ?

5 t2 d3 v7 _8 i' \6 J% B"How does it work," Mrs. Connolly asked the doctor. She" j2 h' j; _: w  K
looked at the two naked boys. ! c  p0 c& l0 ~$ z6 [

% [& s2 D  u0 p8 H- T8 V/ o; U1 E"It's very simple really. The doctor explained. "It uses a
! O0 f5 V/ a7 ]" O% S7 l) o6 Qradio frequency sort of like a garage door opener." She took
% h5 r" P) ?7 ?: [2 k: _% V+ Q+ I( uout a bunch of remote controls from a box. "Give these to% \: q6 ]1 E% ^  l" V( n
each of the guards and your daughters. There are ten buttons.
! Y; ]. g% k/ D5 |  l, xAndy has the number one device implanted and Christopher has' Z: H3 c. ~% u
number two. When you press button one Andy will get a sharp
$ ?+ f; T& @* K* U* x4 Spain like someone kicked him in the testicles."5 y0 v9 s% s  W4 {( P7 E
( b) W0 C6 {) `
"Let me try," Miss Thomas begged. The doctor handed her one( |* c6 Y# @1 ?# A4 `5 a
of the remotes. "Ok wise ass this is for yesterday in the3 i$ `" [5 T  O$ a  ?3 w3 M$ ]) ?
processing room." She pressed the button and Andy screamed as* f0 B; L/ O, d, I7 K7 h: u; s3 H. t
he felt the pain in his balls. He fell over clutching his; H, _7 }# s5 b7 q, `; _& Q
genitals, moaning.
! z8 {! W" q: M) u# L' a8 R8 L# o/ g
"Actually he'll feel it even more when the anesthetic wears# m8 D( f+ c+ x6 w  w! U
off," the doctor told everyone as Andy lay on the floor in a% Q  i0 ]( T) P0 y( X
fetal position holding his balls and crying.
/ i: t3 I4 y5 g/ D9 B' A0 U( u' k! n3 F' _
Miss Thomas helped Andy up. "See what's gonna happen if you
, t, n1 C2 u) ?don't listen to me, Mr. Smart ass."
, `; m0 M1 @: S% e) N: r. A! F
! p' @) r* l& h  WThe doctor continued. "The grounds have been wired with an
2 G; a. ]! L+ F$ w/ U2 n2 {invisible fence. If any of the boys try to go past the' X0 |: k( O* z) D0 p- g
boundaries, they get the same jolt. The only way they can* R% ]  c. t5 h& Z7 @3 S8 C8 p  C
leave is by de-activating their implants with the master
, F) [: Z4 J, V! B& E7 Qcontrol. I'd lock it away if I were you," She told Mrs.
1 Y  W1 ?% A$ a% C8 Z3 r: B! u0 EConnolly handing another remote to her.
2 Q+ L% V) u' y0 J- K
  G/ U0 O% v9 u) U7 r"I'll need you here for three or four more days to implant0 [/ [7 A5 l: G/ S4 [# l2 S
the other boys." Mrs. Connolly told the doctor and nurse.
! C8 |! r8 _7 k; u# x0 E: I"They should be here in the next few days." She looked at her  \% s2 b5 e+ r& x
watch. We have to get moving I'd like to feed these two some8 F8 _/ |% w! c7 x
lunch. Miss Paulson should be reporting any moment now.  She
, |9 Q& l' D) t% Thas the afternoon Shift. I know she'd like to check these two8 b3 u: \! M8 r1 b8 i+ I0 }
out.  And the girls will be home from school at three.0 `0 n% N3 T" Z( ~" H' v
They're gonna be curious about What went on and I'm dying to" I& f; S+ Q+ {, S* k/ T2 N6 N* W9 T
show them how the boys learned to jerk each other off."/ C! N( y( L1 T0 a
1 y: @1 d" h  A0 P4 x
"I'd really prefer it if you let them rest for a few hours
% r1 E- V* N7 v0 wafter lunch. They really need to let those stitches heal for
5 U" Y! w9 B! ~) O2 @. d1 ~( `a few days." The doctor warned. "Maybe just let Miss Paulson* E7 Q  k" [+ L( ~& |
check them out today and show the girls their stitches. They
/ p+ ?& E5 k+ \& L/ U/ Ccan jerk each other off after the anesthesia wears off by
  L/ O" ^9 J9 o( ^8 T- ?dinnertime. But no hard labor today."/ u' J& v0 F$ X! s1 z! N- Q$ S. y# e

. {' ]+ A- K9 |6 K- e( w"Well all right I'll let them rest up today," Mrs. Connolly
0 a! ]' D0 U( A5 q+ `9 gagreed, "But tomorrow I'm gonna have them work on the farm a+ b/ j! y* z& o1 Y* D, M& z/ f
bit. Might as well get them used to it."   n, F$ ~$ t5 E/ |* c+ E% V8 R
6 T& z" l  k& k
The boys followed Mrs. Connolly down the hall, their Flip-
! r4 }7 j. J1 o+ cflops clomping as they walked. The two guards brought up the
. a' K* t! s) U' X6 a: Frear. / G! q6 h# y! \, u

5 [. N2 \  m% d9 WMiss Paulson was waiting for them as they walked into the# _& f" q9 Z7 z' U' Q* L+ e
lunchroom. She was a college freshman just nineteen years
# m$ P1 x" u* j$ F) n( f; fold. She worked as a guard part time and lived with her folks
% S# i2 R2 Q, J3 B% x- r6 z, M, rin town. ' {6 b6 h# x/ V) C5 G4 W7 I
% x" c% N  E' t* n2 E1 h7 p
"Hello Mrs. Connolly, Miss Thomas, Mrs. Maikowski," She1 @' ^0 t$ _& F* \! w
greeted them as they trooped in. Her eyes swept over the two4 @; |- h2 n8 J  @6 l$ S. \8 y
naked boys who were blushing furiously as her gaze lingered+ d& [0 Q6 r$ }
on their little hairless cocks.) m" G# l  v- y/ k7 K' b% @) T. r
6 c# ~; N" E, C7 G
"Hi Lori," Mrs. Connolly greeted the pretty blonde teenager.0 j/ _0 j! K1 b# G2 F* E4 O* T! [" M
"These are the first of the students This is Andy and his
3 W% d) i1 Q( t' v; e2 v# uyounger brother Chris." She turned to the boys. "Put your
, N* m* _) x) L6 e/ g: q, whands behind your heads and let Lori look and touch your  k  n: D6 n7 ]3 H- Z! \4 H0 q4 S: G
cocks."7 U+ b! `8 }& `' ]: ]* x! z! m

, Z7 j/ F' [/ x  g, q% O1 S"That's really not necessary Ma'am," the young guard blushed./ @' l; s2 d9 Q. j$ R
"I can see they're naked."
0 J' V( x4 c* O0 ?5 |& ]# [# ?' c% X
"Don't be shy. You're going to have to learn how to take8 f! o# E( O" b& w  a
charge. Mrs. Connolly insisted. "That's part of the job. You! g1 u. D3 O) f  ^" o5 J
might as well start now with these two."$ H% ]& ]# H4 G

8 s* ^3 n2 J2 h) [5 T: KThe young guard said "Yes ma'am," Then sat down and beckoned7 D+ H1 a2 `! \% M
the two naked boys to stand in front of her.
, ~  N9 \& o: c6 i. o9 O
! K8 L" J5 [; @$ G0 |"Be careful with their balls," Miss Thomas warned. "The
( p" `1 v% }& E9 ?doctor just inserted the control devices and they have
, e5 A# T1 H) L$ F1 G- X5 Qstitches behind the scrotum."
- `/ V; D* ~' d. f  ~
! K" g% k; n# L6 }Miss Paulson nodded as she examined Andy's cock; She stroked
! v) [8 v: X4 b0 ?0 tthe length of it trying to make it grow. Andy barely felt her
% Q) k/ ~1 W$ M; Dhand as she pulled on his prick. The anesthetic was still& {& U; W/ u; ^9 |7 [
3 b0 p, }- [8 t; r: iShe gently cupped his balls and examined them, noting the
. p9 A" b+ D- ?, ]7 V+ u6 pBand-Aid on the back covering his stitches.
) R% ]1 e% D8 F- f( h0 K5 k6 \# p+ A
" f& K  [! [/ e- U" ~She reached over and took Chris's smaller cock in her other
0 V  |; v( D4 @hand. She rubbed her thumb around his cock head and examined
) F2 m! k- n. N$ D& qhis piss hole. Then gently looked at his little balls.
" Q' `& X- |: Z% Z& q8 I0 i5 C* P+ R, _* z3 Q8 i
As the young pretty guard closely examined them, Mrs.7 C  a% e: {. Z+ t
Connolly explained to the boys. "In this school you cannot  W/ G0 ]8 C" E0 ~! j
refuse anything the women ask you to do. If you do you'll2 Y* g5 b6 \0 v. S2 y4 @
either be spanked or get a jolt in the nuts. This is your
# t1 D3 s) Q( |4 L2 Asentence for the crimes you were found guilty of."
5 U1 n' W! W1 E) M) Q
' ]: u9 d) w; u- g% z$ ZShe continued. "There will be seven boys to start. After all
2 N' C% c9 Z1 othe boys are processed, you'll start school and meet your9 u5 H" ]) ^, _8 o! ?  x9 i
teachers. In the afternoon you'll work on the farm feeding3 G# @; m' T! f6 w
the animals and cleaning the barns. If you behave you'll be5 Q1 s( U7 Q% m7 M0 `( J5 \
treated fairly. If you fight your punishment it will just get" w* G& T4 T9 c) \
worse for you. Do you understand?"% l; k0 c" I% W3 `( H/ Q
2 N* m1 t' }2 F% W6 ?5 T
The boys nodded as Miss Paulson continued examining their0 B/ J/ Z8 R( p" r/ Q. z
genitals. 8 n3 j$ [9 U0 w1 M& I8 @& c

( c0 T; S5 s7 S- u; G, j- e% y"Good," the warden said. "Turn around and Let Miss Paulson
, J, x) M2 g$ a0 h9 F0 X8 G7 Wlook up your asses. Each guard can make you do this anytime) F8 K. }/ f0 j5 r& T
they want. It's humiliating and it's done to embarrass you."
. G9 a1 `/ r3 @7 P/ S
3 r. `8 @/ Y; E0 oIt sure was. The two little boys were blushing even more as, R3 y( G+ P0 c+ `) f
they bent over and pulled their cheeks apart.: i( t7 r3 B$ G/ g" K1 r5 w- l
Miss Paulson looked at their overworked little behinds. She
! ]# v" h' Z8 c3 egiggled as Miss Thomas winked at her.
! x; E9 W, a/ {' P# A) g. ~) R1 u
3 U7 |# ~5 h1 R7 F1 R  F+ |She gazed into their asses for several minutes then let them: g( c% w0 L% K- H* k1 {
straighten up. "I think I've seen enough," she said.
$ Z7 a! u0 Y. ]- f! M5 R4 D5 e( t$ }
After feeding the boys Miss Paulson led them back to the
, y& e; e4 z2 h4 r+ ~dorm. "I think you should shower and get some rest. They have
0 @+ t0 O# V6 m+ ma lot of things planned for you," She warned. "Get as much- h4 M4 t7 u: p/ E. M3 O7 d
rest as you can." She squeezed Chris's little nuts as she0 i( s0 C0 G5 u4 I% [
left, locking the door behind her. ' {3 ^) p: D! T8 ]- i) y) i

0 S" T- d3 ~% l8 a! \' ~) K6 W"I'm really sorry I got you into this Chris," Andy said
) R+ t( {$ B9 Y4 _( y. Rglumly. "Its gonna be tougher now that they've put these
, D: V$ b1 q3 gthings in our balls, but I promise I'll always protect you! S. @5 T- p  n7 Y7 ^  o) [! A9 ?( Z
the best I can." He hugged the younger boy and kissed his
% \4 h3 K( }  v! X6 f/ d) g) Z+ sforehead.
7 r* o9 x0 e! H! @
* s! u: I6 z, }& g1 U: HThe two boys showered and Chris noticed that his sutures8 |, x6 z7 F) {$ r! n3 I
stung from the strong soap when he washed his balls. The
/ L; E6 \  z5 H; R9 Canesthetic had worn off.1 r- F# K! u9 N8 r) p( Z
/ i6 w4 o7 K. g" t! ^" L. m
As they dried off their bodies. Kelly and Christie, back from: y: Z6 t& P; ^7 [
school and back in uniform ran in. "Let me see your
) L  e% p$ S, t! astitches," Kelly demanded.4 ?0 i3 T$ S! n) v" N% y

. P0 Y) Y3 Q0 n9 ^- M0 Q0 v+ P" yBoth girls had been issued the dreaded remote controls. The
( @% J, e% |" s' Y2 o( T9 `8 S1 utwo boys placed their hands behind their heads and suffered/ Y% I5 [5 n8 e3 F- \1 P- W5 I$ }2 P& {
the indignity of being handled and examined by two little
$ a  \3 _* i! K- b* Cgirls.
4 I: ^& p; `8 G1 N/ [6 e% R1 w* c/ V2 e" B' w* x1 s+ q
Christie lifted Andy's balls roughly and stared at the white
! n( k5 C  y& _0 v: L+ xBand-Aid. That's all there is?" She said disappointed.* v2 R; [% J; h8 g& ?
) \0 t/ A6 v$ E
Kelly was rubbing Chris's little cock and he was relieved to) s, @6 W0 X7 |
see that it was getting hard. - n* j( T* ~5 H' F+ I% M

# ^7 ?* Z4 H* S& D"Mom said you and Andy played with each other's peenies," She! m& m( ~1 ]; u7 n( r
giggled. "Show me."0 Z2 v, k$ c6 N. W0 P/ q. ~

) i3 ^2 b! ]$ O"No," Chris shook his head. "That's gay and I don't like it."
1 l$ h3 p, [! n  w
( ]5 @6 @6 H% P( }2 O6 hChristie was rubbing Andy's cock as he stood with his hands
* a" m- f! O' Q1 n+ e  olocked behind his head, blushing in embarrassment. She6 b9 B, r; I2 b. z" S8 O2 a
listened as her younger sister insisted that Chris play with
4 j& S% D# P* _& H0 c* U% `" YAndy's cock. / ]7 H: }- Y$ N* \& q$ X

1 K" O3 c4 G/ r7 a+ O  _3 I6 ]* {"Use the remote," She said.  "That will make him listen." , C) e4 I7 E8 K: q- D1 g

3 g: k$ q& A3 `( T% x1 o$ Z( v. oKelly took the device and pressed button two. Chris stopped
# P. \1 W. N- |$ {1 ?arguing and grabbed his groin. He screamed as he fell to the
' `  k$ Q2 E- T' \2 `. Pfloor.- G8 p0 U/ {& {* E6 i& {) y
' a3 g% c) P% j6 f+ o  X/ B0 p
"I've killed him," The little girl shrieked. She got down on; ^8 b7 ]5 b* p" }0 e- B+ R
her knees, crying and said, "Please speak to me, I'm sorry.": h; H1 I. {% c4 f
" O0 J: i: o/ W0 w' Y1 E) {
Chris groaned as the pain subsided. "I'm Ok," He said weakly.
5 N+ B1 q; A2 ^9 N5 eHe got to his feet.
% k" J' o$ D4 U( O  Z
  Y9 O- c0 L+ Y( kTaking Andy's arm, Christie pulled him in front of his
9 q7 G& S2 O" ]) h1 b1 Hbrother. "Show us how you play with each other," She
& `1 z3 t- l5 H* iinsisted. 9 N2 L/ v5 S& S
& `' A" P& i3 w3 T7 G- ~* e
Andy and Chris knew the pain of the devices. Christopher was
2 s4 H, C/ h) t3 P* j7 t0 a1 {7 dcrying in shame as he took Andy's cock in his hand. Andy9 W5 s6 _8 ^: U( j
cupped his brothers little ball sack and pulled Chris's cock.! Z# n* j; \" V9 f0 x/ L
He ran the tip of his thumb across the head circling the pee
+ v3 \! k% }! Dhole. They built up a rhythm pulling and stroking as their
" {3 a1 t; l) Z# \cocks grew harder. The two little girls watched fascinated as" y  Y4 X& j' Y8 {, ~- K8 U! r/ ?# N
the boys pulled and stroke each other's naked cocks until
/ _9 E- s7 z% rAndy stiffened and arched his back as he came. Chris stood on
% ^' }, F8 ~; i5 b/ xhis tiptoes and gasped as he followed his brother moments
6 L( Y) d) p6 |2 b+ f/ h+ M9 Z6 Q) ilater.
# R. v2 P* W6 h. P* B
8 B2 e- G- `6 D; y, E"That was so cool," Christie said awestruck. "We have to go.! i0 l  h% T2 x3 X6 H
Momma wants us in the office. They're bringing in another4 e3 q5 F# B+ l8 }9 g
! w/ D* W) e+ c4 G5 o" ?5 U0 d) i  A7 k" J5 X) \  @1 N* G" W! [& H
"We'll be back to take you to dinner later," Kelly promised.
1 V- O) G3 N" C& }$ W( p: b: R"I love watching you pull each others peenies." She laughed& B( Z) i/ c$ i" S! c
as they ran out locking the door behind them." J5 N- L0 Y" \/ Y! l: v

; c/ `5 B1 g, E$ a9 [7 Q! ~Andy looked at his little brother. "We're fucked," He said
- g2 k) y- G' h# C2 p* H+ nshaking his head.- D$ R! G6 ]" g9 V' p- N% O. T

3 C; J$ ?8 Z+ ^: c* A9 O# SChapter two the end
7 ~3 J" ^+ m* \5 R  H2 B% x7 b0 f

2 J' }% O: u) m) ~6 s% E5 E" [% N2 q
% X  F9 L- }  ?5 p# g' D3 q9 Z$ o) q5 \) G' j% E' Z
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24+ F% o9 X2 @9 D% Z4 h
all rights reserved; ^6 j) {% j! s% t
3 l7 {. g; G5 y( q

% r. E; |- \# n7 h: d
/ M$ D/ t* R: B( l/ F2 `
" K2 w( ~- M7 a% R# {2 O9 N& OThe sheriff's car was pulling up in the driveway as Christie
2 f) e0 m8 D' H  H( pand Kelly ran to join the guards and their mom and sisters in+ Y3 R0 P+ K- f: C
the reception area of the school.9 u& Q- K/ }- r8 @" R9 x+ q6 s$ {

# u2 i- \- F# A& |They ran in breathlessly. "They're here," Christie shouted.
+ o5 W- w* m/ G: K" X- o"We saw them pull up just now."
* g. O5 X+ \0 Q5 `3 V  C
+ U3 H; m3 [8 f. w( FMrs. Connolly nodded. "Good, let's not have a fiasco like
& ?5 v5 [/ r% Oyesterday." She looked at Miss Thomas. "We'll all go into2 F0 l; x8 n. I+ T! y
receiving. Mrs. Maikowski will help you. Lori will jump in if; v- z. C% x1 i0 ?6 Q
its necessary."
- \& _& ?' f$ T
  p1 D! F& |7 _6 ?( Z% o  JShe addressed her staff and her four daughters. "This one is
9 w7 D7 E0 t* A: Ytough. I spoke with the judge. He's been in trouble since he
) z8 y) F$ J: |+ z0 Z/ Y% `was seven. He's eleven now and tough as they come. His last
; Y. u, {6 s+ d/ _5 x+ Jtwo sets of foster parents gave up on him." + \+ N, F* ]  Z0 @; J3 m
3 v4 g7 M) ^$ o
The outside doorbell rang and Miss Thomas left to answer it.: b( s; S* P; ]$ t& J
She came back leading two Sheriff's deputies, A male and+ C8 H$ i- l! `0 o& H2 ?
female. The male deputy was big, around six foot three and
  {% k" l; W8 a7 m$ Xburly. He looked to be around thirty-five years old.  His
1 s- j; d: J" ?% nnametag read Harley Summers. The female deputy was a tall
8 i0 }! x6 q( j* f0 i3 E, Abrunette around the same age. Her nametag read Naomi! p4 `. \0 C1 Z! Y& r  q- F
% C2 l9 g. f: w6 l! P; O5 A3 x- i' Q" |
* o5 w" E$ _; H4 E$ p5 W, iWedged between the two of them was a slim boy with long' A0 z! [* K3 I1 t8 w! N
straight blonde hair. The most striking thing about him was
: B- n+ j1 }( D$ H' X& Bhis big blue eyes. He'd be considered handsome if you# S3 @" a3 X+ w- C: B
overlooked the smirk on his face. He was dressed in clothing/ \( h3 h: A1 V/ S. l5 z" T% \
that was way too large for him. The crotch of his pants hung. x/ Y% W/ Y% Z1 V
down almost to the floor. His sweatshirt was a man's extra4 P" O! [# M# z" H: D4 R2 ]
large. It looked ridiculous on his small frame. He had torn# r) q2 Y5 N, q) Z8 \) Z# h; G
sneakers on his feet.
$ L1 c' A. A' D: l+ u$ w
6 Y4 y$ F# o) l1 B* G) f" L"Get your fucken hands off me," He yelled at the male deputy$ W: ~) n- ]5 ~/ c3 `$ L
who was holding his shoulder. "I'm not staying in this5 ]% I% c* v/ ?  o
friggen shithole."
) C( H5 m- O& O) Y9 l- a
, [7 F: i* Z5 O1 T1 J' w+ ?6 {% P"Who's in charge here?" The female deputy asked. * v" T4 \6 z0 n$ y0 i
. w& }# P6 \: m+ J5 z
"That would be me, I'm Mrs. Connolly." The warden
% v6 E  c( p# |% c8 t; S$ K) ]volunteered., P* F7 o+ l, H# O& ?' [
& ?# A$ D! A2 M
"Glad you're taking this little delinquent. The drive up was
  Z  }& m/ N: tno joy. Two and half-hours in the car with this foul-mouthed
" h. S3 u* X$ H, ~, {1 i# Nkid was too much. I almost slugged him around fifty times."& H/ E; ^0 E0 t
She handed a stack of papers to Mrs. Connolly. "Sign here and
7 w' W6 m+ M0 {) P3 u( |we'll take off. It shows you've taken custody of Ricky Gordon
3 |+ J+ u8 a9 tage eleven going on thirty five with the mouth of a truck$ a- v. F: D9 l. O! I
driver."3 R0 f' _' H2 k+ U0 A
4 H0 s0 ^; G$ y
"Hello Ricky," Mrs. Connolly said, "Welcome to Grandview
8 D" k, J# x0 z5 K- Yschool."
. P' ^0 X8 h7 A( l. k& L  A+ F( }! p/ ?6 p9 c- N6 L
The little boy looked at her. "Fuck off," he snarled. He0 N% ^$ a( x8 [- J! _
noticed the four young girls looking at him. "Hey gorgeous,"* V# E* f& o; O
He winked at Jennifer. You go to this school?", o# H5 G$ E, Q2 Y# k0 T* H
1 t* n9 [, Z+ x$ |
"Sort of," Jennifer grinned." I live here."+ m; C) _+ q0 \' a' v9 s
: X2 t- U0 Z2 R# \
"You're absolutely right," Mrs. Connolly agreed. "He is a1 {3 ~- a2 f: h" `
handful.  I'd like to process Ricky now. Why don't you stay* b, |1 b( y+ ^' p$ z
around and watch as we check him in?" She invited the two/ b) I7 ]2 H  G. T
deputies. " I guarantee it'll be worth your time."
" ~# E; c( l; O; S9 J; a
+ t+ j' a: k7 n! R2 F& a! N8 K+ FHarley looked at Lori Paulson. "Well, we should get going but
/ r9 Y6 ~5 ]$ e$ Za few minutes won't make much of a difference."
& Q% M2 _+ y0 G) L0 D$ q8 @/ g
6 H* `1 Z2 K3 S% \/ {7 ^"Great. If you'll all follow me, We can get started."  She
9 n3 m: g% G' n# m* ^8 H2 K9 Hwalked to the door of the receiving room. "Please bring  _& O6 @; z! S% h- z
Ricky, will you?"
6 g7 X4 `9 A# O: R* V) d' F# D  o  S$ H
Deputy Tancredi pushed the young boy. "You heard her. Get, B( t% x" v, n& P3 `5 J  d
moving."/ F( s0 G; f/ x2 L( I: u
: Z8 `0 y$ E, ~+ N% [1 e0 J5 ~
"Get your filthy cop hands off me, you cunt." He cursed at" @7 k7 `2 [" Z3 W0 x
her. "I told you I ain't staying here."  0 `) S" q2 e, w

9 z* [4 w7 p( a1 MMiss Thomas exploded. "Get your ass in there boy or I'll
" e4 |6 q( J2 Xbreak every bone in your body." She threatened.
$ n2 W. C9 L* |5 n" a% p7 V8 r8 [  V8 S. N2 T! S% ]
"You and what army, you phony cop?  You don't even have a: s1 v  l, i! R( V) t& z" s
billy club." He replied, but followed the rest of the people
- G' n1 I* X* \% jinto the receiving room. The girls were already seated when/ X, y- s  ^4 H* B' K, X5 @* q
he walked in.
% Y( D8 r; l5 H, F) f8 V3 j2 V2 d) i8 i
"Deputy Tancredi, please sit down and relax," Mrs. Connolly
# I3 e8 m' V) [: q6 @  winvited. "I might need Deputy Summers to help out. If you/ T0 a  m$ p9 H
don't mind." ) @. H& b8 @6 {4 `( V: d# ~4 G
8 m  {* l% J+ {, _; Z. N
"Be glad too," He smiled. "What do you want me to do?"
; [. N8 [9 x6 y5 Z. `' Y
3 Y* Z7 H5 R! f"Just stand by in case I need you to restrain our young7 J; {6 n' B$ {" K
friend here." She told him.
* K5 n' B$ k+ M! S1 c
* D! _8 `9 ]* \0 l' T  z! P. lThe boy was looking around There was the table with a! ~& U, p! J, P$ E: E$ W9 ?6 [
cardboard box on it. Next to the box was a pair of shower
" u; I0 A4 b( L( Nclogs or flip-flops and a baseball cap that had the words5 r$ I6 o# f0 a- y0 t/ f
Grandview School embroidered on the front.
' P; X1 b  C4 p5 F
' V2 m, Z6 w5 j% g) E: a5 G* o3 ?"I want you to take off all your dirty clothing and throw it+ R. t+ s" B% v$ h$ u2 T; R
in that box," Mrs. Connolly told Ricky. "You'll be issued the% b8 _# [3 M* ]* Q4 _! \
official school uniform to wear."8 C- M4 ^% |- A7 ~) P* P" {

. Z) V4 k7 ]: m& XRicky's eyes flew open. "You want me to strip in front of all) ~! I$ f5 G7 T2 L
of you?  Fuck off lady. Nobody sees me naked unless I want
+ p+ _: J) K# Mthem to."  He grinned at the four young girls. "Tell you1 ?  Z4 x) |+ M& u: ?1 c+ I
what, You show me yours and I'll show you mine."
2 v* z8 L! F* @6 j4 a
+ m0 A0 g, y! {! A9 z5 e"You have no choice young man," Mrs. Connolly informed him.
, ?7 I6 I6 @  }+ u, F8 n"You will get undressed willingly or you'll be held down and$ z7 q) k/ m8 P$ b8 U9 A  [; @
stripped. This is not a democracy." 8 i0 H. c6 n' R! _  }% E

2 }1 q" F% V7 m9 e% x4 x"If you want me naked, you perverts are gonna have to rip# t8 R/ E+ _" ~( j* c& m, e7 q
these clothes off," He shouted, going into a karate stance.
! @% |% n3 D8 }6 E9 ]
. v- p6 G6 @9 D! Y% s6 l" AMrs. Connolly nodded at Miss Thomas. The big guard moved
. Q2 G# t/ A' }forward. Ricky swung his arm in a karate chop.$ ^  j8 B6 i. v2 c/ D0 Q

+ P- T8 _- V- M# l4 EMiss Thomas blocked it easily and laughed. "Boy, you're gonna
# h- d7 n( P8 c% ]" l8 r3 ~0 ~have to do better than that." She swung her right hand and8 F" U& S7 E( T; K, {
caught him with her open palm on his cheek. Ricky's face got
+ ^' @4 b7 c6 T6 x! Dred. With a sob he threw his slim body at her. "I'll kill
) H/ [0 `0 U2 z6 q& N; `% B& z+ Iyou, you fucken pervert " He shouted as he pushed against her
8 V! k& \/ ?+ m# klarge body. She moved fast for such a large woman and the
. Z- m- |, ?# b, G9 X0 w" Tnext thing Ricky knew he was on the floor. Mrs. Maikowski
6 [; a9 S% E; Ejoined Miss Thomas and they held the struggling boy down. / S$ Z  f# Z7 b

4 Z8 E" L# ^( s7 ^$ C* i"Get those raggedy old sneakers off him," Miss Thomas
3 d3 |# N! s# h6 _% B3 fordered.  Ricky tried to kick out with his feet. Mrs.
& E& }2 z9 Y8 B$ c" IMaikowski straddled his legs and pulled the sneakers off.
4 O0 v1 F0 O6 S8 G) A4 X0 v3 ^1 z" h# t3 D2 a
"Gimme my sneakers back," The struggling boy screamed.
# x. \7 w9 q3 z3 I+ x$ C"They're mine. Nobody takes my stuff."+ M- \: x+ X- I: Y& l9 y) y+ z
Mrs. Maikowski ignored him and peeled his socks off. She
7 @7 K+ W$ H( Amoved clear as Miss Thomas released him. 4 F8 s$ N3 C/ c! c! L

9 @/ a0 o/ T4 m. j"See how easy it is/" Mrs. Connolly grinned. "Now let me tell3 ?1 V( [& b9 J
you the rules here young man. In our little school all the
- I6 t8 k9 c1 dpupils wear the same uniform, Shower clogs and a hat. Other! i6 D! \3 r% n4 a$ _
than that you're to be totally naked at all times. The female$ ~. z7 y$ a0 d$ O' V9 A- a
personnel are in charge. Any girl or woman can give you0 Q( P+ h# y  v) R
orders and you're to obey without hesitation."
7 i% \9 g2 z/ N" X" v0 r2 N3 F4 `/ L2 l
"Like hell," Ricky shouted, His voice cracking. "I don't% g) ]: P! }! M
listen to any cunt!"' ~: a& r  a+ D4 a) n# I

+ g0 T0 O! B/ X& h" l. p# t"We'll address your language in a minute," Mrs. Connolly went2 D. t' H0 ^! f, J4 |0 L: m+ I4 y
on. "Each time you're given an order and disobey you earn) h: `/ f+ B. I# ~6 s
spankings. Each time counts as ten. The spankings are given! Z2 r; a) Y4 n! n% `, J( F! F
at night in front of the entire school, students and staff.
  z8 f( |9 l1 gSo far you've earned twenty from each of my four daughters. I
" s/ F) ?# M2 Y4 l0 {' @don't think you should go any further. Eighty spanks are, M4 W) v+ |+ p6 m, R  W( P1 |
going to be quite painful. We use a paddle and it's quite
7 P- ~) C, |! _/ l; i3 O: n* geffective."
+ S, k+ G% o- R' p
4 P# k% C/ I8 r0 |Ricky looked scared for a moment.  Then his face hardened.
) p- w9 f! [! ?! ~9 z0 y7 P"Nobody is taking my clothes off and nobody is spanking my: X4 J( Z- }  f
ass."" s  s" M+ E) y4 x
+ Y& E, R# w% O: f+ I
"Oh dear I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," Mrs.
7 j! z0 B6 K; i- b# Y; ]; UConnolly said. "Deputy Summers would you please grab him and/ ~, r8 Z, k- j% B" R8 ^2 H8 K* G% Y
hold him while we take his clothing off?"8 N2 g0 |7 L" Z0 X& l: i3 N

. e  ]0 F+ ^( z6 D5 a"It would be my pleasure Ma'am," The deputy said He smiled at$ r7 Z+ ?; |0 Q1 U, V0 ^7 R3 t7 N
Ricky who was backing away. "Payback's sure a bitch, kid."+ R  W" B" @7 B- F. ~

) f0 ?4 x5 Y& a4 [Ricky had nowhere to run. He tried the door but it was8 @( X' X/ X6 n0 y" S$ ^  T
locked. The big deputy grabbed him by the shirt. The oversize5 k/ r1 V$ ^/ z+ c9 N! e& P
sweatshirt slipped over his head and came off as he struggled
+ L0 X* D# z7 d* A% Ito free himself. 5 M- ~0 K5 z' `' g9 \
4 n: V3 @" ]8 v8 S& g' d4 S
Ricky's upper torso was hairless. His skin was pale. A boy+ p7 i7 S( `5 ]. B+ K, {
like him didn't get too many chances to sunbathe. He was
, L% G/ B# P5 l/ ythinner than he looked in his loose clothing. His pants were
1 v! t/ d2 V: O6 Z4 r/ @hanging below his navel, the top part of his boxer shorts
( T9 S( a* Y1 V, zshowing. The oversize trousers were held up precariously by a! Q0 m! \" h  P  x+ B. S8 Q4 b
thin leather belt. - U: q* v; Y0 S4 p6 B+ x# e; I
* j! \) G. s) ^5 D, R
The deputy had his arms around Ricky pinning his hands to his# Z4 {) A, m' z, q5 n- z
sides Ricky's face was crushed against the deputy's massive7 z& T& n/ H0 t
chest. He struggled to free himself; His bare feet kicking as
& k- Y3 M3 J2 o' ?7 w' mHarley held him suspended off the floor. He cried in his
% R; E- |9 y; Gfrustration, "Let me go you fucken big ape"
0 b4 }6 a) ]5 w% f( P9 [) X3 b3 T4 r: X4 l% z' s4 y& v7 K; V
Mrs. Connolly stood behind the struggling eleven-year-old boy
7 c% J$ I5 V0 z6 k. k6 Yavoiding his kicking feet; "I wonder if these pants will come
* N$ |% N+ E6 F6 B, G. noff if I tug them?" she asked no one in particular. She
  N* x; O7 f( w; B: w( ahooked her fingers into the waistband and yanked. The( y- a  ?0 Q+ k. H! c, g
oversize pants came off Ricky's body easily. They joined the& @0 m9 B1 R, @) }
sneakers, sweatshirt and socks in the box on the table. 8 s* Y  @* I9 {% \( ]! O

7 `) E* {5 d/ M5 I- G" ]5 r5 bThe four girls were giggling as they watched Ricky struggling- Y2 f& S( D( U! j" k% @5 M- i
in the deputy's bear hug. His legs were as white as his upper9 q) Q& g; {8 o, u7 |, S
body. They were long and skinny. Ricky was about ten pounds
" k  [: ]. {  L2 Yunderweight and probably was not fed well while in foster
  }: r. d' ^. e9 s4 G: L0 j( ?) ^care. He looked much heavier in his baggy clothing.
; [0 S) Z' g9 G.
8 K/ H/ ~* ?+ Z5 C- L& f9 g* R- _  L) i2 @7 J# B
He wore red and white striped boxer shorts. "I hope you) Q" {9 F# T5 x, Q
showered sometime in the last day or so," Mrs. Connolly said# m4 A; X  |4 T5 a
to his back. "I'd hate to have to strip search a dirty body."  @; P$ \3 U' U' c1 t, F6 B
' A( z0 B) `( y- e7 H
"He took a shower in lock-up this morning before the Judge
: [  I# p$ i- i1 u7 I0 \/ S* Asentenced him" Deputy Tancredi informed Mrs. Connolly.
! C# g  g# k& A0 d6 b! F! z. `1 @6 R3 f9 T
"Can I take his underwear off, Mom?" Christie asked. "Kelly
& l, L' {% V( ], vgot to do the last one."% b1 P: i( W& x% ~9 t% {7 v

$ a, x- i3 P8 T* X7 a" K) O"Better let me do it Honey," Mrs. Connolly said. "Until we6 A' K. n- ]7 K$ l# t
get him naked and used to being handled he may hurt one of
: E" F  H0 x/ P+ n& d1 Pyou."9 U( q3 t5 ?1 Q9 @3 T" N

1 K% D1 l& N; C  c2 KThe deputy turned Ricky around so everybody could see his
0 z: O- G7 L1 A. ?6 v5 \( s. F& Pcock when his underpants came off. Mrs. Connolly approached; _' W4 X* W4 E: z
him. "I'm going to remove your underpants now Ricky. Don't7 C; m' S" f5 _" W* L
try and kick me. If you do Its going to be harder on you at: r) U' R6 I" ^" g) k* j/ _( a
punishment time and your underpants will still come off."5 A6 s8 o" W% @, F: c3 j
"Leave me alone," he shrieked at them. "Nobody strips me
) r8 R3 |$ {3 D- iwithout a fight."
+ N* @: A' g4 a1 D4 U
+ q& ?5 u, d" U3 h1 d8 v* NMrs. Connolly sighed. "Hold him tight," She cautioned the
; c3 }2 ]# e5 g1 p. i; w4 l% l  F9 Kdeputy. "Grab his legs," She told Miss Thomas, The guard
5 V2 c# M) O+ _moved in and took a kick on her hip. She grabbed Ricky's bare
& ?2 I: v5 M+ R, q5 Xright foot then his left. She knelt holding his legs and Mrs.
: c' ^( i3 C: z& rConnolly was able to pull his boxer shorts down. ) t; R4 D! t  H4 I- k& S
7 R- X# M" ]$ g# u8 L' D4 s5 m
Ricky was crying in frustration and embarrassment as she2 Y$ V# ^0 p* [7 h( S3 h- H" t0 n
pulled his underwear over his feet. The girls moved in to get, U$ E& ~4 H7 N: A; p8 o
a closer look. Lori Paulson joined them.
! G8 M6 {3 N4 |. D0 l9 k# b/ P. U* I, ~1 o3 O# p' m
"This is what all the fuss was about?" Caitlin asked. "He's1 A8 U7 @- f+ h5 U- Y' J0 I
got a little dick."  
/ H" m* b/ X3 ]; i4 y
: J7 M: s$ n8 r; k4 [2 wMiss Thomas released Ricky's legs and stood up. Everybody/ X0 k6 K, {9 P$ @
stared at the boy's cock. Ricky, naked stood about one inch; H! B* D! ^( b* @% w. L
taller than Andy. His circumcised cock was bigger than Andy's
5 }  h& y! R! ?& G6 lwas, but still on the small side. While the other two boy's; L/ x8 W+ @3 _4 l/ \2 y# R$ B' z
scrotums were almost hidden by their cocks, Ricky's balls
8 z& h7 g3 K) L& iwere clearly visible hanging below his dick. Like the other0 J% g& m' e8 Y& I+ j% W! O
boys he did not have pubic hair yet.( X+ I, W9 ?. ?( Y! B/ {
% I0 h2 P% ^9 {" v& Y( J0 v% {; w3 R0 [
He tried to free his hands to cover himself but the deputy's
3 w9 Q- m+ `: l2 Egrip was too tight. All he could do was cry in frustration
% P& i1 D* i/ \# _3 [0 B9 T6 F* g4 ?and curse as the girls looked at his naked jewels.
$ l' g* T( |9 c" H( f4 q+ ~7 b6 c9 J5 a* n, W2 c
Mrs. Connolly said "Ordinarily I'd do a cavity search at this3 p* U  K0 G  u2 z; z6 O. z" N
time, but I think we have to warm this young man's behind a; `1 K  J  o' U/ c
bit first."; y& d+ ^3 F+ F. A' E& |& [

6 e9 G% W" k6 d5 `) l8 }Jennifer went out to the desk in the other room. She returned, R3 G# F5 ]* I" ?1 E9 J# Q
with a paddle. Mrs. Connolly took it from her. "Your ass
6 r4 t: m4 _) L( f0 X9 Sneeds a little tenderizing before we can continue," she told* M/ ^0 U5 W0 ^2 l6 {/ b
the struggling boy.
3 s! b% ~3 L: Y4 O
. W% j% y0 C" N2 n+ H"Would you turn him around and bend him over?" She asked the! d2 t; Z9 s/ O
Deputy.( q) @- ^* i/ k
/ @- u+ V2 R* _5 S' T. W) |
"My pleasure Ma'am this boys been asking for it all day." The0 l# [) |. ]; G- f4 H& m, h$ c
deputy replied. He handled the boy like he was weightless and% L" l* k1 u8 k+ P# s/ h3 |6 D
before Ricky could even protest his little ass was in7 `- N7 F1 \3 d! f1 h
% c6 S: ^, F0 N2 \9 K0 y* U/ q+ F8 X
. f5 e2 o" W0 l4 e& ~4 y! {"Would you like to be first?"  Mrs. Connolly asked Deputy2 H2 S7 `0 e% L3 Y( h0 z
7 S: e6 I6 H+ `+ ^3 P* m: q" E! G: c+ b  l# P! k
"I'd love it," Was the reply. The deputy took the paddle and
- i$ j2 C0 i9 t5 nlet fly, The boy screamed as the flat wood landed on his
% I& g" ?6 f4 v/ C3 R. J( t5 ?: |round buttocks.  Then she hit the other side. The deputy
! E: h+ V% T* E1 E$ v. `) Yhandled the paddle like a pro raining blows evenly on one9 b4 O2 S/ U3 s* C8 ^
cheek then the other
  h- w: L( z6 ?4 u. O) C5 c; p% N  a! |  z2 M2 A1 w+ ^3 ^6 z
Ricky couldn't escape. Harley Summer's hold on him was too% S% y: i3 r7 x4 p7 m; w
strong. He screamed as the paddling continued. After forty
7 C- k- N/ n: Z9 a1 j5 Ywhacks Mrs. Connolly Signaled Deputy Tancredi to stop. 3 v7 a! o9 L0 d8 T/ ?

4 Y& l. W' p: Z6 }6 c; V"Will you cooperate now?" she asked the bawling youngster.3 e; C: q  @4 K  r3 [$ U/ I
# I' S3 Q/ Z( a. P5 t% t% y; k
"Bite me, you Bitch," He screamed. "I'll kill you all"" _% K" M) A4 t; n2 {$ g8 @0 ]1 C
) {! z( z2 ?. l: d
Mrs. Connolly took the paddle from the deputy. She hauled her
  ^# Q( C6 i; y. B- C* z% Karm back and let him have it. The girls looked on, giggling1 r: I& R2 i/ A( u
as his ass turned from red to crimson. She gave him forty
4 k6 w( h+ z/ O! k9 hmore spanks and asked him again. "Are you ready to cooperate
& L9 @5 I. k: f7 }6 O3 Xnow?" : f  l8 U7 P* e! l/ C

9 R" w1 O& f; t6 A& D$ m, F) B8 H/ ]This time he shouted, "Yes! please no more."8 @6 A) c- t6 u* W0 E9 t$ s
7 Q+ M. P* d: |7 p7 t
"Very well," she nodded to Deputy Summers. "You may release" m0 E* J2 G0 C
him."4 d+ U- F2 O! z1 s! N! [' q& U
: w! o0 G" e: l5 e# L  g
As the deputy let him go, Ricky started hopping around. Tears5 X! Y7 R% R: Y* R
were streaming from his eyes as all modesty forgotten he9 @4 l  k" l) @3 Q
hopped from one bare foot to the other, rubbing his raw ass.
7 ?" W3 S/ r* ^$ j% H2 h" I1 O/ h# I1 S
Mrs. Connolly waited until he had stopped jumping around. His
$ Q9 O% s' F+ W6 A4 A$ Uhands flew to cover his cock as he realized how he must have
: A# H# p+ ^% Y' rlooked. , Z: v, {; z3 I6 u& l

$ g) E" h+ k, ~"Get those hand away from your nuts," She ordered. "Or would
" M0 L3 t5 G( D: H6 ]2 U7 J; wyou like another forty?"
6 _& O3 M7 y  C. R# [7 n; C1 `; I, F  d
Ricky moved his hands away and stood blushing as the girls. C. ]3 ~6 D& R" B- G
moved in for a better look.
: \5 X% }, m; r) u. ?% C% z1 }& o. m: ?) J. D' `/ v
"That's better," Mrs. Connolly said. "Now I think we should' ^1 f+ X" J- D( w9 C! q* `' m+ Q$ K& g$ u
strip search you before I let the girls examine your cock and. a" F) |! }! X" R; b4 J: }; y' X
balls. Would you please get up on the table, on your hands+ o' t$ ]% e2 \' Q( p0 I' t8 q( H
and knees and face the wall."
: K: l* }6 l! W/ w( r  `/ ~7 a0 e7 ]( N" V- K! s
"What? No fucken way," The boy screamed "You're not gonna! `# p: ^) `# }; {% ]) Y
look up my ass."! ^8 a6 k! G( X) N0 p) R
9 f7 \) R3 o. w& o7 u  }5 c; s9 U
"You have ten seconds or you'll get another forty and then
3 p6 j' M$ T$ j( C2 [* j$ F1 K. tyou'll do it anyway," Mrs. Connolly * V1 J' l4 n: j) r
threatened. . I! q- p1 Z/ v/ d

1 P. P% l8 B, O6 r9 tRicky face was red with humiliation as he moved toward the, ^$ X, w  a: p. Z. l8 c& B
table. His ass was glowing crimson as he climbed up and faced5 v% P9 s$ E! F& B! U
the wall on his hands and knees. "The redness would go away5 ]8 l4 N( ~5 {# @
in awhile," Mrs. Connolly thought. "The memory of the
+ y* j) F% ^  A# g: pspanking would last longer."
- t2 s# n% J# W! k3 x7 z: ^2 L" N7 w5 I1 m
The four girls were laughing as he assumed the position for
; K- |5 Q/ C% i0 v+ K* fthe strip search. "He doesn't look so tough now," Jennifer
  Q0 v8 {, M1 m( ~observed.* n3 j' f/ G4 {' d/ Y
( u4 A) T* F6 O7 B. `
I'm glad you think so," Her mom answered. "I need a volunteer
! l: O# E2 I$ G9 o6 R, C" gto spread open his cheeks and you're it."
& P( F4 J; v. \, U  k
' w' p0 P9 G5 c5 C; q) j* J"Spread your legs wide boy," Miss Thomas ordered as she took3 I3 y' v" _6 y- Y! V6 G3 l7 B
several pair of surgeon's gloves out of her pocket. She
+ E6 D3 m+ O) l* f) Q5 \( Yhanded one pair to Mrs. Maikowski and one to Mrs. Connolly.
" r3 R2 Y. l. R! s# ~3 J, l" u1 ~! s
2 l& u, D3 [& `$ ]"I think the honor should go to Deputy Tancredi," Mrs.
; e2 X. H7 T- W( V/ @7 N4 {Connolly smiled. "She had to take a lot from this boy on the
; g& G) Y  |7 Z$ @+ u; L% Gride up." She handed the gloves to the smiling deputy who/ z. y) q9 s, l3 U  l4 h0 b0 X
eagerly put them on.+ p7 i: a6 @2 w1 {& W4 t- L+ E

# A: a: l! U, rJennifer stood off to the side and reached her hands over.
7 J$ g: S0 B$ ]; E; J0 z" XRicky had his legs open, his balls dangling down below his
6 y& e' i, }" _$ E5 }body. She cupped them in her hand but dropped them when her
' }& E0 I3 h/ a1 c7 v6 y7 @Mother said, "Jenny, keep your mind on your job."
0 |. Y! B* f( g9 G5 K! g6 r" b( E1 f' T1 @3 \: q
Jennifer spread Ricky's red cheeks apart and the girls got
6 r% Q; Y# p+ `, e9 h2 otheir first look at his pink asshole. The deputy was waiting.
. i3 Z" {8 l! E" N8 I$ WShe pushed her middle finger against his tightly puckered5 m% r# \, |# B( t* ^, V
anal muscle. For a moment the muscle held. Then as Ricky# _; C* G) Y4 h5 r
shrieked in pain, she pushed her finger in up to her knuckle. 4 {4 {0 Z  x8 l6 v1 P/ l; j" L
# L2 `( b: k$ o
Ricky was crying in pain and humiliation as Deputy Sheriff( c7 L" t2 [/ u0 T+ c
Tancredi got her revenge for all the grief he put her through: T5 k6 N) E0 R% n4 f- @0 o
on the long ride from the city. She moved her finger in and
% c/ T& a+ C. x0 I- y+ z, P  }7 ^3 Pout, Wiggling it in his small ass opening as he grunted.. H! u2 j8 F& D1 U
. j! Q# z" o3 G) s1 |
With her free hand she reached under him and cradled his+ o# I) u6 q5 e# G% m: O
dangling balls. She bounced them up and down in her palm as8 t- [* ^' Y6 O9 R) k& {
the embarrassed boy sobbed in frustration..$ Y; I! x8 W' x8 G; O

$ Y& G' V7 y) J, x" Y, xFinally she pulled her finger out and Ricky tried to move.
# a% e4 G8 o# ?"Where do you think you're going Boy?" Miss Thomas cackled.% n2 f8 g& ?* e4 D% q$ C/ s0 w
"I'm the official ass reamer here and we're just getting: a# R& M% ?' g4 F& b- w
started." She moved in behind the helpless boy and Jennifer0 q" }+ Q/ i; ^1 |2 f, c  ?# {4 R
spread him open even further.
4 s& c# R3 h& R0 P9 N/ O& E; j
6 s0 }/ t1 R' _8 s9 S, @  sThe pain was terrible as she rammed her large middle finger" I& r$ o6 I/ e3 m& f; e8 u
into his tortured asshole. Ricky screamed as it pushed past9 R! F; c& I4 A
his anal muscle. The girls had gathered around and were$ C% |# l/ z; `& x2 G/ O
watching as the big guard reamed him. In and out her finger6 m4 }( b1 \$ u4 j6 F
went as he bucked in pain, trying to relieve himself by0 S# M  k: s& O5 D! N% G
changing position.
& L8 i7 E4 c2 Q  w4 R6 l. b4 X/ T
: y0 M0 M$ @6 }' N"I think that's enough for now," Mrs. Connolly said. "Its
! u- V7 s6 n3 ~0 H: y; Atime his cock and balls got some attention. Stand up in front
0 ^; y4 t  ~' x( ]- L+ h  F8 yof the table, boy. Put your hands behind your head. . a9 @4 e# a' G* o

) ]4 u! w# v3 U+ l; kRicky was glad to stand up. He faced his audience his cock
9 K2 l4 k# k* ^. y! idrooping. "You did a nice job spreading his ass, Jennifer so
2 Z1 [: T. {2 Z( ?8 Z' pyou get to go first," Mrs. Connolly decided.
2 s& S" @4 q: P! [- d! w
) T+ ~, E  \5 N+ lJennifer Knelt in front of the crying boy and grabbed his
. u& G6 B5 b7 [) M0 Z6 D3 Pcock. "I wonder if he's a dry cummer like the other two?" she
1 t, @  C% }" n: p7 O9 zsaid giggling.4 f% v) l+ ~, [
% u) @# R6 M7 {
Caitlin laughed, "I bet you'll find out. I don't think you3 E  k6 h  J+ t5 [8 U; b" R
should have your face so close to his cock. If he cums it'll
3 e4 ~# p5 {* L1 X: g. T! Rget you in the face."
$ E& d+ ~8 ]7 x% p2 v3 n. Q
5 @+ Z* w- H4 _) [; r  |+ [+ L+ rJennifer moved slightly back and massaged Ricky's cock.  x0 l- Y3 C$ I
Despite his humiliation, he responded. Slowly his cock sprang1 T+ S+ I- Z. J: v  B4 H& |
back to life. Jennifer jerked him off with her thumb and
# }2 Q& d) h" o! h0 x& Q' v# ?- [forefinger. She was kneading and bouncing his balls with her; x8 i- m( B, h5 N
other hand. Little Kelly moved in behind the red-faced boy3 |% g( k" ?1 h! @  k* [
and was rubbing his ass cheeks. He winced as her small hands- d2 i, T  z0 U2 s
found every sore spot on his crimson buttocks.
& F/ @$ I0 c7 e9 Z) E6 H- M0 p+ ?0 r( B$ i- L
Caitlin knelt alongside her older sister watching as Jennifer
/ r' }' A$ x9 N/ |massaged his now hard cock. Ricky was breathing heavy as the
3 b4 ^% z( \1 d) k- _6 i, fsisters attacked his body front and rear. Christie joined
1 z# v4 }- ^9 A2 W' O" \Kelly at Ricky's ass. She inserted her forefinger in his
; l1 G9 u  G/ \3 o$ p+ a1 {rectum as Kelly spread him open. It went in easily, Her3 d7 g- T3 _# V0 B$ X+ i
finger being so much smaller than the ones that preceded it.) Z( k. I0 W! _4 c; ?) r# c- T
( W& n- A" e. F  P4 p% |, P
The boy's body rocked back and forth as Caitlin joined her8 g& C$ n' T/ ~5 {+ h% Y
sister in playing with his cock. While Jennifer massaged his( B) @: F5 P) O# ?0 J
balls. Caitlin pulled on his little penis. Without warning
7 S( z% g) \" b2 ]" q% G+ U% v7 gRicky rose up on his tiptoes. His body stiffened and he let
: {, V1 ~! _$ i0 v& ~6 |. ?out a moan as he came.+ X( b' {( ]$ }. D& g3 W: A& F, K4 J
+ Q5 l6 V% h: _" W  ?
"Yep he's a dry cummer," Caitlin observed rubbing her finger; _8 U- R# K7 M; n6 N: N/ _
over his cock head and piss hole,  
# P6 {% l2 J; q7 S
9 r; t$ K1 a6 I6 e6 X! M3 W. \The girls traded places. His cock drooping, Ricky was
6 C) X$ I/ E8 {9 x" W' C* D# pattacked again. This time Christie examined his balls, Her
% S) s( [5 h! u  m) O8 `little hands were rubbing and bouncing them as she knelt, her+ ~( K9 w- Z! k0 k" y9 T: [. s& E
face inches from his genitals. Little Kelly was tugging on
$ z7 }6 m: q0 S0 {& M1 ^" O+ ?his pecker, pulling and stroking. She also was getting a
4 j, `/ B% f% q( n5 {close-up view, her eyes exploring every inch of his little+ o( |& `; @+ S& I
cock. The two younger sisters had now seen three dicks in two. V% R: L* x2 T+ e( y5 p3 t
days and they just loved it.
+ v: \+ u0 X3 L7 U) q! D" T/ [  v% ~, t4 b) X. p
Slowly Ricky's cock regained his hardness. The two little
  f1 z* H# V! G* @! [' dgirls kneaded, tugged and stroked until he couldn't stand it
. x+ {/ `4 B8 {; `- |, c3 c"Arrggghhh," He yelled as once again he came.
" }5 I# t( r9 l, e  V8 a2 b) m$ @# R" D
Lori Paulson had been watching from the sidelines as every
7 T/ }' ]  o$ T7 hwoman and girl did something to Ricky's young body. Now she1 p/ j# ]* ^- z0 {
moved in. She encircled his overused cock with her thumb and
3 W2 C+ X3 K3 W, {0 r' t* ~forefinger and gently rubbed it until she felt it stir. Ricky
6 i& P  c# C7 k3 H" J8 g% Phad his eyes shut as yet another person examined him. Lori
+ y  a5 j0 f* v3 w/ bstroked his cock and as she did she inserted the forefinger- f, s0 s. @, P! t7 _& [( C1 B6 a
of her other hand up his sore, used asshole.( b1 Q$ x& U1 ?& D! \  x

$ ]4 y& P2 G2 F& x8 rOnce again the young prisoner was masturbated to hardness.- v; e* B! H# H: q2 J) B7 C
The blonde guard was ramming her finger in and out of his ass
; h! q9 N- x- Oas she pulled and tugged his cock one more time. Ricky felt9 E- A: R" \7 x# L" c3 {7 H( o
like he would never be able to cum again after today.
4 i* u0 I$ C/ g9 W6 u6 i" V, C1 f" y- s$ a
To everybody's surprise after a few minutes, the naked boy5 l& ~( ]4 ]6 Z8 O8 ]* V- h; G* a
stiffened his body, moaned and came one more time. 2 N2 L) }1 }  C' y6 S
4 e: E3 Y6 t) D4 I7 }3 d
He was drooping with exhaustion as Mrs. Connolly let him put. N1 v% [0 K; _# Y+ N6 N
his hands down. "Its time for Dinner," she announced. "I've
& N% g0 j2 V# v1 a1 hhired a new cook and she's preparing a meal right now. Can
( o4 H* }; R4 f- Uyou stay?" She asked the deputies.
8 l5 E! E) E  h3 ~! S+ o) s* `- x8 }/ T& H+ ]: [
"Thanks but we have to get back to the city. We're due to
' t5 C- n6 [3 E- Ecome back with two more boys tomorrow so we'll see you then.". E  Z' `4 S3 S% l
Deputy Summers replied.
+ @' ?0 t5 }* ]# A5 r" X6 Q
# g  W# I( n  H"Now that we've how you process your students, we'll try to: V, j8 R" ]2 W: e  x. r# \
arrive a little sooner tomorrow so we can spend more time."
% t% W! X' E$ s3 |7 d2 _Deputy Tancredi smiled. She patted Ricky on his sore butt.
) o" p7 e1 x5 w0 Z* j"Take care, loudmouth," She laughed as she left with her  b" X0 ?$ h# X0 Z8 F# ^
2 W1 E' f3 _+ [! ~" P
3 m. b- l5 F9 Q% `$ b. J  x5 ], [Mrs. Connolly instructed Her two older daughters. "Go get the' M; X* y$ e/ o* E
other two and bring them to the lunchroom to eat. Might as
  K  P& X, \9 Bwell introduce them to Ricky here. They're gonna have to get
% L# G- q& C# t" q' A- {9 \* xto know each other, sooner or later."- q1 @" j' s* a8 y, N
+ ]$ k& n6 u9 R* R8 \% }4 {: p
She turned to Miss Paulson. "That was a nice job you did on; F4 j. P0 D2 l6 \3 Q
his cock before. There's a special harness in my desk) h* t- k- I- T
outside. Would you please get it?" + z& C0 t5 C+ S. [

$ Z8 N" _  u9 V' q' o) A6 ^While Lori was gone, Miss Thomas handed the blonde little boy
0 i3 z+ M- X- t4 O( K/ @# Jthe shower clogs and hat from the table. "This is your
0 S- }" g$ }" Q3 }$ xuniform. Put them on." She instructed.
3 ~8 O/ |4 g4 w& J4 a3 a9 g5 g# }) i' Y' M! S3 b
Lori came back in with a leash and a small harness device in  J/ m- h3 a5 w7 H
her hand.  "Is this what you want?" 6 x+ h+ B( q0 d1 |' `
' V0 B: E4 b* J) _
Mrs. Connolly nodded. She went over to Ricky. "Put your hands
# H4 I/ R! x, o/ ?* Cback behind your head," she ordered. As the boy complied she) j2 K) ^2 q; `0 ~
attached the harness around His cock and balls.
, i* C( e7 y" z. Q
( H$ x  R$ s1 n7 `$ m: O/ q% r, H9 a0 T"Until you learn some manners this is what you'll wear5 c/ D* s+ R8 m' Z8 G
whenever you have to go somewhere. Tomorrow you'll put this. {* B( G  `( ~" o9 W
on in the morning so we can lead you to the doctor for your7 _( F+ P; ]$ X, c
" A# {: D( H) g6 u, \; O4 o+ L/ M. m
" `4 C" a& f5 [+ v6 h"After dinner we'll photograph and finger print you." She
* t4 B/ q5 P3 O' s" ftold the totally cowed boy. "Now lets go to dinner." She. Q$ h; s6 N" |6 q( X4 w
tugged on the leash and with the guards and Christie and
1 g) n# G8 ^1 |1 k' L+ _2 ?* NKelly following, led Ricky by his cock to the lunchroom.3 Q8 y3 e! o& o" t
' v( S% @1 G7 F. r: R
Jennifer and Caitlin unlocked the dorm door. Andy was asleep
( Z- l7 T+ ]5 I$ f2 T5 U. u0 non his bed under the covers and Chris was about to fall+ Q, k. J' ~6 W7 a/ N- ]: L
asleep as the two teenagers burst in.( T) h3 i! }0 V: C: y  a9 z
) A0 m4 e- }% z* E# O
"Up and at em," Caitlin shouted. "Its dinner time and the new
. I; S) {5 a8 A8 Z: ?' B3 D$ zcook wants to see your little naked bodies."
' r- E( A' g: G" A6 Z  s2 ~
# w! ^* o1 O  |Andy slowly got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
3 M; F0 ^2 r6 i: B- J1 N0 m  nChris said, "I have to pee." All four went into the bathroom6 @, D+ e) k6 f% f. m8 T, Q
and the girls watched as both boys faced the toilets with! C) W& l# I% B! b' Q% |
their cocks in their hands and tried to go. "Do you always2 W7 f' X$ s) s
have trouble peeing?"  Jennifer asked giggling.
8 r1 v+ N, u! m; B
8 Z/ L. z4 U+ R. M. E"It's hard to do it when someone watches," Chris complained.% k# n. Z; b: Z) j
"Please don't look."+ [2 O$ h8 s# I

+ B* j4 }* \2 x+ B. o# QFinally both boys peed and the two girls led them to the
* N' @( ]  P# y" H6 Blunchroom. Caitlin was pulling Chris by his little cock and2 f* T" }: [/ k
Jennifer was leading Andy by his. The boys clomped along in
/ w* I% \3 |; G$ v) A7 b; ltheir flip-flops trying to keep up with the two older girls.
: s! p& R1 {! ]! e+ M9 j
/ f" w# t6 }5 w2 M' k- pMrs. Connolly and the others were already in the lunchroom: v! P. h- @# |( w8 j
when Jennifer and Caitlin led the two boys in. Ricky was up
6 ?9 y5 r/ W& d, aon the table, the harness removed, while an older gray haired
: ^5 L2 c. i2 B7 H# Q* flady was looking up at his naked body.
8 _6 L8 W. P' B/ S6 A
: M% L' `1 h7 J5 ]/ r"That's your new room mate Ricky," Caitlin told the two boys.& Y$ x, d7 n. p/ V: Q/ ]
"The woman looking up at him is our cook, Mrs. Mandel. If you* I$ G7 S% k8 L) y( G6 A: d
think Mrs. Maikowski is mean, wait until you get to know that2 B4 \0 C, l0 Z1 a
old goat. She ran the luncheonette in town and used to yell
( B% K3 K+ Q9 \$ r+ Eat all us kids and chase us out if we didn't buy anything."9 g, v& F$ h' }! r% }+ h" D
* A) ]- [7 R3 T+ E; I
As she spoke the heavyset cook told Ricky, "Squat down here,' d1 P0 K* d/ h# K
kid I want to get a good look at that cute little cock of
, q7 h0 u0 G7 I% T. b, `yours." She roughly grabbed his balls as he hurried to obey.
# D1 F0 u1 @5 q% T% I# K  r: J$ l2 V8 _, B) J
"Oww!! That hurts," He complained as the cook roughly pulled
* t$ y8 t0 D+ W3 Zat his cock and bounced his balls in her callused hands.
. a- \" M4 D' _4 r) Z8 c- a& x( Q6 w) j
' w5 o. {; m' }7 y' Y: pMrs. Connolly, Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas were sitting at
7 T/ x/ d# W/ o# R1 y( done table having a cup of coffee. The two young girls and, x7 P5 i9 X$ M" e
Lori Paulson watched as the old lady tugged at Ricky's sore' t7 L1 y) \7 ]8 @* Z# `2 b
cock.  ( ~* G, Q6 O5 _/ U1 h" Q) N

+ ]& e: r7 A- ~/ dMrs. Connolly spotted her two daughters with Andy and Chris.2 z. b5 H" i  ~. [% m- o- ^' g
"Good they're here. Put them up on the table with the other( F; E4 z+ T3 A5 C
little delinquent." Andy and Chris were forced to climb up on
  F" ?, X# z' m3 y) ]2 zthe table as Ricky got his first glimpse of his two naked
9 [- \8 v* K. P* q) uroommates. The three boys stared at each other not saying
1 a8 |) B* l8 v2 b, `$ L' Tanything for a long moment. Then Mrs. Mandel cackled, "God
: f/ ~+ c4 M6 z' L5 L1 l. fdamn, two more little dicks for Annie to play with."
5 D) A6 i5 I6 x% V5 `& m! U$ @7 j% ?; e) h8 N- ]
"Talk about singing for your supper," Mrs. Connolly chuckled.
1 Z; K& ~8 ?- u( M- Y* g"Those three are gonna have to do more than sing for theirs."
2 Z- _. o9 P% V/ h' q* {6 N+ M8 [5 D7 d4 M: r; M
The boys glanced at each other shyly, Checking out the other' B* B: U  E. ?7 Q% d9 ~$ `* c
boy's equipment, but trying not to be too obvious about it.
9 x; Y# t. ?! H+ oMrs. Connolly noticed Andy glancing at Ricky's cock as the
, q: W. O$ m8 I3 jold lady tugged on it. "Would you like a better look boy?"% W0 J& X+ n, V/ C
She asked.  "Mrs. Mandel, If you'll finish getting dinner* x- @, I4 _9 f" W& g# P5 |' X- u
ready, I promise you'll get plenty of chances to check out! [# a( V, `, ?: P
these other two boys. I'll leave them here to help you clean5 r( S1 v4 @5 |4 @7 ]2 m% H: o- f$ H  ^
up after supper," She promised.
9 D4 M3 U7 \5 C% d+ ]3 s8 z( U- v* x
"That's a deal," the old lady smiled happily and went back# |- `1 [$ n* T3 y$ ~$ i  t
into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.
* }+ F5 z& ?% q- w1 Z
) [% p+ J% _3 g: b* b/ HMrs. Connolly turned to the three naked boys. Ricky was
! J& `$ @4 o* T. @standing up, Glad to be away from the crazy old lady. "Andy, A' r0 o/ \  r4 R. k" P
and Christopher this is Ricky, your new roommate." She said' Z& ]: S% W* P0 S' O& x6 l+ r. a* N
introducing the boys to each other. "Why don't you shake
7 U* K" o: d/ ]7 t, }+ Bhands? On second thought, Andy why don't you and Christopher
9 o5 c+ \% Q# z9 b: ycheck out Ricky's cock?"3 |0 f& [+ p0 m+ O& `+ a- L$ t

/ q5 Y6 {1 d2 l2 zAndy turned pale. "But, but," He stammered. "I can't touch
' H! _' O1 o+ m2 L4 y- r& ]4 b# lhis penis. It would be gay."3 ^* ?. l9 R, O3 N
His little brother shook his head as well. "No, I can't do
1 P1 G, s0 ]- D, f/ Nit," he said and started to cry.* X) L/ n7 }9 l/ r* R8 x
% W" W- W: q; W- n2 y1 J( J% _2 q
"No guy touches my dick," Ricky said, though a little9 V+ A9 k; f, e+ l1 `
uncertainly. He still felt the pain in his red behind./ }0 W# M% B; B8 Z
$ a  K0 h/ ?( ]+ l  Z. N/ q) n0 e
Mrs. Connolly grinned evilly as everybody stopped talking., |4 q/ @# o+ r
All eyes were on the boys. "I don't remember telling anyone8 ^6 ?  m1 L7 F  G$ Y
this is a democracy," She said in a menacing voice. "I want* c' E3 U. o7 A5 b
to see your hands on Ricky's cock and balls right now and
6 y% n$ v. @9 N) ^  e/ S; Y1 M+ xRicky, for talking back you can also pull on Andy's cock.", j# {5 c0 B; z. o! Z( W$ n( f
9 p  G: B2 W* k7 y( l- Q3 h
The boys froze. No one wanted to be the first. "Can I zap2 c6 H7 w0 ]0 N" ]* f7 |% E( q
them Mom?" Christie asked taking her remote from its holster. ' ]2 W# \& h- L
) C9 ~. n' e( Y# e& F9 L! F
Mrs. Connolly looked at Andy. "You know you're gonna wind up
6 G* |% v/ j) |/ b$ J' a5 u; T2 I2 Pdoing it. Why don't you avoid some pain?"
( m8 G1 a. B5 L- {( V$ T( d' E/ ?! q
Andy and Christopher looked at each other through tear
+ l$ S0 Y# T) ]% z% x2 Sstained eyes. They had played with each other's cocks several
  C9 {  ^6 i5 j" L# a1 ^- }, p$ Ftimes now. It wasn't so bad.
- ^' g7 R( N3 N. V2 @7 p+ S
% [4 z( p/ o' L) L2 F; V4 jAndy sobbed, " Please don't use the remote. I'll do it." He* k( I% L5 k, L/ G7 _# f2 d% G5 w
reached over and Ricky's face reddened with humiliation as# ~) ^+ x( ~* w  [- p! \( p4 h
Andy's hand wrapped around his cock.
4 A( Y+ }; c# v: k3 h$ s# G
$ c0 Y5 e) m1 h7 G"Christopher you play with his balls while your brother jerks& F; M6 J/ u3 a! b7 {
him off," the warden instructed. ( M2 M; _6 m2 _1 R' e9 x0 x% w! I

  ^, R4 D( n/ k  lChris moved besides Andy and knelt. He cupped Ricky's balls
: a6 ]( k/ H- F' Lin his small hand and squeezed gently, bouncing the blonde
; G5 Y, d& o% O- @( O8 Xboy's testicles while Andy pulled and stroked his cock to- N$ O3 K6 I4 b5 }1 y( G* l
hardness.8 B/ i8 r" Q4 Q! N! w
* K4 f2 l, ]' J$ ~7 i  D
Ricky was starting to breathe heavy, despite his
' Y. ?0 T3 k  L% }$ sembarrassment. His body was rocking back and forth as Andy
/ v. C* m3 d* }2 Wmoved his hands up and down his firm little cock.' O% _% S0 G: k# o& v$ F  X

+ G+ ]& o; n+ `( V2 rMrs. Connolly nodded. "That's good, now Ricky I want you to
" K  b+ B  f& v$ ?$ _1 }take Andy's cock and do the same thing." She instructed.
5 t6 o4 n% |1 D3 f0 G"Now," she yelled when he didn't move. Ricky felt pain in his. P, `0 V3 X9 b
sore little ass as she smacked him with her bare hand. He/ u5 X( N. E* b  x, W0 `
jumped and quickly grabbed Andy's cock. The two boys' were
/ |% S5 z5 m  Jwhacking each other off while Christopher knelt and cupped
" V+ `% J+ b0 W" vRicky's balls in his right hand.  "Do them both," Caitlin* C$ ~) {( [+ q1 k. ?4 [* O
ordered and Chris took his brother's balls in his other hand
7 K8 c+ u) Z/ wand played with both scrotums.
4 i+ `+ P3 ]' V% B8 z1 D/ q+ r$ s" }% r; [$ W( Z3 B
The girls had the table surrounded as they watched the show.7 B0 e+ S9 Q3 [* A# j/ R
"Mom, can we make them do some other stuff?" Jennifer asked.
# Y- V) q; `6 @% c. c% C% Q; J& ~"You know like what we talked about.", e) }; ^. I3 {; x4 f2 y( z- k

; H7 E! E- C1 v( j. [/ C"Soon honey," her mom promised. "I just want to get all seven( I3 L5 p+ ?! H4 m0 U2 f2 Z" C# p! I
boys here and get the devices implanted in their balls, then. d: ]! n5 m$ c/ D3 L% D
we'll start training them."2 {% ?( J  e2 Z

  p! A* A- t& _The two older boys were moaning as they pulled and yanked.
  f8 E* }6 P$ w2 S4 y3 D" p3 WThe combination of cock stroking and ball massaging got to be
$ R" B  v7 H+ L6 O1 Stoo much for Ricky and with a groan he stiffened, arched his7 N, k8 j  {0 ^& s+ E4 D" I
back and came. 3 R( g) H- B6 U9 n

$ b& D8 l( n9 o+ JRicky continued stroking and Andy soon followed.  His body' I/ j  V8 V; j: A' M
shook as he groaned and stood on his tiptoes, eyes closed as
5 e( S5 l1 [) Y5 X8 d. ]* Qhe also came. 5 ]& i9 K* X6 ^1 v7 r

  o& ?" R3 A, \Both boys were standing, heads bowed and their cocks rapidly
/ r) D3 J, W6 S1 g" ^/ g6 g# Xshrinking in front of the young girls and the guards.* ]5 h) h  |0 f. i
Christopher was the only boy unsatisfied. That was soon- S" w3 x/ a: \% x' R5 ]
remedied.! `6 G9 c+ J, _, E2 q+ _

* K6 P9 p" u; y! `. U" V"Andy, you play with his cock," Jennifer ordered. "Ricky you
/ q! P) d9 {; S+ A/ b1 Ccan have the honor of playing with his balls."
* c# k$ [- H3 |( o% A; d( M) W9 x
+ Y) v' Q- U" l5 f# n. q( n4 K3 E9 a
3 d- k* M5 g& t& z+ R- v9 }  T! w3 d# d" v
* O1 a+ b& x# t$ N+ \! P+ l' A) K, y6 R9 Q# Y! [; V+ r

5 ^( |0 H. v) i" b/ z$ l
  ]; i' R# L- F" C7 k! a% z9 w
8 F; X: p( Z. p! R
' S8 j$ G  ~# f% X( i5 W5 c
1 ^0 Y9 L- X& u' L! j
6 e! y3 @0 I; b/ T# `. o: A" Z5 S- r; T- p4 K) |
1 {+ m2 v" `( c. F

; N; a( D2 U! Y& \! y* K+ W+ _2 @+ d3 c/ D3 R5 Z% W2 v5 K' i

, O  K- `1 i4 ?, C" G! M
& x% |5 F& \% n  u
4 x. a( W- r4 a% e% e0 J
) {0 h0 u3 F0 u2 ]4 R0 Z  X& F# u& A

& D) ?) T" K4 c# E  W7 s. ?* U5 H) q/ T7 B9 D0 e2 f- m

' v8 I; p; T$ p2 u8 E
! z& V+ X; c# s" L% L! Q, l+ W
/ U: _+ O2 e, L$ L6 [% i+ E  CSoon Christopher's little cock was hardening as Andy and
" P5 u9 `# T5 Q- O4 i6 B0 H% \Ricky stroked and pulled on his organs. The little boy's ass
7 _5 J9 F- [9 v8 S8 o  ?$ M, ?was wiggling as they caressed his genitals. Ricky cupped his
; p3 f' X. g* A+ \# ?balls and felt the Band-Aid where the microchip was inserted.
' B3 ~: a. G5 ]# H( X8 z& Z( x. X! jHe made a mental note to ask the brothers what the Band-Aids5 ?2 q# v0 x5 j# g
were for.  Andy gently tugged on his little brother's dick
9 l5 Q9 p- O: @4 V& [6 T7 gmoving the foreskin back and forth. Christopher had never
( o; F: o- u6 x& Y  s& {felt such pleasure in all of his nine years, Not even when he% W: c9 H; j0 E
played with himself. His breathing got louder, His eyes were
' P' i( E! P' A# X6 f4 Jclosed, and his little body moved back and forth, as two
1 q, A: h5 _& s5 \older boys massaged him Soon he stiffened as he reached an
/ R. B" Y0 \# a- \orgasm. As all three boys were dry cummers there was nothing
9 m9 i- ^, e2 l( z! Uto clean up.% _9 ~& p6 C) A0 [; M

. b: i' m$ k, [: D$ oThe girls and guards sat eating at one table and the boys* J' A. L- g3 d2 b' m
were at another table. Mrs. Mandel had made a stew and Andy* D1 [# w: i; {9 h' [$ M
was amazed as he watched Ricky wolf down seconds and thirds.  f- ]1 M0 i/ W3 S' F- J- s

+ q* D+ @7 G7 D( ~In between bites Ricky looked at the two brothers, "I% n/ I: s, e/ ]
wouldn't have touched your cocks for all the money in the! N5 A$ x+ Q" Q( D7 W: X9 M
world. They spanked my ass so bad I couldn't face having it
1 U) u  c6 B& D" s) }done again," He apologized. "Why did you play with mine?". N2 f* \' z# i+ P- J2 N
* @7 B* K: a+ K0 c
"We're not gay," Andy said. "They implanted a chip in our
& K* }& D& O! ?* X7 P, \ball sacks. When they press the remote it feels like your' ?" f) O( F9 E; S6 I0 l; r
balls are on fire and you've been kicked by a mule." He5 F+ I& X8 F/ i4 }& W7 C2 W7 K
looked down at Ricky's crotch. "They'll do the same thing to
# U- K! B; k- F3 p7 M6 vyou tomorrow."
) B( A1 n0 H! y+ R0 f6 I8 L' f' Y9 V. C+ o0 b
"So that's what the Band-Aid was," Ricky said. "I'm getting0 f8 i$ j& Z9 y/ H
out of here tonight. You guys can come with me if you want."& R0 V9 d2 M( Z% ^) X& h/ Z
2 r* _! n6 c' }5 `3 K
Andy shook his head. "If we go beyond the school grounds the
* S. U; C# M, V* Z+ Fdevice kicks in. It's also a tracking device."  a. t3 A9 s, E" Q0 ]- I
. ]: b4 c* l& _! P
"Well then I'm going myself," Ricky said. "I'm not staying in- k  m% w) B0 x$ ]) Q3 |
this hellhole."* U# i3 d5 z% d( p; Y/ p* e2 j
& j% u# b0 Z7 o6 n
"What did you do to get them to send you here?" Christopher" }$ D, K8 R# b5 ~3 |6 q" |3 A
+ _2 g3 M& Q8 z5 T1 {2 v+ n( K; e/ ~+ J8 `$ w
"I ran away from my foster homes. No joint can hold me."
5 i1 F  D* v- V5 zRicky scowled, remembering. "At the family I stayed with
: r- w0 C- W/ d, o5 D  H+ L  Vlast, The old man was molesting his kids. When he came for me
3 C- ?% s- q+ `8 @: ~5 _1 cI kicked him in the balls and took off. He told the cops I
6 S2 }' q5 L0 V' w6 M1 F/ @- |messed with his daughter and when he tried to stop me I# K7 g5 o' x& ^- j9 e
slugged him.". v5 Z# @- y# N$ R" h9 T

1 B9 c  b1 }% y  Z" @: [/ @/ ^"We were caught stealing," Christopher said. "The judge gave0 t9 P' ^' A' t
us six months in this place." ( L* u6 {' L  b+ W, U5 C  M- G

& F! K8 @! G7 D( G% o3 l"How long have you guys been here?"  Ricky asked taking
$ r# Q4 V8 i1 [; ?* Canother bite of bread. "These chicks are fucken' nuts."9 G4 _" x* E3 e' }9 m& k! P

; K. w& \9 B7 K: \9 y) M7 P/ h" v# G5 f"We've only been here a day. So far they've had their hands. ~, y2 |2 t# H+ K& Y
up our asses, jerked us off, Implanted a microchip in our
: b, M, y% c8 I2 o& Nballs and made us play with other cocks. You're right,: K+ c0 {" b2 o5 e# t
everybody here is nuts. The nurse is cool and I think she% X' E: c( ~) ^* ~8 l0 c1 x. _
feels sorry for us but she still liked playing with our dicks
7 C' N& a5 e- Rand stuff." Andy said sadly.$ m/ q% A$ ^8 d( Z: g8 p* r

  f& |6 q7 _4 B' B! a) S# `" N- B9 p"The girls are worse than the guards." Christopher said.
) s# i8 P; T' l  b. a"Kelly makes me cry and I hate her."% n7 \8 U. W: U5 h
+ a) a5 K( {7 l' b% w$ s
Dinner finished, Mrs. Connolly gathered up her girls, Miss
# l4 k6 h. n' p2 F$ j; _$ k( YThomas and Lori Paulson. They left leading Ricky by the
0 ^. ]1 |" W% g" l3 Mleash. The harness they had put on him before was once again
+ \6 `* @; s' @* n6 Don his dick and balls. Little Kelly was tugging on it as she
1 j) N$ ]7 B, F6 sled him to be fingerprinted and photographed. Mrs. Maikowski1 M/ ^# [4 b7 K0 M& e
was left behind to guard Andy and Christopher who were to5 K, H7 G9 y1 d7 z' X
help the cook clean up the dinner dishes.1 D  {7 T1 ]+ ?% Z6 j
' L/ w  C6 S9 G! P3 {- l1 o& [
"O.k. you two up on the table and let me get a better look at) ]8 W) h  Y* o) Y  ^7 Y
your cocks," Mrs. Mandrel commanded.7 d6 r' @% x* o) t2 v6 M
" G9 {: O/ X7 y5 ?- B
"I thought we were supposed to help clean up?" Andy said.
( l* ^+ q6 o" ]! M1 s2 W( H) _/ m0 g/ A6 a  t! s+ Q; V" I! c2 W/ p
Mrs. Maikowski smacked Andy's bare ass. "You're to do
3 O) N5 b  |( P% j/ A: r/ pwhatever we tell you to do."  
, E* G* X! f$ o! x$ r
6 F! w, n1 d* g; W' h% BAndy looked at Christopher. "Here we go again," He sighed.5 ~/ u1 ]4 s% ]% f$ p+ a- ^8 \" v3 x- l
Both boys climbed up. "Squat down here so I can get a look at5 w6 r0 L' [: n; F& }
those little cocks," the old cook commanded.
, r: \- o1 Q: s: C; v3 U9 l" a& h3 F
The boys were made to squat in front of the two women who sat
9 d' K6 u. K6 I5 F4 ~1 O2 t, K* ndown on chairs, their faces inches away from the youngster's; q6 C. l8 ?# j' [) v
2 L: \4 f9 C6 Y" F! ^: G0 Y% j# |) }  y+ g% a$ Q- @1 Z) F4 k5 p
As she roughly played with Andy's cock Mrs. Mandel lit a) L7 }+ m3 A$ B  o
cigarette. "I could burn your cock with this sonny," She# E2 Z( I0 |7 h
grinned, "Unless you and the little guy do what I tell you." 6 |8 F- [  S6 w2 `" u: B/ [
" F7 |! `4 p+ S# N. ~& r" r+ _9 k
Andy gulped, "Don't burn me," I'll do what you want." The old0 X* i5 U- k, K7 H, M6 I, b2 z# [/ N
lady smiled. "Stand up and face each other."
& S- L% u; N# |6 A. C
$ D; u9 a) p1 Q/ N. d# {The boys got to their feet. "Take your dicks in your hands
2 x! ~3 n4 ^% H# w6 _! `, `1 oand rub them against each other."
2 L% Q% F" t% e9 o
0 }4 f. k4 f) b. N7 m8 HBlushing Andy and Chris did as they were told. It felt weird, v" o# n0 i, Z/ `+ q* ~, d5 S
as they rubbed the heads of their cocks together. "Now use  r2 V% c& R: ~: m
your other hands and play with each other's balls," She
* v9 r# ?. y0 D. J- i0 A! m- ?9 Minstructed. "I missed all the fun while I was in the
* O: p$ _" S: Vkitchen," She remarked to Mrs. Maikowski.$ J: i( U1 _& Q
3 ]" R# `9 @  Z' W7 r3 K2 ?) T
The boys spent the next few moments amusing the two women.
& n; |$ g, ?) {" D' WMrs. Maikowski had them lift up their cocks and standing- N, G2 |/ W) ^2 ^+ d5 w
close, rub their balls against each other. The boys were& R" y! u9 D% z/ U% ?. J
panting as they neared climax. Christopher was the first to
, Z" `1 k7 s! _* Hcum. As Andy's balls rubbed against his, he arched up on his
8 ]% @; k$ M) [6 [tiptoes and let out a moan as he achieved orgasm. Andy7 i" n* {& r4 e  f
quickly followed.
/ ~- a, i# I8 d" E0 R' q4 j2 r6 e1 k! G2 D1 y9 j/ Q* {
Not satisfied the old lady had them face away from her and
6 m. `" H: I3 `5 _# hbend over. The two older women inspected each asshole in turn2 m0 `- W" w3 g0 `7 e2 r* [
as the boys stood legs spread and hands pulling their asses  e4 N3 ~# ]! B% X0 [4 A) Y! p1 [
open.6 |  ^7 J  J! u3 {  O* B% W

* d. N' P9 I4 D3 J$ ^! jMeanwhile the Connolly family with Ricky in tow and the/ z8 v: y  g$ e; @! x1 S& [
guards following had reached the photograph room. As she: y$ U; M( S/ C1 f3 B& U8 L" ~+ e
unbuckled Ricky's cock harness Mrs. Connolly gave/ q% H4 L- h9 M$ q8 S: Z! K0 H) k
instructions. 0 i' z8 W& `: y- i

+ d/ s  f; D, A' V"Jennifer, You're the photographer tonight. Caitlin play with3 U+ a. h2 k( h- j5 P; r( l: ^
his cock, It's pathetically small for the pictures. Mrs.
; ]4 x# B) P7 ^: o, X* v5 }Thomas will you set up the lights?"( ^8 z' ?. i! w$ k. k+ l6 ]

. H: q% c2 @. }' K6 |! RThe two younger girls watched as Caitlin expertly massaged
" A5 `! y& W) j, i+ t; cthe boys cock into arousal. That done Ricky was given the
' a/ h7 w" @$ Q  O- G& X" H+ _sign with his name on it to hold as he was positioned for the: ]  l3 Q: N+ `8 x
pictures. Jennifer snapped two shots with the sign. Then8 v! K. j2 Y! ]: a$ g. h9 s; C  F
Ricky was made to pose.
% j: B0 m3 P) C% W0 ~9 `" ~6 o0 S* V1 I  D1 E+ }. j
Christie and Kelly stood alongside him for the next shots,
) c2 c, f1 H$ \" o: r. M4 Tsmiling as they gazed at his cock and balls. Their older5 K; L9 h& Y! m/ g& t
sister snapped away. Next Caitlin posed, kneeling at his side
+ U$ d9 V0 c0 Z( Eand holding his cock in her hands. Ricky was made to bend
# T0 [" p9 `( gover as Jennifer concentrated on his ass. The boy was9 e) h8 m1 s( {4 I3 R/ |% `
blushing with humiliation as each pose got more embarrassing8 f$ }. V  Q- x
than the previous one. The final shot had All three girls
- w5 e' @# l2 b. V; h; ~. P# |: agathered around examining his wide spread puckered asshole.7 w4 H2 E" v1 e, x9 ^
$ Y) h5 S+ _4 E% c
He was fingerprinted next. And to top off the evening his
7 S! R$ P$ E: e6 Wcockprint was taken just like they had done to Andy and Chris
/ Z- }" W1 U0 P1 Y+ |' W+ ]6 _the night before. - U( R8 O6 r$ F
# c& T" Y& T9 w
"One more thing," Mrs. Connolly said to Miss Thomas. "I don't
9 e, A- N- R$ M. V  j) ]' @trust him. Lock him in the small room away from the other/ e- [4 G$ ~6 f+ V
two. Until we have the control device implanted I want him
  K9 D2 @. V7 Q, L: [# Kisolated."9 [7 D4 O7 b% r0 v3 W" M. z
: g9 J' Y3 I4 o( W- V3 F# ?
She turned to Ricky. "Its gonna be tough on you unless you
; B* p' E+ |, s( q$ Ibehave. To show you just how tough you still have twenty# J! l( q) U7 o/ S/ ?/ [
spanks from each of the girls."% C& ^3 G( i: Y3 u- h
8 ^* K" Q! d& [3 a* z( k
Ricky couldn't believe it. His ass was still sore from the6 k8 E. y9 ^7 a! ^* \  J) Z2 S
earlier spanking. The tough street kid started crying. Miss1 M4 Y0 f! _1 s) _
Thomas grabbed him and the four girls sat down. He was bent, C/ t5 N. I4 j1 Q
over Jennifer's lap before he could resist. The guard handed
# [6 Z. `% c% [% l& S' `her the paddle. The thick piece of wood came down with all- v* Q1 j# n! ?/ N5 U* A; Y
the force she could muster and Ricky's ass felt like it had
, Q! G+ J9 u( L- fbeen shot.$ V  V, U- w) \' U  _3 e
9 }- ^+ i6 Z. L2 X3 {, {
Each girl tried to outdo the other as Ricky was passed from
* M7 F( G, v0 z- W- D9 wsister to sister. After Jennifer, ten-year-old Christie gave
5 a5 U' S/ u  `2 lhim her twenty whacks. He felt like his ass was on fire.
. C% {. c% f, I& c6 {; F" U) jThere wasn't much padding on his little ass and even Kelly,
) g! S! X  g  kbatting third was killing him. He shrieked in agony as the
9 h4 r- x% C# V( x8 b. h+ spaddle descended swatting each cheek ten times.0 Z2 y; V8 f% t  {/ g. P
2 Z- i: i! n/ H+ N
It still wasn't over. He was moved To Caitlin's lap for the9 Y& x. H/ f" A; e
last twenty. His legs were kicking as the paddling continued.
& S" Z- M, ~/ @/ K" l/ A$ e' cThe howling was deafening as the paddle continued torturing7 k7 h3 j7 x+ v! w3 M
his blistered ass. Finally it was over and Ricky was allowed
& x! ~4 I0 }0 z0 v! mto dance around and rub his throbbing behind. His balls were" _) k7 ^- {% N7 t( h; V- I
swinging to and fro as he hopped around bawling and screaming
  W' [+ V, G& G- [( `$ Fin pain.
8 \7 I2 G8 j0 V8 ]( m: }- [0 x4 j$ ^# J+ `0 Z
The dancing continued for ten minutes until Ricky, exhausted+ m5 L& ^- ~5 p- O
and humiliated slowed down. He stood head bowed with his1 O0 ~! k% x+ V/ A
sides heaving in front of the warden, her daughters and the
. w( M: L% Q; d/ V. P8 L* Etwo guards.
  z2 \. J8 N8 G4 j$ S# m2 I. z! m  E% u+ K6 k$ c
"Take him away," Mrs. Connolly ordered. Miss Thomas roughly0 L+ v9 y$ O3 T7 m
handled Ricky's cock and balls as she attached the harness.
, }" B4 }# d. @! q# m* qThen leading him by the leash she took him to a small
+ F; F0 n0 w( j0 s0 xwindowless room. 0 `0 ]' y5 B5 q. D
1 W7 D* z; k7 l! k0 h' \; M
She left the harness on as she shoved him in. "Make sure) N) J, d* P- H( t, M+ X
you're showered and clean when we come for you tomorrow," She9 l/ G3 M- j4 l! z9 [
ordered. "Have that harness on." She slammed the door behind
# q1 d' g4 r2 {the sobbing boy.
7 i+ Z  @: U6 Q) Q1 x
: _; q2 X" z0 W7 s* \1 W( H; n, \Ricky looked around. Off to the right was a small bathroom.
( b  p% q( J/ b  B! Z2 {1 f& F  O9 SHe walked painfully into it and looked in the medicine
- F& J/ Y5 h- D! ^3 k# ]4 _cabinet. There was a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of
0 m' P, U- m) k2 l& A. Gsoap. Hanging on a hook was a towel. He washed his face and
  K0 I6 @$ |2 e1 c' w7 I- _6 s; R' Cpeed, then sat on the bed wincing with pain as he put weight6 D- B, A0 s5 H9 S" H2 p
on his sore ass.
' I0 }* l$ t- `( L
4 b- |0 }3 x8 C/ \& r( X5 j3 rHe turned off the light and cried himself to sleep. Thus) ^. D2 p. {  r
ended Ricky Gordon's first day at the Grandview school.
* p$ z+ ~/ B4 a+ K. f1 I' X
" Y, Y. E) W1 d, D* |" v3 qThe day ended for Andy and Christopher in almost the same
7 x. J9 H# G6 q) `* uway. Mrs. Maikowski stood guard as Mrs. Mandel showed them5 U" k" N% [9 ~* r
how to wash the pots and pans used to cook dinner. They dried
, _; E  w3 f- P9 l& @and put everything away. Christopher was sobbing. He refused& r. a8 j' J2 g* V- S& ]$ ?& P
to make eye contact with his brother. Andy knew the little( }( U9 m% D/ k* m2 e8 V4 Q
boy was miserable but there was little he could do to comfort8 i! g  |: [6 w- y4 A- Z# F
Chris with the guard watching.+ L* ]7 ^2 P* o) @& I5 b) O% W

4 f7 J: p6 @0 Q0 EAfter the guard marched them back to their dorm, She
/ }- W. g+ ^1 u9 h# m1 _. Uinspected their bare bodies one more time, bending them over+ m! E  Z. m4 p% a) a! |" l2 z
and checking their assholes. Then locking the door behind
5 T: f& T$ U( p) D  |! j2 Zher, She warned them to be up and ready for inspection by% `1 u' F7 K" t& U
whoever came to get them in the morning.. m; b/ L& }& P( w' _( j

1 `' L4 C, M2 ?" i9 R3 KAndy looked at his little brother. "All right what's
# W: U( W$ |  l# M1 O/ nbothering you?"& `4 y5 j8 |' Q- Z, D0 @( O2 d

4 u$ x0 r5 ]/ @7 s' S"I came when you played with my dickie and also when we) Y- H5 A9 \% d0 F  y! @
rubbed our balls together. I'm a queer," The little boy+ u, d9 P  z6 a# q' T: [4 |9 ~; J
sobbed. "Cause I liked it."
  ~8 _! e7 r  E. m, r8 t7 X) M5 h6 H/ R# V, f4 g1 _# `8 d
"It feels good when you play with yourself and it feels good
2 I; |0 U: o9 }0 k# Lwhen the girls touch you doesn't it?". s- A( d1 B$ G  d; I. H6 `# M
Andy asked. The little boy nodded. "Then how can you be6 T' b4 W; b5 a. [
- r* x. u: K# l3 ?; y+ F5 _& O- S( r9 w# t# \4 X1 i0 D, `) X
"I don't know. I hate it when the girls inspect me and look* w3 }+ c. u$ U) }; L& @
up my ass but it feels good when they play with my dickie and
" G5 K1 v  Q! v/ ^/ q% jballs. Why is that?" Christopher asked. 4 v0 T4 G. S% n. U

3 c6 w: c) r% |3 g' ]"It just does and that doesn't make you queer." Andy: i6 H9 `3 f, B+ j( @" T) M! K
reassured him. "I didn't want to touch your cock and balls/ {2 i! G) v9 X( u: K% G1 `$ d; o
and I never will unless they make me," he promised.0 j8 f7 N/ I4 l6 P
3 N8 X9 h3 }. E: [3 p2 q
Christopher sat next to Andy and hugged him. The two boys
! N, U' ]( w7 ~; E& D% m2 jwent into the bathroom and cleaned up for bed. Then Andy
4 l) b4 f# R- }4 H- P" ~tucked Chris in and kissed him good night. He climbed into, c6 f$ r$ _5 Y
his own bed and shut the lights. As he drifted off to sleep
/ G( a0 N( y, I' W, @he wondered, "How are we going to get through the next six$ @9 x( j% g, d- T
months?"  B  w0 @; J+ r& d* t
; J! \1 w9 M" L% w  M
Then exhausted he too fell asleep.
0 O% [# Y& i: ~8 P2 s7 L! c; K4 a9 l+ H+ k4 Q7 D/ i' X
Chapter three the end.
# v5 ^" d& J3 D5 u- a+ zGRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 4
  i1 }  x, x  S8 BMichael and Josh- ^# W/ N+ j6 \8 g

4 _9 J' j6 @. ~+ C0 c, n. A8 C, ycopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
. e) Y% X" P  b5 Gall rights reserved
, g1 R2 N4 ?; |2 E7 O+ b+ O1 x+ x  @! u0 ?

% F( I( S' a. j7 O- W# ]; \0 k# [. B6 D$ I. `0 B; a4 s2 [/ u$ a

4 A) ]( ^, M1 R6 {They came for Ricky the next morning. Actually he had been up
! i* R# Z# U- S4 \for hours. It was hard to sleep worrying about devices% h- G! X! Y: U0 A1 k0 B
planted in your testicles and spankings. Ricky took a long( a2 O* P0 G8 e8 s$ ~! `. ~0 C
shower and cleaned himself up. There was no reason not to and% ]' b1 A7 j! W: f0 ?
the shower soothed his burning ass.. i  L/ x" p' N  s& w
; k  V6 J5 t3 c9 W
Mrs. Connolly had gathered the staff and they were given
4 p/ ], }* x* y* B+ v9 ^their assignments. "The Doctor will be in at nine O'clock. , d, U! l* |0 H
She wants all the boys in her office. She needs to check the9 k. K8 D2 ~: k
stitches on Andy and Christopher and to give Ricky his4 H8 Y# j! {% i. A/ f( K
physical as soon as possible. She has appointments in the
0 y" A  Q& P; s( rState prison in the afternoon."
  i% |, ?9 d9 b* K" V! d7 J) [+ V+ G# U9 n. C, T% x
She went on, "Today is Saturday so the girls will be around; k* i3 W7 G) a7 O2 V
to help with the prisoners. The Sheriff called me this& j  @; V* B! U4 N  a
morning. The deputies are bringing two more boys and will be
& i( ]7 X/ T" ]8 }3 j. P/ Yhere around one O'clock. We have to finish with the doctor by/ [( N; W% o- f( f5 w
twelve." ' _6 K1 ]: m- R0 M% x
: q$ ~1 ~) e. r, H* P3 `1 y
"What are the two boys like Mommy?"  Christie asked. "I hope
+ q) i+ _# t8 _, Hthey're cute."8 M( ^) G- t* `3 Z  y
6 p# ^& U# m$ o; A8 r; _! R
"I hope their cocks are bigger than the other three," Caitlin
) V. Q4 M1 W2 V7 s9 bgiggled. That got all of them laughing.0 g! d$ K+ `) z( G

: a5 u" Y8 a8 ^; n4 s0 A" V( R"The first kid, Michael Sanchez is going to be trouble. He's* ^7 ]5 D2 ~; U" B
twelve and stabbed his stepfather in a fight. I almost said, M4 ^7 w% |( T! n
no but the judge asked me to take him because he thinks
) F. A' w' b: U4 Q4 {' p5 ndiscipline may turn him around. He's a big tough Chicano
+ o% L" ^" a8 r  ^* |. `0 Z$ M# gkid," Mrs. Connolly winked.   You might just get your wish( |; ^: Z" R1 O1 p" ~( _6 Y
for a bigger cock, Caitlin."
+ L8 F0 F/ s1 y! c
6 C/ G( u: T+ BEverybody laughed at that last remark, But Mrs. Connolly
; i+ D# F1 x/ l: P4 w  z3 i7 \seemed a little worried about Michael. "Miss Thomas I think. c3 C/ i2 Q. Y3 \) e- W2 D
you and Mrs. Maikowski should have your Billy clubs ready.
" t% O! K1 ~% Y: h. ZUntil we get the device on him we may have to keep him in$ X: ]$ G( s! z  L; f
cuffs."  She instructed.( E/ w8 D4 Q1 _  h

- I9 n8 i  P  d' Q"The second kid, Josh Steinberg, is also twelve but he's just! q$ Y- j5 M; I; a- z4 h. b
the opposite. He's a computer genius who hacked into several
6 _6 p, U4 a9 w2 qplaces he wasn't supposed to. He almost caused a bank to go! c  d% D% n2 T, M, Z. A! x* X
belly up. They pressed charges and here he comes.", }4 _9 w, [/ Z8 R' D& J
. G, e( z/ D" h
"Miss Thomas you and Mrs. M. go get Ricky. He knows about the
) S7 ?7 {: y* G/ m$ kdevice and may give you trouble. Use the cock and ball3 ]4 [8 q/ |0 |& C
7 Z' J* d0 s- G3 u( n. y. Q! h( R
' D' I- r8 `5 g7 w& q% ~"Caitlin you and Miss Paulson can go get the brothers. We'll
# _8 [4 E1 Z/ `; u9 N* dall meet in the lunchroom for breakfast. Mrs. Mandel is off; Q0 D! Y$ n6 S, @# U+ W1 r
today so it's help yourself.", [. A' h3 e6 z) w( j

; x) a) Q/ `4 v: {% M9 q  N: TThe two guards set off to get Ricky. Caitlin and Lori
* _3 U* z$ q  {5 Q* E& z! `followed went to get Andy and Christopher. Mrs. Connolly% R3 W% |* J9 A
walked to the lunchroom with Kelly and Christie skipping, n+ _$ B6 b/ _( J* y4 p
ahead.8 m) C0 r% F' b6 R+ s

$ Z* |* c8 t! |6 ]Ricky was waiting nervously. He had been awake and ready for. y# X0 {* |9 z1 r9 E: n
quite awhile. "Where's the harness?" Miss Thomas demanded.
" N% s+ I+ `; `, A"You were supposed to have it on this morning.". D% b6 i/ m, a  D" N8 h( M4 z0 s9 ~
9 z" f9 B- ]" r  a2 q7 s$ ?# f
Ricky shrugged. He wasn't going to cooperate and let them5 p0 P: [1 t1 u& B4 h, `. x3 _
fuck around with his balls. "You want me in the fucken8 O3 }; D/ h. P0 c  H
harness, then you put it on me. You seem to like handling my8 F2 V+ n6 Z8 Q$ S5 S2 A
cock and balls anyhow.". y0 ^0 {; Y) ^) F
& T' L% O- I+ J7 z6 o6 Z( @' r
Mrs. Thomas saw the harness on the night table. "Boy I'm not
6 e7 Y9 C1 {0 Z) ^sure what you're up to but I'm putting this harness on your/ F+ c- w; ?2 |3 R
nuts," she said advancing on Ricky.
+ w4 t, Q6 h6 j  M7 a
( I' x/ @& H# a% M6 @6 n& MThe door was open and Ricky faked around the big guard and6 u. [! v- k0 s% O. f
cleared her. He was almost there. He'd worry about his
& d# a& B! n; ?6 n$ l2 Tnakedness after he got out of here. - q: w3 G! L' r) c
& e3 h1 }6 j  b8 o8 p5 W1 b1 R0 l7 P- r
He almost made it. Mrs. Maikowski moved fast for an older; b4 k7 I; `: |7 @- `# ]" z# X+ [3 V
woman. She stuck her foot out. Ricky was in the flip-flops
1 d8 H# R+ ]. G/ H& n( Uand couldn't run well in those awkward shoes. His foot hit0 e6 b& S. Q  r4 n  _/ m1 r4 M
hers and he went flying.
4 l6 o; D  c/ f' b3 M5 E! K7 |/ y- P5 N- T" l( h! p( k
Mrs. Thomas was on him before he could get up. "I think7 S0 s: e; H  S& T: X
you're about to get your little ass whupped real good, boy,"
7 ~' ^! _+ u; Q# X8 gShe cackled as she lifted him up effortlessly.
0 G0 E6 i2 Y' c
3 J" n; v0 t& Q$ Q# J5 G"First lets check you out. Put those hands up around your1 _7 c$ Z+ {" y5 H. B
head while we inspect that little cock."  She roughly skinned: m5 K2 A5 F5 v1 \$ ]! A
back his foreskin and checked the rim. She fondled his balls# }# t5 y) ?7 c& d3 Q8 }
next, feeling each one then ran her finger over his cockhead
2 `9 h3 H0 z, t, Y3 w7 ^paying particular attention to his pee hole. Mrs. Maikowski3 Q' O3 H2 d7 F. ?
knelt behind the naked boy and spread his ass cheeks checking
8 a4 I! r* _8 h. hhim out from the back.
  M3 @* J) p' F& ]/ L' S" E+ P+ y/ k0 p
The two women were finally satisfied and the embarrassed# k, K% H" P  y# K. y' X  L$ Z' K
youngster was led to the bed. "Give me those flip-flops,"9 a. Y1 U; `- v1 v1 s1 R, q
Miss Thomas commanded. "Lay down on the bed face down and
% a: i0 F& h: S8 Nhold on to the headboard." Ricky knew what was coming and5 w3 q& z. A5 k
braced himself as the big guard brought the rubber soled shoe
( l$ G8 z* f. @down on his tender ass. "Yeooww," He screamed as the hard8 K' P/ W9 e% `! ?
surface dug into his flesh. 5 H* L; K5 d; u# ?% x4 S. _
4 [! {' g- t( [) a( N( _
Miss Thomas gave him twenty smacks on each cheek, alternating( P9 Q5 b* O, U; @# {9 o
hands as he howled in pain. Ricky was allowed to hop around
  H3 q; x) r; Hand rub his ass, then stood with tears running down his+ O4 L; T5 o7 I& C
cheeks as Mrs. Maikowski placed the harness around his cock
( A0 @2 K' S& X3 p0 x; pand balls.
; E' t% l$ G- S! W( z, ?
" J- d5 ^2 [# B: Y  SStill crying the little captive was led to the lunchroom by! U3 J0 _) q' i7 ]2 P+ q4 [
the leash attached to the harness.5 \& w) [2 h3 E  U- u/ e9 u
- Q4 @7 L) [+ D  z5 s
Caitlin and Miss Paulson opened the door to Andy and
9 y9 F! o  h) }- @3 eChristopher's room just as the boys came out of the shower.
& }! ]( q/ F; T4 DThe boy's quickly combed their hair and brushed their teeth1 j; Q% M8 o# g) p1 m1 i3 L
as the girl and guard waited. 2 Q, ^/ Z; o0 m# G# v
) p  ~  Q8 [, R) }
Miss Paulson checked Andy carefully as the boy stood with his
' y2 G1 }  b2 t, x/ D. E# g  lhands behind his head. She sat on the bed with Andy in front
5 L! t( p2 k( c! a) H0 j; B) n: c! Bof her, his cock inches from her face and skinned the# |8 W/ M( N5 Q# c8 G  ]1 S% i, I  ^
foreskin on his still wet penis back. She stroked his cock3 v# O- a7 |8 }& k; q# @& [
until it was hard and carefully examined his balls noticing& |7 ?  t: w* J% g8 n
that the Band-Aid had come off in the shower.9 r. Q- u9 {( q1 G

' a3 S" L& q8 R& ~( vSatisfied that his cock and balls were clean she had Andy1 y( B6 a' B' p! e: J. U8 e$ o
bend over and just as carefully inspected his pink, puckered
$ _. I! |4 e2 i; }* L* oasshole.- q: M+ ~! P  S+ c5 N

4 S* d7 [7 b2 R; ~) H2 iCaitlin was doing the same to Christopher. Her hands made
* d% n  b# t  R5 O. |. rshort work of his little cock as she stroked and kneaded it.
( t- f6 K& D- T) M6 aThen the little boy bent over and Caitlin examined his9 i5 G, `9 e" \- `* K/ x6 q/ R
rectum. "She shoved her small finger into his asshole causing
  F# I. V5 N# `: O; Qthe little boy to cry out. As Chris sobbed in humiliation she
4 ~( g& k# w8 Q( W4 V, A) swiggle her finger around inside of him until she was& A) M! l7 J: `% B0 E+ h
6 q% Q$ [. g0 Z+ m0 r. ~# q) h  X! x0 n6 c
"Mines all set," Caitlin said. "How about Yours?"# B5 ^" ~1 r4 b3 P- W

. J6 A  I& O# [0 Z( \6 ULori nodded and the girls led the boys to the lunchroom.1 X9 U0 ~& U" D' h

  ?1 p% W. a- oThe staff again sat at one table and the boy's were at* \5 X2 }  Z7 F
another. Miss Thomas fed the boy's cold cereal with milk and
# a3 W4 w. ]& G; u8 F' u4 norange juice. Ricky picked at the food. "You better eat kid.% i, U1 v  ?! e9 b( i+ C* p
You're gonna need all the strength you can get when the% i. B2 t+ c0 x) b2 _
doctor cuts your balls off," She cackled./ S0 y1 k* X  g7 p" b! T
4 M) m# b, y1 T
Ricky turned pale. "Don't worry the doctor is just gonna make
. Z* t% n: X9 [9 W9 A- p) y/ l* {a little cut and insert a computer chip," Andy said. "It
: a5 D% d7 n. }doesn't hurt until they press the remotes." $ ~- {9 ^2 M# ^% R$ a8 S' Q

: Y. m( g8 o! T4 I2 H8 A"The nurse is really pretty," Christopher chimed in, "And she
0 L+ q" R! z& @0 ?* N4 pplays with your peenie really nice." . E+ K7 U9 b- [9 l6 @2 t
7 R. t& j6 F5 N3 o
The boys finished breakfast and were led down the hall to the
+ y$ z) L3 t7 `: a6 tdoctor's office. Ricky's heart was beating like a trip hammer' h4 J$ d0 B1 o% o- c* R5 e
as Miss Thomas led him in followed by Mrs. Maikowski.  The
1 y, b. O3 e$ wother two boys followed with the four young Connolly girls
, s+ J( C, S) b5 {; X. Qbringing up the rear. Mrs. Connolly and Lori Paulson went to7 P* S* I+ B9 G' U% W( U; V
the receiving room to prepare for the new prisoners.
$ y( ?, \6 O) C: _6 c) t3 p1 S0 [& v7 @
Nurse Randi looked up from the chart she was reading. "Hi
! g" K9 W9 a$ L: agirls," she smiled "What have we here?"
, i0 y, q; T& X! S) q
( a7 E  s0 b, |3 A4 g- l8 P* ]. I"This little twerp is Ricky Gordon. He's here to get his nuts
9 E' W! f% J: t+ hcut off," Miss Thomas cackled as Ricky turned pale. ! a, O+ Y' H" H, {9 `
; E- G) p/ r' f
Randi came around in front of the desk. Her eyes greeted Andy# h8 A/ P3 K" T) g3 W* E
and Christopher. "Why don't you all sit down while I check
5 [: S" P4 ~$ ]$ ~) hRicky out. The doctor will be out in a moment.
- t7 ~& C2 f$ m9 C
2 R2 U4 Z/ z4 r: g+ @# a  kRandi smiled at the naked blonde haired boy. "Your testicles5 l; x+ n; t5 c6 c1 {
are not going to be cut off Ricky, The doctor is going to9 c- t0 y* k( a/ R- h9 Y$ N+ G
give you a physical and make a tiny incision in your scrotum.
/ I- H& Q+ J. A& ]It won't hurt and it'll be over in a second."
6 _' [3 j" r3 Q4 d8 _$ R
6 q7 n6 j3 n6 n3 @  J4 f9 N- \7 vShe led Ricky over to a scale and weighed him making a) z5 {2 q  \! ]! P+ x
notation in her chart. Andy and Christopher watched as her7 |6 ]* `& f8 z( H! b, X& ]) Q% ?/ M1 `6 [
hand brushed against Ricky's penis, wishing it was them.: d% b8 m: N4 K
Randi handed Ricky a plastic bottle. "I need a urine sample. t4 T* g2 a% R& G  e5 \
from you." The boy looked around for a bathroom.
) f# S/ m- k4 A; F$ I8 N
5 \5 E  h9 _5 S; p"What's the matter Ricky?" Randi asked.
9 ?. r0 e2 I4 ^$ o% s2 R/ o) |6 q! Y+ p' A1 r/ [, B/ b
"There's no bathroom," he answered.8 P7 }# D. k2 ~, u% J
$ _  E9 e2 d3 {( s7 [3 Z
Randi giggled "Don't be silly, now pee in the bottle. Please
" q, x/ h$ Y; |0 Uhurry up we're running late."8 ]# h3 C! K1 X/ ^
) {4 t; t7 F  j' Z2 o$ a
Ricky turned bright red. The Connolly girls were watching, So
) x% y% a2 U, U1 ^were the guards and Andy and Chris. He unscrewed the cap and
4 D5 o1 x0 I5 P0 g+ K) h  Y9 zplaced his cock into the mouth. As everybody watched he2 w4 X9 v3 @  ]5 H( S
managed to produce a small amount of urine. Christi and Kelly
6 X! ], }" O. C- b3 \0 [$ qwere giggling and pointing as he handed the jar to the nurse.( z+ j5 S& ]3 d! p9 }/ S+ d
- r7 F9 G5 q; y' T
She had the boy stand against the tape glued to the wall and' f1 ?4 t' T6 U1 e% l
wrote down his height. "Now Ricky I'm going to take your! z! Z9 C1 L  `2 T: u$ Z; M
temperature and grease up your rectum for the doctor. She's8 Z2 m5 u1 L4 K( w# B% i2 S1 y
in the exam room so lets do it here. Would you please bend
% n+ F" i9 d$ c4 {  V# E8 fover and pull your cheeks apart for me?"
: h2 F+ t, n( D. e% {' V$ i8 S2 o/ X, E, N. t" H) {
Ricky blushed as the four girls broke out giggling. Nurse$ X1 M7 ^  l! m5 S7 _" V
Randi put on her gloves and greased her index finger. Ricky. Z  b9 Y- ]& F1 g2 z6 u
was blushing furiously as he turned his back and bent over.
4 Y" L. a$ D# S- {6 n8 G5 F3 Q. h/ W- H! D" _9 i6 v: w; _6 h
Randi said "Please open yourself up for me." The embarrassed' M. S" f* w; @% F6 b
boy reached back and spread his cheeks and she pushed her0 i$ v+ n0 j3 b/ F  ?7 L8 h- b5 \
finger into his rectum. It went in easily, lubricated by the
% a4 M3 g& g% j; K9 h+ ?+ [KY jelly.2 K$ t9 _4 q: Z, t, B

& L" d3 _% K  j5 {The pretty nurse wiggled her finger inside as Ricky grunted.
) J5 ?6 S) o6 S" W0 ]3 z2 K4 R; g2 M"There that's it," She said as she removed her finger. She
! X: n: B' D8 M+ c/ q- _" ^* Xpushed a rectal thermometer up before Ricky could straighten
8 n- d" Y+ R: m6 a* w$ S7 eup." a3 j8 C1 n" s/ o
4 d' B7 ~8 i$ G! e+ o/ c0 {
"How do you boys feel today?" she asked Andy and Chris while
! H7 c- J! D% U" m" A9 L' {she waited for the thermometer to register,' I0 s9 _+ B$ g  u2 Z% O# @( Q
9 l! k/ s' [1 ~
"Good I guess," Andy said. Caitlin was playing with his cock
1 z! u4 l+ ]: l. gand he blushed as Randi noticed his hard-on3 a* a: B5 v6 w1 O* R$ s
"I'm all right too," Christopher said wiggling in the chair2 u) z# \; U' t$ h# F. K
as Kelly pulled his little cock.
" M& m. }7 }) o. I' r
- Y# S& c9 y( HRandi removed the thermometer as the doctor came out from the0 T2 Z5 F2 ?% }4 v* n; B
exam room. "I'm all set. Why don't you girls stay out here
- `) P. c" v% x# q5 v& _/ @' }9 aand watch Andy and Christopher while I examine Ricky?"
. i3 r  F( `; r1 }
/ I/ I+ B6 r! R0 }. j( W% Q% l3 V"Christi and Kelly can watch them," Jennifer said. They have3 B* A9 n* O, s; i- z
the remotes. I'd like to see you examine Ricky if it's all# G, w3 ~5 r% |0 H3 \3 Q6 Z
8 N7 K7 ]8 ^5 S. Z. M& S$ L2 N6 k7 @
"Sure," The doctor grinned. "As long as you feel the two
" K5 _8 d0 G7 I9 b4 o) B9 Ggirls can control them.") N& r4 d! n' t; A2 B. q% E/ ?/ ~; X

6 i6 M4 I4 @  @Christie removed her remote. "They'd better listen or I'll
2 {+ _* A/ g5 Q+ hzap them real good."
  a' d0 u6 `5 Z2 k4 O# N( c" D! E5 y4 y8 o: j
In the examining room the doctor looked at Ricky's cock. O- D+ D8 N+ ?/ m1 o3 C0 Z
standing at half-mast. "I told you not to play with it," She2 B. f9 {% y5 M3 r; @
admonished Randi. "I prefer him to be flaccid while I examine- u) M# ^7 ^/ _- ?! Q* W
him."- b4 R3 |1 Q/ N' N  M* @

* ~, y: ~* g  q$ _" R9 G"I didn't go near it," The pretty young nurse protested. "He
2 k- @0 a/ {& ~, `5 smust be hard from me inserting my finger in his rectum."
) j6 D+ g! G! h' b
, G7 x* G3 F3 c* k+ w  _1 I1 n"Very well," The doctor said putting on her rubber gloves.
) y. E3 u' M- \0 u" T$ G$ [$ EShe sat down in her chair and beckoned to Ricky. "Place your
/ Z/ j, Y& R- W$ `/ |hands behind your head," she ordered the embarrassed boy.7 t* r; u, B& a, |0 i1 }
"I'm going to examine your penis and testicles."; P* m6 z/ O; U  \9 C3 Q
" X! F0 h  a  [$ H7 b
Ricky stood in front of the doctor as she stroked his cock.2 }3 x& Q# N1 `8 o7 o0 O4 q, d
She peeled back his foreskin and checked the rim. Then she
: u$ c2 ~. d6 ^, xcupped his balls in her hand, her eyes inches away as she
) c3 [2 O7 o! m* D0 _slowly bounced and looked closely at them, examining each one' U& P8 x) M/ f0 Z
separately. ' f4 R- _% A% D, S5 V
# {& t5 J* I  b7 P6 |
"Turn your head and cough," she ordered. "That's good. O.K.
1 f+ M. ]' F) K  S2 Tlets see if you can eject semen. She stroked the boy's prick
" Q% \' ^- q" e' t9 Qwith her thumb and forefinger encircling it. Ricky was still1 m# S7 m3 F0 e# t
in the position; hands behind his head as the doctor- b5 z; h0 k5 `( M- A7 K
masturbated him with the girls and the guards watching. As. }9 f1 n" [0 f& W1 f
embarrassed as he was having a strange woman playing with his
+ N4 x8 V) k/ d3 \1 f5 znaked cock, It didn't take him long. His cock grew, His$ O3 x. G6 n/ z; ?9 i7 q0 W
breathing quickened and his body swayed. As a finale, he
! o! g* _8 S2 K3 S% P. O" [) tstood up on tiptoes and arched his back letting out a moan as- e& x- f) L, v* z1 P
he came. It was a dry cum.) z8 a2 K4 b& s$ k9 X& n: `, l, j
6 [0 h, `0 A* R1 {& P. X
"Very good," the doctor said. "You'll be making semen and( ^" u, d( w0 c% l- J' @
shooting before you leave this school. Now lets examine your. A, d' N0 H. N' g! s; z) S; Y
prostate. Please bend over and hold on to the examining
% k  }+ j' T; \/ p. S1 Xtable."
5 h; l5 f% n% s: w+ u& U. k$ X% q& E9 D& }" C* V7 _, H5 P' l
Ricky did as he was told, blushing crimson. "Would you hold* B( X( \% [- @
his cheeks open?" The doctor asked Jennifer. The oldest* S! c, o, F- M3 g3 ?- B  g
Connolly sister sprang up from her chair and spread Ricky's
# D1 H  W* D$ I' f4 L- h  a6 U& g- xass wide open.
4 D' E: a0 [# i, h7 V
1 {/ H# Z4 t% q6 I+ Y- n* TThe doctor peered in. "Normal sphincter with a little' d- g: K) H9 b# _) G$ g
redness," she called out as Randi wrote in her chart. "I'm
! I. p# L* E( L$ b0 Xgoing to insert my finger deeply," She told Ricky. "I want to
4 T. y8 w  b% B" ^( _feel your prostate. It may hurt a little."
+ O" n" _" u1 `2 r8 _" D; ~4 S, n+ L  X& Z( w" o7 G* _8 d
The little boy braced himself as the doctor pushed her middle+ @* c3 P4 ?, f: L
finger past his puckered muscle. It went into his greased up& n5 c/ D" {! \/ e, i3 R( n8 m
rectum easily. She wiggled around as Ricky grunted. Then he8 r8 P# V& O* [% O$ e" x* ~3 P
jumped forward and squealed as her probing finger found his
* ~- r. P* @8 ?9 wprostate. "Normal for a boy his age," She told Randi who
8 P2 R& t; T" R' u7 bwrote it down in the chart. With a plopping sound she removed
: w% Z$ r  W' i* ~her finger "Now I'm going to insert an instrument that will
0 g2 H$ G1 C# ^* M: Z: g8 blet me see up your colon. There will be some pressure so stay
) }) {6 l; z: ^8 M7 k) {! mstill. Jennifer keep those cheeks spread for me." 6 `' U1 W( s4 v6 a; x; R

: x! k/ V! [1 w, S+ |Ricky felt a lot of pressure and pain and grunted as the
! b3 C; {7 T. f5 s& s3 w& t7 Pdoctor inserted the sigmoidoscope into his small rectum. He; G9 B1 l$ l+ w$ a
tried to be brave but tears were pouring down his cheeks, as# w7 r) k# g- H" O4 Q* d
he stood bent over with Jennifer pulling his ass cheeks wide.
3 ~0 a" T* T* \- i6 v9 j% a, L* bFinally it was over and he felt relief as the doctor pulled, {: B7 D, ]) r6 a" g
the instrument from his ass.
: }' U3 u$ W: q- c3 C# L9 ]. o/ |$ Y- E
3 N- T  d: `. g9 K9 i& a+ dThe doctor thanked Jennifer and allowed the boy to stand up.
: m( J$ m* v5 k$ V3 l" K# t"Please take off your flip-flops and stand on this chair,". A( J8 f/ @& n1 }% \
she ordered. "I want to examine your feet."
' X! f+ u5 i, W0 }0 K+ O* j$ t: V5 ~8 B$ X
Barefoot, Ricky climbed up on the chair. The doctor looked at8 C$ j3 M& p$ ?' D
the boy's slender feet and checked between each toe. "This is
% x# T4 N$ w% v' }how we check for drug use in the prison," she informed the) d# C! X  s( n* A4 |
two guards. "Often when you don't see fresh needle marks on
6 v+ ^' W* A8 a  [4 K$ x/ otheir arms but you suspect drug use, they can be injecting
/ G+ q  Y# n8 ~1 ]$ f2 Bthe stuff between the toes. If you don't know where to look
9 d1 C" y- c( f" A: w7 d9 o& byou won't catch them at it. Ricky's a street kid according to
* y' e; |) g. ^5 Rhis records and he could have done heroin. I see that aside/ J: i  q7 b1 K1 V  r; }) _$ t7 ^; W. w
from needing to cut his toenails there is nothing to indicate! k5 f: k5 u+ S# H
drug use," She went on as she inspected the soles of his
- a& p$ [5 G% S0 }/ _8 G$ R. m3 Vfeet./ |2 w" x$ m* D; f7 @+ Q2 `9 y4 E

! M  o7 F* D/ P8 v, e( w"O.K. Ricky you can get down now and sit on the chair while I
/ y# Y0 ~, f" \0 m  ltake your blood pressure." She put on the cuff and pumped it# W$ z. v6 k0 C% s
up. "It's a little high but you are under some stress." 6 X# P( [7 D3 |5 I; n" k

: M1 M3 c: b# oShe put the stethoscope on his chest and back and checked his& `. q) R; I& N' x; R
lungs and heart.
7 G) R% }- @' I
* s. M% s$ s' C$ F) o5 @, TWhile this was going on Christie and Kelly were having fun
2 j1 w0 V  @# q) y" H$ u% Owith Andy and Christopher in the waiting room. The two boys
' p4 ]3 ^6 e& p0 hwere made to face each other with their hands on each other's
% P/ e9 L4 m. K4 J# Qcocks. The girls watched as the boy's played with each other.
) O* l; z' d+ v) L' {8 L5 `Both dicks were hard. Christie edged in closer to get a' `+ Z- {; j) J+ Z
better look and that's when Andy made his move. 4 v: w7 f* H4 _  _1 K+ ^1 n6 A* e

1 H" T2 R5 N1 e; J. \* K4 ^He dropped his brother's cock and snatched the remote out of
) h# h& @2 u+ G- Tthe startled girl's hand. "Get Kelly," he shouted to his- \) @8 @3 _4 m+ A0 b: [* t# Q/ s
brother as he pushed Christie down. Christopher reacted and
) u* Q& q. t  z4 g* U  C- Ygrabbed Kelly's hand as she reached for the remote. He got+ P& E$ C! Z/ L% V$ s
her down on the floor and held her arms for Andy. The older
3 G9 m: \2 x6 G; ~2 @, d4 \- xboy removed the remote from Kelly's holster. "Let's get the
, ~! _8 V* S* x1 s& ehell out of here," he shouted to his brother." Run for it."   $ M( N# U+ [# c5 }! x' |
$ ]) x. C1 \* R
The boys turned to run when Andy felt the pain in his groin.$ i( q( M# O# h. o2 I
Both boys dropped to the floor in a fetal position as they
0 Y' X5 j- Z! H( q1 w) I! Wfelt the full force of the computerized restraining device.( @  j+ _" ~4 ?* ~/ S: e, [- a
Mrs. Connolly stood in the doorway with Lori Paulson. Both; n$ \/ ]: ^) }9 W: M
women had their remotes in their hands.
# e9 _# G3 _5 f/ R; U3 `$ t& J8 K' Z
% U( q( Y* w' l: I2 |% r; JMrs. Connolly picked up her daughters. "It looks like I got! ?. y& w& {6 I/ _! \
here just in time." She plucked the remote devices from' e; a2 ~- ?4 C5 V
Andy's hands as he lay moaning on the floor. "Try to hold on
0 t$ u" n1 A9 R& l( a. J/ M) oto these next time," she admonished her daughters.; @. ~( j! v- T
2 M+ S3 v8 i+ b+ p3 |' |
Slowly the pain wore off. "Stand up," The warden ordered the1 X( k) t8 M0 \9 U- }
two boys.1 Z( k; b. y6 g1 S8 ^

) `* _6 e4 F0 X0 Z  \1 D  W3 F: FBoth boys were standing at attention. Andy was crying tears
" `" O* M* U: X, i) ^- Y$ eof rage and pain. Christopher was crying because he knew they
; b& c9 t( b$ jwere going to be punished. " I don't have time to deal with5 \& l, n. b8 f3 C/ _6 ^/ F
you two now. The deputies are on their way with two more boys
- n8 y2 u, S/ G/ \0 N: band I'm in a rush. You can be sure that you'll be dealt with* _$ k  P" v7 J% J+ z
tonight and I guarantee you're not gonna like what happens."
6 X: p) g& D8 l: y4 {% ?" ZShe said sternly. "Now lets see where the doctor is with
" y6 U- j4 J/ m# d' CRicky. Your two sisters should never have left you in charge.& `& l( G5 r9 ?1 S# x; H! E
I'll see that never happens again," she told Christie and
: Y( h9 t4 V3 JKelly.0 \! B* B! b# {! Z
+ N& `' G/ Q. J2 ?
Leading the two boys, with her daughters following and Lori9 ~* b  `* Z# Y5 Y
Paulson in the rear she entered the exam room.# N, f/ |1 J0 |: Z

/ w/ K# f6 m! S* _5 {"These two almost escaped," She told Caitlin and Jennifer. "I
- e$ X: p! X0 c0 [8 F, u+ Jdon't ever want to see you leaving any of the boys with only
8 G) _1 e1 ~; `& ?* @two little girls to watch them. Is that clear?"$ G$ v8 M! ~1 y) z1 j

+ E3 k9 K! q0 I" @5 O' _0 _0 zBoth older girls nodded. "I'm sorry mom it won't happen
& ]1 O* u9 a: J9 d  pagain," Jennifer promised.
+ y. u: p  Y' Z0 z3 Q2 F  r4 u
7 [6 W6 w/ k9 ^: P/ {"It better not or I'll drop your pants and give you a bare-
; ^" l3 m1 }1 w, t" K% O4 dassed spanking in front of the boys," Mrs. Connolly
$ @& X0 l7 b$ n# X  ~threatened. She turned to Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski.
$ L$ V' w) k* T% T/ L* O7 a"You two should have known better. I'm really disappointed in
" ~# b' w( k, H; X. o' m$ ^3 sall of you." She paused realizing she had interrupted the5 G; g* e4 Y+ X7 @2 m( e6 U
examination. "I'm sorry doctor, Please continue."# ?+ ~& @, q/ f0 ?% j+ t$ @

- b' P2 O; \% J, BThe Doctor had Ricky cross his legs and checked his reflexes.
! S4 f6 _. K3 V3 XNurse Randi drew a blood sample from him and the doctor
: Q- S: J! I: t7 x& B( @. Npronounced him fit. "You can get on the examining table now,"
; W# g- b9 H1 Y# E2 Z& EShe told the scared youngster.
( n; G! h6 \$ _: f/ @: \
( ~; t6 ~. v& Z' l9 ?; |It was crowded in the examining room and Ricky was sweating
; d/ i, O* V: `  i) n9 Uas the Nurse put his feet in the stirrups. "This won't hurt
5 \4 `. W4 E: Mmuch," She told him as she swabbed his cock and balls with" p3 m9 O/ O7 x) Z% \# P& s; X$ c( G
/ K* l( j5 O, |1 H
6 o) N8 S! }6 PRicky was crying as the doctor filled the needle with
/ H+ \" D$ [% h3 W* ~7 W% t3 Inovocaine. "Once I inject this I guarantee you won't feel a
5 D' p- D  T; e2 e6 s6 Uthing," she promised.4 h( O$ {! M: ~

$ E  W) Q& y; N5 @( b  X6 J$ BHe looked away as Randi lifted his penis so the doctor had a
* w, E2 `) j8 n: W: Dclear shot at his scrotum. He felt a pin prick as she: `+ i9 u* {, z2 l, f7 Z& A7 I2 ^
injected the anesthetic then a numbness spread over his lower
9 u( y7 L# ~6 m  b5 K: Bbody. 3 Q3 w& q( L8 ]& S. S
; _/ B4 _3 ?0 J  V; y
Randi held his penis but the boy's cock was so numb he didn't6 k6 O4 `4 y  n  h; U
feel her hands gently stroking it. The doctor made a tiny1 X7 O; L2 d' \% r+ u9 D
incision in the back of his scrotum, Randi handed her the! R4 z4 m# Y' ]+ H- G& d
forceps with the chip and she expertly inserted it. Then she
- {; I* }+ }7 Btook the needle and sewed him up with two stitches. The6 b0 Q- s9 s, K7 \/ o9 a) _
entire procedure took five minutes but it changed Ricky's
' `2 D6 |% K! Qlife. He was now a captive much like the other two boys and
# }0 q' i! B1 m- ?0 t. v1 q/ mwould have to do as he was told or he'd feel the same pain* P1 W# D  B' {5 F) \
Andy and Christopher felt.: l4 J' F2 y& k2 s

5 }' y% y2 x, D* L( |/ W9 ^2 TThe nurse put a Band-Aid on the incision and helped the* ^- q# n/ q, i& _7 _
wobbly boy on to his feet. , M* J# K" M  K4 D! R' c1 X

6 u3 h) E: F. G6 t8 Y3 u/ q"O.K. Andy you're next. Hop up onto the table and let's check
. G( m( N1 u3 Q- f( i1 H' e' }your stitches." The doctor said. She lifted his testicles and, V8 G3 w9 C$ u
examined him. "Good you're healing nicely. The stitches will
' q8 m% J$ F, R; J% Tbe absorbed in a few days and you won't even have a scar."
) V5 b9 l) Y. M0 f7 W: l+ W
" y/ E+ w. ?4 s) gChristopher was next and the doctor was also pleased as she0 P5 g- S( l0 s8 o8 U# f" X
checked his small scrotum.  + ^7 r2 t, W5 p

2 ?# S+ P$ S: A1 c* h0 s0 }"You have to let Ricky rest for a few hours. He should be all. C1 Q4 o, i8 c- l7 ~7 P
right by suppertime and ready for activities tomorrow," The
5 N, D' m; C/ w1 y/ v; Rdoctor told Mrs. Connolly. "I'll be back here Monday to do
+ W3 S! H1 Y* B- R3 W" Ythe next batch of boys and I'll need to examine Ricky's
# q- |4 y  A- estitches then. Andy and Chris can do anything you need from% C# I8 q* J, M3 j
them. Their stitches look fine."2 K& U, t" |# g. s

$ ^* E) s5 S! q8 m) w# Y$ ?Thank you Doctor, I'm going to have to punish the two of them: p: _% Y& K; J" K2 z
tonight so I 'm glad I won't have to hold back," Mrs.2 K% p7 v: z) d+ a% u
Connolly said. "Good luck at the prison this afternoon."2 R# Y# O6 d2 U# u

; J: I' q5 g$ O8 b! O1 A"Thank you. I'm taking Randi with me. It's time she saw some
$ A8 J' N3 {9 I7 B! _( A2 snaked men. She should be a big hit with them," The doctor4 v/ H7 V1 R* a! U/ i
laughed as Randi blushed prettily.$ _% X" ?! O9 J1 U6 \

+ K5 N# E+ A& w. cMrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "It's now eleven fifty, we
8 y% l, S6 G6 z; n7 b1 a: ^just have enough time for a quick lunch. The deputies should0 r, v: D6 ]$ U3 j: C/ C
be here with the two boys before one."$ |% z- K5 L9 \3 y
$ Q" n, a; z' _6 n$ B8 n
The boys flip-flopped their way down the hall following their: S6 H# Q# L( E4 T) w
captors. Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski brought up the rear.# X) V& j# G3 m7 ?( d4 w
Due to his stitches Ricky no longer had the harness and leash
: q/ L6 L/ Y8 F6 g( Gattached to his balls and cock. "Nice try," he told Andy.2 o3 V: v0 |; s6 n
"Maybe next time we can all break out."
0 l+ h; y% G& W4 W, Z$ A- A
/ `  e6 V0 w, F"I doubt it, " Andy said sighing. "Even if we get away from  [' @( w' R. t4 ?
the guards, The school has an electronic fence around it. I
; i. B! s6 o3 q5 E) {7 J8 D/ Dforgot about it when I tried to escape. It would have set off
7 B8 L) c# x1 i$ Cthe device and zapped us anyway."
1 \9 E" U* b8 z0 b# ?1 k( g5 o6 D- Y
) R3 {" q& J# m+ ]0 P/ NThey were all served a quick lunch of sandwiches and chips by  {+ u  D/ m( B
Mrs. Maikowski standing in for Mrs. Mandel.
8 t) Q+ T# G* y+ f! F5 b6 Z- P" x$ ]: e8 i
After lunch Miss Paulson took Ricky to the dorm. "He can bunk" j" Z' @" l, M
with the other boys now that the device is in." Mrs. Connolly$ I0 ~$ n& x. Z8 q
told the guards. "I'm gonna need the solitary room for
5 [% h* Z+ C5 \% Z( vMichael Sanchez. We'll put Josh Steinberg in with the boys."
* |. w9 |( y4 \- j" P3 v) `+ w) g
; G: h, H, o  M' V/ TLori led Ricky away for his half day of rest. "You two can# Z% P% [8 {( E% M9 H7 T
stay with us. Let the new boys see what we have in store for7 R& Q6 k* Y( a
them." Mrs. Connolly told Andy and Christopher as she led9 H: m. e4 h# o' O& V
everybody to the reception room.2 }) }- c4 @1 `6 Y* F. l
3 l4 C1 p5 l' I( y8 S, g+ y, J: H& }
"Take them into receiving and keep your eye on them," She2 B! ^# u- h( y
told Mrs. Maikowski. Lori will join you after she gets Ricky5 p! g2 O3 ]( C. `9 l5 m0 b
settled in. The rest of us will wait here. The deputies
: j5 Z( H, L9 [9 Y: P+ sshould be here in a few minutes."
3 G7 k" V- {0 r) x- e" a5 L" \4 X* q2 S: u
Lori took Ricky back to the small room he had stayed in the
. n8 n" w" J3 t6 D4 M0 Zprevious night. He gathered up his toothbrush, toothpaste,
4 Y& g* u' k2 |& csoap and comb. Then she took him to the main dorm. "Let me8 v. _* A* L5 i( H4 e% z" _3 ~) _
see your stitches," she asked, sitting down on a bed. The boy; k9 H& @/ k0 p1 h/ Z
stood in front of her as she lifted his penis and examined* B* T: [6 N& t9 S- a
his scrotum. "Does this hurt?"
' _6 W. }! \' E: c: E# o$ W2 x( o7 n# D2 @! m
He shook his head. "It still feel numb."
9 e5 X+ v5 @/ D: [+ P/ Y7 l
* H9 W9 E$ p9 S"Do you feel this?" She stroked his cock.: V+ G  y" |( t9 c1 x7 F

; X' K6 i! r2 m8 h- J. _"I can't feel your hand," he cried. "I can't feel my cock."+ B* F, S: ~& I) A: F6 W
He started to sob. " ^% G5 t, B; `! t8 X1 ]& k/ o
( e/ c$ w0 F' u' d2 Y2 `8 u, e
"The anesthetic should wear off soon. Try and rest," She said& b3 g) i( S3 n) X
standing up and walking towards the door. "I'll see you
5 o5 T) r1 W6 a" Llater."( a. k4 |$ {( R! p* f# s
6 O9 z' _2 Q6 D6 Y* d4 t0 ?
Lori was walking back to receiving when the front bell rang.1 t2 G" Z$ Q5 e
She opened the door to let the two deputies and their charges8 d. s5 N9 n. d9 n1 W
0 o* p/ {+ n, J( P$ R7 w- F2 [, _4 U' G/ r2 s3 M5 X
"Hi Lori," Harley Summers smiled brightly. "How's my favorite
* u& k- e; }" w* tguard?"
, c; T) {" D. {/ `% e9 [3 c3 z$ ?3 E0 n! }
"Hello Harley, Miss Tancredi, come on in," she answered.  
2 `1 L) h) s8 j$ W7 u
! Q& g) G& \* w4 X+ ]* SThe two deputies walked in leading two boys. The bigger of
* T2 n6 w( k: Othe two swaggered past her and looked her up and down. His9 b5 j7 q4 h+ ~3 j1 G3 `4 I$ d
eyes lingered on her breasts. "Yo mommy I'm gonna like it3 [8 a. F8 m: W- v: ~9 k! Q' I
here," He said licking his lips. "There any more like you?", P% L7 n6 Q2 h% Y) W7 u/ \6 b
2 Y5 y7 N8 l- f: x
Deputy Tancredi smacked him on the back of his head. "Pipe
* F5 q8 c5 @) N) [* [2 W# udown before I break your face, Michael."1 [8 ~: N& ^1 ?: k  S

% g$ H/ z! l7 Q6 w1 k; V"That's Miguel, Mommy how many times I need to tell you."
4 H6 G4 T+ z9 ]. F- N1 ?" [; Y+ B# A: U
"Your records say Michael and that's how you're gonna be
. N$ _. K2 U6 E/ Ncalled here," She answered.
3 h5 [" V7 H+ H8 `! K0 A' b& J# h: ]7 ^
Michael was big for his age and loud. He wore the same type  W+ T! v; z2 g. m; }! a+ `% p
of oversize clothes Ricky wore yesterday. His Jacket was7 h3 B: I% m( B. A
black wool with red lettering, the word "Lobos" on the back.
- m# s5 }; o9 A/ dHe had a red scarf around his head and wore Black Nikes on( g4 S( l! D' o
his feet. He stood about five foot two and was stocky but not
* D+ N! N) S6 G6 o: h& F' n0 kfat. His hair was dark and straight.
7 x  w8 M' O' o( d
. K/ \4 q6 z6 P0 c: R, O2 p% sLori looked at the other boy who hadn't uttered a peep so
* ~% t6 c. q, p( @$ tfar. "This one is Josh. Don't let the angelic look fool you,"
5 U. i, H. v+ P3 TDeputy Tancredi told her. "He caused a bank to almost go! E, N! \/ j2 r9 K; R
belly up by hacking into their files." 0 |' T3 F* C0 G& {
  X: g. p9 n6 C+ b8 I1 X- [/ B
Josh was a slightly built boy, almost feminine looking with: }' e( F9 K9 v/ |# h9 R
long brown hair. He had big brown eyes with long lashes. His" K; n; a" e3 [6 I! U5 W
eyes were his best feature but were almost hidden behind a+ J: w, n* r- W
pair of black framed glasses. He stood around Five feet tall
" `& a2 P! J6 @and was neatly dressed in new dungarees and a button down* B$ u9 y8 S1 q' ?
white shirt. He had black loafers and socks on his feet. He! w  @& D; @) Q2 n: [
also had tears in his eyes as he looked around at his new
+ b& n# W3 A% h7 ]0 k& xhome.! N: A$ ?% L' U4 C/ ?- c! V

( H1 P5 E% o% r. F' C& _- f6 B"The other boys are going to eat this one alive," Lori
' D3 z" G% ?$ E* nthought as she led them to the reception room.9 [% r) Z! @$ O3 ~

' q9 ?% s  n9 c7 \  `Mrs. Connolly greeted the two deputies warmly. "So this is' j: H8 [$ g2 l
Michael and Josh. Welcome to Grandview School. I'm sure your
; I) ^0 k1 a& w. Z4 Rstay will be very interesting," she told them./ E2 W+ {5 l' ?

7 y' a) m) A8 _& q' `The four girls were giggling as they took in the boys. "I bet
$ `- z7 S6 @4 K- jhis cock is big," Caitlin whispered to Jennifer. + o+ f% G5 W3 D# X

5 F+ Z8 d/ U# L  O"Yo Mommy you didn't tell me there were such foxes living
: d* [$ u  B5 y- d- ehere." Michael said smirking at the four girls.
( q* P+ j' @3 b$ |0 y7 D7 z1 n9 Z% J" m- \3 N
"First of all I'm not your Mommy, The deputy shot back.% H9 y7 ^' F4 F1 n
"Second of all these girls are on the staff here and you're9 B3 k) P8 V, p# C, [2 Y6 a2 D" k- W# j2 y
gonna learn real fast to show them some respect."+ U; ~7 U, k- ?6 a  c- U

- W) }  t( m, S"Sure Mommy whatever you say," Michael answered back.
8 H" K* V; r' ~8 p# k& G% ?6 H% }8 w
"I think we should take them into receiving and Process them.2 P! w! U& r6 r9 N
You will stay and help won't you?" Mrs. Connolly asked.
* Y' _) N) y0 L( N& b$ F/ H/ q( |/ O6 x6 m3 B
"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Harley answered. "Come& s: F  x: J, y) O# T
on you two, into the other room."* h) r3 ?' P  C; O9 G1 o8 e. `

6 D7 o" [; O9 @4 I7 e4 i% yJosh walked timidly into receiving while Michael swaggered in- Q7 c- ?! s. r
followed by the four girls and Miss Thomas.
9 F8 w6 u4 Y2 \! Z
! y8 C4 F  ^; U5 @# ]% G( eMrs. Maikowski had been busy with Andy and Christopher. "When
! J. b3 C* l+ {" W6 |& O" m( }they bring the new boys into this room, I want you both to- B2 _0 w' W1 n, R  w
greet them with a big hard-on," She instructed the boys. "I2 N4 L7 O" K; q7 I7 I5 l! X( o
want you to play with each other's dicks and don't you dare
9 o! J2 n" t! P; \; N6 P! Fcum. Just get those cocks hard and keep them that way.") @5 X& b2 L5 B, @1 C" Z& M' R

" l1 {# c% `& R2 Y( N! \0 CThe boys were standing by the large table facing the door.$ {0 Y3 |. q" x
Their hands were on their heads after having succeeded in
! X& p/ f6 W* b' S* J1 vgetting their cocks to stand at attention. That's when Josh
8 s: D2 C% C1 R! owalked in. "Oh my god there are two naked boys in here," he8 h  T+ U: |, Y/ L
stammered.4 S9 C8 Q# _  g: F5 D( F9 l) U

1 T1 v. b4 ^8 H" E"They're not naked," Mrs. Connolly said. "They have their
! i3 C+ j9 K& c: Y! X5 Y$ ghats and Flip-flops on. That's the school uniform."
6 b& U" K) ~6 y& i5 p
* A+ }  u6 l2 ?1 ]8 |4 e1 CJosh stared wide-eyed at the two naked boys standing a few8 W7 e7 `& }0 w
feet from him. Michael took it all in and grinned. "You want( N! z5 }/ F- k! f; }7 @
to see my cock, Chickie?" He asked Jennifer. "All you have to
3 c, e/ F0 Z; b1 Q3 O' s" Ado is ask and if you're real nice I'll even let you play with
! V0 [7 r" I$ G3 Iit."4 `" k* X8 d$ E# }; w

  w! U3 ]+ Z# H0 x4 N3 q"You're gonna show us your cock all right," She answered."- {# @4 o; S0 D! W
Somehow I don't think you're gonna enjoy it as much as you1 M9 e/ T. i3 j7 ]2 C. ]8 W/ r9 S; j
think. - E" z) d) ?' F) P1 E

  N9 O. w# T. s& H) N9 X"If you two boys will disrobe and place your clothing in
3 ~; h, c2 F5 l. Q- ^6 lthose boxes, We can get started strip searching you," Mrs.
  _( E7 ]" N3 J4 A! L6 DConnolly said all business like.+ o4 a2 }4 m- w4 w
: m  M" _! d" ?+ H
"Let me get this straight," Michael said. "You want us to$ i/ f  K4 S" m6 b& E
strip in front of all of you and then you're gonna check us
3 W/ Q0 ~$ p- bout? That's like bogus. These are my colors and I don't give
, {& R/ B$ U# V' I  J0 i  \them up to no one. Now if you mean a little one on one with
) k+ q' [- F4 Y) f% d+ athose foxy ladies, That's different. I'm up for that."
7 o% X2 c. A6 E! ^6 R$ y' l& `) ~+ Q
"What she means is get those clothes off your raggedy asses
+ D- f8 [- m3 y+ ^8 R9 h) Iand put them in those boxes right now." Miss Thomas said
% d6 h$ n0 x/ a* G5 oraising her voice.  "You'll get them back when you graduate.
  T- Q( N. B/ i: L& v0 c1 B1 T3 {If you graduate."* O. _1 r' j) M

) i: B( A0 Z4 z3 _"Hey my sister, chill out. I got to think this over. I don't
: C" W. M- N3 o5 F! B0 x  J1 Lmind being naked but I'm not sure I like doing it in front of
) Y* ~/ T* I$ y) _1 lall of you."+ h$ G+ s# c( y7 F8 [" M
  A9 S+ F: M/ Z! Q4 S
"I'm not your sister and you better get moving. Failures to
) [4 n; K7 ~. w/ Q5 sobey means you accumulate spankings. You want your fat  u1 f6 M3 E* {3 S
Mexican ass to be spanked?"- i  P- ^% a7 _; `& l! G
! g% j1 |: ^, o" f! K# c$ c
"O.K. my sister, no need to get all uppity, I'm in," Michael/ [2 J! g+ B0 K- T& b# M
grinned. "You want to see Miguel's cock you got it. I'm gonna" r1 t' g: {6 X  R5 i0 c
enjoy this." He pointed to Andy who had his hands on his head
5 u4 u( n: ?4 H% B& w  ~6 w2 Fand was standing in front of Deputy Tancredi. "It ain't gonna
/ ]! z: @4 T4 nbe a little dickie like that one," He said laughing./ m+ G" y4 H, p( [, l8 n: n

8 C% F4 H# @# z& o4 J" ZDeputy Tancredi had been checking out Andy's cock, She was
0 Q. M% R: |+ X2 xstroking it and cupping his balls with her other hand. "I
, [1 q3 y2 }& m- t4 rnever got to see you yesterday." She said.  Andy blushed at  q1 P8 x' Y* w6 b# a& o( o# l+ r
Michael's reference to his little cock. Wasn't it nice and
2 O+ N2 ~6 t( p1 g$ xhard and didn't the deputy find it cute?' W5 ?) x. J; U' z% `
$ ?7 }, |- `! K! j( R) I' K
The forgotten person was Josh. He hadn't spoken since he saw
; l! A( @: h: q+ C4 h/ j: E9 QAndy and Christopher standing naked when he first walked in.( c* Y; G9 e" b
Now he was scared and confused, His body was shaking, as he4 s. X1 n, ^" l# F1 l
watched Michael sitting on the bench unlacing his sneakers.) I: B  S  f& _6 c+ F: ]
Mrs. Connolly looked over at him. "Well, what are you waiting# }2 K3 d! b. z! j
for? Get those clothes off and lets see your cock." ' g, ]* o4 s: |" l7 e% g

% ?4 s+ U* e# s$ d& e5 F& K) d"I, I, I, Can't," he stammered. "Please, I've never been% r$ F6 e; L$ Y& t% N/ a6 s
naked in front of anyone in my life." He looked at7 j% Z- X7 t9 U) s3 b7 z
Christopher, "How can you stay like that?"
1 e% g2 z! v7 O6 R
! I/ P1 U8 p  e, ]"I have to," The little boy answered. "It's the rules in
, B3 j, G" X( T2 p- b# vhere."
# R2 X& F% T* n+ y+ z
& f: W6 x% W1 O! J! P% A: T"If you can't undress by yourself, I guess I'll have to let
8 G) Z0 K+ ~2 k6 j% g  C& @my girls undress you." Mrs. Connolly threatened.
2 Y; Q0 J/ L! O; o7 s* H+ j. X0 E$ {2 e! e  y
"No please don't do that," Josh begged. He sat down next to
8 z9 |3 Y6 d5 e: P# J( sMichael. "I'll take them off."
( Q, Z: _' c* I2 d$ W& q/ {5 B* F! f4 l- Z$ P
Michael pulled his sneakers off and then his socks. "You want1 X. ~  ]$ V3 D6 O" |7 s
these in the box?" Miss Thomas nodded. He swaggered over
) n6 ^; z5 h5 l4 |: QBarefoot and put his Nikes in the box. "I want those back
1 e( w- X2 V& w; c; Zwhen I get out of here. They cost me mucho dollars."
9 F4 ?0 t; x) |- l1 i7 M. J4 o' ?: o, m( B
"By the time you get out of here they won't fit you." Miss5 p( l1 J) ^  C3 _& r/ c
Thomas jeered.7 ?. `2 j8 T2 J  G

2 {' v8 f* J, R0 s3 t' |  w* AJosh kicked off his shoes and bent over to remove his socks.7 S6 c$ f8 B) s1 D
He was already crying and wasn't even barefoot yet, much less6 X  K6 M( n' Y) V) w' K
5 r2 I/ k3 t: h3 {, ?, o; t; D2 E; l7 v# t
He stood up and placed his shoes and socks in the other box. / P  @) V+ r* U5 Z5 Q8 p+ D9 ?

0 B$ L# O) A1 r. y2 H+ f# D4 gMichael pulled his shirt over his head and placed it in the$ R$ [) V% y, p* n' W: s' x; {
box. Jennifer and Caitlin exchanged looks as they took in his# J, g  r4 F& W) b) m9 V
muscular torso. Although he was stocky his upper body was4 c8 g6 P1 u; G
muscular with nicely defined pecs and strong looking arms.
3 R: U0 Q' O2 W/ [/ |" g+ L0 j
2 q8 K( C) z7 m( _0 \4 t( VJosh unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off. He was just the# ?! D5 r7 F, C
opposite of Michael. Slim with a little boy's upper body.0 S3 c/ q* n% r% O! s% }5 E
Like Michael he hadn't grown any chest hairs yet.' J& {1 g+ X. K/ t; J
3 H0 K7 n6 u* h& ?
The boys were now down to just their pants and underwear.# g, n7 {$ O4 R; T) z1 d. J0 V
Michael was grinning like he was enjoying the situation. Josh
# _8 F. Z) g7 h9 Q/ r- \* Swas sobbing.3 E5 d7 y* y4 k: I5 M7 e& L( l0 @
7 K( M/ Z8 [, p  @8 y
Mrs. Connolly whispered to Miss Thomas. "That kid is enjoying6 k5 h4 n1 B5 m/ p: R( ]
himself too much. Lets concentrate on the computer nerd; A" |9 @' k) Q+ t- z/ m% F
first. Then I can devote all my attention to making Michael
9 ~2 _3 Q: R& [, hmiserable."
: l' ^9 [* l/ Q+ A* W4 f' t: t
* v: W; S2 Q- O3 O( W; T"You," she said pointing to Michael. "Stay where you are and
* N4 U& i- D8 bkeep your pants on." The four Connolly girls looked
1 F. P" h& ], \6 g- n" Ndisappointed." c! J" D, J) J0 U6 x* M

% t: L% t( W; a% X/ x5 h( a2 @"We'll let Josh finish undressing first." She explained.: `' l+ x& S7 M! G2 e2 Q

: o* S, k  J7 x' t$ HJosh turned pale. "Please don't do this.  I don't want anyone9 I9 z/ g2 ?7 ]0 A, y) r3 L
to see me naked. Please, I'll do anything."/ v  `  q$ {6 K9 A( f! P: Z
, H5 y. P1 _+ p/ r! q
"You certainly will," Jennifer grinned.
) O# c. h5 t' @+ c+ I3 U) f
* p, F" t3 J6 wMichael smiled, "Saving the best for last huh?"
$ z+ h! e9 c. F
0 l- m' ]" L) o: _"Josh put your hand behind your head like Andy and
. J& C* l) J; R  S3 k6 t2 hChristopher are doing." Miss Thomas instructed. "If you're- P; I# E9 f9 h- _# X, i
not gonna strip by yourself, we'll do it for you."+ F: m4 Y2 H4 E. g7 T

* q2 p+ i' u! gJosh's hands were shaking as he slowly did as he was ordered.) V+ R# ^: Y; L8 L
"Christie why don't you finish undressing our reluctant
: _0 ?5 w& M, Hguest?" Mrs. Connolly said to her ten-year-old, blonde headed8 m# Q: S) n4 R
% B/ L' @! U+ v: I9 ~* D' t$ \" a0 v
A great big grin appeared on Christie's little face. She' y& y# P% ?: H$ _6 I8 D
stood in front of the trembling boy and undid his belt.) F$ v# E4 P: b. x% C1 V: Z
Josh's eyes were closed and his whole body shook as she
  k8 `! G% I* s+ {: a" jpulled his pants down around his feet. Kneeling down Christie5 B; e# Q. l0 L! c: J2 U+ T
lifted first one of his feet, then the other as she took his
: L7 o" n. v2 P* |3 r+ L2 gpants completely off.% I- |5 g# G; H) I" E6 U7 A
, `( L6 M( l# W( }
All eyes were on the slim brown haired boy as Christie threw
  _/ V& b" R3 e, V  r/ Khis pants into the carton and hooked her fingers into the2 |/ P# b, R% Z& L+ _8 ]! \
waistband of his shorts. Josh gasped as she pulled his+ W6 @" U3 D( n+ K& H4 c
underwear down and the cold air hit his naked cock and
7 |, i+ [9 B# C3 c8 e  ^balls." Step out of them," she ordered. * b6 B$ P& F& j
" q8 B7 j7 @! z4 d
Josh now stood completely naked in front of the school staff,
- P3 I& O* @$ x) J) j8 H& m  U0 gThe deputies and Andy and Christopher.
' P- U; T$ w4 {$ V   {7 J' n$ `3 Y9 y6 H$ p
Jennifer broke the silence. "Not bad," She said taking in his
+ R$ S5 H9 o2 e6 Pfour-inch, flaccid cock." It probably will top out at six; G8 ?1 |8 C% H) P6 S
inches with a hard on."6 |. Z+ {- |5 {* W2 B! U- ?7 G" i

7 L  m% W1 F! j6 [3 S9 fJosh was on the verge of puberty. His balls were almost fully
8 p" n# \1 Q' q% mmature. They hung well down below his Circumcised Penis. He
7 J: V6 K) M* C7 vhad no pubic hair. His dick was long but thin. Its girth
& n5 `, g/ @- }$ f6 Whadn't yet caught up to its length." F7 _4 h6 f+ t. w4 a( u
, i( A- F: |. K( ?- o
Christie cupped his balls in her little hands and examined
; i, b: O' T" L+ Rthem. The other three girls joined her. Caitlin was pulling
& L3 B* h9 s4 \on his cock and despite his acute embarrassment it was" `) ?3 B' @9 r4 l
rapidly becoming hard. The girls kept at it, switching
# m6 w6 B( j7 z5 ?" H2 ipositions as each one examined his balls and cock in turn.
3 _- D/ C* {$ ~6 G" ^( v, d9 Z+ cJosh was staring straight ahead too ashamed to look at
/ e: Y& F; z  @anyone. His face was blushing red as the four girls( w5 h$ j7 d: T+ s) Z
manipulated and stroked his balls and cock. 1 W  d$ E3 w4 j) Y, L3 L
5 c$ n, L3 y5 Y1 R) }- ^
Michael watched fascinated. "Hey little Mijos, When you gonna1 F3 K+ o5 y' K8 p' Y  ~/ S/ e
play with my cock?" He said grinning. "Unlike my homey there
& M, X9 M2 ~0 I  W$ OI'd really like it a lot."
) d+ _7 w5 v# i! q- w! `7 c/ I0 ?: p
"Shut up you little turd," Deputy Summers ordered, Or I'll( z$ ^. e& @" L3 H5 M! D1 J7 L
break your balls,"6 f& x: y2 E3 b

' Q! G2 Z3 k6 [& R4 g"You'd probably want to play with them first, Maricon."
2 s1 a' A' ?& [. o% e& `Michael answered. But he shut his mouth as the deputy reached
' E5 w# g3 ?0 E' l2 jfor his Billy club.8 I2 s* f/ L2 J0 m
- Z5 U7 w, R6 Y3 G$ `5 F
Mrs. Connolly watched for a few minutes as the girls gave
7 ~: d7 A# D/ ^3 x! N3 sJosh's cock a workout. It was now standing straight and, K' o* @7 x! d7 T$ U* `( N! V
proud, Jennifer hadn't exaggerated. It was a full six inches.
3 T( x! R+ a, f8 k1 x0 W: J4 OThe head was glistening with pre-cum as the girls kept at it.
* p$ h+ `8 b9 N. \7 F9 F- ]; mKelly was pulling it when she noticed her hand was sticky.5 C$ y. n$ K; ?  f2 l2 ]
"Eww," She cried. "He got gooey stuff on my hand."
. @1 V- j& N) t% ~" i- W
2 h/ t- G, l# Y, S1 N2 W"That's pre-cum, stupid," Jennifer teased her sister. "That
; {; N* A; r. r( G) L* [$ Q! l  Ljust means he's getting ready to shoot his cum. I'd watch out/ |6 v+ g& D9 S' f! R4 E; Z# \
if I were you." Her warning was just in time. As Kelly kept7 _# O) y4 {7 _
up the rhythm, Josh's body stiffened and he gasped as a load1 e7 G& s- M; d, [- ?4 N
of white cum shot out, Just missing Kelly.
9 t2 E  z+ V' U! F: Z: v" L- f9 T* b/ c
Mrs. Connolly took Michael's shirt from the carton and handed
1 j  A! e4 F8 [8 xit to the crying boy. "Wipe it up with this," She ordered.
+ m1 w/ D) V& ]+ K, F"Michael won't need it for a while."
5 x5 \3 ]) Y: f! Z& L  y
9 E$ m: W$ {" H$ S! J"Hey that's my good shirt," Michael protested as an8 R) z+ ^6 y' H+ w
embarrassed Josh bent down and wiped his cum from the floor,
& s1 V. W* W. c. t3 F( K! m4 w; a4 I' r  Cgiving everyone a glimpse of his rounded ass.
  j% F' h9 C9 R! ?6 _) E4 V! U6 Z; }! U& W8 O
"Now wipe your cock," Miss Thomas ordered, "So the rest of us1 w9 u8 `+ W. w8 v1 E* e7 N" E
can examine it." Tears fell from josh's eyes as he wiped his
8 c3 y& k! T, p1 p8 Z% Wcock with the shirt. When he was finished Miss Thomas it from
( ~! ~& L: i1 ~8 B& W* ahim and tossed it into the carton. Michael watched, his face
- U5 r9 o0 Z3 n! f( |$ _3 Ired with anger at the way his shirt had been treated.
, [+ u6 Z) G2 r& `6 S  |2 e. R9 ?
& Z$ r6 L; ]7 D5 M5 ?Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski were now inspecting the naked
% C% \* h) G: V( N/ hboy. Lori Paulson joined them. She stood behind Mrs.. {: |+ h* N: [! s5 ]
Maikowski as the older guard knelt in front of Josh,& y) R; M# `  L% T/ H+ N
examining his balls. Miss Thomas stood on the other side of# K0 M) g, ^1 m3 G' s
him stroking his cock. She ran her fingers around his cock; E" o; v4 P2 x
head causing him to shudder. "Do you want to play a little?"6 o+ K- @2 u. L, M. ?& _
She asked Lori.2 H- k# d5 C$ U9 t8 S
# y# g( g: p6 `. p3 b
Lori nodded and Miss Thomas switched places. Josh's cock had
6 V! O- A" J" W" Y, Hagain hardened as the women kneaded and stroked it. He was" v) B/ S5 c% c. U* t* _1 v& ^
swaying as Lori ran her hand up and down its length. His
3 Y( G" L3 U  `9 ~3 [breathing quickened. Mrs. Maikowski dropped his balls and* g3 c2 i, x$ t3 Z1 G
moved away as Lori stroked him until he stood on his tiptoes
5 @, z: f$ u/ k. [" r( Q8 d+ f: Z, Garched his back and came.
& T/ S7 x: n$ b$ q! f( r& \
  H+ P3 y0 b9 ~! R2 TAs Josh cleaned up the floor, this time with his own shirt,3 z: O1 e# s+ ], o
Mrs. Connolly shifted her attention to Michael. "Might as' M, S3 U# h' ^. c
well get a look at your cock, you little loudmouth. Drop your- G' D% }! }! u3 j# Q( s, o
pants to the floor and step out of them." She ordered.
3 h3 ~7 G4 f5 G8 V" C  A
# A6 G2 i( w8 R) NMichael grinned. "Sure Mommy. Which one of the little chicks
8 d9 B$ H, |1 \! F  ?6 Yis going to play with my cojones first?" He unbuckled his$ j" {% ]; R& O) P" o
belt and let his pants drop to the floor. He stepped out of3 J4 s5 M- G5 p
them and Miss Thomas picked them up and threw it into the
; m% G; p/ ~8 Y5 I$ d1 H! U% H1 X$ Qcarton. Michael's legs were as muscular as his arms and! T9 i# D* C* i* N; b
chest. He stood proudly in his white Bvd's, His cock bulge
4 ?( Y7 `5 W, R- E3 _tenting the front of them.
% h1 W( J+ ~, v7 t( i3 J9 C  U# s3 }
"You're too sure of yourself kid.  I think we need to take
5 }8 a6 A: [5 N: @you down a peg." Mrs. Connolly informed the grinning boy.
- @6 C$ [1 l' Y( V4 _: e6 W"You're going to have your underpants pulled down and your
3 t& j! p  z5 c% y4 _cock is going to be examined just like Josh but I think we'll$ `% l7 @' p0 J$ @; _' F
let Andy and Christopher do it."1 J3 K( }2 f/ r; D& o0 V

5 g% @1 P3 a# U* s0 M8 D7 Y! b% F2 jNow it was Michael's turn to blush. "A boy, No fucken way. 1 U+ Q8 Y3 q+ n& c) F' |' ]
Why won't you let the girls do me like the other guy?"
) E& x3 @5 z( m( [" H+ h
( v2 w! y, h% u) O9 p5 w"We all want to see what you've been bragging about but you
$ @9 z# \2 n- p( W1 t8 caren't going to enjoy any of this. When I get through with
. g& e7 f8 I2 e+ {* X% V9 d5 Qyou you'll never want to be naked in front of a woman again."
# L9 v$ c$ c/ P# NMrs. Connolly told him. "Now get those hands behind your
* _! Y. n3 t7 y7 t1 Uback. Deputy, will you handcuff him for me?"
* v. v. r8 h: @5 |% ], b4 \# W4 d9 Y  V$ Z, n0 e; j3 @
Deputy Tancredi moved in behind Michael and snapped the
- i+ y% W1 s- X) q' Q! X- ghandcuffs on him. "This is starting to become interesting,"- u# R. ]2 F' R; Q, r% j/ ]
she said chuckling.! B. P) X. ]1 l( l; t3 q
5 q4 R8 }, O. h; ^6 V4 _; \0 y
Mrs. Connolly beckoned to Andy. The naked boy was reluctant.
6 ~6 J: [3 B: s0 W: J"Please Ma'am don't make me do this," he cried.2 W) h' p; v4 j. \' x; B

' r+ \' Y" c8 F/ Z5 B* Q"What did I tell you about saying no," She warned. "You and
) u+ W- \; Q* Z% p  W$ ?3 b" [3 Q1 y" Gyour brother are in enough trouble already. Don't make me use) @" @0 k! ~) `+ ?! x' H
the remote. Now pull his underpants down and let's see that
9 k& C: f1 X7 N' W7 W" hthing he's so proud of."
5 Q' l3 D. G; v: H3 Q, b) c, L" r, }$ u- e9 d& Z5 g9 H" B/ q4 v
Andy stared into Michael's eyes. He saw the fear. The dark/ N$ z& N" U& ]+ T
haired boy was scared. All this goofy talk$ K$ q, o: E& s" B* m5 d+ E9 j
Was just to hide the fact that he was a frightened young boy.
5 \+ c* |" N6 tThen Michael made a mistake. "You try to take my underwear
2 R' Y* q. U3 ^5 n8 Xoff and I'll kick your ass," he threatened the naked boy
. }0 B( H5 h& o# d5 estanding in front of him. % P+ b; w. `+ R" B7 E
" S4 e/ O8 T3 T4 G' M) B
Andy was also a street kid and was tired of taking crap from
# U0 m; |3 k3 ]9 Z) E' X8 k! X! \) Kall these people. That did it. He reached up and pulled
0 d/ R. S  H8 N8 o& r8 C. `Michael's bandana off his forehead. "Hey that's my colors
% U9 G3 U6 E' K: L4 NEsay." The older boy cried. "Give that back." + S7 \) k1 q* f. t5 z1 ]
- F; U: C3 n2 b" @- @: I
"Tough shit man," Andy grinned. "You're handcuffed what are
& z4 V8 @" }( J: R) U9 gyou gonna do?" He threw the bandana away and reached over to* c- w+ C# Z9 z% L
Michael's underpants. With one swift pull he yanked them down
! d5 T  s/ M0 j$ Naround the taller, heavier boy's feet.+ K1 P4 L# S* }' D; K" r! n1 u" r$ Z
5 a9 _# ?) f$ l6 c* Y) T
The room was silent as everyone stared at Michael's cock. He
  P; y" [8 d0 J& Y5 ~6 }might have been twelve years old but at least one part of him. w2 l1 e3 u- @, {1 O. E5 k+ u
had reached adulthood. His tool was as long as Josh's but was
+ I: O4 Z9 }$ Utwice as thick. It jutted proudly out of a nest of black; ?5 I4 A' Z" T( O
pubic hair. Unlike the other boys he was uncircumcised. His$ v& D1 p9 h: q6 N# k' s
balls were hanging down below his cock and like his dick they, `$ \) Q% ^8 b0 m( M! n+ o1 }, k
too were fully matured.   c- r2 }& `5 |9 N" X- x% B

$ e5 N) O7 ^3 B+ }"Holy shit," Andy muttered as he looked at Michael's dick. It
$ ?3 H% l0 A( ?was the biggest cock he'd ever seen. The girls were
. ^; N5 z! M2 Gawestruck. Jennifer and Caitlin stared at it, A look of
" J! Q4 V/ m5 t  r/ V& Z5 E, Adisappointment crossed their pretty faces. Each of them
. k" x5 Q0 `0 b) wwanted to play with that cock but Mom had said no and she was( f0 F5 P1 P) C
the boss.
2 N% Y  H6 L1 ^( q- g4 L/ j- K) t% j+ z2 J+ u6 f
Josh was staring as well. His cock was busy being massaged by. v+ C, K3 @" J) N" W
Deputy Tancredi. The others forgot him as they gathered, m2 G7 N- Z) P! i
around Andy and Michael to watch. "Christopher get over by
0 ?0 s2 D" X" n# Q9 _$ Syour brother and help him examine Michael," Mrs. Connolly
, B( G- s6 G- S9 J3 |ordered.
! s2 j$ E' n4 K8 [. K8 g/ N& }1 }; F  _9 c' X5 w# N
Michael was grinning, Only his eyes betrayed his fear and  x  ]3 [+ G  q1 r5 B
nobody was looking at them. "Hey chicks you like Miguel's
9 f, {: Z7 H8 q0 q3 E& B5 V1 |/ G7 Qcock huh? Who wants to feel it?"4 ]6 m6 k) r% Y" y. y

5 T! T/ @2 l- v# c"Go ahead boys," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "He wants someone to9 g) q: b9 g# L1 u
play with his cock." ! ~1 N' ~6 q; F3 O1 ^: c' {1 r
# V/ R& S3 E! ]3 [
"Hey," Michael protested. "Let go of my cock. That's for
; s  H- y9 }. G7 z4 }* |2 }girls not boys." Andy was kneeling on Michael's right side
' `/ Q+ W% D4 e7 E& L; dand Christopher was on his left. Andy had Michael's cock in5 y( J% X) r' b, [8 j1 m
his hand and was pulling it while Chris examined his large" s' `0 @5 x; o0 ?  s0 F6 M6 ?
balls. Michael tried to kick out at Andy but the smaller boy
* a. c, M: s$ V' b- Wmoved his head and the foot barely grazed his shoulder.
4 W2 x+ u  i) X8 U* d% r0 B. L, R- Y$ m* D! l9 s2 Y+ K
Miss Thomas knelt behind the handcuffed boy and before he5 h7 N, d) C5 f$ B
could kick again she grabbed each ankle in her massive hands5 ]6 I% ^4 \/ u/ u
and held him rigid. She took the opportunity to look at his
% X) I0 \; Y8 f7 E4 ]- rbare ass as she did. "Nice ass Boy," She complimented him. "I
, _% c+ _# S7 c8 h/ ccan't wait to get my hands up it."
4 q5 i8 d7 R6 ^/ y
- c0 I3 D4 C1 Z- PMichael Tried to struggle but her grip on his ankles was too$ O& ^- \! v6 Y4 a2 J
tight. His cock was rigid as Andy masturbated it to full# X4 x. v4 ~" D" w  `8 \5 R; Y
thickness. The head was now peeking out from his uncut
" d. ?8 c9 c+ K  i( \foreskin.
5 c) ~8 n" f. e5 L2 q6 b. B8 F6 `* V
"Peel the foreskin back and lets see that cock head," Mrs.
; p, A, Q, {0 u/ F; q, yConnolly instructed. "Pull it away from his cock and check to
4 z/ e9 X& |! l4 P% Y# Lsee if he keeps it clean."  4 x' E8 y$ p7 o5 `7 a# t& e1 r
" O0 u; h' k! D6 }" D6 w9 G' N/ v* J
Andy did as he was ordered and the women peered over his* W0 o/ V9 H  z- o% @2 C
shoulder as he continued to stroke and pull the thick penis.
: t3 F5 q; m, \6 T! [' g( a4 Y, VMichael was breathing heavier as Christopher massaged and2 Z* e# ]; M3 y. C2 R: w
kneaded his balls and Andy stroked him. "Better move out of
, {3 H% n! |: ^( R% Uthe way," Mrs. Maikowski warned. "That boy is gonna cum and I0 h( ?% A4 _$ @: J, D# Q1 {0 n& G
bet he shoots six feet."
4 C8 G" r+ y. W4 m! F& j* @' J
1 G5 ~' r* w6 x" P/ d9 |& YMichael was moving his body back and forth, his eyes closed
, r% V( l0 V4 J) c) b# ias Andy and Chris continued playing with his genitals. He was
6 P' n( x7 V' Y9 ~gasping as he neared his climax. Then he stiffened and with a: y4 {2 X3 @9 L! P8 T* I& o1 K/ N$ z
cry he shot his wad across the room. Andy barely had time to
+ M; o0 [( F% j  H+ u  Lmove his head aside as the cum missed him by inches.
+ S: ]6 B, T7 c7 a& @2 Z/ m8 B. q0 ^( c/ D0 C  g
His cock dripping cum Michael stood head bowed as his
0 }6 Z2 g' s; V0 e' d8 h  C! vbreathing slowed back to normal. "Who's the Maricon now
8 J+ d' k' H# B" EPancho?" Deputy Summers jeered. "You sure enjoyed that."
3 l7 t5 S  `8 |- L
: i4 v+ p; [9 M9 F% H- O" RMichael blushed deep red. His cock rapidly shrank. Josh had  z3 i& I9 E/ J" }9 g' W0 R% ~% S
cum at the same time as Michael after some diligent jerking. g& \8 L5 I3 e2 }2 g
off at the hands of Deputy Tancredi. There were two pools of
; I3 b5 y6 a2 i8 i+ z0 Tsemen on the floor. "Get their shirts and wipe that cum up,"
5 F  q6 l% e$ s+ S1 T4 ]" y& j: ]Jennifer ordered Andy and Chris. "Use his bandana," Miss
5 o' Z. f- i( D. a8 pThomas suggested. "He ain't gonna be wearing that for
% H/ p4 [. A/ |# Uawhile."# l. M# F9 C% H  M4 z

" O" Q$ f2 c3 b1 L2 X: MThe two new boys were led over to the table. Michael still
3 o8 D/ @  {5 M9 [+ o) n) whad his hands cuffed behind his back. "Get up on that table
. ]0 V# {) f* c6 h; ^: h. N+ band kneel facing the wall," Mrs. Connolly ordered the two
1 }9 R; U8 ^1 l, I1 Iboys. "Its time for you to be cavity searched. Get used to
: J7 |$ H% V2 M4 z* F0 u1 a4 lit. You're gonna have a lot of hands up your asses while you+ ~6 R+ [6 G  q% s  K, Q. O
stay here."* H& E- s  U" n. z8 U5 R) K* Z
* x3 H. R+ E! s0 g- k, S
As soon as Josh heard that he started crying all over again.) Z4 x9 v: P* }4 S
"Please don't do that. I'm so embarrassed. I never had anyone
" _* s7 j+ U3 N& r- n7 J0 ctreat me like this."# [* C- k& u, D6 ?
) \3 B/ p4 Q* ?3 |# D9 o
"You've just earned your first spanking, Kid." Mrs. Connolly
& G, W1 O7 q3 d) }" t% E# V3 W& rtold the sobbing boy. "We do it in the evening in front of
7 |0 ^! o% G5 A2 p" H$ ~" Nthe entire staff and students. If you keep your whining up,
, W# q' s& m. V+ k: v& ?1 OI'll make an exception and do it here. I was hoping to avoid
3 `' s$ b2 V$ X0 Fthat. I want your ass to look pretty for us.", p* }- C, m  Z; ]- @
' c) R$ p2 ?4 z9 V- x" f  T
Josh and Michael were positioned on the table. Michael had& D% w* G5 @) U0 Y6 B( J
his face resting on the surface because of the handcuffs., P: R9 d2 D) ~# E) W6 u  v; l+ M
Josh was on his hands and knees. "Now lets get those legs
8 P; S' ^7 r* [" C: a  [apart boys," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "Josh your hands are
# E* u, S" @( o: ~& A' {& Kfree. Open yourself up and lets see that asshole. Lori you
& y1 c" J; h0 B' o- {& F$ V+ g9 Iand Jennifer each take one of Michael's cheeks and pull him
* O: B. B8 |4 X. X  U/ Uopen."+ z3 e( _- P" n* O

3 @4 R6 s* T( S" rAs the young guard and Jennifer opened Michael's asshole up
6 J) ?& W* x+ Q/ Pto everybody Mrs. Connolly reached under Michael and cupped
  j0 _6 q" w/ ]his dangling balls. She chuckled as she squeezed them "You8 @6 o5 p2 W" [! U+ i* `1 m! k7 p
wanted the girls to examine you but I don't think this was# b& Y3 g$ t+ H
what you had in mind. Each of us is going to explore your
; m+ C+ L+ |) s0 Lasshole starting with Deputy Summers. I figure his fingers
3 g7 S2 `/ X. Y1 Z$ r3 ]* pshould open you up nice and wide."" ]7 F6 ?9 [3 Q& M3 D
' j; }. i! y9 n7 B+ v
She turned to the deputy. "Did you ever strip search a
# F. L% f8 l" j! M0 Ssuspect?"
; O: z; w3 R" _6 _9 Q
% v$ R* Y5 ~5 z7 k7 Z6 K! u! G"Harley grinned. "Usually the sheriff has us men do women. L; C! Q& S$ K3 v  o
suspects. It makes them more docile. The female deputies do3 |  S  p' V/ C- |$ b" R# B0 D
the male suspects. But if it will make this little delinquent5 }3 R% W3 t, `! Z9 \# q7 N
uncomfortable then I'd be glad to lend a helping finger or" w" s( z! q$ e7 w$ R5 A' }% `
two."+ m, l( h8 _! o. g

  ~5 g8 z* f* O! iMichael was upset. "You can't do this to me," he yelled, as
. ~$ h/ M( h& w! v: o0 ~Lori and Jennifer stretched his asshole open even wider. Josh' k6 D1 E! W$ R8 ~6 f
was next to him on the table sobbing uncontrollably as Mrs.
* I# s6 x( _" I5 r3 jMaikowski and Miss Thomas pulled his legs further apart.
) }' R: x% z( U
7 p0 `+ L. d; `4 ^Andy looked at the two boys on the table, their puckered
& A, a9 B- `5 q& F8 j1 C: oassholes on display for everyone to see.  Their balls were
0 \5 o$ r9 n- B7 lhanging down as they faced the wall on their knees. He
1 x  Z% N! U( \$ sblushed as he remembered how it felt to be explored like this$ u( C  B* J2 I1 O, E5 S% @4 `
while being helpless. The two boys looked ridiculous. No
7 I8 _5 @/ }; T% v- Hwonder Mrs. Connolly forced them to do this.0 c" p4 h6 I9 t" g% j6 |$ t
" B7 t6 W- |% Y3 L7 \
Deputy Summers took a pair of gloves from Miss Thomas and
8 K6 z! }1 s& e& |9 R7 J; Dstretched them over his large hands. "Do you want me to use5 J$ w' q' k6 j* a! A: z
some lubricant?"
. s5 I+ P) G  F1 P  S9 i. p  \  [8 b, C, \
"No this kids got a big enough asshole," Mrs. Connolly
' i& ~7 Z* S) j; L5 ?advised looking at Michael's wide-open butt. "Next time He'll
0 c7 J, k" T* Dlearn to keep his big mouth shut."& C4 x1 V3 `, q0 G& k0 \

+ |5 T' y8 B$ `8 m! B3 R  t5 ^0 g% P2 K: uMrs. Maikowski had put on a pair of the gloves and pushed her& D. J( `5 Z8 k" E4 L& |+ b! E
middle finger against Josh's puckered pink muscle.."Yeoww,"6 H. I  U& y6 V1 _; J
He screamed as she forced her finger in.
8 H  G/ ?5 K3 l) [, u& |- `: N5 K. \1 |+ G) u
Caitlin and Kelly watched as she wiggled it in his ass. "I'm
& I+ H3 I8 w: Q& Bnext," Caitlin told her younger sister. "Then you can go
6 J4 X: E. p: {9 x6 R3 mafter me."
: F( |% R/ q( m7 b/ Y. _8 O, A7 C1 h% M" a
"Don't fight girls, each of you will get a turn," Mrs.
) z, y6 }" z3 U+ RConnolly told them. "There's a whole school year to go for
# i; ]# \( T: _! v3 X% A0 G' h* Lthese guys. I'm sure you'll get lots of opportunities to
) I; Z1 x! B( q1 ?strip-search them."5 i) [$ a) {# c! Z$ ]$ @: Q/ S
) [" F  Q% o! T' j
Deputy Summers pushed his gloved hand against Michael's' [1 i( L) k/ k, @
puckered ass muscle. Christi and Mrs. Connolly looked on.
8 L% `% R3 g& Y  e- _"Why does he have hair around his hole Mommy?" Christie asked
- O, w- h- i5 b8 Jas she noticed the few strands of hair encircling Michael's% ]8 ?2 A1 I- q* C1 x+ s7 U! k/ k
brown asshole.
3 u! T0 {3 A/ q$ r% l
, p# J  \( |7 ~"He's reached puberty honey. As he gets older he'll get even
) Y0 G: k8 n% @% x! d/ I$ umore hair down there and under his arms. You'll get hair on: l: L# F: A3 T4 ^" b! h
your vagina in a few more years when you reach puberty." Mrs.
. H* ~, J; b; R1 M0 b8 d4 O) iConnolly explained. "Like Caitlin and Jennifer."- G8 f, `3 Q1 i& T- V( T$ X/ S$ l

  B! c6 k% v7 R; nMichael let out a howl as the deputy's big middle finger4 o! h8 @, ]* q$ H
forced its way past his sphincter muscle and into his rectum.
* q& P; f* q6 q7 kThe boy was openly crying in shame and pain. This wasn't- }: r5 i8 r7 h! m6 k
turning out like he'd thought. On the way up to the school
2 J7 D. \7 ~& ~1 Q- _2 Rhe'd bragged to Josh that he'd plug every girl there. Now he* S+ ~' [6 V4 \6 L, T. H
was getting reamed and it wasn't fun." w9 F) h0 M# h( \, K+ w

: F& D$ i2 K4 p+ A4 }9 M( cThe deputy moved his finger in and out as Michael whimpered.- f+ T: b% M5 {/ A! F
His hands, handcuffed behind his back tried but couldn't5 w6 R# A- e0 m0 m4 g
reach the deputy's wrists. + H6 G  F( l8 X" e* K
. B1 g3 ?$ M2 J2 v. x
Finally Harley pulled his finger out and pronounced him
0 e7 x* t9 I; _) h# T! ^0 t* q. F$ ^1 tclean. Michael didn't even have time to catch his breath" A  M% j7 A% F1 q+ |: [7 K* g
before Mrs. Connolly shoved her finger up into him. Josh was% I. g! V) H2 w" s! Q. ]3 u) K
getting the same treatment as Caitlin, Following Mrs.
5 i5 p3 T5 x9 \0 \" TMaikowski poked her finger in him. Each woman and girl took
$ k$ `% x$ `  d3 u+ E* G  ztheir turn probing and wiggling around in the boy's tortured6 j4 i5 Q2 K$ T  K$ U9 |
behinds. Even little Kelly was allowed to ream each boy.
* y/ c& E% H/ w" M+ ~/ D9 J/ l5 F) G( E
It took a half-hour for the women to finish exploring the two# U5 |9 g0 H; Z! s8 N# {8 G1 O
prisoners. When it was done the two thoroughly humiliated6 h5 o8 @. T* C( {- w  X" R
boys were left on the table. Their asses were still up in the: K9 [' n  a4 e* @. N& T2 b
air on display.# X( m* v8 q7 t/ }2 [  g: Z7 Q9 M

* r( @& k: z6 U4 B! MLori was sent to the other office and returned with two of/ J6 M/ t: Q5 O0 }
the wooden paddles. Mrs. Connolly took one and gave the other, R- ?$ ]* S9 N6 I* Q: ]
to Miss Thomas.
4 q$ a. b  u$ N  k# b$ V, @! d9 X! t. l" c
She addressed Michael. "Stay where you are. I'm going to show
; a# ^# y5 O$ P$ d% f( iyou what happens when you mouth off to any of the staff of8 `3 @$ Y: I) M2 |
this school. Ordinarily you earn punishment spankings during0 k( T8 l; Y1 \* u$ A. ]9 g
the day and they're given out at night but I think your! b1 ]: |. S) U- K
behavior needs to be adjusted now."9 \: J0 D+ ~9 L& k- G

) `+ d( m9 b( o( T/ \. t4 xShe hauled back and let fly at her target. The paddle landed: X+ D7 |# _0 v
with a loud whack and Michael jumped forward. "Eyoow, Madre2 o6 ~4 T5 \2 I& O6 H
De Dios," he screamed. She hauled back and smacked him again.
5 D- V& Z; `" ?8 Z0 F, ^5 E6 tShe worked up a rhythm as she pummeled each cheek in turn.: D+ s4 w2 t8 }  j4 N
Forty times the wide paddle landed on Michael's plump ass and
8 T2 x" k1 k) dsoon it was glowing a cheery red color. 6 J, X. g4 x$ C. c- h

4 f  D4 F3 O; L, ]$ l: d6 pMiss Thomas lost no time in Whacking Josh's smaller white. F2 a( I* v0 Q3 P! r  v* ~
behind. Both women continued spanking their targets as the8 F" l; f% X& t. h- ^6 C0 m; F
boys screamed and howled. Andy felt pity for the two new% I1 N: M% [, K" B  C- V4 N
boys. He knew how hard those paddles felt against tender ass
* }6 a- R* f: y) }3 Fflesh. Christopher was crying. He was afraid they'd be next
$ x: ]4 s3 T1 z! D& P3 Q9 z( Zon the table, being punished for the escape attempt. 6 T9 l; N4 k9 p( {1 }
) ~" d+ Z6 c/ P
Mrs. Connolly stopped after forty times. But it was only to
% i* X, \! _6 L1 e8 B9 h' y9 ghand the paddle to Deputy Tancredi. Soon the deputy was! k6 S" y' z2 D! b/ l( Q: z5 {
giving it to Michael as he howled in anguish.1 t; R- L' G; k. o
4 O) l, u5 ~4 p# g7 r5 c& r4 k& U0 z& s5 y
Miss Thomas gave Josh forty spanks and handed the paddle to5 b8 C& X( _4 |% Z
Christi. The little ten year old showed no mercy and although$ v- C2 f4 m/ l6 |
she was small her spanks reddened Josh's ass even further.
4 f1 \3 O, _; j8 z; z+ p: a5 [; C, j4 e7 f# C4 g3 B
Each of the four Connolly kids got a turn at Josh's blistered
+ s7 C* p" ~6 l# uass. As for Michael after the deputy finished she handed the9 }3 `. r( h" A7 S2 E$ E
paddle to Lori Paulson who kept up the pace, Michael hadn't4 A* b' m# A; G. w7 U# R" G
made any friends this afternoon.3 o( D" F5 X3 I! |
* F7 F& H' ?$ ]7 ]8 Y6 O
The boys howled and screamed as the spankings kept up until
) n& v& q. f- m. a* c. C" aMrs. Connolly called a halt. "We need to take the mug shot$ w1 d( e* l9 T8 G* f
photos and fingerprint them," She told Miss Thomas. "They& ]2 R' ?7 F; b( F
won't photograph well if their ass cheeks are bleeding."
8 F! ]: {; F$ Q: M/ E
0 n) r* c6 D2 L0 L2 V3 L6 l9 r% \; ?Given this reprieve Josh and Michael were allowed to stand
: K8 f% T; w2 i% mup. Michael's hands were released from the cuffs to allow him
( c+ M( O) U* {& q/ gto rub his ass. Both boys hopped around rubbing their aching5 C4 ^6 p! o6 N! X( i& x0 q+ {, {% f
behinds and crying their eyes out. The girls watched this& ^2 t2 ]' y6 u$ d/ f
spectacle, giggling. Michael and Josh both had decent size2 @+ m$ A/ D- ~
cocks and ball sacks and as they hopped around barefoot,  E- |4 e" \! w9 X! L9 \# k# v: w
their genitals swung up and down and to and fro. This amused
7 {; Q! ?' J7 C4 M2 \8 y' x8 zthe Connolly girls considerably.
- T3 ]/ q( V+ ]
6 e, m6 a* R" y* h& T" W# KMrs. Connolly laid down the law to her newest students. "This
" m! T5 R+ b2 t( w( B% Jis an example of the kind of punishment we give bad little3 y$ a4 I( \( Z5 u5 H
boys. Mouth off or disobey and you'll get more of the same.6 o0 r$ A7 D% n) G, j; \
Now lets see how well you've learned.  Michael I want you to
$ o3 u" h6 h7 d# \, E7 N* Vface Josh. Stand toe to toe."
3 D/ U" |# ?6 g7 y* S( C7 o5 p7 y* w  B9 s# p
Michael sullenly obeyed. "Good now take his cock in your hand
( e+ j, y4 d/ Q, N. E# K" Z. Tand examine It," She ordered.
6 ?' a: S- i- Z0 e" n0 X+ ]8 b0 M1 C2 c2 K
"No, I won't," he shouted angrily. "I'm not a faggot like
- J. I- r: T/ G% Z8 h; ~5 L& fthose two," He declared pointing to Andy and Christopher.
* Q& ^+ |# e4 o: a- A" h1 S* y1 i8 q8 Y  ^4 @
"Very well. Deputy Summers would you pick up Michael and turn/ c- g0 q6 O& O) r4 \& Q8 x- u
him over your knee?"
1 v( ^; V# ]1 y2 T: l1 X1 S& J1 G6 g- p( H- l: Q" G
"Yes Ma'am it would be my pleasure," Harley Summers said
; _' L* t3 c& W- [# s! f2 G2 K0 `/ asmiling evilly at the scared boy. He reached out and grabbed0 o) l# G1 m9 [; ?% h& k
Michael's arm and once more the boy found himself ass up0 D4 B  X. D3 x9 u6 m
ready for a spanking. 6 K8 ]7 I. X# E* a

( P2 ~+ [0 i3 C# P) ]; D"No, please I'll do as you say," Michael screamed as Harley's7 F+ E! w4 r1 u7 O8 k
hand crashed down on his bare red ass.
8 S/ R& `$ y  [5 N0 w, h% e' |/ v4 d" L' Q4 v6 W% l
"Ten spanks on his ass barehanded should do it," Mrs.) x$ E5 T; q# d' g4 P+ U. v
Connolly told the deputy. "You were too late Michael. You
) q8 Q3 G. T0 F1 [* Lmust obey instantly."& X+ t+ p6 V* j" u4 a0 F
3 Q. A/ M1 Y, |- X5 y2 O* e
Harley had hard callused hands and they felt worse than the
" R2 p& w% d. q3 }% }/ Gpaddles as he slapped Michael's sore buttocks nine more times
1 r: J, {+ U. l- Mcausing the boy to kick and scream in pain.; u! ?$ s0 c1 |9 Z" {/ c$ F
, A, g# R6 M! x/ q7 k% H. w
When the spanking was over Michael did his little dance,$ [2 C. B+ \$ @1 _5 y% Q) x5 L
hopping up and down and rubbing his red behind. He was openly1 ?1 M$ }8 ]) [' [9 N
crying in pain and frustration.
% c+ i) a. a5 O2 ^$ `6 l6 ]1 q& h) I9 t% I
"Are you going to listen to me now?" Mrs. Connolly asked the
+ j8 `, l; x* s$ ]dark haired boy. Michael nodded and muttered, "Yes.": ^: ~/ y4 E2 l/ l7 Z3 i
  h# q1 H, Z9 l) X9 |3 Y
"Good now stand facing Josh and take his balls into your
6 w; ^* Q5 h% \! p  e! [  N1 }, d' y. shands," She ordered again and this time Michael listened. He' Y) c0 c, O- O# o) \+ {9 }
reached down and cupped Josh's balls. Tears were running down, A. u. a: R# U% r$ h- N5 I
both boys' cheeks as they reddened in embarrassment.# v2 P: D  q9 r# c* g
; L  D" [' f! g. J+ s
"Josh you take Michael's balls and examine them as well," She
' z) n2 D8 i7 l4 c1 t/ q" Ucommanded the other boy. "Now stroke each other's cocks with
1 O( P/ G, _0 E, `( s9 pyour other hands. Josh I want you to skin back his foreskin
7 q8 b8 C& Q" m; S, v1 \# J4 Hand play with his cock head." The guards, deputies and the6 H2 d8 O) t9 Z* Y
four Connolly kids looked on grinning as each of the boys
# c1 l* J0 n2 [) R5 l  S7 Wplayed with the other's cock. + L+ x  |. H$ o  ~5 n0 X+ k
+ L; I5 z4 z$ E/ j- a- P
They stroked and caressed and slowly each cock grew hard and8 |2 o' O1 U# q0 a( j
proud. Michael pulled Josh's skinny cock with his left hand
8 e% \5 z" A  Y+ e- h, cand cupped and kneaded his balls with his right. Josh in turn
; Y; K3 C6 f0 p# qwas pulling Michael's thicker cock, skinning his uncut
! \6 L# ^: [5 M! qforeskin back and forth. * V) d! O9 j" ^

2 Q! m* _! D# f! {) Q; Z"Look at each other's cocks," Miss Thomas commanded She) T* p5 y/ V' n3 H& y0 z9 h
noticed both red faced boys staring off into space, not+ Y% g# j! t4 v! N) b+ v9 s. v* U
meeting each other's eyes or looking at the other boy's cock.
: I/ d: T$ ~# B6 I5 }/ p. ]- }' Z# N! j6 \+ U2 }5 A7 X
The boys continued stroking.  Andy and Christopher were
/ g) |7 h$ ^7 y  x( f0 A) Lalmost forgotten as everyone watched the two older boys* a* {4 @8 Y0 x% Y' |7 ^: `% ~
humiliating themselves. Almost forgotten but not quite.
2 Y2 J9 m' M0 `1 t" ^7 F2 sChristopher was looking along with everyone else when he felt7 {" W: _- D0 V5 L: p+ B
a finger up his ass. Little Kelly smiled at him as she
7 n0 E% C5 A% R- N% L. E# xfingered his asshole while watching the other boys. "I like0 p' d0 {/ ^3 P2 _5 Y
your tushy," she giggled.
% M* m0 I& H, ~0 `7 s) S* v: ^6 t8 {+ c2 s# B
To compound their embarrassment Mrs. Maikowski had gotten the9 C  f4 `) x, ~4 }* d& Q
camera from the front desk and was busy shooting pictures of
; z8 x* n7 ^, b" n8 [the two boys.) E/ [$ u4 T, x# Y: [4 \3 P( K

8 \" n) |6 O) H/ DJosh's ass was moving in and out and his breathing was
0 B+ G$ H: m+ Snoticeably heavier as despite the awful embarrassment he was
5 E4 \  p' L8 f- ?* B: Tfeeling, he responded to the hand job. Michael's cock was
6 i$ w* i3 ~2 ~- w$ Z! d1 @dripping pre-cum and soon his ass was wiggling as if it had a
$ Y7 a3 b7 I$ E! N2 bmind of its own. His breathing quickened as well. A few more
# C' o1 a$ F6 ~: `) Xstrokes on the cock as Josh played with his balls and Michael0 U3 ~2 p. r, R# T* N- F/ B; `
stiffened and arched his back. He gasped and shot a load of
) K' m7 ~7 x- Lcum all over Josh's chest. 6 Q( L7 Q4 H# E* [

  A, \1 W3 m( F( c"Don't stop," Miss Thomas warned Michael. "Josh hasn't cum$ S7 ~) A5 S5 ?1 r9 ?# s
yet." 5 r  {5 K9 L% b: o* b* [2 {
' s. o' g7 ]6 _- p& z  G
Despite his humiliation and with a load of Michael's cum
6 V/ Q6 N+ C* a% g' p# X* ?1 Tdripping down his chest Josh soon was on his tiptoes gasping7 @1 B9 w6 J  B( x$ g8 W( G# O
and moaning as he shot his own wad and hit Michael on the) E& \% P: T  L' \9 U0 v9 D2 n
wrists. 2 c, B2 U8 c) R7 r

8 \; u$ [8 `8 _* ^9 V) wCaitlin handed both boys their underpants and told them to2 M8 F0 O  W; X6 Q
wipe up the cum.
/ [% s0 F7 Y5 m2 g' U5 O# T1 C- k( n( V. N( t& \4 e2 G
The two twelve year olds stood in front of the women, heads' s9 i- a" B% J1 C0 @1 z1 K
bowed as their breathing returned to normal. Both boys were$ z  E( v; G' f: A1 P  J& C% a# c
sobbing, Tears rolling down their cheeks.
& l: V/ I+ t7 @% u, @4 a) U6 C' {9 ]0 X8 j+ L- r0 W2 l/ p* i
"You wanted someone to play with your cock," Mrs. Connolly& O/ P, Q2 I7 i
told Michael. "Well you got your wish." She knelt in front of
, d8 m" h8 R3 G  ~him and felt his balls, Then skinned back his foreskin and1 i/ g+ G8 ?2 }/ A1 Q
examined his cock closely. 'From now on the girls will be' @8 I- z" p$ G# Q
allowed to examine you and play with your cock. You are to
+ J* r/ W) z$ w2 J% Q1 Tstand with your hands behind your head when they tell you- ?8 j% k7 G/ ^  Z
they want to play with it. It is not for your enjoyment but. I( D; h7 c4 f- K5 w0 S
for them to enjoy. If you cum while they're examining you,' m5 I  n) M+ O+ X2 W
You'll be spanked. That's your punishment for all the wiseass6 M# j$ @) \- Z" e6 I, l6 W
remarks you made before. Do you understand?"8 n8 S% G' j# ^& K5 k3 O& ~

, f" Y: F8 V% _2 t- w- s- G- T" EMichael nodded. This time he kept his mouth shut.7 t! J$ R+ X1 ~/ a1 r& A/ B! Y

8 G9 n$ U; ^2 ]The two boys were positioned in front of the screen as Mrs.+ u6 \  p% H  F% l
Maikowski continued taking their pictures. Michael went" @- y1 s& q/ N; r
first. His cock had responded to Mrs. Connolly's exam and was
2 A9 ?/ Q: N4 [1 ?7 w4 d5 pfully erect as the guard took full frontal shots. Then
& M; U+ m! o5 _- w: L( MJennifer told him to turn around and face the screen. "Spread
7 r3 ?3 z% C) {' \6 Jyour legs apart and bend over," She ordered.  Too frightened
4 ]& A# i% o2 I& d( E8 xto disobey Michael did as he was told.' B. m" }8 P0 l& G( X

5 ^* n6 E& W% }9 A"Now pull your cheeks apart and show the camera your
6 R; g; E: ^% |' J4 O' kasshole," She giggled.
4 B% Y8 L4 x  z
, g$ n/ f! X3 \0 }Michael went pale. This was so humiliating he felt sick with
. ~# D% y9 ?- d( n# mshame. The hot feeling in his ass cheeks from the paddling
9 d3 @" \  E# N1 _7 ?' x3 t9 xthat he had received made up his mind for him. He wanted no; C% ]; F1 g# r0 b
part of the paddle or the deputy's big hands. He pulled his# n5 C" K; g% ?2 n
buttocks apart exposing his asshole to the camera.# [- M; d) C- i2 M9 A

! c! k3 B- X* ?. {- kMrs. Maikowski snapped away. The girls posed with him, two on
  p% m  i$ {) b: keach side and she took that picture. Each girl then posed
4 Q& ?" l/ ^+ q3 `7 F$ ~$ Hseparately with him as the thirty-six shot roll was finished.6 t: G9 @1 W2 y. M1 Z
. C$ m; h" w+ V$ E
Josh was next. Lori took his glasses off his face. "You have
4 b- D+ v# f3 `. rbeautiful eyes," She told him. "I'll give them back to you
" l2 d0 n" I$ e+ N, |& Bafter the photo shoot."8 b4 m# \: B- i
; m) d; v* g8 |+ L$ Z+ r; _
Mrs. Maikowski reloaded the camera and Josh held the sign
. W! A7 c0 `' s- E8 @+ Awith his name on it as she took the standard mug shot. Then
8 ]( C8 X$ l# mseveral more shots of his naked cock were taken before the
6 g" O/ [: ?7 ?6 G' dgirls joined him. Each girl posed with their hands cradling6 u& ^% B8 |1 p3 ^5 f- \" P
his balls and cock as Mrs. Maikowski snapped away.
8 T7 B% t! E0 F6 a& K* W
( Z  c/ _; j% y: M: v! q6 pJosh was sobbing with shame as he was forced to pose for the0 V+ f3 R: `! c" E
camera. He was bent over and Close-us of his ass were taken,
2 N  m# s( b0 S& NThen the girls got into the picture pulling his cheeks apart; A3 q7 [6 M9 W  ^
as the roll of film was used up.
/ {0 z3 M" a% L! E1 C8 T4 l( O: p0 x6 ?. }
Finally the ordeal was over. "Josh you'll be in the dorm with
5 }) o' o5 ]4 }( H" g" y4 H+ W* ?the rest of the boys until Monday when the doctor gives you( b, A6 [; y5 O# [  z
your physical, Mrs. Connolly told the two new boys. "Michael,5 s& ~9 ^+ t5 `# y4 N
your big mouth got you into trouble with me and you've earned! K, W* W* ~+ m* O; r: N. o/ [& C
the solitary room. You'll be served your meals there and stay% {: Z% o- `3 }( J# |
in the room until Monday."
3 A& c) ]: ]6 y0 b
7 j9 v; W+ ~) `, FShe turned to Miss Thomas. "Put the cock harness on him and+ W* n0 Y! A: n: A: n2 Y
take him to his room. Both of you boys put on the flip-flops* |5 h, Q# K+ M; O9 y( S
and hats. That will be your uniform like the rest of the5 D+ J: E8 F. m" E7 w) \
boys. You're not to wear anything else while you're at this
* }1 ?: @7 A5 y+ lschool."
* ^: ?8 E6 v" j- Y( I  H
* C/ N& }' p- A% O2 i/ [Miss Thomas adjusted the harness around Michael's cock and8 c/ m4 r; A$ i5 T6 n
balls as he stood red faced with his hands behind his back.
; j1 v% z: h3 S- x* M: V
! Z1 y8 a8 r. z" R/ j0 H' ^$ kShe snapped the leash onto it and led Michael down the hall., s0 T7 G5 M; G' D( Y3 U7 U
"Meet us in the dorm," Mrs. Connolly called after Miss. Z0 H3 ?/ w( c' a' E# o
Thomas. "Its time Andy and Chris learned what their
! M/ k) t  G! m$ j2 F, npunishment is for trying to escape. Ricky and Josh can watch
3 t6 C8 q; @; M' w9 L% Pand learn as well."% \# [8 `! }6 @/ p& k
5 L  `. G1 X3 D+ ^, a7 _8 H% b: X
The two deputies had to leave. "You're gonna miss a good
  {1 ^6 R7 R. {Show," Mrs. Connolly told them as they turned to go. "I
# d8 V* b" ^5 D' t2 k7 m. Yhadn't planned on doing this until all the students were here6 J3 g9 j5 G/ E$ z+ f+ @5 D( s( T6 N
but I think its time we showed these boys we mean business."
  [* k5 F) ~  p' s! Z& X  n
9 g& Z# Q( p. I1 z- ?"We'll probably be back next week with one of the other
" h7 `" {5 ~6 a* u# K! l8 E" Kboys," Deputy Tancredi said. "Maybe you'll show us then."
2 L5 h, [+ G4 C9 Q0 y* J4 q7 S6 S
Lori Paulson led the three boys to the dorm followed by the2 `+ w% r8 h6 N7 J4 v4 z
girls and Mrs. Connolly and Mrs. Maikowski.
" q7 G8 H/ M- q' i; @7 E9 d" K/ |/ x5 @5 _
Ricky was lying on the bed when he heard the key in the door.7 s3 i: h+ P/ m/ O% Q" s
He hopped out of bed and put his hat and flip-flops on. Mrs.5 P1 ]4 M, J5 G! E
Connolly walked in first followed by the others. "How's your
, E0 c/ K. d* e/ e; ]; fballs?" She asked the blonde boy. "Did the numbness wear off3 K+ Q2 ?1 Q' d3 a) T" a2 F
3 S" c% U4 ^& V) c" [, `" E1 Y6 b* h. V8 `. j2 O
"Yes Ma'am Ricky nodded. ! z. W  B  d. c" n+ q' o

, H& r( m" T1 W  b2 ["Good. Lets see how the remote works on you," She said5 o& N+ Q, A  k
pressing number three. Ricky felt like he'd been kicked in
8 s4 ~$ A( x$ O( Tthe balls. As the searing pain hit him, He fell to the floor- J& k# Z! R0 a" E
holding his groin and screamed.
: e" @) x. ]  L7 s" m) h! R
; A+ ?# Q5 |! t- d. ^3 B& f7 m"That's for your little end run this morning," Mrs. Connolly
: a) g' T& z% P7 s& @; z" j! Lsaid. "I know everything that goes on here, Now stand up and1 n) K( D; O; i0 |) A
watch we're about to punish your two friends. While we wait
9 b0 P1 C# N% `# d! @for Miss Thomas allow me to introduce you to your new
7 G  y7 B9 q" ^$ xroommate," She pointed. "The pretty boy here is Josh. Be a* D8 ]# S6 P( e, Y9 w* q* U$ q
good boy and shake his cock." She turned to Josh. "In this# n, G- f1 ]# t  s! l
school the boys don't shake hands, they shake dicks. Josh2 ]) [. c5 b  [2 [& y
this is Ricky. Shake his cock. Watch out for the stitches on, E% M9 {: _% m
his scrotum."
: Y# A0 H: r  D- Z: R. @& n; n4 r: [# s! P7 j
The four Connolly girls giggled as the two boys, faces3 \* N9 R# N1 V, f
ablaze with humiliation were forced to pull each other's
$ d1 R) R2 x: \+ t4 Bdicks. They shouted suggestions as the two boys faced each0 ]( c! x/ w1 y& o$ _
other and did as they were ordered./ x1 W1 N5 P- c( L5 C% g4 J0 w
4 w, B; M1 u3 E8 M, @  R' K" y" u
Miss Thomas and Michael were at the room Ricky had vacated.
- y3 g$ ?; q% W" z: lShe led him in by the leash. "Put your hands back on that0 G8 z4 e& I* R' g* ~' r$ U
head boy so I can unhook your harness. You must be a real
: ]1 X$ _5 q5 Z) Jthreat if she's gonna keep you in here till Monday. Too bad
# h0 S2 `. C' Nyou're gonna miss the punishment. You can learn from watching
; b0 G- d# M$ ]6 S( x0 v: Cthose two poor fools."
; e% W- a2 J. z- t- }- ]' ]4 i
) H, U- E' w5 |9 ]9 [It was one on one so Michael took a shot as she fondled his
7 ^, n' u+ L& Q9 i: c& b8 ]3 fcock while she removed the harness. "Ooh " x. |3 b6 L& s* @. g0 o9 [) e4 O
Mommy your hands feel so good on my peenjo." He said closing5 l% S# x# s& I5 d; d4 d( v
his eyes and wiggling his hips. ' Q, v0 v, H8 X0 ]6 k( X; ~% l
# Z" x" N& @1 _8 @; B
Miss Thomas Calmly cupped Michael's balls in her big hand and4 p& S+ t' L- O$ [9 ^' l" ^/ x
squeezed. He whitened as pain lanced through him. "Don't you8 X0 S# t$ N2 D) d
ever talk to me that way boy," She lectured him as she
. S7 B$ k$ s+ \* |, g  nincreased the pressure on his testicles. Michael was on his* N( j- L% I2 M: G
knees moaning before she let go. " I ain't your Mommy and you
* N' J  v. X4 F+ t3 |" s, j1 U2 a8 Hhad better learn respect. You and me ain't gonna get along
" m7 S' q# v5 P* Fand you know you're gonna be the one that loses.  When the  S6 \+ ]: A2 z' Q9 T5 h; P
doctor gets through with you I don't think you'll be such a, j+ l* J4 l0 k
wise ass. Now get into that shower and wash that cum off.) G* x; a  D  N, Z
I'll bring you dinner later."
9 o! F  p) n5 M  J, c/ m
' @# l! \3 V" D! ?She locked him in and walked down the hall to the dorm.
# o% r( [7 E, W, [3 L8 f0 N% g4 w  p5 j- Q
Mrs. Connolly looked up from watching Ricky and Josh
9 \) t/ X3 [# c; w6 bmasturbate each other as she entered. "Good you're just in- T) L# |  j4 M) e# n
% m) f% A0 \/ ~% A" ]# U
% F5 H% s% L, N* }7 U8 r: e0 T, S0 mThe girls were seated on one of the beds. Mrs. Maikowski and
3 E$ B8 R. F# u: x+ f3 yLori were on another bed. Miss Thomas Joined them as Mrs.6 m  C% Z) s2 f. v8 D
Connolly spoke to the four naked boys standing in front of
0 [) [+ M6 F  [* Q, @her.
1 Y; o; w2 F( `! c7 b: c
4 ^' P' a5 P2 V4 q1 b# ~8 ?7 M2 i& n"What should your punishment be?"  She asked Andy and
2 P" m! V  {* I0 K% M3 f/ qChristopher. "Trying to escape is a major offense. I could
1 \; w* i3 L8 khave you spanked but you'd only try again some other time.
8 j2 F' w" v/ PLets see now, What should I do to you?" * T8 `. A# G* u( L2 W$ S4 _

) E( R  {% {6 s! p3 I. S% MThe two brothers were standing at attention. Christopher was* v' P" a0 }  m3 L; @% `0 g  U. U1 U
sobbing quietly. Both boys were shaking.
; m( |% b, e1 j/ `7 d. c' ~7 z# K
"Ricky you and Josh are not going to be punished but I want
) A  Q" Q+ f$ x4 i7 Fyou to witness this so you'll know better if the thought ever
; s& J9 r2 B9 M" p/ Hoccurs to you." She looked at Christie and Kelly. "You two) R; C) G" h, ~6 B, S6 U
were there and they pushed you down and tried to escape so" H) s  \- a+ h* j
we'll let you decide the punishment."" W" Y  s% l% a8 R7 h
" _3 n0 f/ \" v- X" Y2 U
Kelly spoke up," I'd like to see them suck each other's! }7 K9 K0 z/ w& m; Q
dickies, Mommy."+ a5 a( H: E2 e
+ o  X0 h: ~* V- _- X
"Well I was hoping to save that for when all the boys were
- s) ~* o% i. i$ S0 Vhere but that's not a bad idea. Christie do you agree?"
; A4 r* o' P- G8 n0 H; }2 |! [, G
/ H! r! T4 A' Y: D"Yeah mom," the other girl smiled. "I'd like to see that
2 h( z" ~4 I% R/ |- `% S9 M- nalso. It would be so way cool."7 ~: o9 E- A3 Y5 Z

5 N# L& F; L7 p. Q( S& x1 `Andy looked stricken. He couldn't believe what he was. J4 U* k& U8 p1 x& c! A
hearing. Both boys stood open mouthed in shock as Mrs.+ a6 _, d  h* {9 p/ c; S5 b7 G$ Q
Connolly looked at them./ ]1 F8 |( p3 m7 G5 W$ G
/ K% p: n0 e2 s% O, R' K, I2 ?
"You heard my daughters. Get on the bed, head to feet, facing
  U0 i9 i8 o$ ~; O# zeach other."
& x7 b6 F1 w! x( q
' s% x: n  R- f, V0 ?"You can't mean that," Andy protested. "He's my brother. I
' G& N/ L' {& B7 W5 u  Y8 O  Ecan't suck his dick."0 w. l1 a/ _4 v1 i, B8 ~
! [/ Q' w9 H) b1 j. m$ Z7 u$ i
Christopher was bawling. "P P Pleeeze he stammered, "Don't
1 u) j; f" `1 N3 K# ^* U  S4 ~make me do this." 8 D. ~, r2 q: o* r" R: i+ ?

5 x; R' L, p" L& T- ^* AMrs. Connolly took out her remote. "This is your last chance0 p2 r" U1 j! j  U# S
to avoid some pain.  Get on the bed and lay down on your" r9 a$ X% ~2 ?& _
sides head to toe."  m9 n( G+ ?4 h& U

* y5 Q+ k1 Y! f" |Andy took Chris's hand and led him to the bed. Both boys were
. X! W0 i- L# Y& J2 Ysobbing as they lay down. Andy's head towards the top of the3 S. m" c7 k: e1 n3 K
bed and Chris's towards the foot. They turned onto their3 ]+ O5 V7 u) \  x/ E
sides. "Scrunch down so your heads are near each other's
  `$ w( \1 A3 s4 _5 Dcocks," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "I don't want you sucking each
- X: K. Y, L3 U8 b5 |0 Aother's toes."1 c4 ]8 W4 |0 D4 n0 b

/ ]4 _" z! u- G( A( l$ I( bChris moved down. Both boys were facing each other's cocks,: M! z; U3 _6 ~
their mouths just inches away. Neither boy made a move.
1 p& }/ e+ ]1 |0 n0 q( t% w% K; [4 Q; B3 x3 a: `3 V' y7 ~
"You can start by kissing each other's balls," Miss Thomas. |2 t5 p4 T# s, x5 \
said. "That's real brotherly love."
$ J8 @0 z% \# ]) o$ z6 v( G6 M$ _& D
' }$ A+ J- b  F3 O8 n5 R8 kThe girls surrounded the bed as Andy cupped Christopher's
) f6 b, k4 d! B/ X: g5 dballsack in his hand and kissed it. Tears were running down& P' I% Y7 Q" }& }+ M" _; V
their cheeks. Christopher then kissed Andy's scrotum. "Good
  m* k4 T2 I5 j/ q: i6 qnow lick each other's balls. Pop them in your mouths,"/ ~: e, k$ w' m% R' Q/ u
Jennifer instructed as she knelt down for a better look.
5 ?) x. W; g' g0 L+ a
5 e! h3 u3 d! ^8 FAndy's tongue flicked out and wet his brother's balls.
) p6 r  s7 _. c' [6 lChristopher followed his lead. The boys licked up and down.8 T0 i2 \% l; a. q
Andy took his brother's little balls in his mouth and sucked$ E- n9 O0 x. Z2 }( t8 m
on them. The girls watched in awe as the boy's tongues3 c: \7 f2 _% q( \: `
flicked and licked, Their mouths exploring each other's balls
& }% ?. k* k: T) @4 V8 u5 E; Z9 a0 @! p. I2 k
"All right, That's enough with the balls," Mrs. Maikowski
) _" C: _; ]% Y* z% G8 J% D3 F6 J/ nadded her two cents. "Pop those cocks in your mouth and suck
7 Q" p/ O" {- a9 I& ^. puntil you both cum."9 E9 n1 @  h# Y+ g! f* S% h

( ]; b! j) ?, o% TAndy was first. He stroked Christopher's cock with his hand) Z* S" v) o/ O2 }- b
and placed the cockhead in his mouth. The little boy's cock) m7 U% @: c4 z1 i; ^' J8 F2 r8 w. M
fit in easily. It was already stiff from the ball licking.- p5 K. P* H  j, `; Z5 h
Andy moved his head back and forth swallowing the entire$ j* C* J* t. P1 c9 d$ t! o; H, Y
length of his brother's small prick. ' O4 u) S. i9 R" t

) a% s& p" [, m0 G4 \; ?; TThe girls watched fascinated. Lori Paulson leaned over and
5 s& a& U4 w- R) H& y: |watched as both boys tongued then opened their mouths and
5 J" W9 i: k4 a7 S* N1 N& b5 Wdrew the other's cock in. "Play with his balls," She
' n& L3 G* x7 c1 Y3 ?instructed Christopher. The little boy cupped his brother's2 b1 B5 p; h' H3 M
balls and put his lips on Andy's cock at the same time.2 g% o  U8 G) X% [2 e7 W" V
- @+ p% G8 b0 p) `% I
Andy's larger cock was hard from the foreplay and Chris could7 M9 t# p7 {! i( ?" J
only take the first inch or so into his little mouth. His
$ e7 s) m' Y4 `3 K2 Tteeth grazed the older boy's cockhead. Andy shivered as he
( }9 d+ I$ X3 @! }# u! Afelt the teeth on the delicate skin. "Chris, open wider," he. k6 H. e1 m" M. g- l9 g2 p3 L
gasped between sucks.' R/ L  i1 A$ X( w, @- d
8 k. s% J9 m9 ?2 N
Both boy's heads were moving and so were their bodies as they# c6 w, |  N. `/ Y) U5 p. R" W
worked towards a climax. Their hands fondled and kneaded
6 ~$ Y1 y9 t- D7 S/ i8 ^their balls. Despite the embarrassment and humiliation each
8 z6 [6 K$ A7 Rfelt, the blowjobs were causing them to wiggle and move
7 U; d. V/ S4 F, j5 q3 k, lfaster and faster. As he sucked his brother's cock* b* [9 s2 v. P. a. B9 V3 ^
Christopher found he could take more and more into his mouth4 x  N/ h4 T; B) ~* m
and soon he was able to take Andy's whole cock in if he
! H( Z! }( s! Krelaxed his jaws.
& o7 S7 X: m. B. W) A2 z; g5 B" s$ H: m0 J: m
Andy stiffened as he felt himself coming. He opened his mouth
/ A5 Z7 K& O2 v- Q# s; e( ^and cried out. "Arrghh" as he came. Christopher's cock popped
; [+ Z7 D7 S8 i# \7 ^% G+ kout. Jennifer reached over Andy and placed it back in the
) ~6 J+ `) y) S9 O  i3 s/ iolder boy's mouth. Neither boy was mature enough to create# P4 c. f: M& t+ u- z' e# X
sperm.  Christopher soon dry came as well, his little body
4 n% V7 U( |8 ^; v3 V$ Gstiffening and his back arching as he groaned with release.: k2 B+ s/ \$ n# m9 O6 a# k: C8 }* d% h

: C# D: R( p' r; ]( nThe two brothers lay still. Their faces were red with
8 x; S, a! o+ n" n# P2 s1 Ohumiliation. Their cocks were shrinking back as they lost
' E' K1 T$ X* J6 p" o) qtheir hard-ons. ) ?# n6 M  f" ]% @
6 U( L' a" N$ p
"Wow, That was awesome mom. It was worth waiting for,"
$ l- l$ Q9 h" g+ yJennifer said. The other girls all agreed.
9 E1 x8 p9 M' U9 E9 c! m
- _' ]7 ]7 D" e. i; g6 C0 n"That big one in solitary should be made to suck some cock.
; K$ Y# s; w( H- DThat'll take him down a peg or two," Miss Thomas said.
4 L! z* k8 s3 K+ g* B) ^
; ?# t- x  b& \; E8 F"The next time you try to escape or misbehave I'll make you
  r8 `1 \3 f; m3 J, Fsuck everyone's cocks," Mrs. Connolly announced. "We'll be( R0 H, M) Q. ~& Y2 V8 p) h
back at suppertime to collect you four for dinner. I suggest
( N) Y, V" ~/ byou spend the next hour or so getting to know each other+ h) g' F3 _+ f5 b+ n; x# V9 [% V
better. I have a feeling your cocks are gonna be in each
5 v9 ^1 D! r0 k" x0 |! ~4 rother's mouths an awful lot in the next few months."
3 p% ?8 U0 R- x' Q' Y$ O; A4 V5 j8 q  Q+ [% u2 J
The guards and girls left, Locking the door behind them. Andy
$ S1 ^$ l: r/ w9 k* Bstood up. He couldn't look at Ricky or Josh. "I am so5 m( d& m* z" ^$ ]" ~, B) {
ashamed. I wish I had the guts to tell them to go fuck
/ s: S& j% R7 c1 o- Nthemselves," He said crying. "The device hurts so much I had9 p9 W& I, N. b  L9 S9 ^+ ?
to do as they ordered.") o2 ]! O, [" ^5 O" F

! T* e- j4 E' s4 G) l"If I could get hold of one of their chips and examine it I
& f, T! d# Y7 K  Pmay be able to disable them," Josh volunteered.
; t- _1 U2 u. W2 j
- U- _. M$ B3 `, N$ ]"The only ones around are the ones in our balls," Andy said! L" r1 X$ Y4 z- `3 e5 [
still sniffling. "And Monday morning you'll have one of your6 A. K- M( i- C* B0 S
very own. I doubt if you can do anything, but if you want to
) y' C7 N4 m+ _7 O8 i0 htry do it on your own device."
2 O  v+ x# t: M2 o0 S3 h* k! v' U, I! R3 M# r
He sat down on the bed and put his arms around Christopher/ K3 ?7 ]1 a# |: S5 q
who was sobbing pitifully. His little body was shaking and
1 K5 ^  V" |- y, |his head was down in the pillow. "It'll be all right Chris.
, ?+ V, X8 }+ o* F$ E/ J' EWe can take anything those bitches dish out. I promise you
# l' ]  `+ A) z5 ]* l( j$ L+ Fsomeday we'll get them back for this."+ [! w- @7 {: W; h

3 ]( [3 W, \1 x* C6 d4 [5 R! X' U' `# Y# g
Chapter four
6 D( {: d! U  \) `; O6 qThe end.GRANDVIEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS 5
3 C- l! d  \% o# L) FThe Farm5 t. i# |( Y- b8 D
; a0 O& v9 I4 a8 R  X/ m3 W- a
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
' s" I" M* `" f( \. ^" mall rights reserved
$ w. V  }' D5 g3 w
9 N$ ^/ ^  ?$ G5 `+ _' }/ y# [* ]' E* h
5 |8 t* i+ X! U+ d- e& S/ B3 p
" P3 K( T" I( X& o" N+ r8 X1 R0 E
For most of the people in the town of Grandview Sunday was a
5 I. ^! l  r! o' A: {2 R: `day of rest. A day to linger over coffee and read the paper.
& S+ ^( f9 j3 K6 UNot so for the five "Students" and the staff of the Grandview/ e# K6 h$ |. W; o5 ?
School for Boys., _6 h% V  s$ N, z& i; w; P

- f0 N' `- Q2 D1 |1 {The sun was barely up when Reveille was held on the four. y) ^1 b& Q* Z5 D
young boys sleeping in the dorm and the lone boy in the: {2 j2 h: _; |2 r( S% n
solitary cell./ f- `+ W  H% v2 ?5 J1 V3 V/ O

+ Y6 I! A: U# ~! U1 QIt had been a fitful night for Andy Micelli and his brother
% I* K! T! ~- H* ?% U# t. M/ ^Chris. After a failed escape attempt the two boys had been3 i9 H& @$ x3 Q! O1 q
punished by being made to suck each other's cocks while the
  K. Y# b  ^. R2 |' Kfour Connolly girls, the guards and Mrs. Connolly watched and! q- X( Z. ]0 m
laughed. They even had the other boys watch. Even worse was
; X8 y+ ^. X5 ?7 _. r2 V4 t) Q7 wthe threat from the warden that this was only the beginning.7 d' Y! @1 c/ _

# r% ?$ j- [. i  d% r: r3 u$ ACaitlin and Christie woke the four naked boys up by turning9 u$ q" C/ {$ b3 b4 f* x
on the lights and shouting "Wake up, you have ten minutes to4 q5 l/ Q% y9 |
shower and fall in for ass and cock inspection."$ z$ u" [) ~/ S; d& ^+ t
; ~$ r$ Y* i8 n  T/ A! b
Andy, Ricky, Chris and Josh stumbled out of bed and ran into
' U5 `# U" N0 h! S- F; vthe shower room. The water was strong and hot and Andy
- O$ }! P/ x" J. c$ h  F9 i& Uscrubbed his body trying to erase the shame of the last
: Q0 a5 z& F2 [  n% u/ ]$ levening from his mind. Christopher stood alongside his
! h" {9 h' W% D" |+ Pbrother in the shower room and Andy reminded him, "Make sure/ x) j2 |! z; G) r8 R6 r
you wash your ass real clean, they're gonna check us out," as
& J: Z* x& i% Uthe girls yelled for them to hurry up or they'd miss
9 v2 F# Z1 k, p; ^8 h( }breakfast." s# i2 ^  A1 o$ c! f4 {. B1 a

3 K$ I+ P" v1 x3 O$ x) `9 ]5 I' s8 BThe two blonde girls were waiting, sitting on an unmade bed: @+ c+ e9 B9 O# b4 Y' r4 G6 g
when the boys came out still wet. All four boys had brushed
: ]. K, j8 ^. ?0 G9 a' Ltheir teeth and combed their hair. They were made to line up,
! F: }% o' f* Z9 Khands behind their heads in front of the two girls.
0 p8 i' L# y& L) v+ g+ n
$ q6 c# c% P" U; ^& J& g4 eCaitlin looked at each boy, "I don't know Christie," She( w7 t# a1 h6 A/ w% ?& h8 }
smirked, " Four pretty little cocks and not a hard on amongst
$ ]' A% g* P7 T+ n9 mthem. I think that's showing us disrespect. Lets start over,) ~9 O  t8 M: R# O
Ricky you and Chris play with each other and Andy you and- m& Y- |* L, ~* U
Josh do the same. You have two minutes to get those cocks, k& |# O9 ]" E
nice and hard for us."  n! A( L1 _( [: ~# H/ w2 _

4 J. z1 T, ^: e$ t, @The boys reddened in shame as they did as they were told.
- j0 W# V$ m9 W- `  @Josh didn't have the control device installed in his scrotum# K# x5 B2 @1 }/ M
yet but went along, afraid he'd be spanked again if he
& `3 S( I$ E. y$ ~" Z* o2 ]refused.  S$ z8 d, `2 a9 z
, @1 D% ~- {" ?# _/ T
Ricky and Christopher cupped each others balls and stroked
8 P* Z# Z# a% y, s  }. Feach other's cocks to firmness. Andy warily pulled Josh's( t1 h6 Y5 _& n
larger cock hoping the older boy wouldn't cum on him. Josh
6 _. |& L( Q- J- _still ashamed, avoided Andy's eyes as he pulled and kneaded6 v# Q* R1 Q1 C; U4 i# H) T) L
the dark haired boy's genitals. The girls looked on. p# M6 d/ P4 d3 a+ L$ \. f8 _8 T
approvingly.9 }8 w! p$ }  A, ]
& L. X: d8 Q1 }
"All right" Christie said after a few minutes," That's good,
$ c6 K# v3 a# f% @8 t& I1 j3 q& Fnow turn around and face us again and lets see those stiff! i7 }7 e4 Y% l3 {, d: C  d8 G
little cocks."' x+ o7 p' R( B6 z
! h' X. Q/ G0 z" y& o9 N3 L/ u3 Y: L
The boys assumed the position again; hands behind their heads
9 D1 V4 I3 ?( [6 Jand the two girls examined each cock. "You show real
, C  G( n2 w% N( Y; \+ rpotential, new guy," Caitlin informed Josh as she fondled his2 E" o* Z$ ]1 ]/ s
balls and rubbed his cock. Christie was carefully examining+ G6 g9 d- h  J2 j/ U9 U' n
Ricky with her left hand while fondling and kneading Andy's- R3 S/ U6 j3 v9 `2 X( q
balls with her right hand.& C4 g' p- M: ~

( Q* B6 O3 T; P4 x0 QThe girls satisfied themselves that everything was in order
" s* Q5 g( s& T5 t0 O, Rfrontal wise. "Lets see your asses now," Caitlin said. "Turn& M0 O% V1 `% O; z0 z
around and bend over and spread yourselves apart."' ]: W+ d/ C# [
) C( {; O' g1 ^% C# Y
The four humiliated boys got into position and Caitlin and
: `8 n3 t' c) X9 [Christie knelt and examined each boy's asshole.  "Looks nice
6 P* j4 u. ]: [  Z! F( n$ Fand clean" Christie announced, pushing her index finger into7 L. I  I/ s  u" {
Christopher as he yelped and jumped forward.
/ N# k  u) j4 K5 R# K$ Q) @/ n7 G  C2 B1 b: U& H) M
Caitlin pushed past Josh's puckered sphincter muscle and
, b) i: i; ?% r/ lwiggled her finger in him. "These boys learn fast," she
" ^$ N* X$ C+ f- ?smiled at her little sister. "You've got a nice asshole," she
5 Q; `+ x8 c3 C# N, U3 Xtold the blushing boy as she removed her finger. "I'm gonna2 B4 Q4 ~2 z  _7 c* r2 E- ]0 H
love watching you getting it in the ass."
3 P, N: z! g! r$ G' c3 {4 }3 _& ], G$ c4 n* r3 c; @
Christie moved behind Ricky and inserted her finger up his
! C+ B, w2 W$ r: |behind. Caitlin knelt behind Andy. She reached under him and, A/ }8 H+ f( k5 a/ d" ?5 O* `* G' C; U
cupped his balls. "You got me and my sisters in trouble! p8 T- S0 T( t, n) {. r7 z: w$ q
yesterday," she said squeezing his nuts. "If you ever try to
0 H) q/ F/ ]0 R9 M; G# v% f4 Rescape again you'll have to do more than suck your brothers
- t$ W, [5 `9 h+ scock as punishment."  She let go of Andy's balls and roughly
5 l, a& g3 e% s& b) L# R) Xshoved her finger in his ass causing him to cry out. "I) F: z" y/ B9 V# Y7 |
wonder if I could get two fingers up here?" She thought
2 S5 ~0 T, y1 q- u6 t) i7 ialoud. Pushing her index finger to the side she squeezed her
# p0 W( |9 ?9 ~other finger in as Andy cried out in pain. Caitlin showed no
8 r9 ?8 ^$ W; e, V. G& Rmercy and as the young boy remained bent over she wiggled% c8 n6 }& l2 K$ G- Q
both fingers in his stretched to the limit asshole.
& m( R9 [( ]+ S, C! H/ \( R8 G5 r3 |; c* s, K
The girls satisfied themselves that the boys were clean.
* o- x9 R# a) C8 K, ^; ?4 }Caitlin ordered them to play with each other's cocks to keep) V, t( M! P% ~0 K5 {
them hard. The girls marched the four boys to the school
0 h8 ^8 Z8 W+ D" ilunchroom in their flip-flops.& m8 k3 Y' A0 x7 Z% D9 s& A* ]

2 {% C* S, T3 X7 F, Z5 d2 w9 iMeanwhile Michael had his own troubles. At the same time7 p5 R7 f$ b$ V$ m
Caitlin and Christie were waking their four young victims,
0 N' @5 V+ ]4 HMrs. Connolly and Miss Thomas along with Jennifer and little- Y3 e$ c. Q& m2 S
Kelly held reveille on the sleeping boy.' v( _7 p- t  Z6 f  i3 v

6 R; s# v5 j+ L"Up and at em' sweetmeat," Miss Thomas yelled as she unlocked
+ l1 C# W+ T6 w' Mthe door and turned on the lights. Michael jumped out of bed,
5 ?# a, h0 m5 A, A- {4 B! va confused look on his face as he tried to remember where he
& {: d  x# o, I5 ^; j; `was.
0 _) H2 D# T& ]) E, I. H: V) |  H; h$ C% a+ N% S6 q
The two girls giggled as Michael wiped sleep from his eyes.
- _( [3 D6 K8 v# x* vHis cock was semi-hard partly the result of a dream he'd been5 f- }# `# G- t- Q
having and partly because he had to piss.
* C) [* W9 Y* J/ J
+ P! y) d* F2 o& Y4 X- w"Stand at attention," Mrs. Connolly ordered. "I see your cock
6 s. T/ I0 M$ His already at attention," She added smiling.
% x/ ?) x4 t" C% J, N# F! C% j; g' Z% o4 o5 W4 s
Moving in front of Michael she cupped his balls and examined
6 y; I) ?8 X" vthem. Michael started to smile," Yo Mommy," That was as far
" l3 e( {: w9 B, e# x" A/ K. Das he got as Mrs. Connolly squeezed his balls in a grip of
4 ~8 ~, ^, ~: k1 e2 r( C* ?iron. The husky boy fell down grabbing for his nuts and let
* [. w9 G# ^. F% X; zout a shriek. Mrs. Connolly let go and watched him fall. "The2 v/ h- ?' a- H$ @& I$ f
next time I hear a wise crack out of your mouth I'll rip them6 z0 z8 K- k5 N- x. J
off," She warned the sobbing boy.
; Z# j4 ]' c: l7 D: G7 c* {2 ^2 \/ A" m
Mrs. Thomas prodded Michael with her foot. "On your feet boy,
  |/ X- n. l1 m0 `you ain't hurt that bad yet."
7 j; x% q' h& ~( q8 Y# B" {" F' K
Michael slowly stood up. Tears were pouring out of his eyes.
' M  W0 r6 F8 N& z. q  [; Y: l& gThose same eyes now were showing fear as he looked at His% @- U" i4 E4 J+ V4 c+ f
" `% A; P+ U% ]0 Q; }6 A" j
* U) u- U* r; R5 Y"Put your hands behind your head and stand still," Mrs.
( L8 d; p- I$ `: q% e6 z" H! GConnolly ordered. "I want Kelly to examine your cock. She's
4 ^/ B/ r& w* C) S1 a6 Q* W1 F4 wgoing to lead you by your dick to the lunchroom for breakfast
# w2 y& g5 ^! c; f, P, z; hand I want her to acquaint herself with it. ! Y& |( E  F% Z) d5 t# X
. v2 s2 u0 z! o2 E1 y
Michael stood at attention, hands behind his head as the; k- R* v2 c; B' K
eight-year-old girl wrapped her little hands around his cock.6 ^& V+ F) x; E9 s
Slowly she peeled the foreskin of his uncut dick back to
* ]3 C" p5 @- K# s0 Y! Greveal his cock head. Then she ran her fingernails lightly
; w9 \  u/ U; x, \over his pee hole causing him to shiver.   b% x# I6 p# r; |
0 L9 F% H  ^$ G( l* B5 @
"I think he has to pee Kelly," Jennifer said. "Why don't you
, O7 u8 v3 G' Z, m( X6 r$ K- r1 ]lead him to the toilet and lets watch him pee."
6 a/ i! A+ O+ w/ c5 K3 a  b, S% P( I( v$ F% r
"Goody that sounds like fun," Kelly giggled. Pulling Michael0 N- ~: w7 D* F
by his cock she led the parade into the bathroom. "I can't
; n* W; Y- I: l3 w6 Y: Spiss with all of you watching me," Michael complained. 9 g9 V& V+ e6 k9 T, \* ]& S! W

; I: v9 }: n( J"Either you pee now or I'll make you hold it until after
( L6 V7 Y; O) V" F- r- D# ^breakfast," Mrs. Connolly threatened.
% a$ P, a7 F; J1 [# d, F
0 q  X( t& P' U/ Y, DMichael looked uncomfortable. For the first time since he had' L% ~" a& C  B. k% M
arrived at the school, He was blushing. Kelly held his cock,* \' w7 F, q" d  J
pointing it at the toilet. "I can hold my own cock," He
9 m2 d$ P* J7 @+ _% vwhined.   G* R' K+ e; S9 w2 ~/ F
9 C& L) O9 j) ~9 a+ }
"I don't recall giving you a choice. Keep those hands behind
9 ]' Y0 V- l4 _8 A& @your head," Mrs. Connolly said. "Looks like the red from your
! z, K9 a: Z8 h3 ispanking is fading a little," She smiled looking at his ass.
& B& d9 j2 c6 ^. {4 v9 S3 p"Maybe we should redden you up a bit before breakfast." 9 H$ @3 U0 m' b% P
/ v6 a6 [8 u" s8 y) f% D
"Kelly was yanking on Michael's cock "Come on pee She urged."1 M- S7 S3 G% f2 b( W
Michael tried and succeeded. First a drop then a stream as0 }1 R/ c  }7 v* G% l! B6 ~
Kelly held his cock aiming it carefully at the toilet. This
; `" m( X5 M* ~wasn't turning out the way Michael wanted it to. He had
, M6 d2 |! K! J% o' q. n% Nbragged to Josh on the trip up here in the deputy's car that
) t! c! f) A! H3 @9 @2 bhe was going to make it with all the chicks in the school.
! G" B  K$ t! C$ p/ {Now he was standing naked with a little girl holding his cock' ?- f: s( p3 B" \. Y
as he was forced to pee in front of two of these same girls. w. E9 t# |( d
and their mother. % [0 h6 W+ A2 _0 q" G
0 P, m9 \1 w5 N
"You have five minutes to shower," Mrs. Connolly told him as* @2 c. l1 {! `
he finished peeing. "Then get out here so my daughters can! x/ W% L; p$ n0 L) S5 n
check your asshole."" q  A' o6 a3 \$ _# z

; ], ]: _! S9 }; p: Z5 HHumiliated, Michael retreated into the shower as the four* M# W9 X4 P8 i( @* \+ P+ ?2 `7 r8 S
females sat down on the bed to wait. "You don't have to be) G$ ]; `  I% G1 `$ m8 @
too gentle when you examine his asshole. Use two fingers if0 J; a) F8 h+ V4 ?$ i+ M+ {
you can" Mrs. Connolly instructed Jennifer. "He needs to be0 B3 E, u* h- K; x/ _
shown who's the boss. He's still a wise ass."* ?! U  U0 R) l+ X; _) h2 J

) B" o9 i5 Y0 `! ]* i- NMichael took advantage of having the bathroom to himself and
- C: A  J, }- X8 x" e1 Churriedly emptied his bowels. Then hopped into the shower. As
- {* _6 c7 p" j1 B, Yhe soaped his body he thought about how this was rapidly0 H4 ^$ I2 H& p) Z+ O8 \
turning into a nightmare. These people were stone mean. He3 m/ Y' o& |; Y0 e$ O) N3 {
was a leader in the barrio, now even a little eight-year-old; z- O7 P  j+ Z0 l8 }& a( l# g
girl was leading him around by the cock. It was embarrassing.
3 ]9 l- `8 a8 P7 X0 ~4 A/ b4 YHe was glad Ramon and the gang weren't around to see him.
: L0 m* t+ L) g( X  W% K3 a% H3 w
Jennifer banged on the door. "Hurry up or you'll miss' P  Z5 I0 K1 {. Y0 ~
breakfast." Michael carefully soaped up his asshole and cock, U8 O7 p' F3 k* G0 v
and balls. He didn't want to flunk inspection. That big
. h& o/ i4 Z/ \1 Z! sguard, Miss Thomas could really spank. 4 D" B% F# \; A9 U  D

$ s: {6 X5 i7 E" S" o0 |6 \Getting out of the shower, He quickly brushed his teeth with4 T. S9 P) m$ u" I0 D. ^' C% M3 C
the toothpaste and brush issued to him. Then ran a comb
) `2 F7 D# S( h" X3 z8 l: {through his hair. Still wet he padded out to where the four
5 ^2 M3 Q, [$ x- q/ ~( i. Pladies awaited.
. q$ v3 q% q: J2 O/ ]4 `0 `( j5 H: r, ]4 c1 H$ c
"You're late boy," Miss Thomas informed him looking at her* r+ B- J, |3 Q
watch. "We said five minutes. You took seven. Get yourself; @$ V% {2 H! @+ x8 Z
over my lap you've just earned ten spanks on your wet ass."
6 A0 f& e4 U- S+ w0 C; {: b  U( u' d
: `" y2 m! @6 D" n( a0 j"I'm sorry," Michael said. "Please don't spank me anymore. My1 y3 @. ]# p  V! o2 K: I% e
ass is still sore from yesterday."* c& x+ m1 p- L& J1 _/ X# z9 ^4 |

- [8 S6 ?7 A% r9 e) p0 G! rMiss Thomas grabbed the naked boy by the cock and yanked him
& j# _' p$ c8 ~over her lap. "Not such a big smartass anymore are you?" She# s; P# d/ N4 Q* _3 |  X
swatted his wet ass cheeks with her bare hand.
9 \2 T( z& i$ M
& V! B* k6 u$ [3 k) CMichael jumped, "Owwww, that hurts," he yelled then started8 ^; P1 p; L5 G. ~) k% Z
sobbing and wiggling as she followed with nine more hard
% t) K; R( J; t2 w8 k5 u1 R1 ]spanks with her bare hands.% g! {8 O/ w$ a! l! c

' C& h, Y/ ^" ?; @% \"You ain't hurt boy, I barely tapped you" she said releasing$ ^7 d: o* O- Z
him. "Now stand up."
, @2 ?* g  p. L# B
1 Y, Y9 R& g4 L$ Q8 p+ GMichael stood in front of the four females, head down sobbing
8 {1 x3 m9 J/ a, i$ \as he rubbed his sore ass. "Turn around, bend over and spread
( ~. D2 {7 j+ n- [( h) G) |your cheeks," Mrs. Connolly ordered.( m# U" u8 b$ u! x" B
% _$ s2 S  E3 H, w
Michael blushed red and obeyed. He didn't want any more of
) O- I- o7 Z  \* z' W7 d5 jMiss Thomas' big callused hands.
! }3 \1 g1 h3 f, g8 j2 Y/ ^
: M7 B9 m" j! _# `Jennifer and Kelly knelt behind the embarrassed boy and
# L, e7 q5 H, }; I1 {* Clooked up his rectum. Jennifer went first. Her finger roughly4 Z2 M+ J1 b$ s  v' Q! ?& @
pushed past his puckered asshole and into his rectum. Michael9 i6 L8 y0 T( T5 t* [6 \
grunted in pain as Jennifer wiggled her finger in him, Then/ i9 D" p; N3 L9 |+ i8 Q$ U' `4 Z7 n
yelped as she shoved another finger in next to the first.# M' F$ ]) O6 S) e2 O
5 L. E3 J# |8 v
"Try for three," Mrs. Connolly instructed. "He may as well: D2 L* y  j5 f6 Q5 G6 E& J2 p
get used to having things shoved up his ass." Jennifer slid- F% Z) M& F+ W- j) Y0 F
her third finger up causing Michael to yell in pain. She" ?& t2 ?& n/ Q1 B" P
wiggled all three fingers in him forcing his asshole to: M* A/ [8 a# B, k8 q( @, O
stretch painfully. Michael was yelling each time she moved
8 w8 q6 ]4 ~5 i9 F0 l* Nher fingers. "Shut up boy or I'll shove my fingers in there,
8 Z% p) H' f4 aand they're a lot bigger than Jennifer's, " Miss Thomas% z. P" \2 B' N: x7 K
threatened: T: D1 K$ U" {% l

- a) V8 r7 B& X: v( |2 JFinally Jennifer removed her fingers and Michael sighed in
) }& U  Z8 W! V' L6 Urelief only to gasp again as Kelly shoved three fingers of
* a( f; H4 l, I; gher own up his tortured asshole.
  ^  `* O" W9 a7 m+ q) n' u" q2 ]/ K  \
The anal exam continued for another minute, then the
2 T2 ?+ F7 u: h# O/ c6 nhumiliated boy was allowed to straighten up. Mrs. Connolly
  h. e3 t! ~( M, @- K& ]2 |put his hat on his head and he slipped his feet into the9 j$ j! z" B  ^) }5 v
flip-flops. After Miss Thomas placed the harness around his; I4 i" W* ]- o9 e( E; D# I
cock and balls, Kelly led him by the leash to the lunchroom6 U5 Z5 e% o; {% v
with the others following.1 S0 E- w4 P% Q' P, J( _
; ^! C; v/ A  O3 K
That very moment Christie and Caitlin were leading the other  A2 F/ B6 `4 h3 j% k7 t
four boys into the lunchroom as well. Mrs. Connolly smiled as
9 ^6 P+ J& q" t5 {3 x* R& \$ Qshe noticed the boy's hardons. "Very good my dears," She
' {! F6 c# a# t3 @complimented her two middle daughters. "They're on the way to$ H3 I: C& ~. ~( Z6 ~& A: o
being trained already. After breakfast why don't you take the
) v# Z4 @8 z7 a4 ?. j# Sfour of them out to the farm and start them on their chores.
9 u$ j" Q. k) T( \6 @This one is still too wild to let out. We'll wait for the
6 J% ?0 {' R; i2 l3 Edoctor before he we let him on the farm."
& C, {# [) V: y) {/ y3 x, a  `2 N, j; G/ I9 L
Mrs. Maikowski was smoking a cigarette and having a cup of
% r$ `; M7 ]6 C& t% Ocoffee with Mrs. Mandel when the five boys were led in.
/ }% h7 n. ]- D/ A, E
/ y9 R" f4 w1 P  W# Y, C2 F"That's the two new boys I told you about," Mrs. Maikowski8 ]/ r/ M0 s! Q; w# p( v& J
said to the cook. "The Mexican kid is Michael and the one; G7 o1 X  p9 W( w" u" Z; D: V
with the glasses is Josh."
% b7 k; C3 R' k; R" T: k8 l# N4 s
& T) I+ C0 U4 U. a8 qMrs. Mandel looked the two new boys up and down. "Michael and
8 O9 _% ]1 A' V# ?" ?3 m  [" gJosh huh? I see you ain't been cut kid," she said to Michael., P. k0 W& A9 l! P! V0 S
"I got me a meat cleaver in the kitchen that could do the5 o0 M; p+ B8 ~! u4 Q8 ^- g
trick," she cackled taking the harness in her thick hands and1 d) }0 D# {- d6 u6 r; Y
pulling Michael towards her. "Put your hands behind your head1 |3 j4 q% c4 [: P/ D3 {
and let old Annie get a look at that big cock of yours," She/ |( o: r, {" C# o4 s. m
8 ]4 e5 H" x5 i* [9 U# m6 Z+ k1 W8 |1 \1 h8 F0 Y
Mr. Connolly took a cup of coffee and watched as Mrs. Mandel8 S: m8 \8 ]- ]# }
removed the harness and examined Michael's thick cock. She
- y! X' R; V! G$ Mpeeled back his foreskin and examined his cock head. "Better
7 f0 p2 |' W. ewatch out he's a cummer and he likes having his cock looked' ~$ D" Y7 M! V
at and played with," Miss Thomas warned.3 t% a7 {& s& l# Z3 ]
: j0 A4 j3 M  P# j" Q' Q3 b
The truth be told Michael wasn't enjoying his latest hand job3 B9 D  a; A8 F: H+ y' u  f
one bit. It was one thing to have a cute girl explore your' t. s2 W' I$ S/ [, G0 S
body but this fat old lady and her meaty hands were
' I% S; s# v0 G3 wembarrassing him./ l. d* |9 R7 H9 Z8 [. U/ U
" d4 _  o6 u& T5 S- G
If Mrs. Mandel noticed Michael's embarrassment at all it
1 h3 S1 T1 T  X# hwouldn't have bothered her. She cupped his large scrotum in
7 s* o1 l. y. r9 `# r, q( l. rher hand and examined it closely. Then stroked his cock until
9 ?0 M5 K" A! @' E& r3 Git was standing straight out. Dropping Michael's genitals she; s4 a4 H: y1 g/ n( \4 Z
beckoned Josh over.   "You a cummer also?" she asked the
& k) L+ E  }3 j# sembarrassed boy as she wrapped her hand around his balls and/ c8 N3 d# M# U# s
kneaded them. $ D8 H9 v/ H% E
& u9 S$ ?- {9 }4 V
"Yyyess," Josh stammered. He watched her hands as she
' r8 Z7 H" Y  y9 o0 o* J) @examined his long skinny cock. Mrs. Mandel liked handling  R) X6 y9 Y8 i: }$ T; i9 {* P1 V
cocks and soon the humiliated youngster's was at full
+ V$ A- L! D- p# Xattention. Moving away she said to both boys, "Annie likes to
. G$ ?+ f8 u* b" t. rwatch boys play with each other."
' v+ h; E( A# o! {8 d( J
8 Q, U/ G& L" n9 L1 j"Do it or we'll never get any breakfast," Mrs. Connolly
& B) O5 W% ^. o  D5 Y6 k0 Dordered.
2 i. f6 t' h0 v; F# Q" T( v" z1 D* V% n2 N" y" `# Z
Josh faced Michael. "I'm sorry," he murmured as he took the
4 \- Q5 z$ t! [3 J& g6 Q, e6 fother boy's cock in his hand and started to stroke it.
2 P+ q1 n. v8 J  |8 p
' A" S0 N6 D" A' ^* Z  r! EMichael hesitated just long enough to see Miss Thomas glare  n& a/ k8 o% w  k) e* o
at him. Then he took Josh's cock in his hand and ran his palm* s/ i. B1 a0 M' @" d9 ~" q3 _
up and down the length of it.
- \( {! x( @6 s; k& |
+ V6 g6 z  S* QAnnie cackled like a witch as she watched both boys stroke
3 @7 U& p; I0 h, R4 `and pull on each other's hardons. "Play with the balls too,"' n, u4 R# U5 C  _/ z: R
she ordered. Josh, using his other hand, cupped and kneaded
; x6 i% d( E' I) a. eMichael's balls. Michael copied him and soon both boys were
/ _* F& @! A9 o) Uwheezing and gasping as they neared their climax'.
2 H  A# J7 ]3 ~6 `0 w5 b. w/ ]* b# L
Michael came first. The combination of his ass exam at the
0 v8 G: c( v( Z- w+ [; q- Rhands of the Connolly sisters and Annie's hand job had gotten
$ ~" B! |5 _& ^" j3 ]7 D# g7 mhim ready despite his acute embarrassment. He arched his back  ^& }; ]; T4 S. O7 L
and closed his eyes, gasping as he spurted cum on Josh's
, O, q. j) ?" R( ^+ c; fhands and the floor of the lunchroom.
3 X* g( V& w# M/ I" w
0 R5 l! p( f8 b$ _* cJosh came shortly after. He stiffened and stood on tiptoes as
" c/ e( `5 U8 r+ Jhis cock let go. He gasped and clenched his teeth as he came.4 f2 _( h) I8 Q. Y* E5 B& h$ j
Michael sidestepped and the spurt of cum missed him and hit5 I& g- C- m: T7 o% c$ ~
the floor.% z$ f' S, F! ?7 P2 G. l

- H4 \3 U& T4 C' p) Q% Q"Are you satisfied by this little show, Mrs. Mandel?" Mrs.  |0 W6 l0 x9 D- m
Connolly asked. "Perhaps now we can have some breakfast. My
  U  }, N1 G# I' G% d' e6 F# Y5 cgirls have a busy day ahead of them."
( @+ D: C3 H7 T$ A( v. e  U$ a& C' {! r+ |3 D. Z
The cook grinned, "I have some nice oatmeal on the stove. I5 r1 Z- h& e- S( F3 T2 G+ {
should have those two cream in it. They sure had plenty to go
' v; x% s0 Y0 n% `$ o) jaround." She walked off chuckling to herself at her little
7 q+ y; {% i7 s5 T( p3 Qjoke." m0 |, _  B6 l  k% i4 L3 y
7 L9 o2 h6 C# N. X3 K
Mrs. Maikowski got some paper towels and the boys were put to
( r" i+ |+ I# n: ]( v. C5 Rwork cleaning the cum from the floor.9 B7 a! U, X, j7 b

; I. a+ o# G  x3 ?After breakfast Mrs. Connolly spoke to her daughters. "Lori
- E2 m9 r/ m3 s! E2 t& fwill meet you out back at noon. I'm going to let you have) m9 f8 [1 R3 G
Josh on your work detail also.   He doesn't have the device- j  B/ I% t& E$ s" U0 F& S/ u9 m; I
yet but I don't think he'll run. Have them clean the chicken, o1 c4 O& y2 ?& e2 C* E! A
coops and the barn, Water the stock and clean the stalls.
9 W" [, T' K% }" ?; R6 r) m8 i' xJennifer, Change your clothing. Don't wear those white
7 R& u- \: s9 xsneakers, You'll get shit all over them and they're hard to$ ~& ^# Z" z0 k! b
2 F' w2 ^9 C; c" b; v' f3 u7 F; K+ `' k# x- T# W  w0 a
The four girls set out with Josh, Andy, Christopher and4 ?: ?% y! d# R, S+ c8 L6 i
Ricky. They were going to lock the boys up so they could) f  f' G2 M/ V! O8 C& l( Y6 {
change into farm clothes, then collect them and march them2 }. r7 M% s1 M/ _7 e8 R9 v7 e
outside.0 g& C4 U' e- g0 y& N4 s7 j( D6 I

# T' ]5 d" A* x' s$ u- e+ K1 S7 u* VMrs. Connolly instructed Mrs. Maikowski. "Miss Thomas has the6 C8 o; T1 x/ t8 n! f
rest of the day off and I have a meeting in town with the0 K4 I! n, p  ]7 B/ G* i
chief of police. We're gonna get one of the local boys as our) Z0 ^5 I- h9 ?) d
sixth student. I'll be back later this evening, You're in
# B. O$ Z5 s2 ~; X3 I/ [; lcharge till then. Lock Michael up and keep an eye on the, ~: p/ g8 P2 `/ g9 S
girls. I trust them but an extra pair of eyes is always
2 b2 w9 \+ [* K7 d+ b: Q% Kgood."; i5 w4 u" |, \6 M- `1 q

! W" s$ C$ o8 x- ^' V9 m1 OMrs. Maikowski nodded. She put the harness back on Michael's
. }+ l, j- Z4 F5 g5 [cock and balls and led him down the hall with Mrs. Mandel
5 o/ f. e+ U/ f/ v- {$ K1 |$ F* ewalking behind, admiring his recently spanked, red boy's ass.  ?  i( Q$ T3 S/ Q: _7 W% ~6 o  x
The two women led Michael into his room and the guard removed
8 i8 u* E& ?' @2 ]' O/ P9 g' lthe harness. 1 e& B& C- f5 L" K

3 t) ~$ l# y% P! W"Place your hands on your head and let me check your cock,"
8 G- e3 L& a0 A! s( nshe ordered. As she tugged and pulled at his dick Michael# t( V7 g1 \! s5 ?
felt his face reddening. The old woman examined his cock and
; j% t6 c0 _1 {; n2 \, k4 rballs carefully. She pulled his foreskin back and checked his4 F& p2 D- c' o. F
cock head. Then kneaded and caressed his balls She finished
0 J8 d1 ]. @  j6 iplaying with his genitals and Mrs. Mandel took over.
8 u8 P- d: T+ m% ~% g( F% C
/ }8 O: M% J2 F8 Y, ]6 ?By now despite his humiliation Michael had a raging hard on.) U- x7 d7 q' o4 [
Mrs. Maikowski ordered the youngster to bend over and pull4 L  B6 g) N5 z1 v
his cheeks apart. As the guard plunged her index finger in, `, C4 I" k5 G! R0 V5 U* X* x5 B
Michael's tender asshole, The old cook pulled and squeezed
; D% |0 w# K) Z) |/ N5 h7 M  ghis dick. "Ay caramba," Michael thought. "Don't these old2 N- u( s! ]8 ?  e+ r9 q" }
ladies ever get tired of molesting boys?"
' w: Z+ H: c8 v$ ~# j* w' t7 N+ z" Y- |+ ?( |' m
Michael was breathing heavy as he neared a climax. The5 C  l* x9 H; w: `% P) k$ n
combination of the ass reaming and the hand job was too much
$ P% ~& S! W6 \8 x: Bfor him. Despite his embarrassment he stiffened and arched  N3 L' R7 }$ {2 }  S( d9 d& u. o
his back as he came, barely missing Ann Mandel's dress as she
& ?+ k$ P# }0 \. ?knelt in front of him.2 {+ ~) V9 w* M, O# F% C

! w$ e2 l  [4 ^$ [% K; OMrs. Maikowski pulled her finger from Michael's ass. He stood, R7 ?, Y. x% a" f, `7 h
head bowed as his strength returned and thought about trying, R% e2 C# u1 z
to over power the two women and making a break for it.) f1 l$ i& M* x& l5 f& Y! l
"Thinking of escaping boy?" The guard chuckled. "Don't even* G& V' V/ }$ a! @" _
think about it. I could chop you down and slice you up in two
8 c2 r" R( L/ l  i  `: p+ iseconds. I teach karate in town two days a week."
) J8 J6 m' G5 U: d$ }' x) ]. M7 s4 Y% s2 R, q( U/ |7 T
Finished with him she told him to go into the bathroom and4 [0 S& j/ j3 z0 g0 L" l+ a* c
wash the cum from his cock. "Get your towel and wipe all this
8 h& F0 B1 N3 U, F! a( F# N9 f. gcum up from the floor after you clean yourself up, Then get0 ^5 Q, N7 G9 {+ V( \% D3 k' |
some rest," She advised. "Tomorrow you're gonna get your. A7 b, u! p( z3 y0 H2 q0 `2 f
physical from the doc then work the farm with the rest of the2 f# e* m# s! W- X- Q$ K2 m' V* X
boys and its no picnic." The two women left locking the door9 q, w- L9 h% T, A1 o) h, D
behind them.2 K! H/ w: Q, L7 g% g3 ~

, i/ ^- D" G. X+ vWhile Michael's cock and ass were getting their workout the
. _3 }7 l! k3 P5 y: L" v# m7 ffour other boys were locked in the dorm waiting for the
% y* f+ q* ^' L% Qsisters to fetch them for their chores. They wasted no time
' r) x- N+ [; H8 o" o5 y, ^and each boy used the toilet. Although they were now used to
3 F8 S( r- q2 Cbeing naked in front of each other and there were three
" G% s4 y4 I# K$ u" ptoilets in the bathroom each boy waited for the other to
* d8 `* F4 c% V' O; B8 I' Wfinish.
: d9 D$ h' R- ~! P, J, N, ^$ B5 Q6 T/ H
Josh was last and as he cleaned himself and flushed the girls# g: [( r4 Q. ^/ ]0 W" D
opened the door and walked in. Jennifer and Caitlin were# ?8 i7 Q0 z, c$ x  e3 v0 @( s
wearing Shorts and T shirts. Their budding little breasts3 H4 p& k1 Q, ]2 h1 [7 |% R
pushed at the material of the tops. Clearly they weren't0 t/ d; t7 y& W( d: r, H# U/ V
wearing bras. Both girls were wearing Boots. 0 f" L( W; c# a! ?& v

: Q& X; ]- j" |4 ]Christie was in dungarees and a T shirt. She was barefoot.7 c0 t4 r! ]! a" D, ^/ X6 X
Kelly had a pink short and top outfit on. Her feet were also
$ p8 k/ k! v$ ?  ?bare.: o0 i  p, m$ k3 w

! w8 n: ?" \. q: I! [5 tJosh was staring at Jennifer's boobs in the thin T shirt.
4 O4 N& ?9 E( z, UBeing totally naked he couldn't hide his cock as it hardened.
* \/ l  ]5 f) b6 v3 Q4 AJennifer was hot looking and she knew it. # J' I! v2 }+ p. d: l1 h

7 p1 y' V' d1 ]" j4 q( S$ ICaitlin glanced at Josh's cock as and noticed it was growing.
8 {" c+ Y0 o, {8 g2 D. `5 Z8 e' U"Nerd boy is getting off on your Elly May Clampett clothing,"
, W5 Q* i! M* \5 N: |+ jShe chuckled.
/ ]1 j- _% o* c0 |
8 ^5 Y+ h" Y! r7 w5 kJennifer deliberately walked in front of josh and cocked her
4 p$ y' q" N& q, Ihips. "Like what you see?" she asked.6 i0 n: i" |$ v1 X2 o0 \
  G1 q6 s7 d/ Q! A
Josh reddened " I, I, I," He stammered taken aback. " A2 N, o; f) d7 I% b% j

. _+ d% h2 K1 R( d( wJennifer looked down at the naked boy's cock. She knelt and! M8 u3 t( f+ R5 ]2 c7 T
examined it. "We can't have you working on the farm with a
. _" x# Z, }; p5 g( M2 shard on now can we?" she smiled as she pulled and stroked his
, M3 r" I* V) D6 R, Y9 nhard on. & i" h4 o4 ~% r0 c9 g' q/ e

1 n7 l5 Q, V; E& @She stood up releasing Josh's stiff cock. "Do I turn you
7 n$ l  m3 n* C' F1 Zother boy's on also?" She smiled, striking a provocative
% |6 K7 W# ?' }pose.4 g' N" b* K0 V. m; }$ f, a8 p! i
/ P( B6 S5 ]- \  K2 {7 X1 P
Ricky grinned, "You sure do You are one foxy girl," he said
4 d9 j) A( N2 p. \$ p, q4 Jlooking her up and down. Jennifer frowned and reached into
1 B% z3 E3 u! [! T: c0 O; A+ Z5 @her holster and pulled out her remote control. She pressed8 H' A; Y$ L7 L7 L
the button and Ricky fell on the floor like he was shot. He; \; ~! X  c+ T0 t( w1 l
screamed as the pain lanced through his balls.
$ {7 }0 U- F5 r6 |& A" ?9 _' |2 U5 g  @. c
"You're not supposed to get turned on," she yelled. 'You'll
4 ]0 q) G( V* z& Mdo as we say and keep your remarks to yourself. Now get your
4 J9 z" x" ~8 L1 A  w4 {sorry ass over here," She ordered." Ricky slowly stood up and# W1 t3 h" o9 `* e7 [5 D2 M
joined Josh in front of Jennifer.   
, t! {( L* J  X; W" G. v( a* t  g2 S4 Z$ n7 K3 Z9 l, |) k
"Down on your knees in front of me," She ordered the two: l1 P+ Z" w4 V& H" L0 R
boys. As the boys knelt, Jennifer beckoned Christie and Kelly# h5 M! z3 l4 Q
over. "Their feet are dirty from walking barefoot," she told
% y9 _0 A# v, _; \the boys. "I want you to lick them clean."7 S; l) i4 U; L3 h- ~

6 P! }2 |) N% d( u1 XThe two little girls stood in front of the boys giggling.7 M9 d4 O  A/ v" B  j" G
Christie wiggled her toes. " Do it or we'll zap you again,"& j' _. C" [* F* Z% E% c
She threatened Ricky as he hesitated. ( ^, P5 m" M! E9 ?2 s0 M( s
0 ^/ ?! g2 o& P4 p, q" K' K4 m
Josh didn't have the device in his testicles so Caitlin knelt
- ?5 b' {: V; g! d- ?alongside him and cupped his balls in her hand. "If you don't
% F2 w8 a  Z/ Q7 C) k% T( mlick Kelly's feet," She threatened, "I'll crush your balls."
! ?$ G$ w. S7 p6 y( t8 `  r# V1 Z6 @4 q" C  B6 Y+ A. d
Ricky sobbed and bent his head. His tongue flicked out and
5 }+ Q# [. ?5 P* R# f. [/ J& Mlicked Christie's Big toe. "Ooh goodie," she giggled. "It6 L' c3 I9 X: v2 R: E' X2 y
feels good." Both boys soon were licking the little girl's6 t* R% t( {# i  y* {; k! P
toes as the older girls and Andy and Christopher watched.
* y8 @. p0 x/ @) k9 {"Lift her foot and lick the bottom," Jennifer told Ricky.
" w! Z- H! K8 f5 X. ^) ^"You too nerd," she added and Josh did the same thing to
8 C6 e+ I- p2 m( U" f$ UKelly's little foot.' \: P+ L8 _3 }. p  {5 f

9 {0 y$ `* k2 D7 m4 r"Don't think you're getting off Scot free, cocksuckers." 1 q* O, \* h2 U0 L' B  Y/ [  s
Caitlin told Andy and Chris. "We enjoyed your little show
3 I; c- r5 U1 u' f" Rlast night so much that after the chores are done we might
8 j( J. a$ }' [- `: N! |8 ymake you do it again."
, _( _! s/ {: Y! X, v+ G5 i
/ Q+ M  W- m0 _2 J! Q1 YAfter checking that the little sisters had their feet cleaned
* d& t* W9 l: u( O5 Oproperly, Jennifer, and the girls led the four humbled boys! q: V7 Y$ q! _: }8 s9 {
out to the farm.; s5 t) ^4 o1 v, z$ s, b

4 x2 r; f( C( z$ P1 U$ V* H, W9 g0 l# D8 I. Z"This is the chicken coop," Caitlin showed Ricky and5 k( a. |( f! ]! S3 _; Q
Christopher "Sweep it out and get all the chicken shit in a. W. d, ]& Y2 d9 h  ^2 R# ]5 @( c
pile. Then gather some clean straw and put it on the floor.
# ?6 ^' F3 I) `: W0 t; g/ m6 XFill the water trough and then report to me for more work.+ G* `- _8 T/ D& n) ?: V
Christie, you watch them. They wont try anything but keep$ p/ ?5 H) U. p) c
your remote handy."# |/ I) i: X9 O7 k( \) Q& ]

+ S! Z- |  c! VShe stalked away as the boys bent to the smelly work.
- t0 _. s! t2 W# R- ^
: |  m/ Y# M% W. {Jennifer and Kelly were in the barn with Andy and Josh. "
6 _; ?  H% S1 ^" V. L: OThis is Greta and her calf Marla, " Jennifer explained
" G5 S6 ~9 x6 `& t+ \7 G% t8 C8 Cpointing to a black and white cow and her young calf in the9 |% S' _2 E. `5 F' d
first stall. "Christie is getting Marla ready for the Four-H
( X& b# v7 b) E' B! c  |show in the valley next month. She's taking care of her and
; q$ L2 ?2 k* o# N5 E3 N# @5 P4 ?feeding and grooming her. We have five more milk cows grazing/ _! K3 k2 d& ~: l
in the pasture out back. I bring them in the evening and we, v( S+ [& n. W2 E. x7 O# Y$ H# x
milk them in the morning."# ?- w  P& u0 Y4 k$ o# c2 K
- ~& W& n/ n( X/ {$ I3 t
"This is my horse Blaze," she said pointing to a chestnut
! G5 \1 ^# {5 M. y* T* O! l2 C1 Ohorse in the other stall. "He's a gelding, which means we cut: P/ \* b1 p" C$ o, Z
off his balls. If I keep turning you on," She said to Josh,
9 P/ b; L( \( K  b0 ^! _"We may have to geld you."0 n/ j) y* I" @4 H5 g! k& Z1 e

% s# g9 Y3 Z' |8 d1 s6 I; S) yThe boys were put to work cleaning and raking the floors.
! Q) H  q) V0 w' }3 r+ B* |Caitlin joined the other girls. "I left Christie watching
8 }: I3 L# R; T8 k: _Ricky and Christopher," She told Her older sister.
' ^" j/ s$ |3 s- r/ T( u7 e* A$ M, i( Y  j
Jennifer frowned "I'd better see how she's doing, she's only
) K: \& n2 d4 w! }4 W) Kten." She hurried off. The two boys picked up the pitchforks* ~  z2 ?6 q! h# s) K
to clean out the stalls. Caitlin drew her remote control.
1 |1 W2 C1 L3 _& z"They shouldn't be allowed to use those pitchforks," she
( L4 i1 ]: H5 J+ G2 X. x% ^thought."
: |" C+ l' m1 n# v1 y, j" I
+ x# z" L  E& F" Y1 X* h( H# F+ g/ LThe thought occurred to Andy too but he remembered the7 @8 |5 v% }. H3 i- {% y
electronic fence and besides he couldn't leave Chris behind.# _8 y1 i9 H! M
Both boys were sweating as they cleaned the stalls and spread" T1 o  m% g2 P" C0 N3 R! v. @
fresh hay on the floor. Andy pushed the wheelbarrow full of6 y# U( U" k; @4 K
manure outside. & J% a3 B( c1 s/ Q. V+ t9 j+ {
( r1 u% ?- ~& t5 w
Lori Paulson walked past him into the barn. She smiled at the0 f! m5 g2 T9 r2 f! E
sight of the sweaty naked boy pushing the wheelbarrow. "He'll
2 T2 b1 \. D8 Y3 ?3 V% V; K$ ]have to stay in the shower more than five minutes tonight,"" v# V$ K' `: ~4 G, G& Z) w$ O( g
She thought. "Hi Caitlin. How ya doing?"  Lori greeted the
. o* d' C' s# B( \$ P% _8 {# _( xThirteen-year-old blonde girl.0 R* j$ X# u& h6 c# z- }

& l# ]2 B: `& N# J) [! MThey were watching Andy wheel back the wagon when Kelly
- K7 Q& s( r8 i/ q" R3 m( Sstarted giggling. At the same time Josh shrieked. He had
8 l. J! u) e2 O: K* M( p( c5 {6 Mgotten too close to the stall with the cows and the calf; C$ h+ V$ A8 }
Marla was nuzzling his bare cock.  The boy froze in fright as' u0 p8 _1 L3 [, Q* i
the calf started sucking on his dick. "Help me," he squeaked.: U# e* ]% f& M4 Y0 e+ M
Lori and Caitlin cracked up. They knew the calf was harmless.
, u, p# F' c, D3 z5 @
/ [: t2 U7 w2 E$ B"Stay very still," Caitlin giggled.  "She's liable to bite
# {8 s* o( C% Q6 a' [your cock off."  Josh froze. The calf seemed to like the
/ T' s; q' C: f8 S$ \, k' u: Hsalty taste of the young boy's cock and was licking and* K; u# k' d" A0 z+ Y
nuzzling it like it was her mother's tit. * A8 ?! P" v# E  h0 q6 e/ C
; i9 \  X' w. g" ~  ~0 H; j. b* Q
Despite his fear Josh's dick responded and to his horror it
' |- [, J% S# d% Y3 P6 l/ f& lwas getting hard. His body was betraying him. There was
6 M( u) G  H; F, N  V- g2 P4 nnothing he could do as his penis stiffened under the calf's; r0 j4 f. T; C& d- l" K
tongue. Josh's breathing quickened
5 p8 P" `! L3 l; x. qHe neared climax. His ass cheeks clenched and he closed his
4 Z) Q1 F& e+ r) K. Qeyes. Finally it was too much and he groaned and came in the! a7 I- h- T4 N8 A! x
calf's mouth. Marla just kept on licking. Caitlin and Kelly  T& A3 r: r& H7 F. ]# ^8 \
were laughing so hard tears were in their eyes. 5 F: Z4 m, J4 H8 y' g( t7 Y8 F. k
5 n$ g; B8 _+ u( V5 H% L) B
Andy felt bad for josh and grabbed his arm pulling him away
) t3 x2 P5 o* Z9 @, v4 R0 mfrom the calf. "She's just a silly cow and can't hurt you,"
: Y  |) D, v; K$ P3 ?# L8 ahe explained.* ]: k& F* J# K1 e
( E( B" E" U* h* ]6 A
"Well Josh, looks like you have a girlfriend," Lori Paulson
6 w3 Q4 e. d4 ?' e8 jteased. "Is this your first blow job?"
5 O5 X, O! k2 b/ o4 @( W5 @2 w4 M  m9 e: N. `  [+ T! m
Josh reddened in shame. "What else could go wrong?" " G3 Y/ ]) b/ v* H1 Z5 E9 @

6 ~4 ]. K1 Q; |7 P3 o- }- CTheir chores done, Jennifer and Christie led Christopher and; N2 H3 ~4 y9 D' A5 o" n
Ricky to the barn to join the others. Caitlin tried to keep
1 T9 @/ X) l2 s/ z5 v' @from laughing as she related the story of the bovine blow job
3 r/ z; O- N  f6 z. Fto her sisters. Soon all four Connolly girls were laughing
+ {( R+ U* v5 E0 Hand pointing to poor Josh's shriveled cock.% B0 w  J0 ^! z+ g

+ u- F+ m& j3 g8 D4 \% YThe rest of the afternoon was spent with the girls watching: n2 r# j, T& f; b
as the boy's weeded the corn crop and tended the school- l* u* J- G4 m$ _( I
garden. The boys had to bend over as they worked amongst the" d! o' J; z; \) \
low plants and all five females enjoyed watching them. Ricky. \1 D  Q% n. s2 P# a/ R
and josh were fair skinned and were getting sun burned and+ e' C8 M" ?$ q7 r2 ^: _
Lori decided to call it a day.
. \& B7 I2 L0 {, j3 Z) X1 q: z( [& b6 Y" ^! c# f+ e
The girls gathered the weary nude workforce and led them back
' q( U) D, e$ B! W# Ito the school building. Each boy had to wash his feet and
8 i; N! l7 u$ M2 S) U8 nflip flops under the hose by the back door to get the
( Q2 X( u# n, Q6 g2 |% F& k7 t( `barnyard dirt off. Christie and Kelly washed their bare feet
1 B+ U5 ~8 t/ Aas well. . The other girls kicked off their boots and carried, ^1 W1 ]1 F8 e8 \
them into the building. "We're not going to make you lick& M7 Z) ~7 z# M2 O
their feet this time," Jennifer told the boys. But I want
( Q; h4 N7 M4 R+ X- b) K6 Mthese boots cleaned right now. She pointed to hers, Lori's
* c! z6 q( u7 i$ v! Oand Caitlin's boots. She handed the boys some rags that look
3 G7 V; g8 \# r# a6 o6 t# Osuspiciously like Michael's shirt and neckerchief and black, ~/ I; Y4 _4 g& ^" u* x9 I1 V
shoe polish. Lori supervised and the girls watched as the* ?& K" m6 ~0 a! y; l8 t0 n7 S1 v
boys went to work. Soon three pair of leather boots was
6 j8 T- G' H3 w- Ygleaming side by side on the floor.
( }2 h+ _% a6 d- O$ F1 u8 f$ k9 q5 @5 R5 K2 U9 b) k
Back in the dorm at last, The boys showered, luxuriating in
/ C) }: b: j3 @+ t( j$ }the hot water as it worked its magic on their sore, tired
2 o1 _. w6 u( p9 o0 C2 z% Jbodies.  They scrubbed the barnyard filth off, paying! S2 f: `! T, N: B8 Z" Q: X, L
particular attention to their genitals and asses. They knew! p# J! x, Q3 ]( O
by now that when the girls came for them these parts were
) M( x+ m1 M) hsure to be checked carefully.* f3 b( x! Y9 u$ t3 s( ~

8 I. K9 y: A6 u It was four o'clock when the girls, freshly showered and& L2 A  E0 k  f
back in their uniforms opened the door to the dorm. With them  l; P+ `  m4 p1 C* B
were Mrs. Maikowski and Mrs. Mandel.
) I6 ~( @3 q6 X& ^+ ?1 M4 C$ c8 ?5 n0 ?
"You did good today and being its too soon for dinner and
9 X* m- Q+ k3 O$ J8 N, u8 e) l: ]) HMrs. Connolly's not back from town, We've decided to play a7 G; @4 C# D6 J" l/ t' u* r
little ball game," Lori announced.
+ S* y# N# w9 ^  l! X4 P
. K7 D% a* D* k! A+ O"You're just lucky Mama won't let us make you suck each
% I3 x. d/ y% j* `/ X$ ~other's dicks unless she's here," Kelly sulked.
3 g/ a* L$ u4 L8 M. S9 A% c- ~4 G: E  R$ ~4 }  O3 }
"All right boys I want you to stand in a circle and each boy9 k2 d% s/ ^9 C
plays with the cock of the boy to his left." Lori instructed.: r: w. m6 _! F% U$ Z2 E: \# E) O
When you're nice and hard, You're to lie down on the beds,' O; L8 Z$ G% T7 h. s4 c$ P
two to a bed." # g) R  `% Q; g* O- Z8 ^# v

, i+ h+ f3 h4 p/ q: q# |+ {The boys didn't look very happy but weren't in any position( @: e/ p9 l' h$ \& W: D; P
to dispute. Andy found himself taking Ricky's cock in his. d4 ~2 [! |# n9 K5 X
hand. Ricky took Josh's cock and Josh had to bend down
2 g7 a7 \+ l  |3 h8 o% k+ _- Zslightly to grab Chris's little pecker. Chris once again
  m6 W3 s8 t, o$ `; ]found himself holding his older brother's dick.
1 i) i; O3 J9 j, [1 ?0 |; V" N
- `+ M. C  g) D3 ^The boys were getting used to masterbating each other and9 t/ D% s/ i/ o; r
soon there were four little cocks standing stiff and proud
8 J7 y% e- D$ V8 G' ~2 Ifor the girls to inspect. And inspect they did. Then each boy
7 F1 O( T4 p1 Z2 X# Z3 G) awas placed on his side on the beds facing each other cock to  C. N" m7 |5 p6 P2 p" W0 S. u
cock and balls to balls.: k& E- P9 E. }" N
, |# x5 V/ Z/ i9 I; H* S# @
"All right move in close so your cocks and balls are2 ]. }/ F2 O5 `# h, U. T4 b: G
touching." Lori instructed. The boys were embarrassed.  Andy
' H5 F% k$ W: T+ Pwas blushing, bright red. Christopher was starting to cry.
: @! {; B5 O# `$ I: }$ Q9 ]) ]7 SRicky tried to hold his emotions back but his red face and
+ s. D: ^$ ~6 K, H! weyes betrayed him. Josh had his eyes closed and was sobbing/ @% q2 S; n4 [  Z6 [$ \
quietly.: N: H  G7 `8 N  o
- W0 L1 _* {$ u
Mrs. Maikowski bent over the two boys and pushed Andy closer& o  ~) U5 w" ^2 K6 c
to Josh until their faces were inches away and their cocks- p) \# c) B6 \+ [1 G9 N# x
and balls were rubbing together. "Put your hands on each8 `1 d" D8 T" R: ]( z
other's asses and grab hold," The old lady instructed." ~0 u# H  s  W) f' w

, B) q8 y4 F5 B7 c& r. L5 f) EChristie and Mrs. Mandel knelt alongside Ricky and# z! P4 w* @, l/ E  x/ [
Christopher and had them doing the same thing.  "This is just
: O" z6 o! F; G0 Rlike fucking a girl," the old lady cackled. She slapped Ricky$ p5 d$ v# g7 d# m
on his bare ass. "Get moving skinny." She ordered. "Annie
4 a) k! s+ d9 k' @& _1 zwants to see some cock action."# m5 S; O1 \  {+ X
' F+ b( Q$ m: [3 B) f: w& z+ c
The sisters and the guards watched as each boy moved his ass,
. u2 j: @+ c- s5 Prubbing his cock against the other's. Their hardons slapped
; R8 m. n: C6 E1 k- K4 X; Ragainst each other as they moved faster and faster. They
/ v, U3 r" V+ H" M" j* X3 qneeded no more prodding. They held each other close and the
8 k% S& O% c- |5 N1 A; b! s9 jfriction on their bare cocks and balls brought them nearer$ k* o5 [# Z$ j$ t
and nearer to orgasm. Josh was first. His long skinny cock
' \! K& q& b3 j  h, Mlet go with a wad of cum that caught Andy square on his$ J1 E  ?* a  Q( @
stomach.  Andy barely noticed as he pulled Josh's ass closer.
3 t: W5 Q) M9 _' z  G- @Their cocks were pushing against each other length to length.
& S2 E# [9 n5 G, R- a: ~The younger boy arched his back and let out a squeal as he
* |! s. T0 g$ Kcame moments after josh.
' \/ p0 |' J( O9 P) P9 Q- T- a4 l1 c4 u
Ricky and Christopher both came within a minute of each
% I9 X) b" k3 h; Uother. Their balls and cocks were red from the friction
6 G( M( f' n- O/ G/ w! |! ncreated by rubbing them together. Ricky's hands were buried: C0 a5 E, }0 t5 A, v
in Christopher's ass crack as he held the smaller boy
1 O- X( H) L, z. X; l2 C' h) }tightly. Then with a whoosh as he exhaled, he stiffened his( P) l, x( ~  _" a! n- W- _; ^; }, {
body and Came. Chris did the same.
" F; M0 ^9 I) C2 H7 F# M9 x) |& M) j# Z
"That's what we call a "Ball Game" in this school," Jennifer
4 @, V* s5 O+ j: |( _. W  slaughed, as the four boys lay still on the beds, too tired to
5 s; z/ l0 i& Jmove. All four boys were sobbing lightly. Their faces glowed) e8 Z) i/ v; r
red from exertion and shame.
  l& b$ q; D8 I
. G( Z1 b* n( r, e0 }1 DThe boys were allowed to clean up. Andy had cum all over him
) H. y0 a4 t  P& f& C4 o# Yand had to shower again. He hurriedly washed the cum off his1 G9 o# K* P. I3 u' u5 n  [
body and joined the other boys. The four girls weren't/ }, p$ r$ `0 Q# @$ f
finished with their hapless victims. As the guards and the( {: [6 C4 E9 s, [. q
old cook looked on, the girls had the boys assume position+ H2 l) ~( p: E
two. They were bent over with legs spread wide and hands; J# m' S5 D# w& B& ^0 A% s
holding their ass cheeks wide open.
% j7 C+ J+ r  f# j* a
1 `# i+ G4 s% U& _; pEach girl took one of the boys. Kelly rammed her little
/ G2 w! V- e" R3 x$ `3 Wfinger up Josh's asshole and wiggled it around. Andy drew5 \4 `" J' e. ~7 `7 G9 W2 E: P3 V8 k
Jennifer who shoved past his puckered pink muscle with her
+ i0 a! U: q* z' u4 R. Qmiddle finger. Ricky gasped as Caitlin shoved two fingers
, g+ ~0 v: r; X( b, ]0 `into him. She wiggled them around as he squealed in pain.+ ?4 f# g* I; K% X; e
Christie was eagerly reaming Christopher out. She pulled her
, D: b3 O- a1 `# Wfinger in and out several times causing him to cry out in; M/ |" I8 Y; z, `& B' p# D
pain each time she pushed her finger back in his little boy's
+ G* ?7 Y. G1 {0 `* qasshole.  
; ~% o6 G$ `$ z9 o5 _1 |
3 a6 b$ \% d( L2 T9 ~The girls finally tired of exploring the four boy's sore6 Q7 ?! L% }- G& Q, c( u
rectums. They allowed the boys to straighten up. Then with( `8 J6 z" }4 Z) H, B3 X
flip-flops and hats on they were led down the hall to dinner.
7 k4 l8 S: J" @2 r5 Y, \0 E/ v; W, r5 @4 L  g4 D( u& D* L
Mrs. Maikowski peeled off to fetch Michael as the girl led
7 F& U9 n$ R! m# \! zthe boys into the dining room behind Ann Mandel.
5 {: N0 R' @9 y8 N1 U( \
( `# f2 c: i& n- y8 {% h6 a3 OThe cook had a large pot of stew simmering and had the boys
# O8 O- Z8 f9 b( m% N& X. i4 ~5 `serve the girls before they were allowed to sit down to eat.6 j. N! g0 ~1 f: t0 n3 a4 u
The stew was excellent and everybody was digging in when Mrs.$ u4 n# w  I1 S' ^% A( i+ |  Y
Maikowski led Michael in by the leash attached to the harness
, e2 `. d5 i+ ^" l' [. Y; Varound his cock and balls.- Y$ t6 V) T: U( L6 Q1 F8 H' C

& }$ P' y8 Z. K2 mMichael was rubbing his arm. "He tried to jump me," The guard
! V$ \, q1 o6 F* i! N6 xexplained. "I told him I taught karate but he wouldn't
+ i% M4 O0 {5 H* t4 T6 hlisten." She picked up a plate and handed it to Michael.
9 v2 `3 O* d7 c"When Mrs. Connolly gets back you're gonna get punished for( a+ q7 h6 ?0 P+ ]8 C6 r+ M
trying to beat me up, kid.  I'd eat all I can if I were you.
( Z5 {' ^- P; Y6 W+ M1 @# ]/ l$ x& eYou're gonna need your strength.4 M! ^6 N% g/ [
: C# L" K& i- d) {( r$ j
Michael walked over to the table where the other boys sat.
+ k$ Z# \, {  Z+ m& o& _His leash dangled down from the harness still clamped around) \3 z+ c4 a0 f4 M! m
his cock and testicles. He sat down with the other boys. They5 H8 G  z0 x  n0 p2 V
could see he was crying as he rubbed his arm. "She really
5 h4 n, i3 s4 t6 ], J# bhurt you didn't she," Andy asked kindly.
4 C' y' @  Z0 K2 Z8 Z/ h1 V3 o+ ~5 l' Q/ o2 A2 S  t- d
"Shut up you little Fuckhead. I ain't forgetting you and your
% \4 v6 C3 Y* A" K, ^brother and what you did to me the day I was brought in,"+ H, ]- E8 K6 @+ I% w
Michael snarled.7 B- g9 B9 s; X4 C% a

9 U; a6 j' e; fAndy looked Michael in the eyes. " I had no choice. They have
% p- N$ u2 A+ z- X1 x% athis device implanted in my balls. If I disobey they can hurt/ p* y  M9 y: j+ s) d$ _3 a
me, so I do what they say and so will you after you get your
9 \: t# n3 s' M4 z# Gdevice. We should stick together but if you want a piece of2 g) I( b9 A+ T- t( W$ }
me later on, I ain't going anywhere.") j7 v' i$ ~7 ?/ p

( d6 ~0 j& r% u( I" E  c) r* M"You tried to escape," Christopher said gravely. "They're# h/ b8 ^# g/ f) E9 O' _2 _% s
gonna make you suck a dickie." 9 S& h: V+ X! u' A
/ |/ V9 F& T% G% f
"I ain't sucking nobody's cock. I'd rather die," Michael9 \# r& V% E3 \: X" o# O
) j: |& {  U& W- y3 E2 Q! a/ G5 F3 c4 x% r6 ^: x
Mrs. Maikowski was getting seconds on the stew when Mrs.
/ F4 Q" O' f. {Connolly walked in. "Save some of that stew for me she
# O9 e# ^6 B3 b: R) Psmiled. After helping herself she sat down with her daughters% r/ f' X8 j4 J1 Q
and the two guards. "Hi mommy," Kelly greeted her. We had a
' j6 @6 ~# m* Y3 @good day. It was so fun," the eight-year-old prattled. "Marla2 K9 {; c3 W) g( [0 g% U# m; W! {
sucked Josh's cock."
% n4 S  e: {% m! v0 s' d
' \) Q1 m/ u! u, e"What?" Mrs. Connolly laughed. "Cows don't give blow jobs. "- C* {6 W) P; w3 n9 n, P
+ G3 Y9 ~5 c  `! H
"Its true Mom," Jennifer told her. "The calf was licking his* e) ^, |' F# g+ q. |1 g* |: S
cock so hard He came. I think it was the sweat on his balls.
) l! v  H# |& k" \Whatever it was, Josh was so scared I thought he was gonna" z6 T% B5 ~4 @& ~3 G$ M
faint." The women and girls all laughed as Jennifer related
  L5 |) ]% U! Pthe story.
% M$ p! L* @  ~9 m. C2 N0 ^; S* |8 K+ U9 ]0 w/ E3 a: N
"After we came in from the farm, We made the boys rub their$ a, b/ R( @( Q9 Z- _
cocks together until they came," Christie reported.# ]/ R/ ~$ G" ~6 P  k

- W( f& o6 [# ]; R2 d"Good. I guess their training is progressing," Mrs. Connolly
! k5 L8 V2 T' b6 u: Z1 U9 xsaid between bites of food. "How about Michael?"
; {7 n- J0 o4 u; e1 t+ j# m) ^
"He tried to jump Mrs. Maikowski when she went to get him for! v$ `- A  ~7 E% j9 ]
dinner," Lori told her.
2 B5 \; V4 u3 b) K) B& ~# l* C, Z+ e
"I gave him a side kick. It got him on the arm. He'll be sore/ J+ Z( r8 P! r7 i+ q6 z, `" i
for a few days." Mrs. Maikowski told her.
5 I8 y+ _& j* }- s1 s  U" I2 V$ u4 R$ b
"Are you gonna make him suck a dick, mom?" Caitlin asked.
& R. L; a" P8 s0 X
9 B7 s5 N, Y2 \5 @% Z+ `"I have a feeling we could spank him until his ass fell off1 z$ B7 P- _( o) Z2 v
and he wouldn't suck a cock." Mrs. Connolly shook her head.
6 O; O0 C9 L5 H- e+ M"After the device is planted tomorrow he'll get his just; p# O( m& M/ w; u
reward. By the end of the week you'd be surprised as to what
. F* I, E+ u+ U/ @& n' Ythose boys will have learned to do to each other. For now I
  C( Q$ V+ s; Othink we'll just have a spank-a-thon after dinner with) m8 }1 ?* ], [- [5 a" V* e4 m. S4 r+ r
Michael's ass as the main attraction.", ~/ |) Z, h  W/ f" M
. K2 f5 q. m  G! y
She turned to Christie. "What do you know about a boy in your
' T2 v* i( m/ c# }7 W1 Sclass named Kevin DiPalma?"5 ^, q" |, G9 r1 c7 p) i
* S) I% a  F& m# t! R0 L
"Wow, He's like the coolest boy in the fifth grade."
: |* p* O0 W7 [; c2 a) Z4 R" {* YChristie said excitedly. "He lives with his aunt. I think his2 g9 t1 x) P  Y2 s4 b8 E' O
parents are divorced and his Mom has a drinking problem so# O0 R1 |0 m& X
his aunt is watching him. Why are you asking about him, Mom?"1 V2 n7 z4 Z, r
4 P9 m0 j! M) |' y
"He was caught with marijuana on Friday night and the chief: k* p4 D9 I2 ~1 q6 H6 ?1 v
of police in town thinks this school will do him some good.3 ^5 I) N  `/ g) O" n" @- M
His aunt agreed. She's got her hands full with him. She's
3 b1 p  E0 C/ w( E8 Abringing him up here tomorrow.
' \1 g5 t7 m. N2 f' ~$ V+ n4 C4 i; n
- r! }1 n+ q1 W3 ^% s6 ~"But Mom he's my friend," Christie protested. "How can I
4 x; Z8 u0 o4 T3 ]; utreat him like the other boys?"% i  T; g# M8 z0 k* J8 a2 A
* k8 S  a; u& O% E! J) O$ O3 J( I, g
"Christie, He's got to be treated just like all the other. J( K$ S& h6 C: O. C
boys and you especially have got to help train him. He only
9 F1 l# B' ^/ e8 E  i  ngets one chance. If he gets caught again, its regular reform
# m6 Z' Z4 h: X, P- Y+ _5 Ischool and then jail. Now can I count on you?" # k# V( {" Z' q. q2 C, m
: b% m0 S0 i/ v/ v( o4 M, h$ r
"Yes Mom," The little blonde girl nodded.
, g4 p3 ]4 q; |9 N: r
, ?- `8 `. d5 ~$ P# o$ LMrs. Connolly patted her on the back. "Good girl. Tomorrow4 R* J9 Q# V5 [, t  E# o+ c
you four can stay home from school. We'll take Josh and/ @- R* l( {- |! N! Z3 V7 k
Michael to see the doctor and I'll have his aunt bring Kevin
2 D: W  l  Q$ m# `2 {here at noon."
/ R( J2 U) Q2 m6 i! ?# [
2 e, }8 M9 \" d5 u0 v; |3 [- l6 g"Besides, squirt you'll get to see another naked boy's cock,"
7 s* R7 A$ w- [% v+ m, M) E( |Caitlin added laughing.; p) K; c$ o6 F" L2 c7 q1 A

+ |/ E4 U( U5 G8 d6 mThe boys were finished eating and the women watched as Ann
1 {/ y' Y5 D8 @3 lMandel made them gather the dishes and wash and put them5 h+ o: w# g$ c3 I, M% {
away. Then with Mrs. Connolly leading Michael by the leash,- d/ l4 C& }; K8 x0 g  r9 y0 F4 q
Mrs. Maikowski, Lori and the four Connolly girls marched all
. D' K8 y8 v4 Z( A) S- O% Ufive boys back to the dorm., Q1 c0 [* g0 ]% W8 B% @6 `

! I  ]: J6 ~' A- J; g: V( OMrs. Connolly and the girls sat down on the first bed while5 }$ E. ]) R8 k, S* C: q& A# h! r2 O7 T
Lori and Mrs. Maikowski made the boys stand in front of them,5 Q! n; w- |. i& d$ J
hands behind their heads. "Take off Michael's harness," Mrs.) F+ ^1 ^* I9 k) l+ F" D& S' T
Connolly ordered.
' z+ l. j6 L. j; O( x2 i  b
2 x; j- Z- d  s, F+ y7 @Lori quickly removed the leather device freeing Michael's$ T: @! F7 b3 w2 Q
large cock and balls.
6 d/ Q; i7 H1 V5 j7 }/ H0 w5 l3 V8 s- h: c+ t, I
"Michael, I'm very disappointed in you," Mrs. Connolly said
+ @: G5 u# B& W% Jgravely. "Ordinarily I'd have you suck someone's cock as& ^& Q7 z3 K% s) B; {& R6 J! O. |
punishment. But I have a feeling you'd take all the spanking
* R; ^/ g% e6 h8 L! e( WI could give you and still not do it" & b2 a0 j1 H/ O* _6 ?' t! `, X

' K# |. G2 s5 @( MMichael nodded. "Damn straight. I ain't no cocksucker."+ ]" D5 X3 Q- m/ z/ d' S7 ?$ A

! Q( H( v6 N, f' H9 H. ZShe sighed. "So instead of forcing you to do that I'm gonna
1 B2 q0 E3 E" z) Dwait until tomorrow to come up with a suitable punishment.* b9 i! ~9 d$ V( |3 }0 b' z
Tonight the rest of the boys get to watch every member of the& e! N- J9 \# ~' g
staff spank you on your bare ass with the paddles. Lori would
$ v# v; s6 M" gyou go down to my office and get them?"
# P2 T) Q" b; v: C- ?6 I' g* i
# O( C  W* U; P+ `+ a$ }While they waited for the young guard to return Mrs. Connolly2 n( }; j" q& U$ H; S
and her daughters Inspected Michael's uncircumcised cock.( ~/ p9 u! j) S) v, v: y
Kelly peeled back his foreskin as the others looked on. Each
9 h  z6 P5 `% @) m/ |7 n8 Pgirl cupped his balls and played with him. For the first time
# A! i' U9 C! a* D+ d9 ^; j  c  msince he arrived Michael was getting his heart's desire as, i2 m7 k, j8 u- }6 e
four pretty girls examined his naked cock. But he wasn't
, w  f& w6 t' u2 \& C/ Senjoying it. His eyes lingered on the door waiting for Lori
; n3 U" v' w. X/ ?, _Paulson and the dreaded paddles.( H5 G' Y" k' X# s
; n4 |! M! ~9 W0 B
He didn't have long to wait. Caitlin was absorbed in
# \3 ^+ e5 k- K8 z& xexamining his hard cock and balls when Lori came back with- m4 v' T; o4 `3 d2 _6 P
the paddles.
6 R6 s% g! Q1 G2 ~  c4 y
6 q3 [! q* y4 T/ [- L/ NCaitlin reluctantly released his hard on, "Later Dude," she' I& W3 n- L0 n7 u+ v# M
+ s1 g& j) A2 f6 V6 n3 b
" `. q- H5 j- u6 QThe hapless boy was placed over Mrs. Connolly's lap and the% ?4 ?2 m# v3 ~6 L% I0 \  o" F2 J
paddle was put to use by the muscular Warden. She knew how to
  ?* N$ z. Z# V( Uuse it. Each whack hit his ass in another spot. The stinging
. C( F9 L, X+ F3 c' w* lpain in his ass grew to an ache, then a burn as she continued3 i  X0 M# H0 u+ ?
whacking him.
% n% [) Z3 n' M0 C0 N8 j  q7 |) c$ z& R' K4 L0 ]7 R
Michael thought he couldn't take any more as he screamed and
3 ~" @" S" B4 Z6 ^* c/ Gbegged for mercy. Still the paddle rained blow after blow on
6 z1 U8 W4 j8 O3 \' _+ D6 A  nhis tortured ass. Then to his relief, Mrs. Connolly released
( W8 `+ K/ [/ ?- r$ B1 A1 Z' S7 Phim and he started to dance as he rubbed his aching ass,( M* [+ ^- ^: r9 l' F
hopping up and down.
2 B/ V+ }9 O$ w9 M
4 k# Y6 z, \1 _He was interrupted as Mrs. Maikowski grabbed him and pulled
8 _# S  m, l8 l, N% }his aching body over her lap. Again the paddle rained blow
5 U, U7 g) W3 G3 }7 p: Kafter blow on his poor sore butt. The older guard showed no6 L; ?/ ^9 B# [, E
mercy. Michael howled and screamed and begged. The paddle
' t( d$ }* k( t+ O- Vkept coming. He couldn't believe how his ass burned.
( ^4 v  Y3 @. t2 r
8 ]& E5 b1 ~5 Q, k9 T0 @+ BThen it was over. But no! Lori was next and again the paddle+ ^+ J( S; i1 _" p) A
landed, burning beyond belief. His ass was turning purple as
7 b5 x. r8 t' j. l. X4 u- gthe strong arms of the young guard rained spank after painful4 X1 Q, V/ }' D; D7 {3 T9 W8 @
spank on his tortured naked ass flesh.; _1 L/ N# B8 F) c$ A
8 ]. k( S, [) o/ x( Z( |: ~& T$ m
The other four boys watched in awe. Surely they were killing
6 F) M! a3 _2 q0 }* ^( ghim. Jennifer was next, Then Caitlin. Michael was howling3 P8 z3 A9 w& J9 U# m( J$ R/ N
like a banshee. Now Christie had the paddle and then Kelly.! p; E# `: ]9 g3 m
All told he was given one hundred forty spanks. When he was
2 k! k1 r" O+ R5 h1 ^finally released his ass was glowing bright red and purple.) }- `  y5 i$ x9 g9 p" @
The naked boy hopped around rubbing his behind for ten full
2 D/ N, t* {" }# |" lminutes. ; A% {3 z  G% v, ^: X* b2 s, _

! G1 \, G6 ^1 N  v, ~Mrs. Maikowski waited until the boy wore himself out then( k* [) c9 ^8 I! f2 J, w, z
placed the harness back on his genitals and led him back to; c0 n) w* m" b9 W
solitary. ' E; c: W) P  U& k

. @+ b" E. W1 |) U: s9 N+ dMrs. Connolly faced the other four boys. "Any escape attempt( y( K* |0 u) Z2 W# k
will be met with this kind of discipline. Tomorrow morning,6 T! v9 q  M( X3 c6 a/ r0 P3 J7 R
Michael will have the device installed and so will Josh. Then* S$ P& r* R1 Y7 }& }7 n; T
he'll be suitably punished again tomorrow night. We're
/ ^$ J5 P% C# N2 U5 S6 K2 c2 igetting a new boy tomorrow and one on Tuesday. Your teachers
, C( u* D1 I- L  [! m0 d+ qwill be here next Monday to meet you and start school. Until- J7 e9 C# _: R7 J( C: i. r) Y: t5 k
then you'll work on the farm. Are there any questions?" 0 w* m# X% z4 H9 @4 i, S' \+ t% a
5 O9 _- K8 j$ r
The boys were too cowed to speak. "Good then get some sleep.
  \0 Y; _+ d! C0 E" JTomorrow is a busy day."6 E* S5 N" c- H; j: G! l
! q9 |  p% t) Y9 o5 m  \; a% N
She turned to walk out with the girls following. "Nighty, ]; q! k, m- B% t" U2 N
night," Kelly giggled as she followed her sisters,2 ], ~9 M7 _9 @% f7 U; T, h
Slamming the door behind her.
% L* T5 m' f" p1 H1 p2 J% `
. G9 `: C/ p, U, f5 `"Were really fucked aren't we?" Ricky asked Andy.
" G7 V& w: s* F/ H* A2 E+ o/ X! R* a+ l4 f
"I have a feeling this is only the beginning," Andy answered
; A3 V! ^( R; q  f3 R" H: z; ?sadly.
/ W( E! n' i- X5 x7 e9 X# q; ]( c6 \& S3 e
Chapter five the end8 N3 p0 D3 L5 P' W
( l& W7 `2 b5 S  [: j/ P4 PKevin
# p/ t5 J2 R1 f6 H, P; Y' n7 F- T6 a) ^( ?# A. ]/ ^
copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
" N4 `& h4 Q+ R' l/ X1 mall rights reserved
3 d3 D% p5 L# C( \6 ]- S2 |1 g4 `% y( \8 t
6 M9 b1 V; F9 P8 G& m2 h

, x; \0 J; F$ N5 X7 `: B5 L& f% }5 ^/ r: M- o# Q
Sunday night seemed to stretch forever for Josh. He couldn't
' L: u$ `' M* |sleep. They were going to take him to the doctor on Monday.4 B. s8 D1 n8 V/ V
God only knows what fiendish things they were going to do to7 v/ n) S/ k9 h" L& a3 k
him. Andy and Christopher had tried to calm him down5 k3 i9 v7 Y: L- j& P! S
earlier. 1 ~/ R5 W/ Z+ I$ T* d  q
) e- s+ y* C4 o
The Doctor is not so bad," Andy reassured him. "She's really- p. Y' @1 g* x# B# S6 ]4 @' s
pretty gentle. She'll examine you but first the nurse does8 R, c  h% e- v9 H
stuff. Her name is Randi and she's beautiful. She'll grease
1 u5 o4 ~8 J. q6 H# ^& Mup your ass and take your temperature. They make you piss in7 M7 P+ e! L  {8 C8 Q! p
a bottle and take some blood. The doctor checks your ass and& H/ A! A, E' z: o( s6 B
cock and balls but you should be used to that."9 c+ x& P5 E; W- p$ j3 X8 K
  h! N! m* Y3 ?% k8 W/ Y! W& \
"What about the microchip?" Josh asked. "Don't they cut your/ |6 G5 U* U# U, S  D0 y  g; V
ball sack?"
4 |7 E0 \) @: O1 P7 O
0 O6 \  b  ]9 E7 l"Its no big deal," Christopher said bravely forgetting how# c  G  ^+ k: \- {* S1 L0 {
he cried and carried on when they did it to him. "Its almost& |& q/ n4 p$ l! l. _( D
healed already."+ J( \7 M& T: O
! {3 }: O6 [* N8 ^/ M1 B# u  j
"The Doctor makes a very small cut and puts the chip in. She4 G/ z6 h4 m- H* H; _
gives you a shot first and you don't feel a thing. It takes
1 H/ x. W/ L. Z! e; labout four hours before the shot wears off and you feel your
% N8 }8 q( o2 [* ~6 |balls. She closes the cut with two stitches."
: g. B$ `  u' O7 [# _4 ~. W6 E0 f
7 b' k# N; V6 a3 Z"I'm still worried," Josh confessed. "What if she slips and
9 n6 E" D1 V( x' X" L6 i- zcuts something I need?" & S9 O7 c9 @% ?

# T) T4 D9 Z9 F+ Y' Z4 `6 O"Do you want to see my stitches?" Andy asked. "Its really! f3 _1 u. E( b4 e% K+ X7 L
3 m. T. v6 c: t; u
: d( H* S/ h* k+ D. E' F/ V1 Q"I guess so," Josh said blushing. "I'll try not to touch
# q- g+ Z$ U6 q" U% ?your balls"
/ Q8 w' Y, c2 C* p9 J, n) O
" }) G! e( @) V* ^6 e"You were playing with my balls and cock a few hours ago,"4 C3 H6 f9 R8 ^
Andy reminded him laughing.# m4 c: V& F& c! F. ?3 U% @
. O' ]- v, X# N/ d4 v" B! B6 P4 \8 ?
"I had no choice then. They made me do it. But I'm not gay,"
* E* l1 b: a* R, \; b7 RJosh said.( n: H2 J0 f5 m3 {

2 M3 |4 |3 e3 v"I'm no either," Andy said. He bent over so his balls
: ?* ~6 l' b1 g3 a$ a( S1 Z% Wdangled beneath him and Josh knelt behind him. " I can't see
/ T$ [9 t+ x: @, m9 Z' G) uany stitches," he said. "Your balls don't come down far) j0 I* ]8 O2 H
enough.") s; u( A6 M/ C# u" h
) {( Q! C% j& h! I0 J& b) ?
Ricky was lying in his own bed listening. "Oh for God's& K) P  r7 r, i
sake," He said and got Up. "Here, get a good look." He bent# c$ v5 |% z  g# v6 u" N! {- F
over in front of Josh. His stitches were not yet absorbed: W6 N8 o& ]/ F8 F5 \, {/ K
but the little cut was barely visible. "Go ahead, touch it,"# g, F, l" U! \7 z  J; A% @1 V3 g
He told Josh. Josh nodded and reached under the slim blonde
2 b' T0 \, W6 _, T# R+ A# mboy. He grazed the wound with his fingers. "It's a very
& R: ?1 d3 H) Q/ z8 P3 n  Tsmall cut," he agreed.+ T: u3 I! j$ n% z; d6 m; b

+ P; A! S+ s' b* j"Satisfied?" Ricky asked, straightening up.
% I8 u& m$ F8 ~( o- t5 i( f1 w0 ~% w4 s$ L( L; P
"I guess so," Josh said. That should have been the end of it9 F' r) b( }3 w/ t0 D
but Josh slept very little. He was still tossing and turning
- e' @8 k  `9 r1 G6 _/ C0 i* gas dawn poked through the barred windows of the dorm.
+ `6 U8 Y7 T1 B: j, J2 E4 s( h& D% e' a
In the solitary room down the hall, Michael also had trouble
! A7 q) f4 z' Y3 H0 msleeping. His insomnia had a different cause. His ass was# |" i! g( B8 a( i9 B9 s
killing him. The terrific pounding the women and girls had: l, q! `* q2 M  h8 U
given him had his buttocks throbbing. Michael sought relief$ i$ l3 [" l7 Q- a
in the bathroom and had taken about a dozen cold showers
4 c  G/ y1 v" wduring the night.  His entire evening consisted of sleeping
/ l: \) W0 Z, y- f( m1 u3 Ythen jolting awake as he rolled over onto his back. By dawn
% l$ S8 P& X: M3 M; Z; kthe swelling had gone down and all that was left was a very5 F+ W0 y; a  @' H
red behind.! t% v: K  O0 X; B' H! E

% K+ p5 a% X0 E4 v, i* \"At least I'll be clean for the doctor, "He thought+ B6 q/ b4 a+ N7 T. w1 D
chuckling to himself.
8 t; r" I4 B; h0 K/ e9 ]
! `4 n* Y& z& U) s- yThe long night finally ended for Josh.  The boys had' w, E# @1 Y7 d1 y! j, j
finished showering and were combing their hair and brushing6 K7 |2 b& U9 X
their teeth when Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas came for
% \3 s" C% L8 vthem.
' W( N( u0 v8 P* b+ ]" q* r7 v  K8 E, R
This was a little bit of a surprise for the boys. Usually
- X: G/ P8 s+ P" U9 R  Dthe Connolly girls roused them up. Miss Thomas ordered the# R0 Z; {9 @: i" V/ S% P% q
four boys to line up for inspection, "Hands behind heads." / c, k, T/ u, C% y+ J
The two guards went down the line stroking bare cocks and7 L8 I. Q  t) ^4 F) m7 l  j
balls, then turned the boys around and inspected their1 L+ u& {- p  e5 @
assholes, poking thick fingers in and wiggling them around
, [1 D2 ^1 j0 t( ~as the boy's squealed in pain.
& X$ T/ e, `' W4 x( T
! s) G5 H9 y* `"If you're wondering where the girls are," Miss Thomas) y/ d9 m! R5 l
explained. "Mrs. Connolly has a special inspection planned
- n" Z. {1 C0 J4 gfor Michael before he sees the Doc.": }2 ^4 T# a5 I1 ^4 ^
* ~+ }9 k9 I' P; a% T' h( K
Michael was in the shower for the thirteenth time, letting
4 g. [7 A, a* J' x4 d+ Lthe water sooth his still sore buttocks when Mrs. Connolly,* @' h( G, X# v3 l, g' m' m; Z
Her four daughters and Lori Paulson walked into his room. He' k0 l# B1 `2 p
came out and saw the six females sitting on the bed, waiting! k8 J. D8 q; K) u" M
for him.
) y" K+ r6 y- ]' o" V; P! g. l3 D- x7 f  e# A" }6 f$ B
"We wanted you to look like the little boy that you are, for
  j! Y3 x) ~3 v& Kthe doctor," Mrs. Connolly explained. "Little boys don't- p' S/ x, R+ ?% @8 M% G
have hair on their asses or their cocks and balls. " She4 Y$ R! L5 ~$ e0 c( _: w
took out a tube of Nair hair remover. # N' ^2 W8 W7 x: t! g1 S( Q! K

4 {0 r) k( r' G9 \. l"Put your hands on your head so I can smear this goop on,"- I4 n; O4 o" F; G' `
she ordered the shocked boy. % Q2 D$ l9 k  N7 u

* ~+ m+ r* i2 A" mMichael shook his head. "Please don't do this to me," He/ Q' `. Y1 D% u$ N3 {  k
begged.  "It just started growing a few months ago."
, q4 ]2 G6 Z: `5 U+ Z5 K/ ^! `4 y* x* X6 L: q9 i
"I guess that spanking yesterday has worn off."
9 A- c$ ^) l# u
+ t  L2 t  b" F! g* r$ V, c. ^"No please, don't spank me," Michael pleaded. "I'll do what6 Q9 @; Z: {6 K/ T) O- b. e
you want." He placed his hands behind his head and moved in5 d3 V6 Q' n. |
front of her. 1 L" n9 q! N$ |6 i5 P. b6 h9 A
0 [9 m- p  `* v' a
Mrs. Connolly smiled "That's better, Caitlin would you lift
6 s$ p5 m  t/ s% qhis cock up so I can cover his balls with this stuff?"  She' m7 ?# b5 M% t5 V. G) Q4 D8 U$ j/ O
asked. 3 V: y7 F. I( T: N7 s8 {% s
: u# U- s, k& p: Y7 j1 X
The pretty blonde nodded, "Sure Mom." Michael found himself& f5 \& p* W6 Z1 F# `, S& i# M
realizing his fondest dream. One of the older girls was" k3 @, I' @) w4 {) o
actually playing with his cock. Before he could react, Mrs.
8 y, S" [9 r) g7 \+ @) X  hConnolly spread the foul smelling pink liquid all over his1 ^$ L9 F1 x  n' T/ W. C
balls. He gasped and sucked in his breath as it stung his
! x& K! C% ?7 M6 F( w) Rtender ball sack.
. P( U* j3 s2 b! |! R0 u  b4 Z$ i3 ~, R
Caitlin dropped his cock after giving it a squeeze. Mrs./ {* n$ h9 N& r7 D8 ?
Connolly rubbed another dab on the rest of his pubic area& \3 u% _- |& D
and ordered him to turn around. . b5 t$ [) y% u1 l
- C# a2 j* Q$ y0 d1 [. J
Christie asked, "Can I check inside him before you put that
6 r( o3 ~5 D& N1 Bstuff on?" 0 l! E7 b% W1 v' `" j! S
7 c" f' N3 g  x* X, L# ?
Her Mom nodded. "You might as well get some practice, You're
9 T$ f# X& U1 K6 \$ P/ agoing to inspect Kevin today." 5 K/ P: E2 w2 I, g. T, b$ E* K
+ R9 h0 p- v8 R9 m# w9 D; x
Michael bent over without being told to and pulled his/ y- Y) {; B1 q2 `1 ?8 \
cheeks apart for Christie. His face was as red as his ass. 2 ?! k% }0 v" Z. I) ]

* k- u7 d  K" S6 I+ K" f"Boy we sure did a job training you," Jennifer whistled in
( j& g8 x& ?! Pappreciation as she watched her younger sister prepare to8 X0 C: U5 \# c' X4 I% k0 `3 r) p
ream his gaping asshole. Christie rammed her finger all the/ P/ L" ?! o: ]' M* [
way up to her knuckle, causing Michael to jump. She wiggled
* J7 k) }& B! o0 k& ?8 Zher finger around and then pushed her index finger in as
0 q8 Q5 P% [4 N/ r8 w, @6 pwell. Michael's large hole easily took both fingers.
/ @. T/ h$ z: _+ w9 X  q& AChristie prepared to shove her third one in when her Mother
) G' N; @% s. @& _, d$ sinterrupted.% g; b6 h" h* Y) S

/ Y8 f4 W, S8 d. {" v  }( P"Let me finish up, We're late for breakfast and I want to7 G* r# ?9 z; i% M+ t" D
get him and Josh to the doctors so we can be on time when% ?5 m4 m/ H3 ?3 G* G, ?
Kevin's Aunt Ann Marie brings him."
2 I% W6 N4 m( M. p0 `1 Y4 C2 {! A5 C8 J$ u( d. G: x: V9 ^
She smeared the Cream on Michael's beet red ass and he cried
$ }7 Q! _+ B' Z1 `* L+ b% D( _) ["Oww," as she rubbed it into the tender skin.8 P1 y& X3 R, {& R" {
7 K, _3 ~7 `4 T% P
After five more minutes to let the cream do its stuff' C4 D' G9 i& B+ `7 B
Michael was made to shower once more to wash the Nair and
; ]- @$ T; K, z& F* g5 Z1 Hhair off.
0 j: r& N; ?! Z4 Z+ T0 ^  ]- o' @$ o3 K6 ^
He came out of the bathroom blushing. His pubic area and ass. Q2 q6 J  s5 e( m  |% A: e) v4 `3 a
were as bald as little Christopher's was.
- {6 A$ J: a  O5 p# K1 _* }, i3 G1 j) W: @# O9 T, ?! a% y$ v
Kelly looked at Michael's now smooth cock and balls. "Wow
& w! i' ^1 \9 T- J/ O% dMommy," She giggled. "He looks like a little boy now."
7 J; M8 b" |- @( p6 b0 l$ v3 K5 c! _# r
"He is a little boy," Mrs. Connolly answered. "He just
; }4 U% A  u. S* [; Y: O* i. B% C" @thought he was a man."
9 _' @' ]- Y" g
* a, y* H1 V9 G+ l/ w4 JThe other girls and Lori just covered their mouths and8 y0 [0 _+ `) d$ ^+ f# [9 x
giggled at Michael's hairless crotch. / ~0 v+ @; ?" Q. g! P0 \
. }; N+ {+ y' c8 H9 {- t2 u) D
Mrs. Connolly quickly buckled the harness on his cock and  y- V  `6 z2 c# s
balls and with his flip-flops slapping the floor Michael was# v1 i$ w; {. t) H, o( N6 f
led to breakfast by Kelly with the rest of the family and. E2 v5 I" z  [7 F. C3 D4 z
Lori following.
% z0 i! l% \  W
& [2 [( G5 ]# SThe other boys were already seated having been inspected by
4 R  |" |& ?' F9 _6 hAnn Mandel, when Michael was led in. All four boys looked! N* x' f+ t. G: v
and did a double take when they noticed Michael's bald lower+ w8 E3 g0 Q& f
body. Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Thomas covered their mouths to$ F/ A# r* u* d& h
hide their laughter.$ W9 u+ ]. M% c$ C2 y) ~
$ x; C% {0 D, I3 t6 P
Mrs. Mandel wasn't that tactful. She came out of the kitchen
7 ]; D1 h4 e+ m+ l1 K# `% ~with coffee for the two guards and noticed Michael. Kelly% a# W4 b0 g4 R' M7 e3 h5 v7 q
had removed the harness and the humiliated boy had to stand6 z$ T8 j8 {) e; T
in front of everyone, his nude pubic area on full display.
% Q+ i" M/ ?; [3 {' C1 Q3 ^, e. U
"Well lookee here," the old cook jeered. "You look like a
% X0 k1 W3 L: q- }5 Mbaby now. Does he have to wear diapers to go along with that% p3 k5 H; W$ Q3 m9 ]: |: l
bald cock?"/ C- O+ ?& ^. `. S' x% n6 |
0 c7 M/ Z+ S  _0 c' L' r7 q  `
The guards and the Connolly family cracked up. Even the four
) i2 ~3 t" L! aother boys had to cover their mouths to hide the grins on
2 t2 G) \) U. r) _" q' s) \their faces.* F+ Y+ N: U1 p/ W

; r* I2 V; m4 O+ qMichael sat down with the other boys. He looked at Andy.
% ^1 g2 E- M! V5 \"Well if you've got something to say, Get it off your- z. |/ ~$ a; R( ^6 V
chest," He challenged.
, [- x3 \1 M/ ?$ F8 |/ P5 r: K$ s% P% J$ o2 t
Andy spooned oatmeal into his mouth. "Looks like you got it& ?  B5 ~! |) ]2 I
off your chest and every place else," He answered back
1 f/ _2 ]& O0 _7 plooking down at Michael's cock. # @; m, G+ e0 f+ q1 I8 {
; a1 S" ?8 p9 I: l, a' u
Breakfast over, the guards gathered the boys.  "No farm work
" [; i9 G9 q# P" }9 I( |, Cthis morning," Mrs. Connolly informed the girls. "I want
6 u- Z, j  `+ ~% oAndy, Ricky and Christopher clean and presentable for when
! J8 C4 O3 ?$ a8 m/ n* BKevin's Aunt Annmarie brings him here. The three of them
1 H% Y' w2 j8 `$ C( ~0 Q: F! xwill be in the receiving room waiting to greet them with
4 B8 |# [- ]" c5 U( ~cocks hard like they were when the deputies brought in Josh
% O1 U! D; c. r1 m# wand Michael. So everyone goes to the Doctors office with us.! h4 {6 Q  P( p  ~$ ^1 k6 n
Ricky needs to have his stitches checked anyhow."
+ R; P' S% m% m( f
6 z* T0 ?) u  H6 d0 W9 P$ EMichael was strapped into the cock harness by Lori Paulson! M' h7 N; ]9 y% R% ~2 K
who led him by the leash to the Doctor's office. The four. B7 r8 U* e/ Q( Q9 H' I' j
other boys' flip- flopped their way down the hall behind" X: D% E6 O+ Y$ k+ J2 p! i# V2 O
them. The Connolly girls, The two older guards and Mrs.
% S& E6 O9 n5 c) W9 gConnolly followed them.
6 y" @6 Y( k7 ]; f6 W1 R. K2 ~7 j
, p) n2 `; w$ e8 K# z: h2 mMrs. Connolly opened the door. "Come on in," Nurse Randi  U) G( K9 k( a
greeted her. "The doctor is all ready for your newest& u$ W; n4 C! C9 G$ f6 C' [, {
students."# ?6 A8 ?6 R$ T3 U1 Z' H, t" \

4 J# @0 i; \8 V4 N# @( lMrs. Connolly led the way into the office followed by Lori: u+ }) p1 M1 _
tugging on the leash with Michael in tow. The other boys4 Z4 _! v5 b9 P
" G" v1 q( b4 S( t! T2 Q1 ?; x2 d' N- U# i3 R
"Stand over there by the wall and lets get a look at you,"3 b+ n* W2 J0 Z
Randi told all five boys. "Would you remove the harness from
6 G8 a* L, H& ^* v2 `that boy?" She asked Lori.2 ]8 O; ?4 m7 Y$ H7 |) v2 ^& X
0 Q/ ]- \9 U- \. l; P  P
The girls and the other guards piled in as Lori unhooked the
0 n7 ^1 V: `9 w9 i: o  O" d; d( sharness exposing Michael's ample cock and balls. Miss Thomas
+ V7 m4 J2 n% k! Eordered the boys to place their hands behind their heads.
* ^" o$ h7 M- F" J
" J0 R( E7 b/ B% P' U4 `$ ORandi looked appreciatively at the two new boys. "They're3 B, M+ y: r* @$ x9 ^$ {, w
quite big in the penis area," she said to Mrs. Connolly,
0 q  J# C0 d7 m  Qcausing Josh to blush bright red and Michael to grin.. D; @1 z- @% Y; e) t

* ]/ ?/ G' E: a& H6 S"Of course I just came back from the state prison where I" s# Q' m& ~: O# r
helped the doctor Examine about twenty naked men with really
& @& e2 d3 _" v/ S& \% L1 h0 Z8 Ybig cocks." She laughed. "I never knew how many different0 x7 u8 A. }* ~+ d
size cocks and balls there were. The men were just as
- c' f# k: C6 Z& Z  A: Sembarrassed as the boys when I greased up their asses and/ v  j6 j  c: d8 y! g. w2 u
the doctor examined them."$ `, U$ ^) P& n4 j: T1 F( ]
) ~: I/ l% k; E4 x- @" S$ Y
She stepped in Front of the five boys. "Hi," she said to
9 ]0 r5 T8 ]: D; r; K* W! YAndy and Christopher. "How's my two favorite little boys?"
" |/ v+ ^9 z, R2 _( GShe squeezed Christopher's cock causing the little boy to
- B# @& H" N! H! Jblush furiously with pleasure. His cock hardened as she; p5 d- T) Z6 S- R
stroked it. Then she moved on to Andy and stroked his little
5 {0 P+ m! D" R( @; h& Lcock and cupped his balls in her hand.- r. A' ]( K! o

. |+ |* U2 t# B1 r3 y; e1 eThe Micelli brothers now had raging hard-ons. The nurse- g6 Q# i' {% v; C
moved on to Ricky. She cupped his balls and cock, examining
+ \( \6 }. Z" }3 }them. "Your little pecker is just so cute," she told him.4 H" D% d1 N9 f4 F9 E
Ricky smiled and his cock joined the other two at full mast. 9 g) p* r; e' M; G  X
  u# t8 [, u3 `' x4 C
Randi turned her attention to Josh. "What's your name?" She5 [  T1 d5 j% f! B
asked the embarrassed boy, Looking at his long slim dick and
! Z; n0 Y* [& X: S; P% s1 Tlarge ball sack./ r9 v2 `9 O; d- s9 \
* |% y' c' _1 F) g7 c5 {
"J, J, Josh Ma'am," he managed to stammer. , E/ D0 M3 M8 E. y' q% L2 Z
% S( ^0 ]( c6 \* X, p
"Well "J, J, Josh," you have a lovely cock and I know the
! X3 V4 v0 g3 P1 Zdoctor will enjoy examining it.", D6 \% `4 J+ n" V

3 D8 F3 |0 t9 n+ {% HMichael was last. Randi looked at his big hairless cock and
0 z  ?. k1 i* z  Z# w+ |balls and smiled. "Not bad, an uncut one. I saw lots of
3 V8 X  U% U" o1 G* s( R) kuncircumcised ones at the prison Saturday. Most of them were# k' @8 S$ @4 K9 S) G- N" P% w
bigger than this one but not as cute," She told the guards.
3 z1 \7 q% o& g+ G: f4 I! q& J"Do you want me to play with it?" she teased. Michael
. g+ n# i0 a6 N9 E  z1 b0 E. ?5 pnodded, Licking his lips. 7 B5 s$ O1 |- \4 S+ A

( B+ r8 l  X! _1 N, ^& K. m4 @"I'd like to," Randi said looking his cock up and down. "But
8 a$ v3 l& k' L. S/ Dthe doctor doesn't like it if I do before she has a chance
/ k3 U+ E3 `( g/ v2 X3 B- }to play with it herself. Tell you what though, I need to
1 `4 N7 x& a7 R& g' ^; {prepare both you boys so the doctor can do a rectal exam.
' g) j8 V+ r8 w6 b+ o# Z$ k% PWhile I'm at it I'll take your temperatures. Would you and" t  a- ]+ c! x: b% R
Josh bend over and spread open your cheeks for me? I'll, _/ O( E3 I+ ?8 q
grease you up and insert the thermometers."/ P' p  k3 p. K  K% }+ `* ]9 @

) B" o& [4 k6 M! s5 n0 o4 N' `! VMichael didn't seem too happy with that and Josh blushed$ }' M8 K. d+ w/ Z; ?# Y0 Z3 W3 z& h$ @
furiously. The four Connolly girls giggled. "Do it," Mrs.
9 v* d6 u7 z" [" hConnolly ordered when the two boys hesitated.( y9 L4 D, W7 K& A, m. u

2 W! q: @* B& }5 w: l; b8 wRandi led the two boys to the desk and had them bend over.
1 U: r: F% Z& y4 F9 V# k5 oShe pulled a pair of surgical gloves on over her pretty0 P: t+ r$ A! `; t% k8 }. n
hands and got a tube of KY jelly from the medicine cabinet.' F/ X9 r  F1 g- @
Michael and Josh were holding their ass cheeks open as she
: K: E  F. b6 ~4 l6 U9 P) _, dknelt behind them. She gazed into their wide-open rectums
  l6 ], p8 [, K7 C3 Wand squeezed a glob of the clear jelly on her left index
6 t: Q9 G  S! k) j! H8 H% A4 afinger.
5 m  t' w0 @7 {; O/ `9 o3 y, M# Y1 t3 L7 N
Josh was first. She pushed against his puckered muscle and
+ b* ]4 ^" b, E' b1 D- ^her greased up finger penetrated easily. She wiggled her
# c* [; d  v5 f" d- i( O* d5 l( T- U$ Wfinger around and pulled it out. Then squeezing more jelly
3 T8 S- B4 Y: L4 B; Non her other hand she pushed her right index finger into
& D" M7 |) ?) ^* F/ ?7 ?2 X% R  xMichael's larger asshole. "My, my," she commented as her9 U; q/ J6 W! `+ v4 @# s7 o
finger was swallowed up. You are bigger in every way, aren't
9 F/ \- ]7 F8 Q  Q- U$ Gyou?" Michael reddened. "You must have been a bad boy, your$ O: [8 h6 e/ x4 s. G! E
buttocks are so red." She noticed as she wiggled her finger
% D. i7 j8 Y. s. A: U- j" Z% ?/ garound inside him.
+ K; E7 r# f3 v0 ^4 h7 O
, O; \- H5 ~$ \/ S1 F/ v6 EAfter inspecting their assholes she pushed the thermometers! f# L( F6 Z# }( k0 J
into the still bent over boys. The girls had retrieved the
. ], F* W9 N7 p6 _: v8 Q* Rother three boys and were playing with their hard-ons as1 l/ K$ z# \4 B1 j" \3 M0 e
they watched the nurse humiliate Michael and Josh.1 X. a6 v) O( u' C4 m

- E0 g5 s& ]8 M& X' z5 @Randi finally removed the thermometers and allowed the boys" P8 e0 B" K) S" g1 y. p8 N
to straighten up. Michael's cock was now standing straight,, d5 Y% \# F# p( _0 d0 G: g; V- x4 y! y
The head peeking out from his uncircumcised foreskin. "Did0 {2 d3 U0 U( ?2 J
that excite you?" Randi giggled. "You are such a horny
& ?7 `3 L1 P: Y( v  F+ A* I! Qlittle devil." She gave his balls a squeeze.* r" J0 l- o% P; f
* V3 \9 E1 q. R  Z3 w
"I need a urine sample from you," She told both boys,
' z* R# b* m% u2 Z2 S! N& q2 {handing them two plastic jars. "When you finish screw the; s, `/ Y  [; f9 }' H" p' R
caps on and hand them to me." She stood watching as the boys0 m' B$ S0 w6 t, t
stood with the jars in their hands. "What are you waiting
, h* ~" U+ v1 e% \! @8 Y& dfor?" ; o3 A6 E+ r3 g+ e

. i" D# `% U0 u4 Y7 x: E4 s"Where's the bathroom Ma'am?" Josh asked puzzled. 8 D7 [- a) B5 n0 P
2 H# y  U* [4 m' q5 w9 w
"Why do all you boys ask that?"  Randi said impatiently. $ j: f, U' I: a! e4 Q
"You are both naked and everybody in this room has played' p9 s0 X1 l% Q0 A4 m4 T& K5 z3 _
with your cocks and had fingers up your assholes. What makes
. C& L, |* @6 @3 q2 J4 ?" Jyou so embarrassed to pee in front of us?"
; ^0 c& T0 i9 v+ _$ P% b9 D, k
1 G3 r$ f5 @5 T+ W5 V! q1 T# F) ?6 VMichael put his cock into the wide mouth of the jar. His
" d( B. L2 @; Z8 T+ L; Tface was red with shame. Josh was sobbing as he followed0 _7 N& |2 o% |" x
suit. It took a few minutes but both boys managed to fill6 l, d# K5 s$ T: P% e
the jars.
- f- x+ M' s: \! W& F& B7 }0 g% @  I' z, ?) u% r9 m# H
"Good, " Randi complimented. Now get up on the scale," She
; ^1 n* j: }* `3 ^7 v+ [ordered. Michael was weighed first then Josh. Randi wrote in- O) [1 `0 W5 @% z
their charts and measured their height. She was finishing up. T9 q9 N- q1 y) X$ k0 z5 u* l
when the inner door opened and the doctor came out.
6 Z  \" Q' w/ ?5 Q
- k& K* c6 t1 O3 v- z" Q6 e  f5 c"Good morning Doctor," Mrs. Connolly greeted. "I have two
" u2 t9 w! G6 Y& T/ ]more for your skilled hands to examine."1 k: w0 L6 o3 h( S

5 f2 Z8 I1 T) U  ], z9 c"So I see," The doctor said looking Josh and Michael up and1 s) {+ ~; S6 H' A2 C* p; q
down. "I'll get to them in a moment.  If your daughters will
% S: u$ N: J/ K, s1 _3 r9 Crelease Ricky I'd like to check his testicles to make sure
8 N6 ?6 W6 {6 f% w- T6 Pthe incision is healing properly.". e( D) S# n2 N. G4 M

  C1 C$ Q- v7 R- iCaitlin had Ricky by the balls. The young blonde boy was# y+ L' B6 e8 j
standing against the wall; hands behind his head and about
4 a, ]8 M4 d- u* X3 v% ]two seconds away from cumming as Caitlin rubbed his small: F- c0 f# `/ w) m- X& r
slim cock and kneaded his balls. He stiffened and gasped as
' J4 t6 @# @  ]+ ^he came. As usual it was a dry cum. He sheepishly walked/ F. w, Y: F0 J8 \: i
over to the doctor, His cock shrinking back to softness as9 l% Z" u) x9 s
he walked. ' C) ?& O$ J' ]" R/ M; ~

" l( a0 N3 n" r( R/ F"Please go into the exam room, Ricky and climb up on the
; S, q3 r1 i7 Y7 h& n; mtable," The doctor ordered. Ricky walked past her into the, R9 U( O% {$ H% S
other room. The doctor beckoned to Randi. "Bring the new+ c5 {5 Q+ u" A# I1 T! n
boys in. The room will be too crowded so I suggest Mrs.0 a: i6 S( D: b
Maikowski and Miss Paulson stay in the outer room with Andy
* H  A! q. n: x! N# @and Christopher. The rest of you can come into my examining, G' E" `/ U) M. c
room if you promise to be quiet.": H4 L4 Y! d; f5 v/ C# D) e

7 [) k! ]! C7 m6 X, ]) D* }The two guards looked disappointed. Everyone wanted to see& f& j4 |; N5 \& M& B* n
Michael get the device implanted.  The girls trooped in and" U3 x6 j1 n/ _6 r. [
Mrs. Connolly shut the door. $ U% r/ {* W1 @  J; ~
( K$ `1 F5 g5 L) |1 _
Ricky had kicked off his flip-flops and was lying on his
; V" ^8 Y2 q) P- r) G0 Z, X2 bback, on the table with his feet in the stirrups. The doctor
+ v6 f% E$ t5 b. Wpulled on her surgical gloves and bent over the boy.( U- N5 U: U+ E# H6 p0 I" y$ D
3 Q8 N4 H( Z" m/ Y( r4 c
She lifted his cock up and examined his balls. "Excellent3 s# @' v6 U: U
you heal fast," she told the blushing child. "You can get up8 M9 I1 o5 {1 {) @7 i  j
now and stand over with the girls."% ?2 J6 Y2 k4 \
1 u) V/ ~  S$ [- t7 b# E
Her attention turned to the two older boys. Josh looked at: ~! B. @4 d. z6 c: w6 x
her with fear in his eyes. Michael had a half grin on his
# R$ |8 R' W8 p* cface. "Lets see if we can wipe that grin off your face," the
/ Y+ x6 Y3 U3 B7 u& X' @6 Q) Edoctor told him. "Come over here Michael and lets get
7 F, z' f1 `' O8 `3 p( g! b! @started."
) K( S' W- v! ]0 B  C
- H, ?  @5 W9 p" VMichael looked defiantly at the Doctor for a few seconds9 t8 c( z4 K# T3 L' ^# b+ w7 D# q: i
until Miss Thomas swatted him on the ass. "Get over there4 q! e7 k4 ]9 h- e& V, Q1 e% P
boy," She ordered. Be quick about it or last nights spanking
/ W) ~2 v& z; P, H: g) E& ?will seem like love pats."
: \; q& s2 K6 v7 Y' l6 l" g
4 m0 J& Q7 t+ ^; OMichael stood in front of the doctor. She sat down on her' _# ^1 N" O) @
chair her face inches away from his cock. She cupped his6 I& R) g& J5 t2 A& E
large scrotum and examined his balls. Michael's cock rapidly" D' f0 X* ^! d$ O+ j  A- W6 L
hardened as she continued kneading his balls. "Cough," she
. g+ y- ?: T; x0 h. P1 k7 @. Tordered, her grip tightening as she checked him for a7 P1 s0 Q5 Z* h$ C0 Q& J0 {
hernia. Then she moved on to his cock, skinning back his
) M1 H$ K( _+ m; c9 Gforeskin and examined the cock head.
- d" \, _2 F* t
) G: p2 w* K- k' _& I1 R"Who shaved his pubic area?" She asked laughing. "You did a/ W9 m# Z4 v7 N0 \  `5 o: ?
nice job. It feels as soft as a baby's ass."
! M' {6 }# O0 G9 W1 j
: y0 r5 c2 ?1 @1 i' G0 R"I figured it would be cleaner for when you planted the4 x0 S: \" d! [" _
chip," Mrs. Connolly said. "We naired him this morning. Even) i8 y0 c9 x( [3 p) p. ~- c2 \1 e
did his ass."; T  B. \  ?" ^

; p2 A9 k$ @9 u$ pThe doctor ran her fingers inside his foreskin. "Nice and' [* `/ B) D8 b
clean.  I can circumcise him if you want," She said. "It1 u7 O5 D- b8 r7 h( F
would keep him cleaner but he'd be out of action for a few0 q, r! y8 ?( W: u4 C
: q4 k8 j: l, Z0 n: t
& ?5 d' m" o% y* OI'll have to think about it," Mrs. Connolly said. Michael3 }1 @* r2 |) F: E0 o: \
turned white at the thought.! D! x+ z- {) T% y, A+ N
) d4 e/ F+ d' M% Q  n& g. F
"By the way Doctor, I'd stand back if you plan to continue% c- j  P8 m7 U
playing with his cock," Miss Thomas said. "That boys a7 B$ _, k4 `1 M1 c$ p2 O. w
0 W  m; j% K# e7 p9 \- `7 P! t( d* S5 h$ |2 U0 J
"I want him to cum and lose the erection but not quite yet,"
+ g1 V9 f( u8 E  Y2 y. XThe doctor said. "Thanks for the warning I'll be careful.. I7 d' ~) c# A# Q. Y7 w* E
She released Michael's cock and ordered him to turn around.
  b0 k3 u! |, k4 s"Bend over and open yourself up wide for me so I can see
9 l5 z8 K. T8 f. Q+ W; U# Qinto your rectum," she ordered. Michael blushed but did as6 b+ P# n& x8 z0 O3 p
he was told. The doctor peered into his behind. "My you have9 ?% K- X. Q2 y" b( d, n
a nice big asshole. I shouldn't have any trouble when I
. `# y0 M3 q! C/ T. _1 M8 c* |examine you," She said. Then she shoved her finger into his+ b. b1 F- Y4 B' b: ~2 `
asshole. It slid in easily having been greased up by Randi."0 i6 J* M( a/ g) O  |* O

3 M% C: S, r4 U"This may feel uncomfortable Michael I'm going to examine
3 u3 Y0 `- f% e, ^: i( X" a$ K' Hyour prostate, " She told him as her finger pushed further.
, g+ y4 `% |/ ~$ M# o$ C! y' M% ]Michael grunted then yelped as she found his gland.  "Nice
: W/ W% P; ~6 M/ H. Z; esize prostate. He must really pump out sperm," She told her. }4 L0 [8 \7 E
audience. 8 A; `+ N& ~2 @- Z6 d5 o
" `" V3 c: c6 E# f! g; t: D8 T
"Randi would you get me the Scope?" She asked. The pretty
2 ~- w4 R) y- S3 k, o' pnurse handed the instrument to the doctor. "Stay in this
/ |! E+ n; z1 o; U7 h& @; P, o1 ?position Michael just pull your cheeks open a bit wider,"6 s- v4 B9 a% z/ J- D: G+ m( u
She ordered as she removed her finger. I'm going to stick7 f7 N6 u% Y/ L/ f! O
something else in you. It will help me see into your
* k! G& n" r8 E0 U9 d1 urectum."
$ s0 T5 A( d8 l* Z; s; I; ^) A) y4 `* m/ X, t5 S1 h) S( _8 d  c
She inserted the sigmoidoscope and pushed it slowly into. g. j. S+ x5 ]
Michael's gaping asshole. He grunted as the pressure
2 X/ A& ~8 w) Y; d2 d; b. ?increased. Deeper and deeper into his rectum, the instrument
& v) c5 m( ~- R5 Sintruded as Michael stood perfectly still gritting his teeth
, x+ E9 h& ~# J. W, d( land holding himself open. The doctor smiled. "Everything
( ]$ v8 U. q, p' P3 `& J" zlooks good." She removed the scope and told the boy to stand$ }% Z& c: S3 q6 Z( Y$ U3 P% B; ?
up.  9 B- v3 |/ m& K6 G* t! M. ?

7 A* ~/ I) J" Y, w# Q/ a7 |: a"I'll let Randi take your pulse and blood pressure while I
% X+ s% E2 e/ C* ^+ ^; `give Josh his physical." 6 h7 C% i3 |1 M( _
/ L' y  q$ _, }6 T1 c
Randi sat Michael down in a chair and the doctor beckoned to8 V( n8 i( n4 p
Josh.& P( h0 i+ L+ q1 ]  j

! I) a1 N) D! W+ k1 iOutside in the waiting room Mrs. Maikowski was sulking. "I
0 g& ~7 E0 Q- Q2 s+ O- \wanted to watch that Mexican wise ass get his nuts sliced,"
: R) T; m0 x* x- q* Z4 OShe grumbled to Lori Paulson. "Miss Thomas gets to have all
1 V9 b3 Y/ s. L* a2 y) H- l, K( Fthe fun." She looked at Andy and Christopher. "I need some
0 v" ^, p! o7 ^0 B( Y7 a. ~4 @entertainment. You," she pointed at Christopher. "Get down
+ a- l2 @. `' b: f/ e% }on your knees in front of your brother."
% l' ?, w( z2 w) ?0 Q! w& y" f
0 a& ?# U5 f0 K# s* \! aChristopher started crying; he knew what was coming. "Leave
0 e* m0 j5 E. T. T6 thim alone," Andy said. "I'll do what you want, just leave my
3 N8 A5 X" _+ f/ s* S0 c4 Jbrother alone."; }  B% ^" t  D. ~! O
# ]8 U# D: Q" g# r
"O.k. You little punk you can take his place." The guard
& }! b! n5 [. F5 Enodded. "Get on your knees in front of him.", Z) R! r2 d! C8 |5 Y2 S% q
* h/ ?8 J$ c7 |" B# a% W# A/ z/ D
Andy sank to his knees in front of his little brother. "Take" S6 f# c5 Q5 Z1 Z% W7 e: u, m* V
his cock in your hand and rub it a bit to get it hard," Mrs.
  B1 l9 ]2 W: {! `2 KMaikowski ordered. "Play with his balls." 5 M- k- P- Z9 l, i: K

7 P& s- @3 v- K6 e: T9 uBoth boys were crying but Andy did as he was ordered.8 f- e; n4 g' F2 K, i/ s
Chris's little cock grew in his hands. "Now kiss his cock, V/ {5 d) e: _1 p
head and balls," The old guard cackled. Both guards watched
2 O% }" p; F' p4 o3 \# b5 G4 Uas Andy kissed and fondled Chris's little genitals.
  N- y3 X1 i" P3 y5 B
- X+ k* D/ |# |, L"All right; you wanted to be a hero, Now you can suck him9 [+ X8 ~9 y  e2 v: b
off. Put his dick in your mouth and lets see how good a blow
- ]$ d5 D* \9 [% J, A  p5 @7 N9 \job you can give him. It better be good," She warned. ( e* q$ ]! ~8 o' V) n# ^
% ~7 }9 i' X$ O8 r% J# N
Even with a hard-on, Christopher's cock was little. Andy's4 f+ y. Z- a6 H( z
mouth easily encircled it. The little boy stood with his
* k( E$ I) c) y) X! Ceyes closed and head thrown back as Andy sucked on his dick.
$ A; V7 M2 M# Y  Y2 g9 BHe held Andy's head, his fingers in his hair. Andy moved his
) U! h( h% R( l3 F. \: o( m$ Ghead in and out. His tongue was licking the tip of1 v" i4 p* e1 ^* \9 n
Christopher's dick as he sucked the shaft into his mouth.7 a' f8 L7 Q. u2 o

$ l% n/ U1 G- r# X9 O! e) h% ]  [Lori Paulson felt pity for the two brothers. She also was
5 ]- L5 C8 r8 r5 Cafraid of the older guard. In the end her fear won out and" s: N# x! Y* Y; h. E/ m- Y* D
she let matters lie. After all she was only a part timer and9 @( d! F4 G& ]: I8 i  E
all the other people didn't seem to care.
0 v2 n: K7 Y9 U; G) W/ [$ _6 j; o# r
Christopher stiffened his body. He let out a squeal as/ g3 {( W+ P& Q% {
Andy's mouth and tongue brought him to climax.
& }6 s0 q, l/ D$ g& j2 [" V1 O! p
The old guard laughed. "It nice to see that these boys are
0 t1 V+ V$ n" G$ R. Wlearning their place," she said to Lori, Ignoring the look- a" G8 `) P* T2 F! Y/ p) L
of disapproval from the younger guard.6 o( k  {! U& i) N/ @' C
- O1 K+ H0 j1 c( @9 ~! x' C  y# [% h
Both boys were crying. Mrs. Maikowski told them to knock it
0 r2 s& W9 A" m9 ^% y2 ^( }1 ?; \off and sit down. She picked up a magazine and ignored them.
- z+ Z6 R3 m  C$ O. L3 NLori Paulson smiled at Andy and told the boys to read a
" d4 I, O$ }# H; [magazine and wait for the others to finish up.
1 e/ H  `8 Z0 Y$ ^% l! k3 @3 A7 ~/ T' `- G: Q! u, U$ V
Back inside the doctor was examining josh. She was again9 D" C2 A' Q4 B" s/ m
sitting with her face inches away as she explored Josh's4 G. h5 T( f" Q6 o
slim cock. It was quite hard, standing straight out. She
+ D" Q8 Z# h6 ?/ olightly ran her nails over his cock head teasing the velvet
7 ]0 B- F& V* |7 fflesh. Josh shivered. The Doctor cupped his balls weighing
! K# x$ n, {& @: zthem, in the palm of her hand. She felt each ball
) b' H: x4 z* I/ L1 {" O% \separately, Then she tightened her grip around them slightly
: N2 @9 ~1 S6 L' o9 }and told him to turn his head and cough.+ {) J( d8 A3 Z, E9 K9 |, c! B

$ q* h' g- C+ H8 k7 i7 }! R  Z"Good, your penis and testicles check out fine." She told
: M  {: _, w3 jthe trembling youngster. "You have a slightly longer penis
; x% Q1 P- K* y3 Xthan most twelve year olds and I guess from the size of your
  W& p0 Z5 s/ n% Wtesticles you've been manufacturing sperm for several
7 N1 R7 W# Z4 a8 g( tmonths, Right?"
4 l& g  m+ G/ l- E3 @9 r# |7 Z- J% a5 w# E1 W$ q
"Yes Ma'am," Josh said in a low voice. Tears ran from his
) Z+ r$ [$ w( a. zeyes as he stood trembling. He knew what was coming up next.
0 ]8 j# \6 j* ~( _; x+ P" a' W, L
"All right Josh I want you to turn around and spread* c- t2 O, @) F$ X3 v1 ]$ O  ?* T
yourself open for me like Michael did," The Doctor told him.
! t" l& Q/ y# z"Can you do that?"
7 z8 i; }3 y6 T: p! ^4 `$ d3 n  t( D  V/ w6 F5 J0 h) T
Josh gulped. He had seen the sigmoidoscope being rammed up# n4 G$ K2 [# t% Z
Michael. "Y,yess ma'am," he stammered. He turned around and
& H7 {" k  L2 T! @. v: ^* @bent over, Legs spread apart. Reaching back he pulled his
2 }% Z$ `( r! v! f3 Rcheeks as wide as they would go giving everyone a glimpse of
, M# O# z+ I. m- g/ w& This pink puckered ass muscle. His balls hung down beneath
! \, r2 W8 t; T, v: f8 Yhim.
$ `' E' P0 U5 V" W8 b. i# `2 S
" ?1 _1 H5 D/ `! R) _The doctor pushed her finger in up to the knuckle. It went
$ l+ ^; x! h' Ointo his greased up hole easily. The tears were rolling down. j/ c  b" U- u  ~# o: c9 ]
Josh's Cheek onto the floor. His trembling increased as the
0 t3 h3 K5 Y# Z8 G1 Hdoctor wiggled her finger in him. "I'm going to examine your
* \! n- s! M3 o7 A4 G. K3 uprostate. It may feel a bit uncomfortable, but its4 }- w7 t) a' d
6 g: ~) y) s6 M# `5 \/ @9 o1 X, v& v! l) s
Josh jumped forward and moaned as she found her target.
# Q2 m, ^$ U" |; ]0 k"Good, Its nice and normal." She withdrew her finger. Randi
" k+ Q0 P8 u; k# ]- y( O, L: Ohanded the scope to her and she pushed it in. Josh's asshole" O+ w) J  A7 d4 h- O
resisted briefly but the instrument went past it and into# ]/ |7 U9 V! |$ p
his rectum.
1 b, c+ b7 q% V1 F, V- t( `, J+ c/ M) n  Z7 F
It seemed like hours but only took a few moments. The doctor
. e# {- z+ T) J8 F" ~% R+ e( Bremoved the scope and patted Josh's ass. "You can stand up,"
" F! d+ r6 V3 c5 Lshe told the sobbing youngster.
$ |( \$ w3 G8 J  q1 J! U
  ?% ^! F# y9 D* DRandi had finished Checking Michael's blood pressure and- E' @- t: S$ Y) d4 c
pulse. She jotted the stats. down in his chart. "Check
: d; _" I6 a; R! ~/ D  D3 BJosh's pulse and pressure. I'll check Michael's heart," the9 {' H. }! D) Y- q6 h; \
doctor told her nurse. Michael stood as the doctor checked% H" w2 w. y' T5 `/ u- b+ q
his breathing and Heart with the stethoscope. "Good," she1 g; C! i4 d- U' f
said.  "Now stand on the chair without your flip-flops.  I6 h, R- i8 t/ e3 _
want to check your feet."
. K$ D: H' I! s0 j  g5 y: B- a7 r, g0 {  _% M% t
Barefoot, Michael climbed on the chair. The doctor checked7 j! V* N+ O6 N0 ~) W1 D; N4 Q  Y
between each of his pudgy toes. "I usually do this when I
; O4 }8 k% Q2 n8 e% Kthink kids are trying to hide drug use. They inject drugs3 h$ S) j  E, H  D8 W7 c/ c9 A1 R
between their toes and nobody would think to check. You see! J5 p0 ?2 k5 X. L
this a lot in prison. I've caught several men who've taken
8 W& q6 x$ _: B% P% B1 R+ @drugs this way," The doctor explained to Mrs. Connolly.1 `2 Q% N" L# R6 p+ X

6 V* l+ T' P! U- X9 tAfter Michael, Josh climbed on the chair and she checked
/ Y% _' T8 d9 {$ Xbetween his long slender toes as well. Then letting him down% w- b6 X# t5 g3 v
from the chair she examined his breathing and heart. . v7 X# s: j5 c
* m3 ]+ N6 p5 E. p9 p3 v) c+ P& v
"One more thing she told the boys. "I need a blood sample.3 m% w  I3 Q2 Z% x) g% a: h
She quickly drew blood from each boy as Randi swabbed his# ~9 ?: H3 d4 l- z" ?
arm with alcohol.; X: ~) p& T6 `, d6 r2 g

( d& |- Y! y/ t5 N# j* v+ K"All finished," She announced. "Both of you are perfectly
! E' n3 r% }% K, {& \$ Qhealthy." 5 b" y: a  K+ {4 O' w, z$ Q0 R
) K0 K1 Q6 T( b( B0 x# a2 E/ y* H
Both boys were healthy and both boys had raging hard-ons# }3 Q+ H  Z2 `, V7 E
from all the touching and penetrating done to them by Doctor
) g% V4 e$ X4 T# T- nBrenner and Nurse Randi. "Oh dear this just won't do," The
: r6 u* Y. H% f" {6 G3 Odoctor shook her head as she looked at the two naked boys in
! R. H. R: I0 ]1 K  L6 p. t& N" Tfront of her. "We have to get rid of those erections."! o; G, T! s2 ?' S
* }) ~- `; ~2 W: K' G; |- r: A
"I know exactly how we're gonna do it," Miss Thomas said.' i9 \' S- ~7 r2 Z1 ^6 x7 ~
"Show the doctor just how much you like each other." Josh/ K& `( A* X2 ~9 h( s9 Y( m. V
take Michael's cock in your hand and Michael you take
' h1 B; _; t: e/ IJosh's. The fastest way to get rid of a hard-on is a good3 {, z" O& d7 x* s( c
hand job. Get started."
2 H1 w  {0 P. m3 u+ Q% U) H7 D$ l# C( j" k( l3 V$ ^; W
Both boys blushed beet red. Not only would they have to play
8 A$ q. \+ j( ?2 D2 fwith each other's cocks, they'd have to do it in front of  }- j. U* R+ q6 J% i: r
the beautiful nurse. So once again Michael found himself9 @$ A5 G9 G; [0 a0 r0 J; M. q
getting a hand job but not from the people he wanted to
2 b! d8 [( e4 t3 l; @- o- e; [fondle his cock.  - _; n0 x7 v8 Y7 L7 `$ E
% G9 X/ G+ X0 P. e( g* {
Josh started things off. His hand encircled Michael's prick.4 a0 J$ X5 X& _. H6 z
He moved the foreskin back exposing Michael's cock head.
9 f. A8 n; b! Y7 _; LThen using his other hand he cupped Michael's large scrotum.) t' q. h! V5 j
Michael reached his hand over and held Josh's prick. His
, G3 U' F; p- a+ e+ m! s+ R! E& @% I6 Kfinger tickled Josh's cock head as he tugged and pulled on+ U, i+ S9 m! d, y0 D" d) U
the slender dick. # z  y7 C; d: [& O- Z

; C- ~6 r" ^. n8 K2 H+ w/ L% K1 @4 U9 aThe girls watched quietly except for Kelly who was giggling
- F; P9 N( e3 X$ kas she watched them fondle each other. Both boys had their
/ F* U5 g2 d1 J' T( l# U& j. `eyes closed as they pulled and stroked each other to a
/ b- a) X/ p% w  g4 Yclimax. Josh was moaning and Michael's deeper voice joined4 y4 E% a" ^$ ^) F$ V/ g8 g
in. The doctor interrupted long enough to hand each boy a
+ S7 f. M  Z% @3 H  K8 ~plastic urine jar. "Cum in this. I don't want sperm all over9 w" m* E$ |% s% n6 I5 ]# T
my floor."' C- A- o8 S, G3 z" v$ ^
( o& _$ O& z5 }
Josh came first. He took a deep breath and stiffened. He
7 |4 e3 k% _1 H$ T3 Mplaced the mouth of the jar in front of his cock and shot a. F7 F2 r9 B3 O9 f) c0 G
stream of cum into it getting some on his fingers. He was
4 H# h( W" j0 d8 U0 L$ B; P# tstill pulling Michael's cock as he relaxed his rigid body
6 x- F% d1 q1 ~6 Gafter shooting. Michael followed close behind. He arched his' v* `* D3 o: q0 A; l: F
back, Then let out a groan and his cock let loose with a
$ S+ S4 A* Z; j. q" ~spurt of cum into the jar he held. Both boys had cum on4 b* a( q0 f: [; U6 Z& G
their hands but most of the white stuff went into the jars.
4 h& |5 {9 Z8 s$ S. @% M6 ^' F' U5 [
Randi took the jars from the boys and handed them wet paper
/ W+ F* g6 ~) ?  \: gtowels to wipe their hands. "Clean the cum off your penises. F) c& v" }& i( ~4 I- ^& Y' p
also," she told them.6 j% f2 x8 B3 G

5 x6 g& s6 g/ z- NThe doctor filled a syringe and turned to the two tired
  _7 w$ W5 b  Iboys.  "Who's going to be first to get on the table for the# R* Q% y+ t# [
implant?" She asked Mrs. Connolly.
- [3 V! S# U/ ^; @, {# O/ Y9 v* `% [) ?2 s
"Why not save the big mouth for last?" Mrs. Connolly said.
: R8 J4 o- ]$ Y: ~" ]& d* T"Let the tension build up. Do Josh first."
/ O# B* ?0 ?  h) p& Q 5 ~: ~0 B( V9 o( {$ K; B
Josh's face fell and a new round of tears started. "Please
$ h( A/ R4 t; Odon't do this. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't cut- h( u$ r# u, c$ ~
my balls."0 v) v0 O) a% c, s$ r' F
4 d4 K9 Q) Y' C, N1 _" o
"Get up on that table boy," Miss Thomas ordered. "Everybody+ ^0 i- b; P) m/ m
gets the device." She grabbed his arm and tugged him over to
8 {' c! F) H& d( jwhere the Doctor and nurse waited.
2 ~* g# Q. K2 F& p( t! T2 y/ x. y/ H9 |' a3 g
Michael watched nervously as Miss Thomas practically lifted
8 j7 w9 Z, i6 E) S" lthe crying boy onto the table. Josh was really bawling now.
1 \0 O- J% J9 a' y& |Miss Thomas held him down as the nurse put his feet in the& r5 X5 H! G, c: {# p% D
stirrups, opening his legs and putting his scrotum in easy
2 j% i- `6 \8 M& ?* ~reach of the doctor. Josh was arching his back and screaming
# Y6 `7 ^4 Q  k6 V8 R' ["Nooo"as he fought against Miss Thomas's muscular arms. + ?9 Q* N1 T. j& F

; M' _/ ~- X  X9 y6 X"Josh if you don't stay still, I'm liable to slip with my+ ~' h' ~8 `0 U6 A! y/ Z
scalpel and really cut your balls off," The Doctor warned.1 H8 Q9 @1 k/ P8 l2 [- W3 F
"You can live with no balls but your life wouldn't be too" A8 @0 l8 v$ `9 Q4 \# q0 T7 h# [) H
pleasant."9 x$ {* n) M4 }3 m
4 ^+ r; F, B6 H0 J' c( w) C6 s
That quieted him down. He lay on the table, gripping the
* S' M" ^5 I3 Y# Y( Y' w2 rsides tightly as Randi lifted his limp cock out of the way.
" {) {% X5 G7 ?& s6 o# QShe swabbed his entire groin with alcohol and nodded to the
7 u( Y; f+ G1 |2 }- JDoctor. Dr. Brenner injected his scrotum with her syringe.
! x8 O( W$ K4 ~1 T0 S( ^Josh had his eyes closed as the needle plunged in. He jumped
6 `: q& u$ g# }$ z( a/ i& ~slightly then relaxed as his mid section went numb. Randi" r- X, c" O: K5 |; \
tugged at his cock. "Do you feel me squeezing your Penis?"
* m1 W' Q( q& v5 A% @6 hshe asked. Josh shook his head.  ?( k/ P$ _5 b# ^6 \

4 P$ e/ r$ _9 P* d. \The doctor picked up the scalpel with her right hand and7 V; Z/ R: w9 o* P. V
lifted his balls up. She made a small incision on the back: p; ]# V$ J  s8 v
of his scrotum. It bled very little. Randi handed her the2 H7 @: j2 X2 c0 J# V- O  U
forceps with the microchip and took her scalpel. It was very7 B/ |3 }: J; _6 U" |! ?$ G* ?- f
still in the room. Josh was sobbing quietly and the only
2 Z/ D7 v  C+ ]other sound was Kelly's nervous giggle as the four girls and; A, l9 D" j( V% B) Z. h/ Z2 h/ D+ I
the guards watched.; j/ ]( V: f$ Y' F% O9 K! K# g1 v
- B# F' ?4 x7 F& \/ z
The doctor implanted the tiny chip and sewed the incision up
8 i5 ]- N; b! a# twith two stitches. Randi leaned over and applied a Band-Aid.
+ n& j" e+ u8 b"You're all done Josh," She said. Did you feel anything?"
) D! ]* z/ z& d. m3 O+ {5 c0 `% H1 |3 p
"No," He sobbed. "My whole cock is numb." He stood up on/ M% r& n; X+ \9 f0 C& |8 k
shaky legs. Jennifer got up and let him sit down in her+ T  z5 ?3 H, B9 u8 A9 K9 A
chair. Kelly was staring at his cock as if she couldn't; H* p$ x* j: U2 @
believe it. She touched the tip with her finger. "Don't you
7 e' b1 {& a% |# @) }feel this?" She asked.! [; b4 _: J6 q: ~9 [; w  x# I

) U; m- }2 _* W( K2 S. G( z7 fJosh shook his head sadly. "It'll wear off in a few hours,"
  o1 S; ~5 E5 |% z+ i3 N; I* ZChristie said. "All the boys had numb balls after the. N$ ]1 }* T5 z3 v3 r1 I
operation."- n( ]: ]- M% Z
6 @, V1 S, E) H+ D
Dr. Brenner beckoned to Michael. "You're next my friend,"5 `# M9 @. u: L( ~0 \3 ^
She informed the naked boy.; W8 n+ x% Z0 z# R9 ]* H5 t
, a4 E, |% a& N  y0 X  K
"You're not touching me anymore." He shouted. "You've stuck8 ~$ c/ U; a9 W* S
fingers up my ass and made me do things I'd never do on the
3 R# @1 S, f+ E0 z5 V" qoutside but this is the last time. Miguel Sanchez ain't no, ~8 O. V5 D0 k( E; ~9 [
fucken' pussy. You want a piece of me, you come and get it."" Q8 V6 y  F) i4 m/ d( s, M9 i1 o/ S
! k- ?1 Y$ s& R- `4 U+ c& h3 ^
Miss Thomas stood up. "I been waiting for this," She. x7 C  W/ l& W. {* C8 z& R
sneered. "Tough guy, You're about to get so twisted you'll: J% l3 z: x, q* P% O1 I
be kissing your own ass."' l8 g' S3 S; U. [8 _) H

, k  J$ v' \! F# d+ D: O% c% `Jennifer interrupted. "Let me have him Mom," She begged. "He
0 n2 m$ @/ Z- |. u; Lreally needs to learn who's boss here."
6 v7 U0 p$ q5 o5 L% J  h- r
5 n; M* f- g, p% J' |5 oMrs. Connolly looked at her oldest daughter. Jennifer stood
4 O* z4 x, S6 J& l' Z$ Vabout five foot four and weighed 110 pounds. There was no# ?) U, @- D5 @& {1 ]3 z) _
fat on her body. She was a couple of inches taller than
$ j! @2 L7 A+ S* h4 P. Q, GMichael and several years older. Best of all she had a black
: U, z  l. C3 F; J+ Y) ]* T$ R6 Zbelt in Tai Kwan do. Mrs. Connolly nodded. "Let Jennifer
3 S: P& i7 H, m% qhave him, Paula, The girls are gonna do most of the training) L! q  o: G. a! m3 w: x9 d
in the future. We might as well establish that they're
, m) {2 S  Q; u0 r0 Mcapable."1 m& j& d* g/ w* @$ q! t

. W4 b- J* \9 |She patted Jennifer on the back. "Take off your shoes,
! D6 d5 O8 z/ P5 X9 Q3 o3 yHoney. I don't want you messing his face up with your: u3 s1 K5 c* @4 Q& E5 ~2 P6 G
sneakers."   / F* G! _: }9 s5 m
7 B- D4 z9 G$ _  u& N
Jennifer kicked off her white keds. She wasn't wearing socks
4 F5 Q& l) U) l3 d; ^* [% pand stood barefoot to face Michael. He kicked off his clumsy7 L. H3 _# N7 ~' l1 g2 ~
flip-flops and went into a karate stance. "Mommy you're
% D$ `* S) A9 r4 dabout to get your pretty ass kicked," He grinned. % i; j# @! ?6 C
7 T/ e" j6 ]6 J* K- W* a6 I
What happened next wiped the grin off Michael's face.2 v4 ?, C6 ]$ D( W3 o6 L2 ^# e; P
Jennifer leapt into the air and landed her left heel on his
: N: ^* m( F5 |. T) A& Ychest sending him flying backward.
  @: r/ C! }' ~0 Z3 j3 g
; {) n+ V9 ~# t$ H* Z4 v; BHe got to his feet and moved in cautiously. The doctor and
: ?6 |: p' T9 ?7 Q* ^nurse moved out of the way as Michael circled in a crouch.
1 x8 C8 \* o5 E* iHe jumped forward and swung a karate chop aimed at9 B! }9 k7 i( a* I9 @0 b! J: u; a) c
Jennifer's neck. Quick as a cat she moved to the side and. [& Y9 v' v# X& S: `
the blow missed her. Michael was off balance and fell
" t" y" K" C, d6 g1 Q9 @% m4 dforward. Jennifer gave him a reverse kick as he lunged by.1 X( c( G9 @" M3 F$ j5 @
Her bare foot landed on his sore ass. Again the naked boy1 s2 Z) P9 C( V3 ]4 c0 `
went down.
6 ~% w* A9 s- f, i' L1 J
# w. \5 ?* W$ M+ n: u3 c# V, }Michael got up again. This time he was more deliberate.
- i& R& p8 @5 Q- S+ NJennifer stood in front of him, Her arms at her side.
! r, `# M1 j( G( f$ @' dMichael swung. She tilted her head and his hand missed.
0 R) z$ n& D6 e* D, {Grabbing his arm she twisted her body and kicked him in his
/ L7 X+ O( |% J+ M" Xknee. Again he went down. Michael was breathing heavy as he
: v: M6 w# K, @. m. z' @stood for the fourth time.
6 V$ m- @+ ]; |8 w
2 d1 U% J; ^: A- ?  J3 j' f"Stay still, Damn it," He cursed as she circled him,
# u4 \0 i7 j8 q6 o! [2 Rbouncing lightly on her feet. 6 b  q$ m  j! R# Z' P
0 ~2 D. x- p! c2 J. ~# a! I3 a0 p: O
"Come on Michael," She taunted. "You keep bragging about how4 ?4 R1 e9 I. y- i  H$ p
tough you are. Are you going to let a girl kick your ass?".* I$ f, f" r) l+ z( x4 ?. m7 i* ]

& K  ]9 J, w' S5 W  ~2 kMichael put his head down and charged. Waiting till the last
; S% {4 U5 p/ c; R5 Bsecond Jennifer turned her body sideways and the stocky boy
- A2 m8 F; }( y& |* |; v7 u. N, Fmissed again and crashed into Ricky. They went down, a
. B! G1 I4 ]( q, B4 xtangle of naked arms and legs. Jennifer grabbed Michael by" [3 G# g& a4 I; b7 E8 H) m
his hair and yanked him up. She slapped his face and grabbed
9 p; u9 P1 O- `3 W5 K6 V+ ?+ e4 xhis balls. Tightening her hand she pulled him over to the
& Z( r7 H' m! I2 X4 m( P0 z( z" ~table. "Get up on that table right now," she ordered. "Next
% i- k# ?2 G. u/ H" L* q7 x6 K: ctime I won't be so gentle."
0 _/ k7 y1 }, K0 p, F" H
! j  ^5 k& Z, qBeaten, Michael climbed up on the table. His face was red
. |$ N( e5 i! Q  G& afrom exertion and humiliation. He was sobbing, The tears8 H& m5 p+ y3 P! Q( Y
rolling down his cheeks as Randi put his feet in the
# t' g2 [) [# m, w" g5 ]/ mstirrups. Jennifer stood to the side to watch the operation! q8 J1 e3 ~6 Q& H" `' j
close up. She wasn't even breathing hard.
  G0 E  f) Q+ i1 [; L: g0 r$ R
8 {! _" ~$ ~* v3 F/ [% @The operation was over in a few minutes. Randi lifted$ j# b4 W+ g- {, Z% G9 m" n
Michael's limp cock up and swabbed his groin area with( ]' ^6 h% ^9 ]
alcohol. She held his dick out of the way as the doctor
5 S1 l* \) ?& a5 e: minjected the anesthetic. The doctor lifted his large ball
9 c# x3 \  R: o+ T2 Ysack up and made the incision in the back. She quickly$ q+ M* M! w4 e
inserted the microchip and sewed him up.
, u7 W0 C7 h5 u' T0 E; P' y8 K2 {9 Q5 a( n+ G% R
Randi put a Band-Aid on the small cut and helped him off the, n5 \7 T: W5 b. s9 D* d
$ n7 G; C- U" b
; s$ ~. v* _, i/ d# v"You two boys can rest this afternoon," Mrs. Connolly told
/ E0 r+ \7 x8 `/ RJosh and Michael. "Don't get too comfortable. You've got
+ _( c$ @% d+ bsome punishment due. Josh you acted like a little crybaby, x) {7 X1 |8 I) A( a. f
and you're gonna be spanked later for it. Michael you've6 {" O8 _3 r1 w
already been punished by getting your ass handed to you by a1 P+ e8 |9 \% v' r: g: O7 ?
girl. But you're also due for other discipline for your9 T1 o9 k, S. Q, V) }
outburst and for your behavior the last two days. We'll be5 Q. {! h4 j: x7 g& h5 R& A( j
in to see you after the anesthetic wears off."
/ _% C# i' `3 O% @* T) N% S- F# }  ^
She turned to Miss Thomas. "Take them back to the dorm,
, O6 Z6 j/ x0 t3 q: hThen meet us in receiving. Kevin and his aunt are due in0 D9 y9 \1 s+ l: \  C$ u
about a half an hour. Lets all be there to greet our newest4 t" U1 l6 d& j; {+ s) f
student and make him feel at home."
, d/ O! n5 x7 x: t, ^4 \7 b7 ?$ T
! v: y" G  d! x& D& N, v2 kMiss Thomas nodded. "Come on you two. Take your numb nuts6 u. T& _& m6 \, ~* N+ s
and follow me." She laughed at her little joke and opened
  Y" v  ~6 M1 G# lthe door. ' C* r7 a* w  k: |

& g! P% G5 w/ y8 E7 gJennifer said, "Just one moment." She was still barefoot.1 S/ J9 s4 Z9 Z% M( x
She beckoned to Michael. "You owe me something," She- Y# Q. m4 O: l" S0 f) g
informed the very unhappy boy. "Kneel down in front of me: |) X6 y/ L6 n" {* T8 G
and tell me I'm your Queen.") F6 F# o8 t! G

* `& n( }# t- ?; l' k) H+ PMichael almost said no. He saw the look in Jennifer's eyes
+ ]& `, F; Y9 Z( k# [and knelt. "You're my Queen," He mumbled.
/ b4 i1 B1 k( U, o  T+ M, c$ t. A& f- @4 o; O
"Good now take my foot and lick between each of my toes." ' C2 y: L4 O1 ^3 Z) S# p
' G& g. e7 c7 ?
Michael shook his head. "I can't," He croaked. "Please don't5 x6 q' H- A3 y% o
make me."! R9 U8 }: l' g- V# T

5 z8 u" j6 c# G+ L( d"Do it or I'll kick your ass again and this time I won't: R3 D6 r8 I5 y' u+ q0 r
hold back," She threatened.
4 v9 i. ~# t" o7 A% w/ g- B  r! A1 _. n, ]/ `6 Q. U1 e" p
Michael sobbed and picked up her left foot. He was red with9 P- ^- n9 b5 K9 N0 F# }; u2 p
rage but helpless and he knew it. Jennifer had pretty feet
: E0 J5 C1 p, {6 d7 bwith long graceful toes and if this was foreplay, Michael
$ i0 x* b2 _1 @# a% gmight have enjoyed it. But he was a naked prisoner who just$ U7 z8 r3 N, Z4 @
had his ass beaten by this girl and couldn't feel anything
  c/ X  u/ X- k5 \7 ]3 J$ Pin his genitals anyway.  
: v  [  H: d+ J$ S  b! I+ ^5 ^; O; B6 s4 q! H$ _. w
His tongue flicked out and as the other girls watched) z1 T4 G" c( a% h4 s+ ^
giggling and making comments he licked between each toe.0 ^! ~) r- g. U% _$ N
Then took the other foot in his hand and repeated the
- r! J% H9 ^! c* Zprocess. He was openly bawling as he finished and was) P; Y$ M: R! ^! C  r
allowed to stand up.
1 {- a5 f( R6 ?7 u# s
& D0 @! E  k! Y9 S( M# wThe two forlorn nude boys followed Miss Thomas out the door
( `; E; G5 ?3 g- v1 o3 Z3 v% {" j8 opast Andy and Christopher and the two guards and down the1 X5 h6 S; J9 c5 M, K& T3 \
hall. Michael averted his eyes so the two boys didn't see) w( ?9 i0 ?/ M% e3 [7 A
him crying.
- q2 u8 _9 g& j8 k6 B9 |, K+ m( d: c, M: R+ t
"Thank you again Doctor, "Mrs. Connolly said following the' s" L8 m* R' t# j  O7 o- x
boys out. "Sorry for the little fight but at least nothing1 q# c$ Q, b+ U
got broken. I'll have another patient for you tomorrow.' \" u5 I8 I2 |
Please schedule to be here in the morning."
# I' K7 s1 B- k8 ^4 ~' Q+ Z5 ]  T2 m( ]2 {7 l4 H$ _6 I6 u6 y  \
Miss Maikowski and Miss Paulson stood up as the family
- O! |/ i& z9 F% [, |7 I: e- htrooped out of the examining room into the waiting room. 7 U9 I4 N  ^( t$ H; q0 J

+ x  u# y8 c5 N, [5 Q2 v"Sorry we took so long," Mrs. Connolly apologized. "Michael
& }6 L& t. |6 E3 c# v' j/ Vgave us a little trouble but Jennifer took care of it."" U; _& `! ?: X0 u8 x0 G' E( |

7 ^. }3 u! c* f& Q, X1 C2 h"She kicked his ass all over the place," Caitlin informed
' A1 G% K. K: ], A% fthe two guards."
# w$ Z' l$ n, y8 U/ |' \) }- s" S  [1 P' l; M
"We managed to keep ourselves busy," Mrs. Maikowski cackled,
5 {0 n+ B$ W" w1 N& r, Mlooking at Andy and Chris.
4 O1 v$ M+ {' Q# v- v' q
4 k) d) E% F7 i$ zThe entire group moved down to the reception room to prepare
5 j9 T* g& J- m  I6 tfor Kevin and his aunt.7 n1 O0 @7 s5 V4 A

! y: s; i% v# r! a/ ~$ f3 KAt the reception room Ricky, Andy and Chris were ordered to
* B# m. p8 e! s& f& B) r6 x. {go into receiving and stand against the wall so Kevin and, W; q' D6 Z+ B. V. V3 k& @
his aunt would see them when they walked in. "Make sure your
. M$ q5 E% T3 Q- Rcocks are hard and put your hands behind your heads. When
  V8 A$ [/ w5 k" @8 ]$ fthey walk in you're to greet them by saying, "Welcome to" D. a( s: A' e$ S. P
Grandview school. Is that clear?" Mrs. Connolly said. 4 a, a: n( X4 k- E4 h

2 S! _6 O5 e2 A; B"Yes Ma'am," all three boys said as they went into the room! T/ u/ L' S8 [& G( v% l
where days ago they had been stripped and humiliated for the
5 C- e1 f( ~! q/ ]first time.7 _' V8 v: x0 E$ |
7 m  A* i: m0 \! Z! r/ y5 |% j
The girls stayed out to see Kevin when he arrived and the& N' l" ^8 n8 x& I
three boys were unsupervised. There was no where to go.: R  {5 k3 N! h7 C

* p; E0 c9 F) Q  M6 y: J/ ]Ricky told Andy and Chris about the fight. "Jennifer kicked
- y7 u4 p0 G8 u' r4 o- S" jMichael's ass. He couldn't land one punch. She was awesome,"1 }* D0 }) F  I' C1 |  M
The little blonde boy said with admiration in his voice.
: I" g6 |- W. P7 t0 k"Then afterwards he had to lick her feet and tell her she
/ _6 Z7 i/ W* ^" @( ~" ~, f5 l( hwas his queen."
5 B; h' v. T( p4 d1 F1 F% E# p) k" l( M4 B, _1 c# R  b
"Mrs. Maikowski made me suck Chris off in the waiting room! u5 k$ j# l: B, q4 f
while you guys were in there," Andy said. "I hate that mean4 b! E$ c$ ~1 A' x
old bitch. I hate all of them."
/ _% S- @' ?& @& b! b* ~# P0 C" A5 d6 }# W7 g
"We better get hard or they'll spank us," Christopher said.) q" O( `7 t: k
"Do you want me to play with your peenie Andy?"" ^# B7 `0 {, [/ U# Y
; j( T" ]* q; Z2 c) M$ @" z. \" W
Andy looked embarrassed. "No Chris, They make us do stuff to' ]3 I6 x8 f" D
each other and we can't say no cause they'll hurt us. When
3 W' x7 b) y( |; E0 fwe're alone we shouldn't touch each other's things. We'll, a/ e. U8 y& e& y- y& w" \
just rub our own dicks okay?"
7 b) Q! [0 t. c2 F) _) k9 P$ U9 B+ n- h# G
The three boys stood against the wall and rubbed and fondled
/ ?* B, ?/ e- b6 }+ Jtheir own cocks. They stared straight ahead not looking at9 l4 o# @' c' l# Z
each other. It was embarrassing enough to have to do it in- C5 y( k* J1 U; t# I) z% s
front of the girls.. c, Y/ s6 Z/ U8 w, G

. M# y) j( n8 t" X1 N7 F2 L+ qIn the meantime Miss Thomas had led Michael and Josh to the2 I6 C$ p: J: q/ F
dorm. "You really are stupid boy," She told Michael. "Do you" V" E& d% i& g3 n
really think you're gonna get away with anything?  Wise Up( g/ o; D7 S! W* v, A
and play by the rules."
8 a5 R7 g9 v% W$ C
* s1 A  O/ c4 Y) dMichael didn't say anything. His cock and balls were still
& `; D0 f5 t4 onumb. His knee hurt where Jennifer had kicked him. His ass
6 f0 k& G( X- m2 vwas sore. He definitely wasn't having a good day. He had no' G, w6 b1 j. Z% U
way of knowing how much worse it was going to get.
; X/ l+ |) p6 b2 J
2 M2 x8 t7 g1 N! [3 W"Get some rest. The numbness will wear off in a few hours.
% c5 K! n0 H, J0 c% rYou have to skip lunch. It'll make you nauseous. We'll come
+ u! ~1 t8 s$ d  {to get you for dinner." Miss Thomas left locking the door2 ^3 }6 H5 z- |; M$ X
behind her. She was on her way to meet the others when the# I0 q; n+ J: V8 D
front bell rang.2 z5 X+ ^1 ?, t
6 ?, Y; V3 B" m% ^, S: _' q4 A/ q
She opened the door and stood aside as The chief of police; h" `4 ~% x/ N  w; s) T7 |& ^
and a tall pretty woman, walked in with a slight, good* O- n5 x" L/ Y* r! V
looking, ten year old boy with reddish brown hair.7 C) |) Q9 o4 |2 A" }: T- D

9 E7 _$ A- e5 m  A"Hi Paula," Chief Crane greeted her. "How have you been?"  x7 Q* G( Z, V
+ N" u6 N: o7 A+ ]# x7 A" V
The chief had been her boss when she was on the police force
6 B9 }/ w  T9 |, K/ b  tbefore transferring to the school. He was fully aware of the
* Z+ Y  Q# p6 D" {9 ?! Ztraining regimen of the school and approved one hundred
2 F- ]% {7 A3 c# d; T3 b7 Bpercent. A friend of the State governor, He was there to8 L% H0 G' `5 g) T% o0 T
report on the progress of the school and set up a visit from& [1 z* D( M  ~
the governor in the near future. Nearing retirement age he1 H1 g, \) Z" A. C
was hoping to get a job at the school as dean of girls when. K# S2 f2 a- ~  A) h7 j1 k. v' E
the school went co-ed.0 ~: `8 ?  F2 F; k
6 L$ e  D1 u( n) ^
"This is Ann Marie Parish and her nephew Kevin." The Chief0 A- x" n2 M! T
made the introductions. "Paula is the head guard at the) _; [+ m4 Q4 I. K" D9 Y
school and a good friend."* B$ z$ O8 U) F/ U1 j* N, N

: L. T7 j( s# e' X* V1 y0 _"I'm pleased to meet you Miss Thomas. My nephew is in a bit5 F, B, o! J" U
of trouble and I agreed with the chief that this school* t- b3 l% M8 \8 L- J- v3 I
might help him straighten out."3 A4 \' Y" I" U; x5 h

1 j7 v4 O3 d& o! S; O) _The two women shook hands. Miss Thomas took a good look at2 W) d0 C0 u5 j
Kevin. Unlike most people with red hair he didn't have6 l2 E/ W( ~( H0 w* ^6 v
freckles and white skin. He was olive complexioned with big' L, s' c, r( \2 ]% z$ Q
brown eyes. Quite a good looking boy she thought.  "Hi4 V+ O, \& u* ~
Kevin," Miss Thomas said. "Welcome to Grandview school. You
5 z3 c, D* q: @- [9 [have a friend who lives here. Christie is waiting to see
. \7 |9 l$ E3 }) C  _6 Pyou."" x' b' ~/ @6 T" }- w2 V

  J* b. ~, c, n& p6 l" C  W# G. nAt the mention of Christie's name Kevin's face lit up./ D3 y' w+ S8 e1 O
"Christie is here. Great. Maybe she'll believe me that I'm
  P% q5 B2 [# j! D9 F9 {. Xnot selling marijuana."! d4 @( C2 L' y/ [( L0 L  l
( F- s8 T  T, v3 p9 P
"He keeps saying that he was only holding it for another boy) w) H' h- _% t7 U2 t: H* F
but he wouldn't tell me the other boy's name," His aunt
8 A# R- I7 H  \/ h  F' ~- k" eexplained shaking her head. "I only agreed to watch him for
8 Z' S- U2 G' ra little while and it's been two years. I'm not good at" |: |# g6 }' E2 l) t8 k
raising kids. Maybe this is what he needs."
- F& d" y( F+ X! W& L" Q  Y. {) V5 t
They were walking down the hall to the reception room. "Did
- I  X& @, Y4 m6 Hthe chief explain about how we discipline the boys?" Miss
1 Z- m3 t/ Z1 }$ M6 K/ PThomas asked.
* d- a  z. l, L% |$ n4 s/ b2 ?, I. H+ b8 L) A  I9 q8 `/ @: a0 q
"I met with your Mrs. Connolly in town yesterday and all she1 Z; Y/ G1 G' N1 B2 c: ]* w1 C- H
told me was to have Kevin shower and be presentable when I% l8 v5 V) i3 g) U# X* N) {
brought him here. I've heard rumors about the school but" S9 \* n2 h% v
that's all."0 n8 V* D$ R& J( r: \2 P

( G0 ?) P* E" Q+ q; |- u* sThey reached the reception room and Miss Thomas led them in. 2 E. E0 J1 l, b* u

4 X2 N2 n( R  Q0 H"Chief, How are you?" Mrs. Connolly greeted the elderly! Q' u4 o6 F2 U" v
policeman. "This is such a surprise. Welcome."
  B7 H" D6 ^3 F, \7 O9 {
, @: }) v, C* T) G$ w% ]"Hi Jean. I came up to see how you've been doing. What do  W1 o  I! d: n. F* _+ X
you have, five boys now?" # _# x7 W4 F  M# D  s; B9 l. o: {
0 f" E: p# I' G' Y
"Actually, We have six with Kevin." Mrs. Connolly said.+ k+ N  s  s( v  c! G/ p5 Z/ p0 k
"Hello Miss Parish its good to see you again. This must be
/ F- p( N. F1 ?0 U7 LKevin." She smiled at the red haired boy., Q9 R7 |/ I/ c# r' I' Y
4 f/ k8 G* n% |+ l% _
"Hello," Kevin mumbled. Then he saw Christie. "Hi Christie,"
# ^% X% H1 C: c" j- rhe smiled shyly. "I'm so glad to see you. I guess I'm going1 L' ]( u- ^2 `( ^! O; {0 t% v
to be living here with you."
4 A) S/ U$ l' p0 o3 q/ w  j3 v7 J2 y4 J; M- `6 |: W- g
Christie felt bad about what was waiting for the boy. For
4 [+ R' c# f! b7 q+ ithe first time since the school started she didn't want to" L3 N2 W* a; `* B4 j8 ]
strip and humiliate someone. "Hi Kevin," She smiled sadly.
" A0 B2 Y$ x$ ^4 Y) d, q, u"Why did you have that marijuana on you. You're such a& Y4 u, b# h/ @9 N! e9 L& j
' S6 u; \2 c" L; I7 \& S* v
/ V; f% Z3 \* N# c4 j"You know me, I don't use drugs," He protested. "I was
: ]( ]5 @: j- `1 W& ~holding it for someone. You have to believe me."
) f9 ^9 C' R7 e( T/ ]
, U6 H8 Y# P# g' Y"Tell them who you were holding it for, please Kevin."5 y4 y+ }; ~' }/ O
Christie begged." F; z$ u3 z) P! X
8 h; V$ t, P0 K4 ~( K
"I can't. He'll kill me and I promised I wouldn't"
( C1 L5 X5 A0 \
$ a/ A. r8 C2 ?# ]: Z3 a"Don't say I didn't warn you," Christie shook her head. "You' X* e6 Y3 O2 I, K6 Z! i7 e* [
know my sisters don't you?"
# ]. f1 g8 M7 V2 o; \+ _$ S8 T: \
  ?) V) H" n  E% H3 v: P"Hi Jennifer, Caitlin, Kelly," Kevin greeted.' k, l: Y. p+ R) D) d1 }, b# B) U

) i% f$ ?1 b9 `+ OThe three other girls were standing to the side looking- s% M9 \, D* O1 }7 o) \) b
Kevin over. Kelly was giggling. Jennifer and Caitlin were: m7 K" ]& J- ~) g
whispering to each other. "Bet you his cock is smaller than
5 P+ K4 D, Z; T0 y) H( |! MChristopher's and uncircumcised," Caitlin whispered.
' v2 }3 L5 v4 j1 c
3 W# I) V5 g0 l- t5 }5 ^"Bet it is too circumcised."  Jennifer said. "Five dollars."
$ _& D1 u3 m: p8 Z7 K
8 W! {# Q9 ~: H2 W; V$ f5 J/ g3 {8 d"You're on," Caitlin said.
+ D/ }- s. {$ B; a1 _
; x8 A: \  O+ v"Well lets get started. I need you to go into the receiving: D( H: K4 E. U& N5 H: p7 ]% e
room to be processed, Kevin." Mrs. Connolly said. "Christie
7 ]# Q+ C8 j) z9 vwill be in charge of your indoctrination."
1 f! r' c" s/ c0 g/ V1 v& k& S; d" y: L+ W0 b
Miss Thomas and Lori Paulson led the way. As they walked5 R/ u; R" n& m/ F, ]" T+ n( f
into the room the three naked boys straightened up and put
# |! J; c- l7 f/ z1 X; {their hands behind their heads. Their three little cocks5 I- C3 O4 I0 X4 y6 M( Q
jutted forward proudly. They had done a good job getting
- E/ }8 J& b1 R* m8 Hhard.
. S, Q' J: Q5 {7 s# t+ \4 @' a8 i1 K0 d  W6 @
Christie was next leading an unsuspecting Kevin followed by' ~9 I6 t/ P  p# }& O. i$ a1 q
his Aunt and the chief. Mrs. Maikowski and Mrs. Connolly5 ]. O" j: F, U; L- w/ W
were right behind, then the three other girls.7 V5 R6 S2 p1 t! `6 Y/ Q) A  P
, g+ ^$ {* m8 @; H8 K7 ~5 J; x
As soon as the boys saw Kevin and his aunt they sang out/ Y( s4 a# z4 ?7 h" j4 f
together, "Welcome to Grandview school"5 }9 ?( Z9 g4 P& }" l* g3 E

; h) m5 J2 r% ]! G2 `Kevin stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth popped open in. K7 b! G: G( y- D1 F& t
shock. His aunt looked straight at the naked boys. "My god" [2 m) `* e- y( C
the rumors are true," She marveled. The chief just looked
* U1 P7 I& X+ J7 Y" d+ L- @and grinned.
6 p. ]) q' f3 @/ u! }
1 t$ i% T4 `0 @6 t"Christie those guys are naked," Kevin said in a squeaky; {( w+ L0 l0 f% x, o
voice. "They're naked," he repeated shocked to see three
9 d1 I7 ?1 o5 M+ v; m: i& r/ inude boys with erect cocks.
* h, @/ S+ n9 q1 \
& V* l8 i( ?5 d: P' g! B. x# q6 Z"Why don't you have a seat?" Mrs. Connolly invited the chief3 ~6 P0 [+ t& i7 S) ?2 m$ [& ^4 N
and Ann Marie. The three guards sat down as well and the$ |% @9 W: ]8 f6 A( Y
three other Connolly girls joined them. Kevin just stared at
2 e( j/ B% J; s, A8 m; Hthe boys.: F8 Z5 v, l' X+ d; p# e. P/ |
3 d  t, B$ R- c9 v+ L; `! u
"These are three of our students," Mrs. Connolly informed
4 H4 ~* L* z; D0 Y4 `/ U4 eAunt Ann Marie. "Would you like to examine them?"
2 d. }( B2 W8 @/ [; ^" {
& r. Y; |( _! X) ]5 U" l" E4 TThe tall dark haired woman nodded. Mrs. Connolly beckoned
' v; s" i, E5 |& s. ?* fthe three boys over. "Stand next to her and keep your hands
4 r# I0 h0 U( P9 |6 R: Won your heads," she ordered."
  S* J' m5 y% C! P3 _# |5 F/ [# Q2 f4 i, I8 d/ L* Z) Y
The three naked boys stood by her side blushing beet red as
( B, F% l% q/ SKevin's aunt explored each cock and pair of balls. She
% u2 C3 w3 x; `& s$ {, [cupped Ricky's balls first, rubbing his cock. Then examined
3 U, d& T$ v+ P0 K# DAndy's dick minutely before moving on to Chris's tiny. g' e8 l9 R0 |$ ^
pecker. The old chief looked on smiling.  Satisfied her
; Q" y7 z7 _9 C$ w0 R: Tguests were comfortable Mrs. Connolly joined Kevin and
! ?, _. f3 \, D6 e- f  mChristie who had remained standing.
0 S$ U- S) `' Z5 x2 ^; \3 ~! P0 u- P2 {" m) l  `# N* E% y# ]9 E
"Do you see that box on the table?" She asked the red haired6 p+ l; L) W  M
boy. Kevin nodded, speechless. He was starting to get/ H3 X% y8 l# U- L* a
, X. e0 c: s: E% j! ]6 W. h' A  _
4 F; |& a# \5 u" J4 Z' U"I want you to take off all your clothing and put them in
+ {4 {! g1 w0 I0 z% h6 p; [. rthat box. Your aunt will take them home. Your uniform is# ^2 \& c: u$ q" I- w# I) b* J$ o
those flip-flops and that hat. That's all you'll wear during
9 }: j2 Y( k% \your stay as a student here. Christie will help you get
) ]. E( M" O6 S7 y& Q( O8 kundressed. Now hurry up we haven't got all day"
; s7 `/ I: O' G( u9 B' d
! j  u/ P" M& ?4 W( }6 I# c# xKevin looked like a deer trapped in headlights. He was# e' q: q  T& ]# D$ _6 J/ l
frozen. "Kevin take your shirt off," Christie ordered.9 \$ V% A; Q# a% e# U9 ~$ F& [
8 M$ J0 k; x! ]0 M5 o
"Please Christie you can't mean it," He begged." I'm your$ Z7 Y( o/ _2 Z" \1 |
friend. We're in the same class in school."
' z9 Z7 [+ }- r2 n7 q1 y8 I0 M" K& j
"No Kevin you're in this school now. And I'm a guard. Now: f, L; o1 r$ J1 ]
you better get naked or my Mom will have the guards strip
, s; e6 [9 {& V# V8 \  s: Gyou anyway."
) C+ B6 `' f; n
2 z6 G- K* `4 GKevin looked over at his aunt. She was busy pulling Ricky's1 A4 }9 |5 ?9 [! }
cock, The little blonde boy was on his tiptoes, His eyes5 X' t# t9 ]* a% q1 g7 ]
closed as she jerked him to a climax. "Do as you're told: E% d% ?7 l1 o
Kevin," His aunt said. "You're just like your mother. She
: t8 B8 l( E0 _  e/ f$ j9 M+ }drinks and you're following in her footsteps with drugs."
) t3 ]/ W& T8 ?4 @) x7 S" L
3 Q/ r  }; R) J2 pThe little red haired boy started crying. He unbuttoned his
6 D8 J( H- v$ E0 y( V4 L$ Z" |shirt and slowly pulled it off. Christie took it and threw. n3 N; b# @5 d1 v# Z
it in the cardboard box.
; r  i3 X: N3 y" C/ K8 }
6 o  l) Y' b% J! u% R5 c* ["Now your shoes and socks," She ordered.& D' c. h0 ^; S

+ h0 }- ?# ?/ L% b6 [Kevin sat down on the bench and untied his shoelaces. He
8 o: L/ {: X) G( g  h$ }handed his sneakers to Christie who threw them in the box.( V$ f% N0 g% T. x
He peeled his socks off and they followed his shoes in the
# @$ c' L% T- x  L6 S5 ybox.
, I  r( h. _% N9 U  L( o
/ `2 A3 l7 U6 H$ I" o! L& S"You better stand up and take your pants off now Kevin," The
5 g' h5 m) W5 C9 m0 F/ y( S) Ipretty blonde girl said. " Please don't cry, It won't do you3 B( ~% t8 k: D' b' _
any good."" E7 d" s' i$ |6 U) g; q% T5 y- u" l
2 y$ m, X- _. y( G1 X) W
Kevin was shaking as he loosened his belt. His aunt was
' x+ X) R4 d) I  @+ q3 Qwatching closely. "He's so shy, He won't even let me see him# p1 e, [! O0 T* @2 T* s8 F( G
in his underwear at home," She told the chief as she watched
) I- V% P, n- U0 K& Sher nephew being forced to strip while she pulled Andy's. W/ c+ K9 \& k1 c0 U
cock and fingered his asshole.
' r2 m, T! d  E) W9 y( k# {& j3 ?1 r. R: e" c
Kevin dropped his pants and stepped out of them. Christie
2 B- i. x* B7 P* p% h4 Z/ Upicked them up and put them in the box. His face was red
7 O2 `" g: U* |* y# l# _3 B, Dwith shame as he stood in front of everybody in just his! j& [% B& t3 j: y0 Y. z. ]
white briefs.4 }4 X. S4 b  Z( i( Q
1 I1 W7 I3 O1 a/ Z
"Pull them down Christie," Caitlin yelled. "I've got five! [! h$ T1 @" b; [2 j7 |- {
bucks on whether his cock is circumcised or not."
: g. i5 |7 X8 r- P6 p" x% I- v& @# |7 [4 L
"Please put your hands on your head Kevin." Christie: m4 I8 b* u8 o8 y4 G# H+ T
ordered. "I have to pull your underpants down now."
9 j3 ~9 J) ~+ t; @% @
3 s2 @4 L9 ?& }3 O: F7 c"Please don't do this to me Christie," Kevin pleaded.9 f7 x2 s1 R" S, s8 E
"You're my friend." ( n0 K4 }! {5 f  I

% U; f4 @9 L, j& b. T0 {0 {"I'm sorry, now put your hands on your head or they'll just
. j; P4 e8 J; `: Bstrip you by force."
; w; Q/ R; Y1 e! S! l% P7 q# |/ o
, I5 M- J$ [( YKevin did as he was ordered His hands went up to his head.0 {' @0 h, z+ [4 ?
He shut his eyes as he felt her hands in the waistband of
  k: s7 a+ O. W$ r7 V5 Shis briefs. He was trembling.$ \. F  ^$ z) C7 c  A; c1 M. b" {

& A, c# B3 y( D3 MChristie looked down at his briefs. She could see the tent* p, w  v+ f7 A' |5 t& H
in his underwear where his cock was. She took a deep breath% \  Y, b/ c# D4 T) D) ^
and yanked them down. "Step out of them," She ordered the* {0 X5 L3 _+ Q. X/ i
sobbing boy. She got her first look at her friend's naked4 `4 p3 o" M% {7 J
cock. "Not bad," She thought. Caitlin lost the bet on two
% o/ a' z. O# i' \counts. Kevin's cock was circumcised and was bigger than
: p; U- H& @! Y/ D2 F) JAndy's. It was bigger than Ricky's was also and wasn't even  n9 K0 s0 i7 {2 W% b/ s+ O' P
hard yet.
4 ~6 G4 f4 w; v/ _' t/ ]2 K7 `6 N( U  G* n( d; e9 c# f7 e
She threw his underpants into the box.
2 z- M! T* l* ^2 H+ l/ Z$ E
) j! m4 C  @; i& n+ h"I have to examine you," She told him. "Keep your hands on
( U' M  x4 R! e& R' X* L& b) ~your head."
2 o2 V# V4 o: @9 f1 G9 ]0 j
9 o3 _: |) {. T' e& _0 f! aKevin was crying as Christie took his cock in her hand. She& ~! f( f' D, p, X8 y( A
pushed the foreskin back and checked the cock head, running
( x* x4 \! R/ d  `+ @8 _her finger around his pee hole. Kevin was sobbing and
' j: M0 w) d" k# {! Z) v* Atrembling as he stood naked and humiliated in front of all
7 M, |* X/ b: |$ [2 nthese people.
# `1 D+ g* ?- i. }
& N4 ?3 {3 o# t/ |# @Christie knelt in front of him to get a better look. She' Q5 ^) [1 X5 E3 E# C' I' q
cupped his small ball sack in her hands, kneading his two/ \3 I3 m5 D, |6 y$ J3 o
testicles.' t( n% T( [  Z8 q3 ]

9 @5 B; z4 H& U0 R9 `The three other Connolly sisters came over to see for
+ n- J! ]$ `7 u5 h5 Wthemselves. "Pay up turkey breath," Jennifer told Caitlin.9 ^2 E# {  [! P% C
"I win." Kelly walked around behind the embarrassed boy.+ p/ F2 g! Q4 X' ~) ?
"He's got a really cute tush," She giggled.% n9 _1 s2 f2 B, J; k1 U4 P( _

: A1 H" S' a% I- GEach girl handled Kevin's genitals as he stood hands on+ q7 {& x( V" ]- [
head. Despite his acute humiliation his cock grew. It was
9 R2 k1 ^1 S6 a( r* p* }2 h! cquite large with a hard-on. He was at least an inch bigger
0 V$ ~# _# {" ~4 Tthan Andy who was a year older and about a half inch larger3 U/ |- ~1 Z2 A: N7 J
than Ricky was. His cock was also slightly thicker. Like the/ ^" M9 E, T+ G/ F
other boys he was hairless.: k5 V& h' q$ w$ o
/ y/ {$ u2 [  S. y% y8 s
"I wonder if he has sperm yet," Jennifer mused. "Lets find, _2 r: z6 I0 k: e' }* h+ k
out." Caitlin joined her older sister. Jennifer was stroking5 X' E6 `+ h- W3 B+ r+ S8 |- Y
Kevin's cock while Caitlin played with his balls. Christie# Z2 U  A) `% i& [
watched as her sisters masturbated her friend. Kelly stood
  r3 ~# I( y/ |behind him stroking his ass. / a/ ?  u  p2 B) P

7 v, m3 H. a! EKevin's breathing quickened as the three girls attacked his
2 [: o7 Q5 r5 V" a- U6 S6 ]cock and ass. His eyes were still closed. Suddenly he) m' [5 w( l! L; B
stiffened his body. "Oh my god," he whispered as he rose up
7 r: l1 u% a& z- j5 aon his toes and came. It was a dry cum. 5 ?9 A* _3 J0 c& k' ~# D
. E! i( W" J$ j/ R( u% M
His aunt was finished with the three naked boys and now+ z1 C( ?9 }& s
walked over to her nephew along with Mrs. Connolly.
4 k( k: B+ g7 B/ u: Y9 Z1 n$ m9 L. R' x; o9 {
"Go ahead," Mrs. Connolly invited. "Check his cock out."
1 @& i+ t% O7 d  R  q, M4 c2 U. q2 A
Kevin blushed even redder as his aunt knelt in front of him
3 u1 Q, Z" G/ S4 l, ]4 eand examined her nephew's cock. "He's my sister's son but I+ Z6 a+ r# B' S
think he inherited his fathers cock," She said as she9 I3 g4 g: E7 l/ t
stroked and fondled it. Despite himself Kevin's cock started
6 d7 K' Q) f' Z9 k+ Kto harden again.: ^) H( l1 f: d- s% k+ X5 }# T  [1 I
& z7 k% `. k/ [" C' A
Mrs. Connolly watched with interest as Ann Marie cupped6 v. j" q% A& ^/ P* A2 l6 ^5 V( s
Kevin's balls in one hand and stroked his cock with the
& u/ ^8 [2 [* A0 M# n; \other. The little boy was breathing heavy his dick at full
" m* J0 {. w/ L% N, I4 f, e' b$ Amast in his aunt's hand.
: F: D0 Y" {8 @/ }* i% }: I+ c
  B9 A# {- ?2 _Without warning he stiffened and moaned as he came for the$ U/ C" Y) I& `+ Z* y0 O
second time in 15 minutes.7 y* _" F2 t5 N2 K0 h3 X

% Z) S4 w9 Z) s8 L# i"I think we should give Kevin's cock a rest," Mrs. Connolly, ^$ {8 P; o8 m$ `! U0 q
told the girls. "I'd like to have him strip searched now.
0 t+ g5 l5 e* I0 Z. ZChristie will you get him into position?"
: c6 ^$ W4 p: N0 F
5 ?  v4 @0 U! v  V% I4 W"Yes Mom," Christie said. "Kevin please come with me." She
& f* m+ @4 M* l  B% rled him over to the table. "Climb up and stay on your hands
; Y, D, q3 x+ S4 T3 v( K- Jand knees. Face the wall with your ass towards us. We have
. C7 }$ C" d, Q9 T* Rto check inside you," She ordered.
8 a% Z8 ]0 Y& k7 k/ T, X
) r' r3 P) \3 r"Please no Christie," he protested. "Don't look up my ass."! ^' P0 S5 a; S8 X
5 Z" N6 ~9 a5 ~: v- m* Y+ |
Miss Thomas spoke up. "Get up on that table boy. I ain't& h) p. v& p# R7 F  k; a: P
your friend so don't you dare say no." She slapped his bare' M! N/ X* F3 G
ass.( f% B1 G6 V# o# Y

% m7 y7 K2 S+ v8 UKevin was bawling as he climbed on the table and faced the' F" E- G8 G4 q2 N" d; H
wall on his hands and knees. Miss Thomas positioned him so1 K7 R2 [0 r9 f3 V2 |
everyone could see up his pink asshole. She opened his legs
5 ]- r  T$ ]( b% D. ?/ w- F7 p7 t& owide.  Jennifer and Caitlin each grabbed a cheek and pulled8 S3 H6 Y, c$ d  ^& r
his ass apart. His balls hung down below him. Caitlin
2 b& @- R% T; E; t$ E& j4 Sreached under him and played with them. "You cost me five1 {8 R' |3 M; G% L# ]. k
dollars," She chuckled. "I might as well get my money's
3 b3 ^6 p- q" mworth."
3 i4 s$ O  S# v5 _8 m" ?0 ]
& ^" J5 g; \5 ^: I4 S8 h"Would you like to perform the strip search Chief?" Mrs." X  W2 r  Z: p; {/ \
Connolly asked. The old man looked at Miss Thomas and
/ @7 t9 T. w4 ]0 @2 Tgrinned. "Just like old times. Sure I'll be glad to search
1 V# p8 Z- U1 h9 n, n3 S& K, A3 Uhim."  
7 p  a. {, V! i; I5 y7 [( z& ^( F% @+ A- S5 w! S, q% Q) }) n
Miss Thomas handed the chief a pair of rubber surgical
6 W/ m& P8 N$ y" ogloves and handed another pair to Kevin's aunt. "We+ t# ]+ M$ @: Z: U' i9 h4 y
encourage family to participate. By the time he gets out of' ^+ s+ l5 h# u
this room today, everybody will have fingered his ass."
. ]+ I4 B" |/ `( w* u1 M7 g8 M5 Y1 m7 ~
The Chief pulled the gloves over his gnarled hands. "Do you) i6 [% w  g/ m6 d0 U
lubricate?"& g- }4 h  z8 @! ?4 `

4 ~, ^0 s" R( o/ s9 \" z"Not ordinarily. If you push in slowly you don't need to,"5 A0 e4 Z( q1 I3 j6 {- A. r
Mrs. Maikowski informed him.7 E6 Z8 [; X$ ~8 e, a
/ `' X& x* h. W, }. o7 E
The policeman pushed his middle finger against Kevin's small/ ?& R/ C0 }1 [  m
pink Sphincter muscle. Kevin howled as it slowly went into
/ Z; v' `: f; e- k  {his rectum. Miss Thomas held him down. The finger went in up
0 v9 s4 f1 `2 {( C! R* }) y5 P  Xto the knuckle as the boy continued to scream, "You're
7 n" s9 l+ q" G; h, a' P, bhurting me.". x6 U1 v/ |" |3 i8 Q& P" u

9 L& a3 m+ u8 vThe Chief wiggled his finger around. "Feels clean," He said.& J# A, ~- i5 E3 D9 j' M5 L' V
There's nothing up here except my finger."
3 X; n" v  R- y2 G' P$ B9 W2 N- i/ r6 G0 U' R* y* t: Q& j8 m7 h8 l
He removed his hand and Ann Marie inserted her index finger- F3 o- q& @  V. n# C
in her nephew's puckered asshole. After the chief's large
8 A+ {+ r/ a9 @( D/ a6 Pthick finger her slender one went in easily. "I'm sorry- B3 ?# j3 Q7 G. Z
Kevin," she said. "But its your own fault. Maybe now you'll
! N! ~, B! W$ ?$ `" E6 F& ltell us whose drugs we caught you with." 1 c; r% _% M' N3 C6 ^

2 x/ @# c; V1 R, P! ?( sThe girls were next. "Christie you have the honor of being
3 C0 L$ W( {# r3 i* w7 V1 Ethe first in our family to finger Kevin's cute little
- D8 W' h- `1 i+ G3 c+ s6 g1 zasshole," Her mom announced.
; Q9 E% `! V) ?2 J6 I
2 t& I" n) T* D7 DChristie looked into her friends behind. The puckered muscle, \6 P8 g$ W' I
was loosened up and her small digit went in easily. Kevin's# L( z. e' n, W+ s
body was shaking as he sobbed with pain and humiliation.  M; ~6 _+ ^7 i5 U# ]3 O6 v
Christie wiggled her finger around then withdrew and Kelly! c" k% }. _) e9 f# A
pushed in.  Christie relieved Caitlin and pulled Kevin's
8 I: y8 \+ Z6 o  c# o( Rcheek apart as her older sister replaced Kelly at the rear+ H/ U0 y+ B- R9 o+ B
entrance. Then Jennifer went into his sore little ass. Each1 ]+ B4 J) p# Y; C; h
time someone penetrated Kevin he'd yelp or moan. 2 x( @: i. ~( n
0 k; U$ J# y, M  o
"I think that's enough for now," Mrs. Connolly said. "Get# {' E* m$ v# ~, M
down Kevin and put your Flip-flops and hat on."3 D/ p/ s! f: n9 S8 N8 r, ?7 t
/ ?6 O6 t% Z  U- _6 c7 d, R* R
The forlorn little boy stood in front of everyone head down.
9 }) S3 |8 ?! K# zMrs. Connolly lifted his chin. "Look at me Kevin. This is  \; r) o# y! j# a+ {) U
just an example of what's waiting for you. The girls are/ r. G% ]+ F* g' s
going to be in charge. You are to obey them no matter what.* e( b3 T8 Z1 B
Every time you are told to. you will bend over and spread
1 o1 E" J+ e0 f/ R1 {/ f9 ayour ass apart. If they tell you to play with someone else's& d  i, q& m$ W* v$ o
cock you will do it. Is that clear?"
" {. V5 W$ Y4 Y- [) K( ~* H" D5 E1 J& p7 s0 |" _
Kevin nodded. "Good Ricky come over here, " Mrs. Connolly0 \, g; C8 E" R' i3 r3 Y& w
ordered. Ricky had come once already thanks to Aunt Ann  q: Y2 w2 ^. b/ o/ I
Marie and an expert hand job. Now he sported a new hard-on: W) ]7 V3 q* u5 `  ^- Q( ~$ W
and Mrs. Connolly noticed. "Kevin take Ricky's cock in your( }) t; T+ l  H& L* j1 h
hand and stroke it." She ordered.
7 j, O, F1 C- u  ]8 p  X( K
- h, j$ U+ h! m1 U) pKevin started bawling and shook his head. "I can't do it.
& s" a2 T0 L1 w0 y  p; G9 \7 ePlease Aunt Ann Marie I'll be good. Take me home," He
2 U% A+ N& S6 q6 v3 L: t0 x! i+ vbegged. His Aunt merely shook her head. "You had your
6 `7 j3 _( g. B/ V( hchance. I'm sorry, She said."7 {4 Y& T( f9 G/ m
% S9 g1 c9 z$ q8 C, p! s8 a; n
"You've just earned ten spanks," Mrs. Connolly informed him.
' ?5 S: M- q0 s8 y' y"Each time you disobey an order from any of the staff, you
$ x9 A. V) l' W6 w* D& _earn spanks. Ordinarily I'd wait for tonight but I have& d/ H! C- z9 l$ j5 j4 p5 D3 V: n
other things planned." She sat down. "Come over to me
: b+ X7 v" ], l/ }( FKevin."# x7 ~9 i+ I; e, d

1 C  i: O, X% i% ~1 `* ]* z9 CTrembling, the little boy approached. "Get over my lap," She
7 q* L' `0 @; H" X0 Xordered. Kevin was miserable. He had no choice. He
. {& z$ F+ C- H% spositioned himself face down on her lap. Mrs. Connolly put
4 p3 J$ u: P" w4 s# d- [, y& fhis cock between her legs and placing one hand on the small
) g+ c( W/ |) ]" ^' H3 vof his back smacked him barehanded on his ass.2 T1 X* D/ L& E5 L
, w* d; d* y) k, @
Kevin jumped like he had been shot. Mrs. Connolly was just0 u6 p; `4 t9 S5 y9 }9 ]
warming up. The little red haired boy was howling in pain by
1 y; m; W/ O; L# R9 O- Cthe third spank. He kicked his feet and tried to get off.
; t, I, v/ H% h6 \4 ]) ZMrs. Connolly was too strong. "You've just earned ten more
9 k( ?( U$ e+ }4 \with that move," She told him. Her hands were a blur as they6 g! A% i" F' d- c8 I3 w/ D: n& V
turned Kevin's ass pink, then red.
; s9 |. z' |- s) x! f6 ]) h8 ^4 R
$ H% _. `2 ]$ {0 j/ |% NAfter the twenty spanks the naked little boy was allowed to
' ^8 L! m* s  T$ Zget up. He danced around the floor rubbing his sore behind3 [; C1 k' i* Z/ F
and crying piteously.
  _; V6 x9 |, V0 v# `4 }) z  ?
4 ?/ d8 k' I7 \4 G6 g, J+ d"Now stand in front of Ricky and take his cock in your  R& V8 ]) w- u8 @
hands," Mrs. Connolly ordered.
, C- |1 i: F. h( y- T% b8 ]
, e9 Z/ g3 C/ F7 ~This time there was no hesitation. Kevin's thumb and8 [0 F. D& b! B7 l2 G; q
forefingers encircled the slim boy's cock. Mrs. Connolly
% e' d9 B& I/ r1 Wnodded, "Good, And Ricky how about you doing the same for
/ h* C! ?0 }* V+ kKevin?"$ L' [: G7 N3 t5 C1 m7 r1 J

- c8 V* j+ [2 q6 mRicky knew what he had to do. He took the new boy's cock in2 O% x5 ?* a1 K, P
his hand and stroked it. His hand explored the length of it
* `+ l5 Y" Z0 g4 i1 i$ Vas he moved the foreskin back and forth. Kevin copied him
: R! m$ G% i6 W' ~4 cand the two boys stood toe to toe rubbing and stroking each$ K; u4 J' P$ I0 C) m: w7 k1 @
other. Ricky's cock was already hard and now Kevin's grew as
- P/ G* Y" M. Y' D: v9 v/ bwell soon surpassing Ricky's in size and thickness. 1 M" H( d* [. p# _6 y

/ n, _: b" V8 nThe boys had a rhythm going. Mrs. Connolly proudly told the
* _( h0 C2 k1 d* j9 MChief. "Ricky's been here a few days and already knows what
  O$ g. ?8 s: o  S7 Twe expect from him. You should have seen him when the county. A9 h3 Q# d4 N9 z9 a
sheriff's deputies brought him here."- r( K1 S5 Z6 d

, s. ~! M$ x- t  I. O% ?Ricky was the first to cum. He let out a moan as Kevin's  j: B: ]% \" g, b5 @7 {
thumb rubbed across his velvet cock head. Lifting on his
. E; |( X# q* L$ ]5 {toes he stiffened then shivered. His hands continued pulling1 q) D% g* C5 G7 I0 J& E$ A! F
Kevin's cock and soon Kevin felt himself ready to join  ~, r9 m: m' p% P& z
Ricky. He arched his back and trembled, then his body- S( r* _8 V  x- R& a" p
relaxed as he climaxed.% Y* X6 Z6 \$ D
1 D; p$ Q" m3 j, _( U7 R  Z
The two boys were panting from the exertion. Mrs. Connolly0 V' u: Q1 l6 J, ~; d
told the chief. "We're gonna take Kevin to be photographed
' g; F; h9 c# d7 Jand fingerprinted. Then we'll have some lunch and you can
+ x2 V, Y6 J/ Qmeet the other two boys. Will you join us?"2 W$ @$ B$ x5 @4 a6 D% D' G) ]
1 _; g) n6 C5 }* R
I'd like to," The Chief said, "But I only came up here to
6 ?" K; k3 g; e5 w8 echeck you out for the Governor. She's very anxious that you
, y5 O+ h, c6 d  Q8 n. Ksucceed. She plans on visiting in a few weeks to see how the( \. ~" \- {6 O3 Z3 j& b/ k) S& v
boy's training is going. I have to get back to town." He. V; p" I8 L9 M1 e1 m1 M
snapped his fingers. "I have an idea. Why don't you give me
+ O" \! P1 c) O! Aa set of those pictures? I could use them to show the kids" s/ Z7 V8 d' d4 T5 ~, l
what happens when you're caught with drugs."
3 A  h% ?. n- {
/ t! N; q8 s6 s. \' |"I'll do just that," Mrs. Connolly said. "I have the photo
5 g4 Q) u& L2 a2 i; mlab in town process them. I'll tell them to make you an
! P* @0 w& f8 j! Dextra set. You can pick them up on Wednesday." She Turned to; z5 B7 d( T4 Q, V: z; L9 X
Kevin's aunt. How about you? Can you stay while we9 o4 z: M" d. {; R. Y) Z
photograph and fingerprint Kevin?  Our cook is off for the
- q5 p% n4 o& \4 @7 n7 rafternoon and evening but I'll have the guards prepare a+ g  G) G9 Z/ z
nice lunch afterwards."
& ?2 A2 x, U+ y$ o6 s% l0 z. o- T2 T
"I really have to leave too," Kevin's aunt said. "I'd really2 L6 Z+ ~& ]! A; }, f
like to see the other boys. I guess I'll have to come up on# @, {3 L3 V; T+ T5 |8 ^
visiting day and see them." She turned to Kevin. "I hope
1 O: m/ u# N( q. f! w8 D+ nyou'll learn to be a good boy here Kevin. I'll be up to see* Y7 I' J7 q; G' ~4 s8 c
you in a few weeks. Now give your Aunt a kiss good-bye." She
0 ~% P6 i7 @3 l/ g$ _; ]7 O  rpresented her cheek. Kevin was sobbing as he kissed her.: |2 y3 o0 ~1 k  p2 A- m
"Don't cry," She said squeezing his balls gently. "Its for+ k+ F6 j% z% H. \1 ~& F
your own good." She gave his cock a good-bye tug and walked& D8 ?! Y. Z9 @1 V* [' n
down the hall with the police chief.
5 d( c2 X5 z+ e* g" y# {2 v, @2 M  W
"Is the camera ready?" Mrs. Connolly asked. Mrs. Maikowski
7 }$ }& n& e5 Mnodded. Kevin was led out to the reception room with the
2 `/ q( r  g+ l4 C6 s" Hother boys. The white screen was in place.; {3 {+ n, q$ V7 z( h) K) F( ~

5 c) r$ y( G% W5 r; ^"Stand over there and hold this sign with your name in front" I8 r" L  c& p- Y3 g
of your chest," Miss Thomas told the naked boy. Kevin stood
" O- T" E- u$ _$ Ain front of the screen.   I8 ~6 S1 _5 R# J" X4 T5 c$ n  t, v# o

  B( q9 ?6 U  M1 {; l"Your cock looks a little small. Why don't you play with
4 e& z( h' K6 j' \" Kyourself so it gets hard?" Mrs. Connolly suggested.
6 h3 Y- p) N$ K* H+ ^' ~- l
' Q! U" F: U6 w2 yKevin turned red. The girls were all watching as he took his
; d( N- b6 C# @7 i; H% p8 Mcock in his hand and rubbed it. It was humiliating to have
$ m& |7 f: `5 V0 T' B( cto pull his prick like that. Maybe more so than when they7 O& r9 Q" q4 [
examined it. Humiliating or not, his pecker grew until it/ e" {  N. A/ u! R" a- |
was standing tall and proud, exposing his dangling balls.
7 ]' {0 c- _: }" t
% u' N7 T3 F  W; h) q* L* B"That's much better," Mrs. Maikowski said snapping away. She
, f+ q2 f& ~7 ?1 V; @3 r* \* {; itook three frontal and two side shots. Then Mrs. Connolly0 l0 L# K, R1 P8 i
suggested Christie pose with him. The little blonde girl; U' S) S( e4 r. c
stood alongside him and held his cock pretending to examine7 @+ e! H4 n1 z5 T
it for the first time. Caitlin was next. She knelt to the
- Q/ H6 v" H, N# e9 F5 fside and cradled his balls and dick being careful not to
& ~- m  J. j0 y' o0 L) {obscure it for the camera. Then Kelly got into the picture
7 j7 T+ I: B( b5 k( D1 ostanding on the other side looking on as Caitlin fondled his# L( _: r$ m0 L; d" b& o0 S
erect penis.
& d6 R- w5 |5 T- I8 k" c$ D6 Z% i# I1 G/ S! f% m3 H9 H# j( p0 X- \0 h
"How about some shots with the boys, Mom?" Jennifer* ~1 w3 w5 [& S$ q( m$ i
suggested.. i9 |- e0 _  f% K0 n" C
$ F- ]( n. g9 q: Q6 b
"Good idea. Kevin you take Andy's cock in your hand and Andy
& ]( c6 c3 C. r$ ]2 e7 m5 Ayou hold his. That's good," She complimented as the boys% J+ r1 I; U! x  I1 A0 S
held each other's dicks for the camera. "Christopher kneel
9 q# v, V; t$ ]1 E3 qon the right of both boys looking at their cocks. Ricky, you! [' c7 x1 K% _+ G6 W) a/ ?8 n0 M
get on the other side."
( ^, i6 d: Z, d$ c 3 E- w8 @: G- q# i4 s6 R
The boys were posed for several shots including a group2 ?9 q; `& C9 B  K3 r
grope where each boy held the other's cock. Afterwards Kevin, T& \' N7 \* i4 u9 o0 P, B! O. N
had to stand alone facing the wall. Mrs. Maikowski, j7 ]' S  u5 Q* P
instructed him. "Spread your legs apart and bend over. Pull
/ h$ N. ^; T. Bopen your cheeks and let me get some ass shots."
# z5 k5 U$ s( F' M2 i7 C
% ]" y1 d) d- a5 d) OEach girl then posed with the sobbing boy, looking up his
) K6 H. b& {% a1 s2 M5 bass as he stood pulling his cheeks apart. With the last shot* X# F: j% A) Q) U/ z3 S
in the camera the boys made a pyramid with Ricky and Andy on# b. e. `4 X. R5 H& y/ p
their hands and knees and Kevin on top with one knee on each
. a. }# @9 l- Z) g5 _" S9 F' A1 cof their backs and legs spread wide apart.
& x% w6 Z$ D' L5 f) n5 S
0 f" k& Y) D1 W) ]"That's it. Lets get some lunch," Mrs. Connolly suggested.( ]4 n2 H, r. Q  P, h1 o8 O
The humiliation wasn't over for Kevin. It was his turn for( f! f% `* b0 A) {5 {& d+ A8 k, F
the cock and ball harness. Kelly led him down the hall by
9 s7 R* t0 a1 Athe leash, the other boys flip-flopping behind.   o. j& u) U4 F  F; Z  M( Z

+ I% s- d+ y( M) S+ U. tThe boys were pressed into service making sandwiches and
# \+ U, d* _, [4 i! p+ J5 j! l! o; |serving the girls and the women drinks. While the women sat
+ \5 h& C  q2 Hat one table the boys were allowed to eat. Sitting at a
* Q; V7 f, x- d* }; Mseparate table gave them a chance to get to know Kevin. + h! ]% g( c4 @. r; ~

  x2 S& d8 G* z; s! F6 a2 z"Do they really keep you naked all the time?" He asked$ F1 h) v5 P% r) g
Ricky. ! U5 i- K- F% C3 N8 [! q
: }( M3 ^- W: l  f
The blonde youngster nodded. "Yep and usually they stick
& g* J4 ?3 E8 E0 a6 Ftheir fingers up our asses around ten times a day."5 h# g1 X' i+ [+ L6 V$ o' n, U+ d0 N

' h; ~/ C' V0 ~/ Q+ R0 K: k# kChris chimed in, "They make us play with each other and make+ M2 o$ U2 u& @
Andy and me suck each other's dicks. I hate that."  He# z; K5 i( d7 F
looked like he was about to cry.7 T- K5 |: |0 c0 b* q

* y8 E/ k8 H9 M0 Y8 l"You pal Christie is a little bitch," Andy told him. "She
5 Y+ R& X# T% hgets off on all this shit just like the others."
/ k  w" d3 E% u, C8 g$ v6 l2 }. k7 K. ?: M
"I never realized," Kevin said. "We used to eat lunch
1 c+ c' V5 r1 u' N$ v8 ~together at school. I thought she was nice."
7 V; a3 c, j0 }( M/ E4 q! o2 X2 ]
& i# e9 `! U& Z3 H  k5 qThe boys filled him in about the device and told him about
' ]: B1 N; K) U. G- A% I2 bJosh and Michael back in the dorm. "They're recuperating
/ q% l) r: X0 q( L$ afrom the implant." Ricky said. "Tomorrow you'll get yours
: T% j* G( l" p& d7 E- J* Nput in. Then they'll be able to make you do anything they
: v+ ?: ?- O2 n( pwant."
9 p, N4 f3 n$ k2 ~0 `- p/ E
  C0 p2 S# Z* p  D5 A5 l"They already can do that," Andy sneered. "One spanking and4 s9 k  h/ u2 J' w; |. t; n
he was ready to spread his cheeks.", y) n3 ~: B' r4 q! w

+ O/ i1 C# i$ L/ R6 J7 G0 BKevin blushed red. "I was afraid. It was a shock walking in
+ Y# M: @/ j' i& I7 U" s) ?5 ]and seeing you three naked. I didn't think I had much choice  m6 @) c" j+ g/ i8 F6 c3 e
so I did what Christie asked."
# c& }6 `6 U" p8 x$ l* W6 D
( U8 D2 L% r& x8 {9 ~# j  @Mrs. Connolly looked at her watch. "Its getting late. Lets0 v' ~, S: r4 e2 d, Z+ y
put them back in the dorm for awhile. I need to call the* A  v% T, w4 o6 a5 W
teachers in town and make arrangements for school for those+ |8 |$ p- z% n5 s+ C7 x, s( Z
, C0 N3 o" u! S- I; b6 r  o
( z' w4 m2 ^5 y; S" b$ M9 \. h"Who's gonna be their teachers Mom?" Christie asked.% ~$ B& w# ~" M0 ~
, P* G- I7 v/ g# v9 p+ y
"I hired Elizabeth Fanelli, She was thrown out of the high
0 v6 q, j" ^( }7 ^2 ?) gschool last year and needed a job. She'll teach history and3 c: p, o* H. u/ F5 s
math. And I'm thinking of hiring a teacher from your school,9 f/ ?) `( t9 c  E; M% x
Christie. What do you think of 3 u0 C2 |9 `3 {  U
Stephanie Walton?"
1 C# \* |9 c% Y' f( m" K$ P
  l7 E# }& s3 d"Miss Walton is the gym teacher Mom." Kelly said. "She don't8 ^4 J1 ^2 f( }$ m# O
like boys. She's always sending them to detention." : t4 X  a: ~& p, u9 P. J+ o& F% I' R- p
: }) {+ b5 E6 n) q9 D
"Miss Fanelli was a real bitch, Mom," Caitlin said. "They
# n5 Z( F5 |2 w8 |% S' Ncaught her spanking students." She stopped and thought about9 Y! E6 ?) i9 L+ `$ L# R! j7 f! B
it, Then she smiled "She should fit in here perfectly.") i1 o9 H$ s0 B8 i& P

) U* J) s  r6 o7 }0 P"Exactly, Mrs. Connolly smiled. "The boys won't get away+ @0 \- l+ o5 s! A) n( ^6 H
with much with those two. I think I'll have them up on5 J' `- W# A( N$ S. ?& b
Wednesday to meet their new students. She stood up. "I need, e% a; q* \) v% _! M0 A9 O8 K
to make those calls and I want to think of how I'm gonna8 `5 b/ u8 H% w& h1 y( q- z; Z
punish Michael now that he's got the chip in his scrotum."
% h  n& N: L1 f
5 u  F, U/ t. D% \: c# Y/ O7 n  nJennifer Caitlin and Lori took the boys back to the dorm.
: l8 Z4 G- K6 m5 K7 ]9 cThe younger girls went out to play for awhile. Mrs." P& g! v+ {! Z# J; B
Maikowski and Miss Thomas stayed behind in the lunchroom to% z& e3 J( H& J' f% B! [" R% I8 W
relax. It had been a long day.
' }6 f4 \7 M7 N- V3 z
/ D" E# y* ?$ |* e4 gCaitlin had put the harness back on Kevin's balls and cock
$ p9 ?; C! J, k' L; b2 Band led him by the leash. The other boys walked behind them.
; _& R8 o1 ]0 J# i1 O) W8 hJennifer followed, watching the boys from the rear. Lori got
; y( x3 h2 z! F$ Z( G+ WKevin a towel, and the toiletries the other boys had also
% P* ?% Y& G, p4 j) l5 K$ Qbeen issued. "This is all you'll need," She said. "There's
" u* l" o4 \  fother stuff in the medicine cabinet."/ r1 J+ z6 B! ~  q- ?7 u

% g. h7 m8 ^! x2 i) R: YJosh was sound asleep when the girls opened the door.6 b1 H  r6 H1 E8 g' W" K
Michael was lying on his bed, His cock at half-mast. "I see0 B! l# [2 n: G: n9 m
the anesthetic has worn off," Jennifer said. Were you- F7 a9 O4 r, J  H6 u
playing with it when we came in?"
3 a8 D* |: ~" H& S# i5 @
' F! L/ D4 V+ k7 {- A3 W! {Michael looked at her and grinned, "Yeah I was thinking
% j* m$ n6 S  P. B" q2 wabout you, Momma and it got hard." He barely got the
8 z. z7 {3 w7 m: A: F: [7 Msentence out when Caitlin pulled out her remote and pressed0 O$ f* k0 ~. l! A, w5 S
#4. The grin faded from Michael's face and he screamed and% E+ k) E8 Q( i/ l! q/ [
clutched his balls, curling up in a fetal position.
- B3 w/ C* [4 I3 @8 }, K8 ?- G! ]6 R' I/ u" Z
"I guess it works," Jennifer grinned at her sister. Caitlin
( i1 |5 F4 L* Y$ ~wasn't smiling. "Whenever you call us Momma or Mommy or
+ v4 P) s; U4 Banything like that I'm gonna zap you. We're the bosses, not1 d2 A& u5 s- K! H  ^; r, Z( T
you. Do you get that Michael?"
+ z) @) P7 x1 Q# e4 _8 C, x# r& w. A  v5 T. O- y6 M# c2 e
Michael, tears in his eyes could only nod.
( f: K7 u- N( }  ?# C( o2 M; O: D' [7 S! M
"We'll be back for all of you later. I suggest you use your& {: F# u3 W% i& {
free time to shower and get ready for the evenings! ~! H0 ^4 \- {
entertainment," Jennifer advised as the two girls walked3 r3 Q8 `, F/ r; o0 M) ?  }9 B
out.& |5 m- z+ y6 l: E7 r
3 y  w6 X1 m* J# E
Josh stood up. Michael's screams had awakened him from a, A/ D9 {$ ^4 ~
dream where he was Bill Gates. "What did she mean evenings
, M% L& s) F% Q1 ^( Kentertainment?" He asked., n# z' s) ~" x( _6 H* @# f9 `# z
& L! p9 w8 {- Q9 m1 f
"They're gonna be back to spank us and make us do yucky
/ B4 }9 |, N% ~7 i# {) z7 q1 vstuff," Christopher said sniffling.2 b) ?, }% j% x1 v3 w8 ~$ K# K
2 J2 v- r9 A# U
Andy introduced Kevin to Josh and Michael. Josh smiled and
3 N. o& U, A- _, cshook his hand.
8 M2 y# \( E% ]: r/ v* Y2 c% f
2 c3 y4 p" ]0 Q3 g' @* V"I see they've caught another pretty baby," Michael said. / e3 N6 w# G0 F
What you in for?", X% E" h! Z! ], f! I& s+ ?% K# ~+ ^
. H. _8 F+ D6 @+ U0 V! h& i
"They caught me with marijuana in school and accused me of
& r4 Y& x( b7 o* |' y) Ztrying to sell it. I was holding it for another boy. I swear1 n! V: |( j3 v. w8 Q0 y
I wasn't gonna sell it."
& `$ h- _8 O! Z4 O+ _0 N- K7 }
"He was a friend of Christie and you should have seen how
4 e) z% N. N2 ]she treated him." Andy said bitterly.# k  q) v+ Q( G
$ {0 Z2 y8 M! J* z
The boys talked a few more minutes. Christopher went into- q5 I& d" L$ S7 O/ B3 y& _
the bathroom. After a moment Michael got up and followed4 @: Y9 |9 d# K
him. " b& H( R/ A" |' X9 N' j+ u5 o
. e1 F" x6 B% `4 u/ [
Chris was taking a leak. He finished and turned around to# q1 n; n% t1 ]; i. y: {( n8 @2 |
see Michael staring at him.
' G$ H; F, ]+ q
1 ~. M3 T" S3 G3 E"What?" He said. + E" j; f6 h0 l

% d8 r: \0 D5 F. \+ UMichael smiled evilly. "I hear you and your maricon brother, t' i3 ^9 Q4 ?8 w# Y6 U
give each other blow jobs. How bout you give me one, little, {( Y+ d: _; r# \& m* \
boy? I owe you two something for the first day I was here.
9 [& M8 d6 ]; u) R( h$ ^All this playing with my balls is getting me horny so I( O/ h8 g8 P2 A2 f9 F
think I'll let you blow me then I'll fuck your little boy
$ d' y( B1 b2 ~( k0 m# d" c9 jass and we'll call it even"
$ j/ \% M  d/ B6 R0 B  W8 y9 |0 U' y0 m! P$ R$ m' {
Michael grabbed the smaller boy and forced him down on his
) h$ |/ p7 d  `+ kknees. Chris shrieked as loud as he could. The next thing  X. g/ Y2 w7 i6 l5 C- g
Michael knew, He was falling as Andy threw himself at the
, {" B: ]2 G5 U$ ^  l1 [# Kback of his legs. Both boys went down in a tangle of naked
+ C5 X3 Z9 H8 I8 vbodies. Andy threw a punch that landed on Michael's
2 }3 O! ^1 F! Y: D9 {  mshoulder. & H# A* n5 R  E) W) _5 Q
- D1 L1 _* M* }% I+ @$ D$ L
Michael was bigger and stronger and soon had Andy pinned He$ G6 o3 }  ~( b6 {2 t
sat on the younger boy's chest. "You been asking for it and
( I% N1 y: m8 X- \/ r1 Hnow you're gonna get it you little faggot. When I finish, C. s, G) I( {% ~9 B& U5 y/ G
with you, You'll know who rules in here," He grinned.% S$ D* s+ f( w& \0 J% H; x% w

6 K& U- K9 t' f/ i, o4 b- T  e* SAndy arched his body trying to throw Michael off his chest.
' d4 K5 g9 N! m/ M& xThat earned him a slap in the face. Then Ricky stepped in.
' t. l3 M" i+ @1 D- GHe grabbed Michael in a headlock and twisted. This earned9 u0 Z8 g# Q! R: R) z
him a punch in the stomach. He held on increasing the
0 H& v) j; Z  l& i. i, Wpressure on Michael. Andy pushed up and threw the older boy, x; F9 U  m9 g) \$ Q% a$ c9 P
off. - i* Q+ Z. z2 q7 m" d

; t# P) I) P1 j/ J  L" ~6 kThen lightening in the form of a shooting pain in their- p4 f( g5 ~4 ^! \1 w  Q/ a
groins stopped the fight. All three boys screamed and fell* ]5 @; n$ R8 G
clutching their balls. Mrs. Connolly and the girls were in: Z- i/ z( `# d2 P- z
the doorway remotes in their hands. The three guards were
7 N0 b5 T0 S" Talso there.: ~" i" m! Z/ J; Q+ s5 z
' @4 K# l2 M. l. v" J3 u; T
"What's going on in here?" Mrs. Connolly boomed.' C1 }) u: e6 j0 ]& j( ^$ _
/ g# W2 H% k* W. \0 L" q( s
"He tried to get me to suck his peenie," Christopher pointed
' C4 [9 j6 f) D( g+ K& ^at Michael. "Then he was gonna fuck me in my ass."
! ^$ D# m- [  f  x  K$ J, k, [* Z; M9 t" a
"Is that true?" Miss Thomas asked Michael who was still' ~( d0 f: K' ^' {/ `& \
clutching his balls.
: P& c" ^: H; |: z, {8 Y5 V; a  b( l, `
"He shook his head. "No ma'am he's crazy. I just came in
6 U8 a2 @; L5 U& Lhere to take a leak and he started screaming."
) ]) b3 r5 K# F% C! U& @! s; l' h$ j) x# x/ W* X7 t
"That's a lie," Andy said slowly getting to his feet. "I
1 M; p3 L, k4 M& h7 ^0 k1 Z9 X. ^# xheard Chris scream and when I came in Michael had Chris on8 [" r+ U5 G" i  v6 e# N
his knees in front of him."- S1 ?2 e/ e; e* S, Z

5 p7 z- q2 Q4 x/ v1 H2 _1 U"That's enough Mrs. Connolly interupted. "Everybody out of
  S/ w9 b* v& ], T: lthe bathroom."
6 j) E* g3 I5 l4 w  o, f5 P, @' h' D9 \
Miss Thomas lined all six boys up. The girls sat on a bed* h9 i1 @! v7 l. z# N* T
watching. "Not only is fighting not allowed but Michael,+ `4 A6 n/ A. v: g- e
ever since you came here you've been nothing but trouble."
+ v; t! R$ h' _. ^& f# |Mrs. Connolly said addressing the six naked boys but looking- R2 Q, B4 M$ h$ o
at Michael. "You tried to get Chris to suck your cock and0 Y1 z7 y/ o' t7 h; w: ~% `) `
you were gonna fuck him in the ass. Not only that but you
' d0 K4 `  L3 Vlied to us and that's intolerable. I was trying to think of
. l4 T! r7 Y% |+ y* F) {a suitable punishment for all the other stunts you pulled.
, W  l& {7 v- H* m9 b) wNow I know what your punishment is. Fist you're gonna suck$ A4 M1 Q) k  t- l
Chris's cock then I'll pick one of the boys to fuck you in4 m( ^% c, b" X9 }6 j: _
the ass. Lets see how you like it." . u9 M* a4 s6 z8 B. I- i4 Y! |/ t
. @1 i5 c5 R; s( M. P
"Noo!!"  Michael screamed. "I won't do it. You can't make  k, d. D2 D. L+ S. q* _
8 L! n# [8 I% y) G. L
) ?; {* R4 q) d6 ^5 ?) {9 v. t. t"Sure I can," She laughed pressing the remote. Michael went0 v, B1 T9 s2 v# F1 i# \( C0 H
down like he was hit with a bat. He lay on the floor holding9 ?( i5 s' X/ D
his nuts moaning. ) M. |( t9 o0 Z& d
$ M, c# D% f+ J
"Now will you suck his cock?" Michael stubbornly shook his
1 d: o  W. s1 e- V) P5 d3 thead. Again she pressed the remote. "I can keep this up all* r7 P- i$ n- B' f" P% L+ M- t
day," She reminded him.
2 `. {2 S+ M  a3 T# v4 B# B6 p- d# e
There were tears in his eyes as he lay in a fetal position.
* z7 |- F$ f; p5 |, p4 [He nodded "Please no more. I'll do what you want" He said
; v" j) X% t( r( x( wweakly.
, r0 r' n9 T5 `9 A2 J8 ]2 I( G$ X
6 w6 M; U1 a& w+ S2 p$ {9 ?& Y1 s"Good, now get up on your feet," She ordered.
4 S9 v1 c, h4 u: @% S8 C& Z3 E
  z$ Z0 w5 l" `( @5 _4 C"I'm beginning part two of your training," She informed the8 ~1 Z1 ?  N1 S! `+ Q, a$ P
other boys. "The girls will be taking over more and more.
' D; c2 P) T! Z- {0 oYou will listen and do everything they tell you to do.
+ i! m" A. N- w! K& t. qPunishment will be swift if you disobey. Each of you will0 q# N# j; Z5 @7 L
learn to suck cocks and do other things the girls tell you- H. ~. _+ b& r: A
to do. Michael is the first but not the last to get his ass
+ f. E( _- Q0 Q/ E/ dfucked. In three or four weeks time you will have learned to' o& k3 W+ W# G. z. [# ~
obey instantly. I want you to be able to put in a show for
# M' W( C) O+ X1 j8 c: `# ]- E1 Rthe governor when she comes to visit. We'll start with  N( S( Q: B" y0 m) A& c
Michael and Christopher right now."
. V+ O6 [7 \4 u6 Z0 r4 ?& X: p/ c; D7 Q7 C" y# ~
Christopher stood in front of Michael. Jennifer was put in6 P) d' S7 N& A6 F
charge as the guards and Miss Connolly sat on one of the) f* Y3 V- f( M2 K# _; Z- `3 K
bed. The boys were told to stand with their hands behind
  q$ |" @4 o$ htheir heads and watch and learn.
4 W( h, r, E9 N) S0 o. X& d
1 ], Z2 C5 Y9 ~+ v& u! w! r' x"All right Jennifer you can get started now," Mrs. Connolly2 d1 I$ J. ~$ [+ i& V& U
told her. Michael was standing on wobbly legs. Jennifer
; X% s9 S' x& s* T2 @& r" wpushed down on his shoulder. "Kneel in front of/ d9 F1 n( N. A# ]3 |
Christopher," she ordered. Michael knelt on one leg. "No you
& V% K4 @* O* z! }idiot get on your knees."
9 u7 n. m5 p; `4 y2 {$ p7 v
  }! T. |3 ^4 @4 uHe did as he was told tears running down both cheeks. "Good
4 @$ ?, X+ p" T  nnow take his cock in your hands."
8 ~; G3 e$ n# ^9 |+ r0 C$ R
! ^/ Q& X7 F5 X9 C, F/ H, b Michael grabbed Chris's cock. "Ow, that hurts," The little
' c) D, c) I  B) f  W$ a4 S& _boy yelled.
: s; j- I  I+ G" S; E5 E! [6 H4 z! F& S# o9 B/ a& G) O# {
"One more stunt like that and you're getting zapped again,"
1 f3 d3 R* |7 A3 E: HJennifer warned. "Now rub his cock gently." Michael massaged8 \- r) Y) o' E' v
the little boy's dick and it slowly got hard. "Good now cup
6 D" J' c* X' F" Y9 j2 V: J7 mhis balls in your hand and kiss the head of his cock, " She
- j. g6 c  `& y1 T! e% sordered. With a sob the twelve-year old bent over and kissed( f: E% ]  C  [
Chris's cock head. ' m* o+ S$ c1 e
" x& d7 Z, B5 ]% G8 G) z
"Ok Michael now kiss his balls. Be gentle or else" Michael/ U" V& b  `9 {  B. |" Q
put his lips on the little scrotum in front of him and: y0 {2 H7 P' o  U  P$ r0 `
kissed each ball.0 ^# u- V! W2 T" ~: j* e. B
7 r  I4 |* R$ Q$ [; o1 v9 O  v
"Open your mouth and take his cock in. Move your head back
; {) m8 g) i. T4 ?8 h& aand forth," Jennifer instructed. Michael was crying like a
9 I9 D+ a  ]: N* [6 N2 ?baby as he sucked Chris's cock in front of the entire room. ! X: U) u  S" [' H! o* u! g
"I want you to lick his cock head while you suck him," She
" l" I2 P8 F* @$ ztold him. "Chris you be sure and tell me if he hurts you."3 Z; @- T5 D) y7 r" M) V
. P* l" F, J8 A8 U
Chris barely heard. This was the second time he was getting
# S6 n# _) d! W9 }/ u' sa blowjob and he was enjoying this one a lot. He held8 n! r$ m* A0 f0 m) A, `( J0 s
Michael's head. His hips moved as he got nearer and nearer8 {& z4 p3 F3 }0 N
to a climax. Michael was playing with his little balls as he$ ]$ n" S: i9 m# M
sucked his cock. "Mmmm," it was really good.
$ a$ E! T4 u- J0 B4 \7 i5 g7 G7 g9 K" C1 x7 s  Y( T* J
With a gasp Chris stiffened his body and came. Michael got; B4 V* A7 T4 e: w0 k
off lucky. The little boy was still a dry cummer.
" I; N& M+ m/ L- r3 N/ K" n. g9 F+ I: B5 K+ O& D: Z
Chris pulled his cock from Michael's mouth. "All right Chris, z# k$ u- P, B( Q$ G
join the other boys. Andy will you come here?" Jennifer
3 e1 k/ R: K' l, R5 }8 E, Isaid. "I think Andy should be the first boy to ass fuck5 f, A! s+ l' Y+ L! R
Michael, Mom." 5 P  H& l. V* ]+ v9 l3 j2 g
5 y5 ]# [3 N5 [9 t- ~% \
"I think you're right. He should be rewarded for defending1 d+ N2 N2 x  S
his brother," Mrs. Connolly agreed. "Proceed Jennifer."
  v3 o# f6 N& ]
8 X# L! e! h3 V"Michael stand up and bend over," Jennifer ordered. "Andy
# T) ~1 J- \/ ^. Ryou stand behind him." She looked at Andy's small cock.$ l: G# L2 ~2 a2 X1 m/ l
"This will never do, You need a hard-on. She took his cock- W9 {+ q" P6 u# A* i  ^
in her hands and rubbed it fondling his balls at the same
9 H. L5 u* B# q2 \7 _time. Andy swiftly grew. His dick went from droopy to
; X) P* c$ `" y4 Z/ fflagpole in one minute. "My you are a horny little devil,"4 `) @$ }+ f$ v& @. _% p' o
Jennifer chuckled.) O0 T8 e& v3 Q7 v6 W# L
  }$ ^8 W) b: x5 I- V" [
"Caitlin go help your sister," Mrs. Connolly instructed. The
8 h7 }; K, c  a0 S( C  Qtwo girls positioned Michael. He now was standing with his- X; f. l# O- M# d- r5 D4 b# ]2 ^
legs wide apart and his hands pulling open his chubby! H: n3 T  d0 G0 N& R& a  O- @: \
cheeks, exposing his brown asshole to everyone in the room.$ B3 e2 _  e4 C( u  Y2 e) q
Andy would have to stand on tiptoes to get his cock in.
5 V2 b- k9 q4 L  d3 xCaitlin pushed her forefinger into Michael's asshole. He
+ x4 |+ ^( E' Q- xgrunted as it pushed past his sphincter muscle. She wiggled+ p9 N9 d% i! \- F
it around. "That should open you up. Andy's cock isn't much' ?- l/ ~1 ?9 o
wider," She giggled.% G  P$ L$ W9 |8 f" P. g* D
, U* B* H4 L9 b) @  r, T1 }/ A2 G/ j7 b
Jennifer took Andy's cock and pulled him forward. She
9 ~- V, c: m* i, z4 u3 D+ C4 C4 Z( lpositioned it in between Michael's cheeks. "Hold on to his
* M. J% V2 y/ }( \5 X2 [hips and thrust forward," she ordered. % R! ?( \' [% g  H

6 C3 N! o9 l, F; u) N"I can do it myself," Andy said and pushed into Michael's) s& Y8 R1 _, S) l
asshole. The other girls and the guards gathered around and
) |0 N  ?7 P0 ~3 t) K, y* ]' r3 s5 pwatched as Michael lost his "Cherry." He was sobbing with
% m) o% I  W1 Q3 w6 P9 Sthe humiliation of being fucked. Andy felt embarrassed also
  W6 f; J' Y, c- }' R. Nbut decided he'd rather be the fucker than the fuckee. His
- O7 \: V; L7 W/ M5 d, ^" ecock was rubbing against Michael's tight asshole. The$ K/ V+ ]* |2 X$ @5 |- V
friction and the tightness soon had him near a climax.  
% ^# @8 e  z% f4 u' ^7 X" n+ t
# C( i. @6 j1 T* @  M+ kMichael was not moving but it didn't matter. It was over in
7 k9 A; [& B/ |* |0 H7 J' ma matter of seconds. Andy arched his back and gasped as he
9 z6 t- h* K, icame. He stepped back and withdrew his cock./ ]8 b# Y3 v/ l- \8 A
$ i# }! F0 r+ I! L6 b" x
Mrs. Connolly addressed the boys. "Let this be a lesson to- T) }2 B; v! m! x
you all. Sexual activity will not be tolerated unless its" Q4 }8 y+ S+ V5 L
supervised and ordered by the staff. Bullying will not be
) \- m0 v0 G8 w0 W' ]( E4 Sallowed either."  She turned to go. "I suggest you both take
: B& U5 O6 G$ ?" ^2 x8 Dshowers," She told Andy and Michael. I'll send the girls to2 G: X' l0 o: A
get you for dinner later. This doesn't mean no spankings
$ g( O, J4 K" ?! `tonight. This punishment was for Michael's behavior in here.
8 ~% G( w* C9 [4 p7 ?) @$ d6 GSpankings are for misbehaving all day."; ]9 b6 x) D' Y! U
. S# T0 f9 W- G$ i$ T( ^
The staff followed her out and the boys were alone. "I'm; K+ F* o" `. b! ?
sorry Michael," Andy told the sobbing boy. "But don't you* L& ~& p( P3 J0 D4 l& Y: B
ever try to hurt my brother again."  Ricky came over and sat0 O, w- Z5 H- S5 c; R- `5 q/ ^
next to Michael. "We're all in this together bro. Its us0 T5 l( [6 u. S) ^7 z0 m9 I
against them and they're winning. We can't afford to fight) Z- Q8 M) [8 v4 `+ d7 m
with each other." He held out his hand. Michael looked at( W4 |* O3 P! N0 Q/ o
the blonde little boy for a moment then shook his hand. Andy; S2 k5 o; B3 _6 c. I* W
held his out and they shook as well.: {! M0 L: ]& `  c$ U
8 Z4 p8 v1 J" Q% L* w3 O
"Boy this is a madhouse." Kevin muttered to Josh.
# f9 y  H# H7 y# ]0 G4 Y1 ~# B; k( R1 u6 G8 |$ O5 n/ L) W: y
"Its going to get worse," Josh said sadly.* o( S( @; D3 d6 i; [
/ Y7 Q' I! `& a6 A+ G" ~
CHAPTER SIX THE END- l8 h; j" W2 r
The Grandview School For Boys 7
' s7 w  K: x2 VThe Training Continues
- Y3 ~  X0 R( g0 z! f, ^  t
! E# D& r& ?3 F: Y: Y* Pcopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
+ l, b- {+ Z$ d# Z: Y) gall rights reserved# n3 U5 |) K) ~+ l

5 J" [( _8 ]# T- q8 E, o5 k3 Z( h

+ e  @2 I5 x: \( W6 i' t% V( U; y6 b7 {. @% a! e7 x
. ]7 {, Z5 s' N% k9 |* E
; C" Y+ t+ I/ P% T. A/ G
Five boys had the device planted in their scrotums before
4 }& V2 B9 J2 t- p+ y* M- @him and all were alive and well. At least physically well,
1 s9 U# y8 O0 N$ R1 ?Their mental state was up in the air. I mean if you were+ C" k1 s+ a/ G
forced to walk around stark naked and do horrible things
/ O# L/ b. O& y: M" V8 @just because some girl wanted you to, How would you feel?
( k3 Q, n- s4 G$ H5 c8 g+ j0 k
, ~% V- p' w; A0 S$ aKevin thought about this as he stood waiting to be inspected
! }, d8 E! Q& y- Tby the girls and the guards. The Staff had come to get them) q$ G+ @8 X, {
for dinner and had all the boys' stand at attention while- ?/ y* ^9 i9 f* O
Mrs. Connolly and the girls checked their cocks and5 U" @; t2 c0 Q
assholes. Kevin was set upon by the little eight-year-old
  h7 l+ Y& p6 ^" K3 ksadist Kelly. She rammed her fingers into his defenseless
" ?) A& \" y9 C2 n/ nasshole. He almost screamed in pain as she pushed two pudgy
0 |. q' |4 y( Flittle girl digits past his stretched sphincter muscle. She" w" u$ x6 U; G6 @* c
wiggled them around for what felt like hours before removing) y5 w% ^8 m# U$ a& `0 ]  E
them , K, ^6 o: P6 x; H, ?  V

+ Y# E/ U; X9 @/ C3 t  R1 ]It was only six hours ago, that he had arrived at the
0 v+ u$ d& ?7 E& H4 G) R; F  xschool. He was stripped and humiliated by Mrs. Connolly and3 I+ V/ G$ o8 `* Q* S3 R
her four daughters, One of whom was his friend. Worse they& O  F2 P6 h4 x& A
did it in front of his aunt and the Chief of police. Hell# M3 g+ T; w1 L; R4 Q: s
his aunt even participated and he could still feel the thick+ t9 o7 C( ~. w
finger of the police chief who strip-searched him. He was, h$ }+ Y* n5 V. q0 e# s- I
put into the dorm with the rest of the boys. Then he was
' y4 }9 Z2 w7 w9 e# i" Dmade to watch as, Michael, one of the boys was forced to
7 d3 A0 G: t( Y& c; \$ _suck another boy's cock. Afterward as the girls watched
3 l6 B2 F  M7 k5 Dgiggling, Michael was made to bend over and another boy was
, }8 T0 Q" i; R( C" c; ]3 g! hforced to fuck him in the ass.
, ~4 y. b+ J% D
7 D9 V3 l$ u& X. q( Q! `2 k. l1 ONow the terror continued. After the humiliating ass and cock
; B5 m# D. k  }8 ~; Q: c+ x* linspection the boys had been marched to the lunchroom in* {  o+ {0 R4 w* w. Z! w
their clumsy flip flop shower shoes. The cook was off for& D9 x# Y. r" Q  B* F7 s" f: Q
the rest of the day and Kevin was glad that he was spared7 u" g6 d/ p* c- i  S. t, S# `
the pleasure of meeting "Evil Annie" as the boys had named& I7 a* m. a* h) l' p* t
her. Andy had filled him in about who were the worst and who
0 {# X; x9 C% _! a8 lwere the best among the staff while they munched their
, j  e# g; X) m, b- H7 Dsandwiches. Then it was back to the dorm where they awaited
& {3 t- G$ o$ o9 B  Ethe evening's entertainment.0 m8 A) p6 y9 n  w' v: o

$ G7 u5 I) C" G5 lThe boys didn't have long to wait. The girls and Mrs.
/ O% l+ y+ W7 J6 q6 A: NConnolly entered with Miss Thomas, Lori Paulson and Mrs.
2 N- k; z8 Y0 C+ O9 g% IMaikowski. Mrs. Connolly informed them, "You are now ready
" h( v: n4 p, U* c! `5 V( W" U: Z" Nfor the next step in your training. I am hiring two teachers4 c/ I7 p3 c8 d* q* k/ i6 z
who have many years of experience in disciplining children.. H$ X, N. l2 T: X6 B
Kevin you might know them. Miss Elizabeth Fanilli and Miss' ^+ W4 _( K  c+ i, F, c% j4 j
Stephanie Walton."
; e5 x; T; y& z2 k( d$ V
% E. P0 V6 {. r) G# v2 @9 m6 P  GKevin felt like someone punched him in the heart. "Oh no not
& c/ N' C; ~6 [* l4 hQueen Elizabeth," he thought. "She's the meanest bitch on
# e4 @9 P) b+ J% w$ g2 T. U8 ~& Z+ ^the face of the earth. Miss Walton wasn't much better. She
/ Z7 N5 I( N. uhated boys."
5 [+ j* k) h) f4 {1 \# G* I  ^
5 |) u6 I; e) ~' ZMrs. Connolly continued. "During dinner we decided that it
! V7 B! f& l+ Z/ L0 C# {+ O& `would be nice if you all learned how to suck each other's# I: }4 f' r) R" T$ P8 H9 ?5 q
cocks. We've paired you up. Josh being that you and Michael0 g' B  V' D2 c
are our cummers I think its appropriate that you start it
! j' U2 X8 s; e0 a% ?off."
$ w) k0 e5 Q# e  L2 K
4 E: E- C( F: V) FMichael had been very quiet after his beating by Jennifer.+ k: s! y# P$ a3 L2 w* U" E
He took this latest slap in the face in stride. Josh looked. f" s% Z- Q% I% B' A
sick. "I, I, I, can't," He stammered. "Please don't make me
( H" o. z* _1 I0 B5 M& tdo it," He cried pitifully. / \  T, o) U8 W' R

# [, l* u: i$ A( g3 F' w; xHis pleas fell on deaf ears. "Can I do it Mom," Caitlin" g; b+ ]1 f0 }& r, K
asked. Mrs. Connolly nodded. Caitlin took out her remote and6 T0 H  O+ e7 q) ]3 c2 L
pressed button five. Josh screamed and fell to the floor
' S" P; y/ F3 yclutching his balls. "Stop I'll do anything," He sobbed.' G3 Y! }4 M8 |
"Don't do that anymore, please."
/ |- ?9 W# z, K6 I8 z/ K# b  p# q
"I'll tell you boys one more time," Mrs. Connolly said.
. t6 F. |. g4 `+ F. f+ s, s/ D"This isn't a democracy. You'll do as we say or you'll get# E6 ?/ S- B' y( X, k
zapped. Is that clear?"; m2 v! q- s, Y1 }

# U7 @, L2 f; R( T! AAll six boys nodded. "Good, I'm glad that's cleared up.  * {2 o9 N; t3 I  |6 T1 J8 n" _
Michael get on the bed and lie down on your back."# C/ ~* P4 U) o0 l. z( M, ^1 v
5 D0 P# a+ x2 g' M$ g
Michael did as he was told. "Put your feet on either side of6 [: T5 ^+ y9 A; m
the bed and raise your hips," She commanded. : s+ o, v% P* U8 b

( P( }  ^2 J: Z# ]As Michael arched up, Christie grabbed his limp cock and
; U2 |; C5 o+ I1 e0 @3 rmassaged it to its full hardness. She pushed his foreskin! j5 o4 j: `' }. W  o9 X# i. \; n; H
back; A drop of pre cum glistened on his cock head. ' b5 i# W0 g+ V
# Y, ]( S$ K: ]4 ?
"Climb on him Boy, and put your fool face on his cock and
3 [2 F( W: B' T1 w* z( adangle your cock in his face." Miss Thomas ordered Josh,
" d3 s% A, @# R5 N2 y0 WHelping him into the classic sixty-nine position. 7 e3 j5 D# O. h
( g2 W1 t9 J( c$ |* [
As the boys got into position Mrs. Maikowski reached under! ~* S4 X: a* a0 ^9 l; w/ ^
Josh and rubbed his cock into full hardness. Josh was now5 U; l* K2 a7 m8 p
straddling Michael, His mouth hovering over Michael's big
/ ], `/ h: Z2 R9 Hcock. Josh's balls dangled under him, his cock brushing2 H! m4 G2 B. [* N  B# \
Michael's lips and the Band-Aid on the small incision in his
% G/ h7 y$ U6 H# \+ r( |) G% o" Uscrotum in full view.7 j! q2 a3 m4 R

( C. m5 `6 T+ W6 D' [, ]+ H"Start sucking or do I have to zap you again?" Mrs. Connolly
0 Q% D& Y% L! V1 L& G( A% i9 t2 Tthreatened. The boys got started and the girls gathered on- r" S) q3 G4 m  @, {1 c9 M( s0 Z
both sides of the bed to watch. Josh opened his mouth and
1 z! u; ?  C' h4 i6 x" c& Utook the head of Michael's uncircumcised cock in. His cheeks3 |& i7 ~8 @& u3 b: Y, o+ t
puffed out, then in as he sucked on Michael's thick shaft.
3 U/ L$ T- f5 d/ n+ v4 M0 FTears fell on the other boy's abdomen as Josh's head moved
3 g$ A& H( b7 |/ @2 L7 ~$ Zback and forth. More and more of the thick hard on was being
; c% U- F; A3 S& P# Idrawn into Josh's sucking mouth.4 q+ ]! E+ i2 c( y! c
! F* u: G/ S! m1 q
Michael had his head turned and Josh's long slim cock rested
5 q/ w. n% ?* P2 @, C7 Con his cheek. "Either take that cock into your mouth or I'll
/ |4 _7 h7 S7 _, fsend a jolt through your balls. You have three seconds,"
3 Q* K, }2 \+ [3 M) JMrs. Maikowski threatened. Michael took Josh's cock in his
, X) ~  G9 s* V( V2 V# i6 @: ?hands and moved his mouth around it. "Excellent," Miss; b- z4 G' n$ y( v1 [, L  a" Z% B
Thomas smiled. "Now open his ass and finger him." This was5 s& a1 {4 X, b% {: }' f& p# f
easy to do as Josh was squatting on Michael's face. 4 |7 k6 z, w; ^- X0 B3 T! ]

# M3 |$ {1 d" m% ?1 q7 DThe other four boys watched as their older schoolmates sixty$ A- \% n! A' m' u
nined each other. Their turn was coming.
2 f, B# d0 ]0 t& _( M
' i$ a7 M0 ]' `; `* b& Z2 }+ Z* P/ x"You two get over on the next bed," Miss Paulson, getting
; Y7 J# T; _  S5 O' J9 V2 h4 Y, H3 `into the swing of things ordered, pointing to Andy and
$ l0 f" w4 p7 RKevin. "You're next."
; A; h* j, {+ j4 j/ q' `0 n1 B
9 f# Y, x4 C$ PAndy knew quite well the awful pain he'd feel if he refused.
; A8 o& X$ J" JHe quickly sat on the bed. "Lie back with your ass on the, w4 t/ P4 n5 Z( M' {- p
edge and your feet on the floor," The young guard ordered.
, j3 K+ B4 h% h$ ~1 w0 @# AAndy moved down until his ass was just on the bed and his
2 u; C2 q& c$ u0 Sfeet were resting on the floor. He was lying flat on his+ U4 A" v9 B1 }) F
back. Lori nodded, "Good, now spread your legs apart so; W/ M* g; s* m0 e* d
Kevin can kneel between them."% z8 C: S& X9 I+ r# N

' u, j6 O0 A6 _+ [Kevin shook his head and looked at Christie for help. She
* Z* l4 f6 ~0 i5 T# a/ {8 B  zlooked over at him from where she was watching the older; B  U, r! _% x/ _5 U2 H. r
boys suck each other's large cocks. She walked over. "What7 C- m  J2 j% O% d1 |9 G) K9 k% P
are you up to?" She asked.
& `8 V, q/ a( o' G/ \# ?$ |9 L" k# B
"I thought I'd get these boys started," Lori answered., M, B2 W. j; y+ S1 n. Q
Christie looked at Kevin with pity in her eyes. Then looked7 e1 X- o1 y  A" f2 h9 r' U% f
away. "I'll help you," She volunteered. What can I do?"
. c+ b" ^! p; x% S$ p' a; w+ l8 G( S
"Position Kevin between Andy's legs and make him rub Andy's( }3 U4 V" P, s5 J, U
cock until its hard." Lori instructed. 6 H' ^. W, K; h3 s1 c
! J1 }' r7 r( t4 h5 D! j* ?3 d
Kevin was still standing and until he had the device planted- u% H/ ?9 M5 _2 m9 r3 L5 s" W
Christie had no real power over him. She decided to try% N0 D4 L& a" V
anyway. "Get down on your knees and in between his legs
! U# ~- `) L( g: RKevin," She ordered. "Now."
1 V8 }6 Y# m, V! B: L3 P( y& X5 W; _  _) d' X+ @4 ?1 @' C
To her surprise Kevin started crying and slowly knelt! Z; L! i6 F. P. j$ z, n
between Andy's widespread legs. "Take his cock and balls and
* y5 y& B9 T5 g) F8 G0 p- L2 [) Rplay with them until he's hard," She ordered.4 t; W0 B+ o5 p& ~- t4 k- D
8 y) e; c& c4 p" R9 ~9 _9 d1 {
Kevin was sniffling and tears were falling down his cheeks.
' h  b2 k4 W1 J2 }  b3 E0 dChristie watched amazed as he cupped Andy's balls and' I8 x4 J: k' n7 @' V
stroked his cock.; Q" F# s( o/ K* g

3 d: a3 g# n5 c& pOn the other bed Josh's ass was pumping and Michael was1 Y( t' k, |& {4 r3 |
arching his back. Their mouths moved in and out, their heads  e, s& K2 u7 E+ d) b& x
bobbing as they sucked each other to climax. You could hear
7 Z; D: m) o; y1 ethem gasping as their movements got more frantic with each: S2 ?& E5 o! ~+ O' [3 D0 O" q
. m1 ^& e8 |  ?1 O. ~4 }
: m1 E  \! ^1 HLori pointed to Ricky. "Get up on that bed and Straddle- l; q4 m( T" `1 U
Andy. Sit on his chest with your cock facing his mouth."
: P, B0 w, O% C# A, d' I8 W& {Ricky climbed on and took position, his ass on Andy's chest0 ~5 N8 {2 S/ o. {$ K5 v
and his knees splayed out on either side of Andy. $ c; ^' B- k# J9 z
0 [4 ~) O! [9 P
"Get on that bed and stand facing Ricky so he can play with
3 ~8 n) s4 w% syour cock," Lori ordered Christopher. As Chris took his" s# P) f6 {2 p9 q9 Q6 w/ D% P
position Kelly wandered over. "Oh goodie they can all suck/ |# |8 A  \, H7 E: K
each other now," She giggled.7 D; n0 F. z& Q  y. S# G6 A
; t* C3 a6 d" Z/ u
Andy's cock was stiff and standing straight out as Kevin7 F4 Y& |7 N7 @5 U$ D, \) O
continued pulling on it. "Stick his dick in your mouth
+ X4 G7 ^9 D! F- }+ cKevin," Christie told him, She stood behind him watching.
1 B) L+ {( ?4 n) l  K) K+ [Kevin choked back a sob and lowered his mouth over Andy's
: u$ `0 c" z* }, fstiff joint. " @# d' @3 a4 [. O

: j1 x* Q. U0 Q"All right now Andy share the pleasure." Lori commanded "Put0 H. ?* j6 r; E1 }
Ricky's cock in your mouth. Play with his balls as you suck# L/ c' R2 O/ a% L
him." Ricky you suck on Christopher's cock. ") c# E, a, |; W; _  w% q
+ [' L; f# }- y9 M, a5 z
Andy moved his mouth around Ricky's slim dick and cupped the( }7 U" P) |$ ?" g* \; E6 O: t
blonde youngster's balls. His hips were moving as Kevin's) _1 [5 x! }4 m9 D: S: i, W
tongue brushed his pisshole. Kevin's lips maintained suction' W' t" n, U: @; T" ]1 |# G
on Andy's cock. Ricky moved his head slightly and took
: x9 Y6 ^, c5 TChristopher's tiny dick in his mouth. He was kneading the7 E. y0 h# T. ]! {1 R1 i5 c
little boy's ballsack as he sucked. Every boy's mouth was) L7 h1 N* V4 I9 ^' E1 J" }9 v& g- ~7 v
full of cock except Christopher. Their bodies were moving in
" Q, c7 G+ m4 jand out and up and down as the girls and guards watched the
( ?5 x9 Y  P, M% Mshow./ O5 o. T0 E5 M+ z5 A( H

5 x2 J' [" J% B0 j+ tMichael was first. He arched his back, his toes curling, He
) h- V6 @) Z- x  j% q, E: Agroaned as he shot a wad of cum into Josh's mouth. Josh
) F, \: O5 \# p1 _gagged and tried to expel Michael's surging dick. Mrs.
7 g0 K0 F+ x: Q  N5 C" kConnolly wasn't having any of that. "Keep it in your mouth
0 Y9 p3 T# x4 }4 f  _- D( }7 m. d, z7 Sand swallow every drop," She ordered. "Keep sucking on
" T9 k0 i8 S. l: a. i& hJosh's cock Michael," She ordered. "You're not finished
8 U; S6 W. E6 D/ ~/ d! y7 Duntil you swallow all his cum."
+ ~! I! L: I3 q6 u, F$ L/ U2 D
9 s6 \0 s) Q& _/ C" lJosh was right behind Michael. His ass moved faster and/ }, B3 V5 @, L( P) s6 J
faster as he neared his climax.  His body stiffened, His ass
! K; ?/ N0 {% J3 R- [2 echeeks clenched, Then he relaxed and groaned as the cum shot$ H" U; s7 }2 e8 d0 ~6 Z. D3 d
out of his long slim cock into Michael's mouth.
7 d/ X0 [! H0 x1 D0 r: H0 y7 {2 U0 J9 e, i8 ~+ d; F
"Drink it all down boys," Miss Thomas ordered. "Spill a drop
, a* _% t! H+ \2 h* W0 Q4 Mon the linen and your ass will be spanked so hard you won't
9 z; a+ G2 B" }9 p; hbe able to sit for a month."
, t9 T( C" x2 _8 H
1 a  D) F1 x" fAs Michael and Josh licked each other's cocks clean, Mrs.3 |9 F3 G4 L0 a9 {- [
Connolly, Miss Thomas and Mrs. Maikowski walked over to the
6 T% z& J6 r& `1 z2 v$ \4 yother bed where Things were heating up. Christopher was; N/ @1 l& @+ Q) r% t/ R" t2 s9 r# a
standing up holding Ricky's blonde head as Ricky's mouth was& J3 i" d& u) ]3 P
devouring the little boy's cock. Ricky was squatting over- Q* b9 f$ k9 _7 o6 f* y+ w3 \4 w
Andy's mouth, His ass moving up and down as Andy licked and: r  A* p. J* B  L
sucked his cock. Andy prone on the bed his feet over the1 q2 \: r* T+ {+ [7 G
edge was wiggling his hips and moaning as Kevin brought him# Y  o1 o- s+ k9 W/ D# P0 l8 p
closed to a climax.
' i+ H2 P* h2 g, E! _* x
8 B% o4 B5 u6 y& x) T; g7 @Left with the two older boys and their limp cocks Caitlin
3 z* \* w) ]5 s- N6 W' [7 Wand Jennifer made them turn over and get on all fours. The7 G) ^2 H) A: m( y
girls were playing with their balls and fingering their
! a& w  N8 ^( k% F) {assholes as they watched the other four boys finish each
/ L6 K1 E3 i6 P3 K+ wother off. . F. w) J3 J5 J4 z9 U

2 k# i' z: q$ M' ^8 H! ^) ~7 s6 QAndy came first. He arched up while wrapping his legs around
0 C) h8 R7 L# y. QKevin's shoulders. With a groan muffled by Ricky's cock in
9 p* _+ q7 Y3 [# m4 b7 n: ?0 w: }his mouth, he came. Ricky and Christopher were not far
: l5 e9 k( a8 ~" _# n- g! N5 e3 Ibehind. Ricky was holding Chris's ass tightly as his mouth
2 [" E( B5 h- Bpulled in and puffed out. His fingers explored the little
' d; u  Z8 C3 W$ z* I+ P$ yboy's asshole. Chris couldn't take the two pronged assault: |0 g* w' @) e( B4 @% U
and he stiffened and moaned as he came.
+ C' d  O  l: O# F8 q5 g" u4 s+ d
$ ~) ]( ^- o. Z8 L5 s9 mRicky arched his back popping Chris's cock out of his mouth.
' x2 T" r! ^3 H0 `1 [) HHe cried "Ahhhh," Then his body relaxed. He slumped over
. D) v6 t$ c8 j( E: Y5 kAndy in exhaustion. All four boys were breathing heavy from/ e( G+ i& E. P, U
the exertion.
- O7 u1 y) C! c5 \% S5 h3 M. S* u7 r- O: |: F
Mrs. Connolly smiled at Miss Thomas. "They learn fast. From) Z/ u+ d1 |* E; m: h$ t1 @+ I
now on we'll have these blow job lessons nightly after
  |, a/ T3 @6 _9 jdinner. The governor will be here soon and I want them to be
# L& A' B7 N- f% L/ P# ~: w' J6 `able to entertain her and her friends."4 N( \/ j7 A- Q* }/ L! o+ j: E# P

3 P5 H; e2 \$ l- X. {6 wChristie took Kevin's hand and led him to a third bed.; e) Q0 v4 i' g" o/ k
"Kevin needs to get a blowjob Mama," She said. "He's the
4 z7 x0 C1 ]7 c& `. e4 Wonly one who didn't get sucked."7 u& s8 H( @2 ^% c3 X3 x! A3 M8 Z

8 z7 g1 ~( E9 I' K# C1 c"Christopher you haven't sucked anyone's cock tonight. Get
4 ?* n% c- r; B4 z3 S! G) [) M- Fover there and do as Christie tells you," Mrs. Connolly  H$ \: u; b$ @# j: W
/ i: {8 G. j4 S; n- E6 u! [) h: g
" ]5 T+ ?3 \3 RThe little boy started crying and Andy stood up. "I'll suck
, f( g# }0 l5 N+ \8 RKevin's cock. Leave Chris alone."; [( H6 I( R( Q) r+ m7 M, l& E
: ^* N7 h6 K( T6 k, ~) {
"He needs to learn just like the rest of you. He's already( f' g( |1 `# J- i4 g& P
done you several times so what's the difference?" Miss
8 D- N5 r/ P8 t8 o. oThomas said.
( C/ N6 C. e  f5 P7 R/ N4 F: D( }! y: U; Q7 a  f2 E( p# H
Mrs. Connolly agreed. "You are never to interfere again. I
; T  s, C# C( U/ j, Ydon't care if he's your brother or not. No more volunteering6 ]; T# e. u% M8 P) M) _
in his place or you'll both be spanked. Do you understand?"% d6 Y' \$ U% J- J

- W2 S7 v4 D' ^" jMiserably Andy nodded. "Yes Ma'am."
3 D0 O' J% _: _% V' R# ]8 ?  D4 r: _5 A$ q2 ]4 Q
"Good now Kevin, lie down and open your legs. Chris you get3 Y9 a* c7 b1 U+ k- J8 @
on the bed with him and get on your knees. Bend over and; P5 J1 L8 n0 d& v3 q0 M  n/ k
suck his cock, and as punishment for crying your brother is
1 _- c4 T1 G* _  m2 I- qgoing to finger fuck your asshole the entire time you're
1 W4 n/ s; T# ^- dsucking Kevin."
. P# ?# E  C7 R3 Q: R/ J3 L" h6 ^# [: M( |7 \" \0 Z
Chris was really crying now as he bent over Kevin's large& Y( [5 G+ q: D( m( Y; S5 }
cock. Kevin was bigger than Andy was and the little boy had
9 V! Y2 E/ d/ s0 H" |. ?2 ?to open his mouth wide to fit the thick shaft in.
6 q0 z- o; w1 s$ m) u9 g7 S5 x% d, W6 y$ L) o
As his lips encircled Kevin Miss Thomas pushed Andy over,
. \& S! n8 l0 kand standing behind his brother he was forced to push his
1 s8 \( O  J3 y2 h0 Z. Emiddle finger into the little boys asshole.: H$ c5 c9 t$ {$ p  w5 O* J
: J- u' J0 Q1 x. E
Andy's finger forced its way into the tight little asshole.! p! i" t4 ?0 X9 P' i  r& H; w
Chris cried out in pain then opened his legs wider to allow
2 I+ _5 G& t- k! Ihis brother's finger inside. Christopher puffed out and9 S! c5 t1 }( O/ s1 L; P4 `; `' \
sucked in taking Kevin's dick deeper into his mouth. Kevin
% G1 m$ e4 N  @4 t7 ywas arching his back and moaning as the little boy sucked, [0 \4 O- ]% Z  [# `! g$ H
and tongued his hard cock expertly. 6 i" d4 A. B6 H# J. @

* c, ~4 ]; X' P7 T* G! w+ k7 l6 S"We'll have to start the ass fucking sometime this week,"
4 [& b- j  x7 u, g, R; g) BMrs. Connolly whispered to Miss Thomas. "Look how easily8 z7 L4 ^+ V& P) l
Andy's finger went up the little guy's asshole.") E1 d% [7 c0 @- s  o

) \5 f: u7 W, u. b1 H& o9 xKelly overheard her Mother. "Goodie. Can I pick who gets it$ J+ \3 p; X! ?! g9 S  o, v
first, Mommy?"0 |& I3 d" X8 W% M# U  n) T

0 ]! T  L7 h$ D0 k"Our little Mexican friend will be first," Mrs. Connolly
2 N0 O5 o$ G! C6 h5 O3 k/ Xinformed her youngest daughter. "He's already been ass
1 [, R/ B3 D. Y+ Bfucked by Andy. He can show the other boys how to do it." As# m0 S, R, w1 ]4 \; x
a matter of fact I think Josh's cock will be a perfect fit."$ E7 s9 r9 c) j# M$ {. {8 ?& V  |
* K: W7 Q& E6 V/ \# y
Miss Thomas nodded. " I think it's time their training; Z# h+ w3 a7 J
progressed. Why don't we have three of them get it the first
  h5 w: l2 }! Xnight and the other three the second. The girls will like
2 i& q7 I# k: w4 I; ^5 g/ Vtraining them to do it also."   
+ w- z- f9 K1 F" H$ T& z3 |# e7 u) B( _. I/ f5 a0 ]  x/ [
Kevin didn't take long to cum. While Chris sucked his cock
& U8 _  ?; l' h( ?Christie had knelt down and was playing with his balls.
( I( [1 M- E8 ]& M- WCupping them in her little hands, She squeezed them gently( Y7 U# j5 d" h+ d
holding one then the other. Andy's finger continued moving& M" e+ ]( F' L+ e
in and out of his brother's pink little asshole.
! h) c* w5 [6 z5 Y6 o* A' E! v+ f% f
$ H9 j+ b. T' y" H# m. ^Kevin gasped as he stiffened, raising his hips. Then he
/ G% [# j: \) ~- z" s9 bgroaned as he came. Slowly he relaxed as his dick shrank# l, M/ ?3 d2 @; f
back. His breathing slowed. Andy pulled his finger from
0 p' R; Z& d' ?, X/ N- O( zChris's ass and the little boy stood up sobbing piteously.
. a# l' D1 X% o& n* i! Z
6 ?# Y: Q% {- k8 ~6 k2 J9 WMrs. Connolly moved away from the boys and sat down on6 W* B6 i5 b1 L. f& E
Andy's bed. She reached into her large pocket book and took1 z7 O, k( g" H- ^
out six paddles. She nodded to Miss Thomas.
. w  t1 M; g5 w) [* K  ]2 J) P+ h
. K- P5 Z5 g4 b0 ]& ]- x# R( AMiss Thomas took one of the paddles and handed the others to
" A. g; O8 {! sMrs. Maikowski, Lori, Jennifer and Caitlin. The boy's had
# B5 _. O  }. Wentertained them well. Now they were to be rewarded. Mrs.
- ?& Q# L" [* }- V& |Connolly beckoned to Michael. He saw the wooden paddle in
; S  X( L9 L: j0 b% O0 kher Hand. "What did I do? I did as I was told," He cried.
! r* O- z6 m) {"Why you want to paddle me?"
! m  e& W. f- h, H2 _9 p$ \# M4 A; t2 V. O. K! M7 U# r$ t
"You didn't move fast enough," Was the answer. "Now get over8 E/ q* F9 Q) c4 {1 B
my knee or I'll zap your balls and then spank you anyway."
7 z! d: ^+ |+ U" E* |3 k% {, S/ i6 d7 j& _7 [' e+ K
Crying, Michael walked over, His head down. The other guards
* t" f2 g- c: h) l# p& N6 K) g) b4 V$ Gand Jennifer and Caitlin sat down. 7 R0 Q+ p" c+ ~3 @; B& R8 }

3 |3 }# Q- f# kJennifer beckoned to Andy. He started crying as he realized- }- [/ [6 }; ^
his ass was gonna get spanked. The other boys weren't going0 x. l( R: h4 G+ p! `# ~
to escape. It was spank night. Caitlin took Josh by his
- r1 G1 b6 w. `; i0 O8 [large ballsack and pulled him over her lap. ! [' \3 s- g' H

& b1 V& N9 m9 M# V! t  \Miss Thomas was positioning Ricky, Her hand reaching under
; r9 D7 ]! X. G4 ihim as he lay on her lap. She held him by the cock as she- Y: B: b& [2 V
raised the paddle.
2 T; K, \& I  x5 J" F; I' l) C3 G  A! S5 n
Lori didn't want Kevin to feel left out and soon he was over
  M8 o7 |  _# x# Rher lap, his feet on the floor on one side and his hands on
. B- N3 N1 v" r, o' Zthe other.
( |1 N' `1 P( a3 o1 b3 s- P
1 C: E! q4 |' y- x8 wThat left poor little Chris in the clutches of Mrs.
( H( v& V5 f. e: E& W$ @Maikowski.
8 l; r9 t& C4 B
$ g6 |2 I( X! e: d1 }As if on cue all six paddles raised. As Christie and Kelly
3 [$ O: |3 d1 ~+ bwatched giggling the pounding started. Six bare asses were
. [( J6 f% F; f- [3 Dwhacked by six wooden paddles. Twelve bare feet were kicking
- M/ z  i1 I, ^/ oas the pounding continued. Six mouths opened and as their
9 w5 c( W8 {, i3 p8 d/ Q4 kasses reddened the boys started howling and screaming.+ G' X# |$ F2 s6 D3 f7 q" g
Thirty times the wooden paddles descended on their tender
9 M& M) S9 @; Ntargets. The boys were all bawling their eyes out.
& M3 B! c, Z: F4 {) k
* X; F; h' n& j* F6 ?8 ?Finally all six boys were released to dance and rub their3 s+ u$ z) n# E2 F: G2 h; p
crimson asses. They hopped around, their cocks swaying to6 g' p4 k5 z3 |, q
and fro and up and down. They put on quite a show. Kelly and5 E# A5 ]/ P+ B$ j4 G
Christie were laughing so hard tears ran down their pretty
& M- N( k( F6 d# s6 q; Yfaces.
4 G* _7 }: r3 q3 `" q  x: Q' |, u8 M' D, x2 \4 e
Mrs. Connolly waited till they were exhausted. "Get into the
' @2 B5 A8 C+ \! r1 L$ ishowers and be in bed in fifteen minutes or I'll let the" p; i8 z0 r9 b- q. j
girls repeat the punishment. Tomorrow Kevin goes to the  Q$ f' x0 L+ `
doctor and the rest of you work the farm."
& O3 B. M( K1 Y3 \" _+ h: m. p( e/ S9 B+ N
She stalked out followed by her entourage. Silently the boys9 F  Y9 p( U( ]/ ?* u% p/ w
went into the bathroom to shower. Michael watched Kevin as
! H8 `! D+ l( _; rthe younger boy stood at the toilet peeing. "You sucked' i1 v6 r8 Z0 g: O) a
Andy's cock when they ordered you to. You didn't have to. We3 J  b8 P5 T- Z, a/ ]
have this thing in our balls and they can really hurt us if
, \$ Z. J9 Z+ w: I: Zwe don't obey. You don't, So why'd you give in?"  
* \' t: v: ^7 g& F# M! d1 @# s: L) G6 Q; [: O" v- j. r
Kevin shrugged as he shook the last drop from his dick. "I
# R8 j8 a& L6 ~. Q: Q/ w; _! C" P# n, twas scared. I figured I'd get spanked if I didn't."$ w" _! M$ [  O' R% Q* y

! f, B+ C) L3 n"They spank you anyway," Ricky chimed in. "Those bitches are
4 a2 Z/ t. H( x1 N9 j* Fpure mean. Every one of them."5 |, g  l& Y! s+ t$ D8 \' X6 e7 U

; R2 C! o* w* Y" m3 \The boys showered, paying extra attention to their cocks and
  Z5 [- G9 P, }: Casses. Then exhausted they fell into bed and were asleep in
  F& X- K( T! G. K0 e, K6 Bminutes. Kevin was the last to fall asleep. He worried about
; Q$ P1 Q* N) u3 ?5 ?% Nthe doctor visit tomorrow.
& i8 ~7 b( X% w9 E5 Q
  r* i% M6 S' oThe lights went on at six o'clock and the boys stumbled into
- o; h8 g) M4 Y& ~the bathroom. All modesty was gone. They had seen up each
9 C4 ^1 x$ \8 j7 k' ^, F! Yother's assholes and sucked each other's cocks. Each boy sat
1 Z+ q, x* C5 S( X3 E* E4 l6 non the bowl and did what he had to do. Then into the
' Q4 w! P6 O9 i' g! k3 h+ sshowers. They had learned well. It wouldn't do to have4 N" @. ]- G- Q9 Q! ^5 R
someone looking up your ass and finding filth. That would( Q( v* A  J  h) E
earn a severe spanking.0 B  y  W0 E/ F# k
% j: G' W9 j% E; |  n& f
The boys finished up by brushing their teeth and combing
& l) T9 y3 V8 Q" gtheir hair. Just in time. "Here they come," Ricky warned as& O( K0 e: P- y6 y+ H' E
the key rattled in the door. Miss Thomas led the way) N4 y' k1 W  w  }" U5 n! `8 l
carrying a cardboard box. Mrs. Connolly and the girls* x8 C$ A2 H# V7 ^) K4 _! J8 E* d
followed her. Mrs. Maikowski and Lori Paulson brought up the, v5 j6 V/ t" C. Z
rear. ) @! M9 s& p/ X

- k  \) h3 A( |( `8 \' T"Line up at attention, hands behind your heads," the guard
4 |2 Y$ K3 ~6 t# a3 P- Dordered putting the box on Andy's bed.
5 K: q# _0 k) Q0 f; ~4 G1 i
! h0 N! u4 w4 ^% P+ _3 KThe girls were in their school clothing. "At least they1 P7 t' k. D# R4 Q, J. ]- ]
wouldn't be around to torture us today," Josh thought. He
: k% c: l% c6 R, T; X- T3 }was wrong.
6 x+ M6 ^, y( ?+ ?" H' U
( `/ G- L: \9 K2 ~  |5 t"Before the girls go to school I wanted them to see this,"
& a/ v) Q8 M, @" v2 o" HMrs. Connolly explained sitting in front of Michael and
& g( ]/ O: H/ {+ C" Uexamining his cock. Each girl took a boy and stroked their/ J, `! O. ]6 }* b3 ^
cocks until they were hard. Kelly stroked Kevin's cock8 ^4 |4 {$ l3 Q( ?
skinning back his foreskin. "You're gonna love getting your( s( p3 ]+ C% {9 [) k
balls cut off today," She teased. - o1 o& D" j1 K1 m

7 |" K% O1 [' {: F8 i3 [3 @Caitlin pulled Andy's cock until it stood straight out.1 C! M+ R* V; t/ X
Jennifer was caressing Josh's large ballsack and rubbing his
6 l8 j( S$ ~: ~7 _. F. ecock while Christie Had Ricky standing on his tiptoes, eyes5 p3 a2 x. Y+ \3 [
closed as his cock stiffened under her little hands. Lori
0 w7 A9 m  _! d1 ~1 E  yPaulson had Christopher's little cock and balls in one hand.1 m) }1 p1 s, Y: D* h
The little boy was hard as a rock as she kneaded his balls. 1 B4 t$ a7 X8 w6 b
8 j: s9 q& q( ~" y, {6 b; C
When all six boys were hard and standing straight out, Miss4 j) o5 W0 }0 ?7 |( x
Thomas opened the box and took out five cock shaped objects( K! I: v' g6 n& E$ B0 R- E
with nylon straps attached. "Listen up," She addressed the# |% {% V3 Y  f  w: x: Y
boys. "These are butt plugs. Each one of you is gonna get to2 k' A' E" X8 d
wear one all day today. This will stretch out your sorry) @, j# R7 m( e8 U
assholes. 1 V- B3 S2 X8 t* L3 \) B
"Kevin gets a free ride this morning cause he has an
- A* ^* k" ~( A4 T3 b6 V( V* N- c  L' jappointment with the doctor. The rest of you get one of
' A8 X# k# ^+ A. k/ Jthese inserted into your assholes. Tonight when we take them7 D1 q3 d, ^+ b, G. @
out you will have stretched out assholes. This will make it4 |! W# y9 {4 i& B
easier for the boys who are selected to get ass fucked.
+ i' O+ g) R- a5 P# i7 ]4 w( hThere are different sizes.  Each is approximately the size2 c6 |+ H7 G/ I. G9 u8 I. d( t! n
of one of your hard little cocks."
5 \8 U  j3 t4 ]2 \+ S6 S+ m
3 C3 ^1 V& b. @2 b" u0 ^% M3 yShe stood in front of Michael. "Turn around and spread. C5 u4 P& U1 P' m* l8 W2 d
yourself apart." Michael looked like he was going to say no9 R) n) n: j; W8 s
and her hand went to the remote in her belt. He quickly
$ Y5 \' D% K# R6 e: H. t& pturned around and red faced, bent over and pulled his cheeks
: c; W" W( f5 k. yapart.
! Y% v' |3 w# I- N
& o" O* A8 N4 `"Insert the Josh size one," Mrs.Maikowski suggested. The big" @5 X4 W8 H6 s& |$ A; w6 A
guard nodded. She took the second largest black plug and
& C( }; {+ k  `: b& C+ t, ]dabbed some Vaseline on it. Then pushed it up and into
# ~8 p+ `% l, G- ?% cMichael's brown asshole. Michael grunted as the hard rubber
' y! O0 w) d3 x& Ostretched him open. Tears sprang into his eyes.4 O# U! p; T4 S# w+ r
5 C" L; {+ [2 q. n6 X0 O
Jennifer tied the nylon belt around his waist, securing the' A% `6 u. \. _8 T: r+ I
butt plug tightly. Michael was crying "My ass hurts so bad.1 V. d3 W, ]6 x" O
Please take it out."
! X. g4 V' V" v9 U' h$ p# W
* ]$ C4 p$ _$ Q, mJennifer laughed, "No way big mouth. It stays in and if you
- g7 a& }$ F: \" dtry to take it out I'll personally shove a larger one up* j6 H3 e2 s3 Z: t) v5 v
there."( V( U1 L* V4 `6 |3 x

5 }: u- H) i% T! e- W5 I Miss Thomas moved in front of Josh. He looked at the large
. R: p1 Q+ o! e+ a+ k% Ypenis shaped object in her hands. "Please don't," He cried' Q' b% h3 a) A
' _+ I9 t& R7 ?3 h
6 b! r; O- z1 \# g% \  z"Just bend over boy," She ordered. "Don't make me zap your
+ U' d+ ?5 ]( ^& {4 @balls." The other boys watched as Josh bent over and pulled1 p, D, x; z. Q; I
his cheeks apart revealing his pink asshole. All hard-ons* f6 x% U# \; |7 d$ _' J. F
were gone. It didn't matter. Mrs. Connolly and Miss Thomas
. F0 v# l5 A7 C; M4 {/ M0 U7 Mhad seen what they wanted. Each boy was to have a butt plug
6 |5 E1 \% ]8 Q/ T- Tabout the size of the cock that would be plunged into his7 U- w* k& [$ V" V3 [6 o
assholes later./ l/ b3 g) [$ y" ]

8 a+ V& v, P- _1 j: PJosh screamed in pain as Miss Thomas rammed the Michael size1 o* m6 _2 Y; H4 j, m, {& N0 x& P: w
Butt plug into his ass. He could barely straighten up as( j0 p: B4 D9 j6 z' q7 c
Caitlin tightened the strap around his waist.# i; ^) n- `1 [; E
+ T1 J" Z5 ^8 d* I8 k
Now it was Andy's turn. "Let me shove it in," Christie' n2 p1 ?0 e( b& F
volunteered eagerly. Mrs. Connolly nodded, pleased that her4 U  f! v! q8 O2 F
girls were getting involved in the training of these wayward
* n, t& C6 V( e! Z, b. x& eboys.
- _/ `" q3 B6 ]! _  E) v; h1 C: _
Andy was crying as he bent over, pulling himself apart to
/ I& Q0 A+ y* Mgive the young girl an unobstructed view of his naked: w& ]' A! P4 g4 [  g1 j: M
asshole. / W2 p+ n# s6 ]/ N. `5 ~' Z/ Z0 a, M
( N, @" _- |8 @. H& f$ `7 H
Christie smeared Vaseline on the plug and pushed it into
$ {+ m" `3 j1 n# y4 O& |& ZAndy's rectum. He shrieked as it painfully pushed past his
2 k1 n5 y# a  s% x" [: [puckered muscle. Andy could barely straighten up, the plug% Y* V. C1 }8 C/ F3 j  w
was pushing into his rectum with such pressure. Christie8 Y% d, Z) A6 {  z5 H
reached around Andy's waist and secured the strap. Then she( D) W  `: L" {! z! I) H/ K
rubbed his cock and squeezed his balls as he stood in front
4 J8 q/ _, {3 Gof her crying.
# [- o7 o4 C8 t$ N* D& I( ]9 E# H3 @9 p' X  C4 R. Q( M/ j! W
Christopher was shaking as Mrs. Maikowski beckoned him over.; l$ w  ]$ h  K+ c8 i4 \
"Please don't," he begged. The older woman grabbed him and
5 z- |- T* R! v1 S: D4 T, Gpulled him over her lap. Lying face down Christopher was an/ b: U% j2 j( X( W( X
easy target for Kelly who spread his cheeks apart. Then as
0 H% p8 t1 w6 I, o" E; \the older guard held the kicking crying boy down. Kelly
! o( W0 k, W! A* X- z# P: E2 }+ ^shoved the greased up butt plug into his little pink
$ z  J) B( H  I7 t# dasshole. Christopher shrieked in pain as Mrs. Maikowski
% p2 M! h, {3 D. D- Rstraightened him up so Kelly could secure the strap.6 ~0 ]7 j; W# `$ Z0 H' P: _) u+ V
$ x' F) M. B6 w* k2 f
Andy watched as his little brother's small asshole was
- j" X: H/ o6 U: ^# W, oviolated. There was nothing he could do.9 @/ B* D% t5 ]- g

  T( O: d7 j0 ~) d0 uRicky was last. Lori Paulson took him by the arm and bent# N7 ~4 A% {, R7 E$ b
him over. "Pull yourself apart for me," She ordered. Ricky
- o- X( W& j9 bhad no choice. His face reddened as he revealed his asshole0 s  o2 J+ t# ^2 b
to the young guard. Jennifer knelt behind him as Lori
8 C/ X9 D5 H& P+ Pgreased the butt plug up. Jennifer pushed it against his8 {2 _* H, {! U2 e9 v) s3 R
pink sphincter muscle and slid it in. Ricky gasped as she
4 x7 D! o& z" e( rshoved it forward, widening his narrow hole. Tears poured! W# E3 ~# Q. O$ s
down his face. The strap was tightened and now all five boys
: J6 e) v- Z, @had butt plugs pushing into their assholes as they flip-
1 t, ~6 r. N. \: xflopped down the hall to breakfast. Tears pouring from their
! D1 `2 ^0 z- C2 Geyes with each step.
$ e  h: o5 Q: F
0 i* O, a' L) pKevin was now the only boy without a Butt plug. He was going4 m8 k) n6 G6 R
to the doctor and she needed to check his asshole out.
0 v3 ^. N. V: `: _# G8 E% h) q% r! ?- c  t- L: x! x5 D
First things first. Evil Annie was looking forward to the
+ V; [( _: N% @0 s# B3 Anew boy. She boys had barely entered the lunchroom when Mrs./ l- A) |5 y% b
Mandel came out from the kitchen. Her eyes lit up as she" i; D0 i* F/ F/ Y! Y' A' e1 f
took in the five forlorn boys. "Butt plugs eh?"  She
- W2 p0 B) R( ccackled. "Gonna stretch their assholes I reckon." 0 j: R5 Q8 E8 H$ w( M$ W3 D

0 R0 I7 R- C& w# `2 ["We're gonna make them fuck each other in the ass tonight."6 a2 F' p1 ?1 A0 |& I
Kelly volunteered cheerfully.# X! R3 h! M& t' ?, ?
1 J  ]6 S2 S6 n/ X- Z9 Z
"I'm gonna make sure I'm there," Annie cackled. "Nothing
' x5 ^6 j. G  ?/ x) blike watching boys dicking each other's assholes to brighten
8 {6 X. {( O9 I, _( `your day." Her eyes fell on Kevin. "New meat Huh? Come here
+ {( i' ^. ]+ M* `4 x: Kboy and let Annie check you out."
. P3 f1 `3 _: `4 t' y; m
( T$ d5 h$ P1 }3 {7 G% B1 y, yJennifer pushed Kevin forward. The old cook licked her lips
+ V1 Z; \  R) d1 z+ I3 r. Uas she took his cock in her hands. She pulled up a chair and
! [. U) y# K0 V8 g5 B' Fsat in front of him. "Not bad," she said stroking his large* A* Y9 d- b& X8 N- B2 q) z* k
cock into semi hardness. "How old?" She asked.
3 k; V3 I' k3 s4 ~3 |' h7 s! t7 n# _0 f, R
"He's only ten. Nice size cock for a little guy" Mrs.
. J( u# S0 b0 x4 E! f6 [$ ~: jConnolly said as the cook cupped his balls, feeling one then& Z* E& r  p, q$ w5 z
the other.
: D+ j, P, ^  \
: \. J, f0 E4 _# rAnnie bent closer to get a better look. "Large cock, little5 R! X6 K& i/ F8 i' }- F
balls. I guess they come in all shapes and sizes.
6 p4 T( i4 u+ N2 k" q0 A+ ^Get up on the table and kneel so I can get a look at your
# G3 r" S! ~$ h+ q* W6 [- Mlittle asshole," She commanded the red haired boy.
6 J6 o+ n, v! K* Z: ?
1 k' Z9 ]* w# b4 ], U  O! fKevin turned beet red. As the newest boy in school he was
" r: u8 G/ p$ C9 kstill shocked by what these women were capable of.* x0 q/ a/ m8 c9 m0 T
; G3 n7 Q( B+ g; |: p: k* Y2 P/ H
He reluctantly obeyed. Climbing on the table, he knelt( D8 y8 A% z7 s+ r+ ?. t
facing away from the old cook. She pushed his head down and
( n! d& ?+ @9 ]2 I" L% Z8 s8 _: jprodded his knees apart. Then reaching over She pulled his
! f# q' w! a4 N7 ]# b/ m7 J$ Uass cheeks open and inspected his small pink asshole.( |0 s0 F0 S" @1 y# ]/ |' V
" y8 e1 Q3 n- T8 ~% r. J. i
Kevin jumped and yelled, "Ouch that hurts," as a thick, t% `' W( s4 g+ z: E+ z
gnarled finger pushed past his puckered muscle and into his8 I5 D( D2 u. y& m4 `
rectum. The old lady twisted and wiggled her finger causing
& h5 i6 R) f7 s$ ?( i4 Vthe boy to cry out in pain as she examined him internally." m9 ^- M9 V) d3 F$ j6 H
2 w% B- z: @7 K4 V9 g
Then after she was satisfied she pulled her finger out and
  ?3 I  ^8 q' G* t; Mannounced, "Nice little asshole. Someone's gonna enjoy
0 ~9 T- r) O, p4 C" Q% S0 ?1 ffucking that one. Guess I'll get breakfast started."! @/ e- ], s* b# h1 R

$ L) m# E& Z! S8 Y! |, e9 E"Wash your hands first," Mrs. Connolly said. "You just had3 F2 d5 y4 V( G, c; `. V; m9 F
your finger up someone's ass."9 U0 K0 f0 S- S% j& g$ I

2 a3 H/ g" t/ T$ g$ l! CThe six miserable boys sat at a table waiting for breakfast.
1 Q! c  W/ V' j2 h1 V) B0 Z. d: |The5 boys with the butt plugs wiggled around on the hard! e' n+ U: i5 ^) e# V( V
chairs trying to find a position where they wouldn't feel
) ~# f2 t0 M5 B, rthem pushing into their tender assholes. "My tushy really
) ?9 M' i4 A* G8 whurts Andy," Chris cried.
7 r, a- p8 `9 r# [6 N# u$ ~6 C
. v1 I4 x4 s$ n, S6 @: w& w"I know Chris, try to sit sideways a little. You won't feel
. D8 _  V' A3 D# t1 `2 ]the butt plug so bad." Andy consoled his little brother1 \* r6 R. H4 L; q; D& L7 U* w5 O+ g3 ]
"I'm sick of his whining," Michael snarled. "We all got
. {! h" {0 ?' O3 E% H& fthese things stuck up our asses and no one else is
5 ]8 j% e8 |/ h  O* ]0 i8 Ncomplaining."
, I4 f# ?& @2 p* M7 h6 d) f: R0 s
: ^4 e1 }0 N& @# {& t% F"He's only a little boy," Andy said. "You got something to" F) J7 h/ Y! ]8 ]1 `2 Q; d6 j
say you say it to me. Leave my brother alone."
0 h8 u5 w% T9 z7 ~+ d& X
$ H- a" I9 n4 I8 N& x& }0 d/ Z# BMichael pushed back the chair and stood. "You want a piece; H/ _9 Q; f' U7 g1 z" y3 l( o- t
of me Micelli? You got it." He pushed the smaller boy in the" @% e5 [! y2 ?, W7 o) q8 i
chest. Andy cocked his fist and was about to slug Michael
  t6 ~$ W0 d7 J6 I" |4 owhen he sensed another presence.
4 U7 m( ]7 U; X0 B6 X' X5 p4 V" h0 ~7 M7 b+ z% I
Mrs. Connolly had been watching. She came over. "You two
4 ^# t' s8 Y" s3 Z0 j& g9 `need to make love not war. Get up on the table. Both of) v: [" s# H) R; Z$ D3 ]) X: d# V
you.", [$ U4 [1 U& h1 j7 y
! I  Z; j$ r- p0 ?- Y: M, _! _
The two boys climbed up on the table. Tears came to their# P: T" g# q$ z# \
eyes. The girls and the guards gathered around. Evil Annie% E5 J! s3 H% J. ?/ @: P; e; O" V* p3 t
came out from the kitchen to watch.
3 @  n2 L7 y+ I, r3 k, ]. g  P/ ^% [7 N7 F. L1 J' Z
"Lie down on your back," she instructed Michael. "Andy,
( S& f( ~7 J% G2 e! Zstraddle him in the sixty nine position."
# i8 j7 V% p2 r# m$ z5 h$ Q
; A( U/ y4 f, z+ Q"I ain't gonna suck his cock, No way. " Michael shook his7 t' |' z! V4 V9 Y
head. Jennifer took out her remote and waved it in front of
0 S7 N3 t3 ~7 M; Shim. A look of defeat came over his face. His shoulders* ^) z+ ?% A6 }
sagged. He lay down and opened his legs. 9 t+ ?" M( g8 S1 T/ k
+ R3 Y( Z- `4 T+ x) n' `
"Please don't make me do this," Andy begged. "I was only
$ }& E0 a/ {7 Q! edefending my brother."3 l3 N  J6 O# e4 t+ f; S- j0 Z  e

2 g: E$ Z+ }# |0 M8 d+ V& ~"Shut up and squat on his face. Each of you take the other's- |1 E. P' W! }) k& v
cock in your hand and stroke it," She instructed as Andy! m- m1 c- j/ z- Y. G' X. [
straddled Michael's face with his groin. His cock hovered
8 ]6 I) p, a+ q9 H! y" o8 V# C7 {near Michael's mouth.
7 z- T* Z4 Y8 K7 l3 D% N: }* u- F1 }% M$ I
Both boys were pulling each other's cocks. "Good, now kiss
% n0 x* x8 G. }7 c" [each other's balls." She commanded.
: z) o( Y) {, W# w" j& k1 j$ b* G  k, S! m
The girls and guards watched. "This is sure more fun than" j& Z: C0 x7 S' ]7 c
school, "Kelly giggled.  |* ~2 `9 y/ E

, i4 a" e* p8 B) U"Its early young lady. I'll make sure you're at school on
" P, H% l; j( e. L% B( u1 Utime." Her mother answered as the sobbing boys kissed each
- U. Y- k8 p: f6 `other's balls and caressed their rapidly hardening cocks.0 d; D2 x- W6 t. I. s

$ c3 o7 D& B1 ]$ hMrs. Connolly satisfied herself that each boy's cock was$ S' u" \; e3 A: D
fully hard. She commanded the crying boys. "Put those5 e- s' d& }& u, u6 c5 N0 |
peckers in your mouths and suck on them real good. Andy you- F3 h0 a) X5 f. E! M' |/ u8 f+ ?
better swallow every bit of Michael's cum or your ass will
1 y# |: T7 ~+ ]& g/ w9 ~% Zget more than a fucking tonight. And Michael being Andy# Y  u" y- [0 ]( m* }' r8 q& }
doesn't cum yet, You're gonna lick his ass out after someone
& H+ ?) }' T/ z0 A: _gets through fucking him tonight."
$ e: U- I+ R# W; A! J4 P, P: [4 g/ B/ V: {* W7 a1 f) h
The two boys were now sucking in and blowing out on each' X! P% H: t3 r% L
other's cocks as the whole lunchroom watched. Mrs. Mandel8 ~  Z9 v. e( ?7 O0 \
was cackling as she watched. The eggs in the kitchen were8 Q% C. s+ \$ r$ ~5 t9 ^
burning unattended.
! e& x3 r! k2 @0 x  V* G3 e( t5 n+ O" t3 b" U3 I' h: _! K+ k' k
The boy's heads were bobbing up and down as they blew on+ H* d( K* F4 {: x/ ?8 g
each other. Despite his acute embarrassment Andy was1 q+ k. P5 _( b
climbing closer and closer to a climax as Michael licked his
- y0 C8 l6 n9 |3 `7 ~! n5 otender cock head while sucking on the shaft. Andy returned
# l" `6 K- `" ~) g% Qthe favor. He could feel the large, stiff cock in his mouth
3 Z. l/ c' f6 F/ b2 m: Sgrowing as it pulsed with a life of it's own under his9 f/ P% t9 w; \' i0 l2 J
. S. Q) u  ?% M/ Y+ J) T# [6 G5 A! v; q. O5 v1 R
Both boys were moving their bodies as they tried to shove
& }: f5 ]" ?0 ?! \% E" |# Smore and more cock into each other's mouths. Suddenly Andy
1 Y3 U/ J9 J- O$ _* z1 p* Bstiffened, "I' m cumming," he yelled as he arched his back.5 }; b3 J5 s, f. u
0 U2 N; U: J3 }" o0 w
"Me too," Michael yelled his body lurching upward as he shot
, N  j; T9 ?8 x) q' K( }a thick wad of cum down Andy's throat. ' p4 G7 z- |( O8 S; v
. \9 x! W( o7 h
Andy choked as the slippery liquid ran down the back of his
+ x5 b) t& P  ^mouth. He remembered Mrs. Connolly's threat and forced
" `& O) I2 [9 b' x4 ~# @himself to swallow. Then it was all over and the boy's cocks) J7 S8 S6 l/ X2 C. K7 @2 v6 e
started shrinking. Andy pulled out of Michael's mouth and1 J4 x5 g" h8 M# V, _8 ^
rolled off the table. The girls were giggling as he turned
* X/ `  c% l) H. e1 obeet red.
" Z+ x1 m: c+ W2 E$ C- c
3 T8 O" Y# i1 Q, dMichael followed. He climbed off the table, his head down,6 ]$ c- m" T: \) s
totally humiliated by the control these women had over him.
' W' _  L& |/ }7 W
' F# t" y  p. j  m$ R& K+ [4 s, v; cMrs. Mandel went into the kitchen to try to rescue
7 a( y$ l  ?8 b8 ^breakfast. She served the guards and the family first. The
# y0 I' ~5 \) x! G. r9 Lboys had to get their own. They sat at their separate table,! j6 W5 p2 o2 X0 t" c- Q
Unable to look each other in the eyes after the humiliation
% d4 z7 B* F* C# hsuffered by Andy and Michael.% F& x; J/ W: P0 Q. r: h' y

) M2 a8 p2 ~& F8 k/ S& |Finally breakfast, such as it was, was over and Miss Thomas
; |+ s1 E2 a6 s" [4 [5 a! T  Xleft to drive the four girls to school. Before leaving
* `; \# Q4 @: J+ @& N. A1 MChristie walked over to Kevin and stroked his cock. "See7 e& L3 z  ~% M- x6 U
ya," She smiled tweaking his cock head. Just last week the; Q$ I5 E: N- w( ~. \% f. r' S
two of them had sat during recess dangling their feet into( P, `$ j  e. J6 w! H
the creek behind school and sharing their lunches. Now he
2 l: W: g, ?9 f8 C  E) J4 S7 K! R" uwas a naked prisoner in the school her Mother ran and she
, d( B* p# }* T* A1 d7 c+ ~was his guard.) G% i2 a0 R2 P9 J8 w& ^" ^
, ?( I, V0 V9 e' T2 t7 S
Mrs. Maikowski gathered Andy, Chris and Ricky and with Lori
. H9 A. A2 m- ]4 w% |" N: ^  CPaulson marched them outside to work on the farm.
: }* ]3 ~3 `4 S- O4 I3 o
6 r( R7 U8 L" S5 \8 vMrs. Connolly led Michael, Josh and Kevin to the Doctor's
/ W- q6 P2 b' S1 J: z; k: C) joffice. Michael and Josh were to have their stitches looked0 Z: N1 G" ^0 C; x8 v
at and Kevin was to get a physical and have the device" P) \3 M# B& V1 p
installed. Only one guard was needed and all she would have
% T/ N& v. @! x0 Rto do was press the remote.9 h/ ?# k$ Z/ u7 ]
7 T% D0 g6 u+ H* W- M1 j: a' {
Mrs. Connolly opened the door and led the boys in. Michael's8 ^% n- u6 U, C7 J5 i5 G6 R
face lit up as the beautiful nurse smiled at the boys.
: Y3 n$ h6 K3 [& h
, e" a4 u( t9 F+ S& }  t4 Q" P" HKevin felt a wave of shame wash over him as the nurse looked# A( q, i8 L3 U
at his nudity. He couldn't help it. His hands went down to
% g, k$ ^4 W5 ^8 E3 Tcover his cock and balls. Mrs. Connolly noticed and smacked
3 \; A0 f3 I2 h! x5 whim on his bare ass. "Ten spanks with the paddle tonight,"
% i1 u$ f& y9 h5 q; k" YShe said. Now get those hands behind your head."
0 i2 C+ e! w& P0 L0 p7 l
& D3 y; Z. E" p- ~Nurse Randi smiled at Michael and Josh. "Nice to see you3 I# |0 I$ F. E4 f" t. @
again." She looked down at their cocks. " All of you. My, my
6 @( @) e: A0 B9 `Look how handsome you look with those butt plugs up your
0 Q- H) D- v' P! M4 s1 q  @asses.") M# L' A- [. r8 w+ j! H

: S+ z. z" ]; `! p"Tonight is the second phase of the boy's training. " Mrs.
! O: ?% `% q! |6 NConnolly explained. "Its all part of the school program. The5 S- h5 d  V  p5 H# o1 g0 S
butt plugs are to open em' up a little so a penis fits in
: J& J+ u6 I) }: z# _0 v  {comfortably."
4 O6 }. N5 D) t8 r
; U8 h1 D: T' [) h" Z3 |0 ~" I see. Still its nice to see your penises again even if
. w/ w1 K8 o4 O1 g6 k7 R% x' R) oyour asses are plugged boys," the nurse smiled.8 h6 u# T, K! t7 a. S
* |) @: m1 _1 X- @& E
Josh and Michael's cocks sprang to life despite the9 M3 S8 C6 z! d7 Y
discomfort they felt from the plugs, as the pretty nurse+ Q3 O" E" D/ |
stared at them. % A/ l+ X, L: M2 J3 E( v
3 M9 c( P# ~/ S" Q, W% j
She turned to Kevin. "My what a nice cock. Its so large for
$ |; _* {' ]9 I/ l6 `* t- Zsuch a little boy." She sat down on her chair and beckoned
7 B6 C3 M/ w0 wthe blushing auburn haired boy over. "Its just so cute," She: A/ Q( E4 x( N0 _9 }2 O% e4 c
giggled. As Kevin stood blushing in front of her, his hands5 l" e+ t, R4 k/ U, d: i! n- e
behind his head, Randi cupped his little balls in her hand
' }. _$ t  }4 z$ o  ?3 Y6 iand played with them. She stroked his cock until it stood' K! _  @7 O: p4 i, l; t4 m. {. ?9 @2 m
straight out. Kevin had his eyes closed and was breathing% o& W$ L9 s' l( ?$ B: |' S( i8 P; D
heavy as Randi skinned his foreskin back and ran her finger
: C, w7 ?- S! J2 E% w$ N; Haround his cock head. % a, d' P8 Z) X8 D$ D4 `  Y

/ K* A% c7 z* U4 J"The doctor will be a little late, " She explained. "I'm/ Q- I  I! D' G8 W+ j: C
going to complete the first part of the physical. She'll5 @: n+ @1 ^( u/ p, k3 [! [6 v
just have to insert the device, I'll do the rest." She7 U. `$ Q  w, m. Z) O# a/ Z
looked at Kevin's hard-on. "Oh dear look what I've done. I% b( O( K; c6 T# D) x  T
guess I'm going to have to finish him off before the doctor
- `, N& a. T# B3 L: F' {arrives."' q6 C' m5 s8 B# j
# t2 c/ }4 ?* L9 x" z2 l
"There's no need. I've got a better way to make him cum,"( c$ J/ q1 _% ?/ i6 R' Z* \" U
Mrs. Connolly said grinning evilly. "Lets go into the exam
" d4 P1 r- N5 [0 `9 croom."7 H/ `4 O: Y7 V8 e! N
% c) E" R& P, n) ?8 u* z2 [
"Kevin, get on the exam table," she ordered the confused* h4 t0 [  b. {% V0 H
boy. "And put your feet in those stirrups."
& @7 _  Q) h2 g  ?
; n# p% R' S* ?! fKevin climbed on. He kicked off the flip-flops and placed
7 @1 A* C1 S2 o4 k; Ghis feet in the stirrups, opening himself wide. His cock
  `/ y# X! j. @jutted up.
1 E2 [0 I2 [, D6 [" u; K
( V/ P9 v! k! h' F% s1 V% W4 b/ W"Michael, Be a dear and show Randi how nicely you've learned4 m4 [: V8 H& W3 E7 J7 M, w2 ?: ~
to suck cock."
/ j! m* i1 t/ ^) T3 b* j  d
  n, ?! Y: K! c% ?  W9 D$ z+ e0 fMichael turned pale. "Please ma'am not in front of Randi.% \; q. Q' s  t' k
Please," he begged.
  b, D2 S% f' Q" W
# y% _. Z; L% W6 DMrs. Connolly pulled out her remote. "You just don't learn,
- p$ T, Y/ Q2 H$ J6 A* `9 u- }1 ~. |Do you?"
" \9 i9 |1 ^. a- Z. @" H
% K0 c  U  [4 R9 W+ IMichael screamed as the pain shot through his balls. He fell- l$ {' [, ~- C' T" A& n0 Z! w; V
on the floor holding his cock and balls. "No more. I'll do
2 s5 _$ J% L+ y2 v: hit," He cried.% X  k2 a8 e' Q. }) h
5 b* M" G4 n! t0 {5 `$ a" V5 b
Slowly, Holding his throbbing balls, Michael got to his
2 M4 o' s% [7 l' ^' Wfeet. He stood between Kevin's feet and lowered his head,3 a0 `! S" B1 m
blushing furiously as Randi watched giggling.& v' M  J% ~& t: ^
# @7 Z  o* L* _
Opening his mouth wide he took the younger boy's cock into
$ k: l; v/ |% C$ J1 L& Jhis mouth. "Play with his balls,"  Randi instructed standing
" V; C7 b: h: j; d5 Ato the side to get a better look., V" m7 m, K# ]+ F1 s8 b  @
, v* k8 B0 b" @( \: X9 _
As his head bobbed up and down over Kevin's cock, Michael
6 M$ _+ r' N2 g8 Q- W* `took the boy's small balls in his hand and kneaded them.
% O/ T6 a0 C& j( A2 N/ h4 \$ p5 HKevin's hips were moving furiously as Michael blew and
5 f$ w5 w5 W" ?. L4 D5 {) q* Hsucked his stiff dick towards a climax./ L1 E: n) L9 t
1 _% Q4 l! \% r9 U3 Y( w
Randi had never seen a boy blow another boy and she watched4 E- Z9 K$ ^. O1 f" t
fascinated as Kevin stiffened and grabbed Michael's head.$ Q4 K. W. s6 X" g& K
Then he yelled as he came. Michael was lucky. If Kevin could
" ?) ~/ T: Q8 x7 D% v. B- p  Ccum he would have shot a quart down the older boy's throat.
: s9 N0 s" |' m/ w0 I9 ]$ \# X/ A$ j* }' e$ R7 c
Michael stood up. Tears were running down his cheeks as he
1 ]1 F5 G" H+ X( A8 uslunk back to where Josh was standing. Josh's cock had
0 B" r1 Y6 m% ^, R3 E2 i% dshrunk as he watched Michael's humiliation in front of
. h# F/ d# C1 Y* t0 q3 NRandi. It could easily have been him.
2 w5 r  k& ^' Y! `/ N* h& f0 W7 ]* [& {& ^
Randi got to work. "Stay on the table," she told Kevin. , J$ |9 t" f$ A  U" M
"Arch your back so I can see your asshole." As Kevin arched
6 ?. N' F! y) A$ N/ f3 c. Mup, She pulled on her rubber gloves and greased up her index7 q  R4 |; ^) i# j# H. e
finger with KY jelly. She sat down and the foot of the exam1 v+ \; N  R7 @
table and opened the little boy's behind. "I'm going to
5 c. W! F+ `" d; J$ \2 ]( v( fgrease you up so the doctor can examine your rectum. It'll6 y. R5 T0 k3 V3 B: h# r
also help me take your temperature." She gazed in at his& c, l3 a  U) y
pink asshole. "Very cute," She said patting his ass. Then6 S! @! H# y  f, T3 s
she pushed her finger against his puckered muscle and into2 Z7 Q3 g! `6 I, W2 }
up into him./ P9 k; Y; P+ u% ~! g( f6 _
$ R; Y* t1 p  S+ i
Randi's finger went in up to her knuckle. Although her
4 n2 h8 @# g; z: i% m6 k' vfinger was slim the little boy jumped and gasped as it
+ y  n. k+ c( l* Z6 m2 X* tpushed into his tight little rectum.
; @& p- R6 |& h0 \4 c1 h# E0 q* Y
She wiggled it around as he clenched his fist against the
" h; d# U! e# l; O( m" e$ p7 u4 W2 apressure. Mrs. Connolly made a mental note to start him off3 _. `5 B/ B; m7 D; x2 T+ Y: ~
with Christopher's little cock.
# C* N. U% @. t8 m$ X3 P% ~% _1 S9 X5 d: U/ A* h7 F) n
Randi pulled her finger out and substituted a thermometer.# d5 o- K& d4 R+ v
She waited a few moments and pulled it out, wiped it with a
! ~. U: {- o/ i5 Z9 ptissue and wrote in his chart. "You can stand up now Kevin. 8 v5 v' \& X- A
Please urinate in this bottle."0 w; U% I, I8 ?1 x" ?: M6 L
6 t4 r4 q+ @+ F# [
Kevin stood up and tried to pee. Everybody was watching him.
  n  w! U' Y4 H$ Z$ T, F# W7 G3 @"I can't pee if you watch me," he whimpered. Randi ran the8 Z* C+ ~; v8 K. b0 @8 M! F
water in the sink and Kevin closed his eyes. A trickle of
6 G3 l$ I0 z" _; c# y+ vurine went into the bottle.
& P8 r5 D- ~1 ?4 a, j1 e4 ^3 N4 M( C$ [: ~  V
"That's very good Kevin, now please get up on the chair. |1 H. X; D! J% ~: ~; M/ n- X
without your flip-flops so I can check your feet." Kevin
" N+ ]  c% r9 o' I, rclimbed on the chair and the nurse checked between each toe.3 r9 `* v- l5 H5 u' u# u/ j& O+ R
"I heard you were caught with marijuana, Kevin. I'm checking3 u- y2 ~% _4 R4 N3 ]( n
you for hidden needle marks from other drugs," She. ^& b* P) I9 e) {
$ e1 m" n9 y/ X* G% k. J: I& t; t8 H1 R
Randi checked between each of Kevin's little toes. Satisfied4 f+ m: r  C7 M0 Y: P4 s! m
that he was clean. She let him climb down. After taking his! s+ ?( s# k# S7 B/ _2 T
blood pressure and checking his heart, Randi sat the little
+ l! h( i" B; |5 Eboy down and swabbed his arm. She drew a blood sample and$ _% T1 ^, D3 a. j& |5 a/ {, U
labeled it.
1 k( y- {4 C. c) S/ G/ l+ e% Q* i* |) q" O- c
The doctor arrived just as Randi finished up. "I've done all; s. ^$ K3 v$ m% z1 [7 R# c
the preliminary work doctor," Randi explained. "I've even
. @) t/ H  M- G* ochecked his feet like you showed me."
1 H, i9 m! z& J3 o! [) X# d9 m; q+ g3 g9 S  c
"Excellent work," the doctor smiled. "I see for once the7 b5 r8 J0 x7 n& ^- ~. R
patient isn't hard. I knew you could do it Randi.", }+ T+ Y3 a3 c: ~

) Y, o9 h, o$ ]: o0 ^  ^Randi winked at Mrs. Connolly. "Thank you doctor."
; J# }3 _- Q- a  a9 s5 N$ c& r$ ]" c9 [
7 o1 d( Q4 v  l2 ^7 lThe doctor beckoned to the downcast Michael. "Lets check4 q4 E. Q! Q, |- ^' N0 n$ T
your stitches first Michael. Please climb up on the table.  d: f! F/ l, E
You look very cute in your butt plug," She smiled.
1 O! l1 C' I$ d0 t1 W
! l6 n% H0 h  q. x+ s6 |, z0 fMichael sat on the exam table. Doctor Brenner pushed him
4 l7 I) M* J9 i! y7 x! a% r% zback and put his feet in the stirrups. Randi lifted his, T" C/ u- ?2 G2 p: K2 Y
large cock and the doctor examined the small incision on the
3 t. o( L- G6 I3 F1 Rback of his ball sack. "It looks fine she said squeezing his
) B  ?4 G3 W3 a8 ecock. "You can get down now."
& s- Q, e& i' B) _  t; u/ j& q0 l2 e2 X+ N7 |7 a# d$ c0 [
Josh was next and Randi lifted his cock out of the way.6 m6 }  Y; X5 ?4 M% d& u; T* j! a
Doctor Brenner gazed at his balls and pronounced the6 H5 I( Q+ O/ ~7 _
stitches fine. If she thought at all about the butt plugs# e$ U5 x5 R+ a' f. P3 f  j
she kept it to herself.
% u* K& m! K& B1 \5 y5 u# p6 z
! U2 @* x6 x1 E2 q. {0 HShe turned her attention to Kevin. "Is his ass greased up?"4 Q3 h! W. Y& s8 `" m0 y4 q. Z: B
Randi nodded. "Please hold on to the table and face away. Y6 i' y4 K# g. p6 s
from me," She ordered the frightened boy. As Kevin turned
" `$ @: [; l0 K# s+ Baway she told him to "spread his legs wide and bend over."
' {( n1 M) Y) o# A8 ]9 {' l9 w' J; n1 m2 b) D, V0 U! H" }
"Please reach back and pull open your cheeks Kevin."/ T% N* H' z/ w6 w$ n1 ~
Blushing furiously Kevin obeyed. The doctor Pulled on her
3 L3 @# F/ l$ h- y9 P7 Nsurgical gloves and pushed a finger into Kevin and again he- U9 M: b: [# ?2 h
cried out. " I have to open you up so I can use the; a3 A! Z( A# n* ?7 X
sigmoidoscope," She explained, moving her finger around in
. Z' {& M# L% L6 phis tight little asshole. Kevin was now crying loudly as the& j# K! P7 n1 Y2 u- w: y1 S7 g
doctor probed for his prostate, He shrieked as her finger; p. I# L1 }( Y! `, I
found it. "A small prostate," She dictated to the nurse." K& i, U/ H. @6 m7 q" G2 G2 F
"Its going to be a year or two before he reaches puberty and% t3 i* K9 g# h$ w# Y: M7 R
makes sperm." As the doctor removed her finger Kevin started
! m+ `6 @* K. G( S* ^* {to relax, then he screamed as he felt the steel instrument4 O8 E, q6 n$ F0 X! m
entering his rectum. A tremendous pressure built up in his! ~* q$ K9 _' g+ W
bowel as she pushed it in deeper. "I have to shit," he5 i4 M, y2 o) t9 a! Z7 i
cried.4 X  V! c) W5 u, W/ u- Z
6 j6 b. D+ O& i6 T$ e% t
"Just a few more minutes," she reassured him pushing still3 e! V! D3 C; e5 H0 t; I* |( }+ [
deeper. Finally she removed the instrument and he started
; n, i6 P  q- q9 ^- d1 ybreathing again. 9 U  o- \. h& g% a' H9 g9 Q
& b, d1 \  X6 d0 l
"Do you have to use the bathroom?"  She asked. He shook his
' N/ t- {' w1 P* K' s2 d# uhead. "It just felt like it when you pushed that thing into) ~1 c3 O" W7 o; E
me."% F5 w8 c% R( d1 N; [0 r- r& I. j" l9 L

, [3 X) }' h) g' ]- K/ @: qNow let me see your penis," She said as he turned around.+ E% E) `9 W; b: b" M$ U. M1 `! O
She sat down and had the boy stand in front of her. Cupping5 A% E6 `" Y9 ~$ g( r7 M+ O
his balls in her hand she said to the nurse "His penis is
! [' u$ T* f# e/ x! t+ c/ E/ U: |fairly large but his testicles are still immature, Nice
* H( r; j0 R7 F2 |+ `' [7 wlittle dick though. He should grow bigger and have quite a- G5 ~0 _6 ?* U3 V! ~9 H
cock by the time he's thirteen."2 ~7 N8 I% ~1 u
# }. d  O5 j0 k5 w! `3 L
Kevin blushed as the doctor skinned his circumcised foreskin
6 V% `  T0 ?: \) m& H2 O& hback and examined the head of his prick. Then she grasped
1 B* S2 n" ^  ^. v& T3 S- ehis balls and told him to cough.* [  }1 {+ j/ D! A

/ Y1 v  Y6 u( z3 _6 VSatisfied that his balls and cock were in good working order% B" z# K3 n' F5 ?
the doctor ordered the boy back on the exam table. "Put your6 B; P6 i: R( A, B2 H2 v3 y6 e
feet into the stirrups please,"
% q! U  {. R; y8 s& j; c% n7 j" r, x- y: e1 U4 S8 `
Kevin knew what was coming and started to cry. "Please don't" G% e) m8 S; J
cut my balls," He sobbed. Randi swabbed his cock and balls
" f6 U) d# Q2 ~2 ^7 Owith a cotton ball and alcohol. "This won't hurt," She& o7 u# i% r3 H
promised. The doctor nodded and Randi lifted Kevin's cock6 ?& F5 O- c# Y& }% L
out of the way. Holding his scrotum in one hand the doctor
7 q; g2 R/ l1 s  q& A( v! winjected it with the other.
3 y9 ]* u5 y- S4 Z! D3 ~# \0 J! ]& Z6 D8 m5 @
The anesthetic went to work almost immediately. Kevin felt2 }7 l4 @( O0 O3 T$ W1 `) U
his balls and cock go numb. Randi held the boy's cock out of" b5 K5 Z. Z# `7 }! u9 G) K! o- j" j
the way as the doctor bent over Kevin's balls. She made the0 Y+ [9 K% p) v5 }( I& p$ U
small incision and reached behind her for the forceps and  u/ S9 x( W" u( S2 k
the microchip. Quickly inserting it she sewed him up with
. k& u8 w3 q  b5 Y7 |two stitches and nodded to the nurse. Randi placed the Band-2 B: m, n1 u" Z+ S  ~
Aid on his cut and smiled, "You can get down now."
0 ~, p# s3 [7 m7 j& t
$ |+ n+ B; b$ y2 d- A+ D- IKevin stood on wobbly legs. "Just one moment," Mrs. Connolly
0 X, I. K3 P9 }' l. T" ~# \interrupted. She reached into her bag and removed a medium
! L) C; a4 n: N8 _1 H( i2 i& usize butt plug. "Are you finished with his ass Doctor?"
& e- ?9 E6 e' V) T
! t) P8 j: [' [  ]8 @. c: [  oThe doctor nodded. "He should rest for the remainder of the
# Q" X  C% s  ~$ Qday," She cautioned.  F- h$ N/ F; T
" x( ^/ s3 N2 K6 K( u" T$ u4 X
"Don't worry, This is for tonight. The boys are going to, j  K$ }1 j6 f$ R
begin phase two of their treatment. That's why these two,"
8 l7 c5 e% Z& d, k' Z" wShe looked at Josh and Michael, "Are wearing their butt
0 h; Z! n  y+ q$ }. s: k( S1 k9 Q- S  pplugs. Tonight some will get fucked in their asses and some* z, ~" I! G! p2 d/ s. g) v4 {
will do the fucking. I need their asses stretched so they8 O( F: K3 _5 S
don't hurt each other.") g6 l5 s+ R$ B; H

6 s8 p) D1 ?* S  M* W$ EShe smiled. "Say, I have an idea. Why don't you two stick
6 M% k% B; X  X  paround. The boys should put on quite a show."  X5 ^* ], C  P) b- ?
6 R$ F  s5 O" |% h$ j% L; `' d
Randi nodded, "I'll stay. I'd love to see that." The doctor
: P" s- E" }  Znodded too. "I can check their rectums afterwards to make
4 _6 Q- p& `6 b. zsure the don't hurt themselves."
% u+ N: y# p% Q8 s3 Q+ z# ^3 s" Z& Y4 P+ j8 g$ H) P6 J7 C
Mrs. Connolly ordered Kevin to bend over and open himself
* x) ?, z9 w/ B9 p2 m- J1 Pup. As the boy bent over and pulled his cheeks apart Mrs.
2 s& a1 \: @$ C! X; U5 ^# G& Y7 q, cConnolly pushed the butt plug in causing Kevin to gasp and
+ U! m( _' ?0 Q& Bjump forward. "Only the front part is numb," The doctor* b% e9 ]# A' @$ H) p4 D# d
said.. }  C1 `% ^  t& e

2 s' `5 a  F+ s& @$ [& A# Y$ FMrs. Connolly secured the straps around his waist as Kevin2 z% _% F- E6 n% D$ V- j4 w
painfully straightened up. Then she beckoned to the two5 _8 L+ R! C, F3 p& K
older boys. "Follow me," she ordered. "We'll drop him off at- L, A) K8 }( n/ S; E, C
the dorm room and you two will join the others on the farm. 5 d& D6 I/ X+ K
/ e& N  n$ p/ i
Mrs. Connolly unlocked the dorm room and let Kevin in.
% z2 H" ~1 Z1 L"We'll be back later. Keep that butt plug in. I can tell if
8 _$ m+ x+ k4 n1 D0 Q# Cyou remove it and believe me you don't want to take it out,"( s5 S  `- U; [/ C. }7 \
She warned. "You may not be able to do any fucking tonight8 U1 b2 L$ F( r: G( N
but your ass doesn't have stitches in it."7 @/ I% j7 d( L2 `
% a' x6 h- G$ d$ @" f
She beckoned to the two older boys and led them butt plugs,+ _# s# P6 i2 l. c: w& G
flip-flops and all out to the farm.
: D7 }, m8 m# {6 f) _4 W  v! Z. H& R
Mrs. Maikowski and Miss Paulson had the other boys working
; B( j' G' g4 m7 K5 jat full speed. The stables were swept and fresh hay was put  ~3 q( t* M$ b$ [& n5 W6 c. e% t
into the stalls. Andy and Christopher were gathering eggs in8 W8 a& f; m1 U; m$ P
the hen house. Lori was watching them, chewing on a bit of
4 h7 z" r' d  Q' o% qstraw. Ricky was squatting in the vegetable patch pulling
( k' ]1 X# h/ g7 e1 B$ u8 U. o8 rweeds under the supervision of Mrs. Maikowski.% n/ t2 C) T* q- A8 q

) N6 ]( y0 H" L  I% e6 z4 i3 F$ ~Mrs. Connolly led the two boys into the barn. "Go stand next: y0 G6 W( p; {; q0 f' A
to Marla's stall. I want to see for myself what all the fuss
* g" T6 k- Q- |  D4 Q7 B5 Yis about with you and the calf," She said to josh. ! `$ P) x6 N9 [9 Y$ d1 c3 E0 K

- O8 q4 s" J1 O: \0 YJosh looked like he was about to start crying. He knew
4 B3 C( i8 S- |% ]! P( a4 ^3 s, qbetter than to beg. He shook as he edged over to the stall
$ k9 o) P+ Q) w& `- ~door. The calf looked up and snorted as the boy stood by the
: Y& F( K. n8 m) u1 estall door, trembling. Marla came over.! t- F; [! a# c7 {/ e. c- _

# L9 l, b! d7 E"Turn towards her," Mrs. Connolly prompted. "Put your hands3 r' J( Y. J5 M- E! `. S
on the back of your head.". \0 u3 [4 F( p7 J, H

0 s# S: j, q0 k4 kJosh turned and the calf licked his balls. As the boy& R  u8 i7 S$ m/ k: @
started crying with fear and humiliation the calf licked and
+ `6 @5 D& K; N+ I' d  k8 Z/ `% [nuzzled Josh's cock and balls. Despite himself Josh's cock
# I9 x; ~$ {1 u( Wstarted growing and he was soon panting and moving as he got
0 U1 |5 v  D+ d3 [4 C3 }( Za bovine blowjob.' A" m; z- P& |) E. H4 h

9 @2 `5 A1 `# Z; V" uMichael's eyes popped open as he watched Josh's ass moving
) g1 v/ Y, ^0 }" rback and forth. Josh's eyes were closed. Michael had missed3 F( \/ w" [) [9 y0 }* ?
Josh's first encounter with the calf and couldn't believe
- {8 ?5 U$ I3 B" B% k, {( g' whis eyes. Mrs. Connolly was laughing so loud that Lori came
' Q5 A* f! ^/ |  T) Frushing in to see what was wrong.& ^( a) e- H: A) d+ s0 y' F9 [
$ [. G1 ^/ }5 g* j0 g
Mrs. Connolly giggled to Lori," I think we need to add cock
) v* m* t1 j" Q3 l; ?and ball licking to the boy's repertoire. We can call it6 K) N1 p& V3 x3 `. k$ ^4 o' n
doing the Marla."
4 A$ j' h/ V0 T1 d2 X' T' R, J! e$ F# l9 Y5 Y. n, E' w1 N
Lori nodded, "Great idea." Why don't you use it tonight to- D+ h2 C+ Q6 o9 `, a
get the boy's cocks hard."1 J' o' G. P3 F6 Y% \5 |
* Y& y+ Y" l0 G0 @+ N4 o+ ^7 J6 H
Josh rose on his tiptoes and arched his back. He moaned as7 e, W0 e+ E7 Q7 Z
he came in the cow's mouth and Marla licked it up like ice4 D5 q5 M1 \. F( Q
cream.3 |9 v  z8 n; E# e& f" F

) f0 F: w$ V& ^5 O9 ~8 gThe rest of the afternoon was spent with the boys weeding  ?/ n; j. C1 ]+ i* _! v6 n, b
the crops. It was hard work and Ricky was red from toiling; H( h% |3 W$ L6 K
naked under the hot sun. The other boys were tanning. All
+ d) n: F# E5 ?five boys were sweating and filthy.
7 F+ E; p9 h5 U6 T6 l2 X
3 T9 H; i4 x9 l! Q: X: U7 t. X4 @"When we get the governor's permission to increase
6 _" p: Q4 s7 v# h8 Eenrollment to about forty boys and girls we can have them7 w/ {0 H; i; i5 B" F2 m
take over all the farm work. That will save on the salary we2 |& t8 V# v+ Z; G; k% I! }; _6 l
pay those guys from college who milk the cows and feed the6 A0 b" j/ {5 G
stock in the morning," Mrs. Connolly remarked as they/ X- j# J7 k' \, E
marched the sweating boys back to the main house.0 P; S( `. i8 Y* v" i

# A0 D: A4 \0 }: ZMrs. Mandel wrinkled her nose at them. She fed the boys a
/ a- w& o# [; k4 P  ~5 Y! c" d+ ~quick sandwich. "They smell like cow dung and sweat," She/ O1 o2 ^) l3 ~
complained. "You should have hosed them down before you let4 \% {% S' `2 Y$ j
them in the house."
1 h  S7 b7 `/ C6 L% Y$ y( h( I5 a2 X0 {
"Don't worry we'll clean them up for the show tonight," Mrs., s3 F4 P' G6 J- m) V( U  G/ a8 X
Connolly reassured her.   1 @9 U) j# E, G- _
While the boys and Mrs. Connolly and Lori were eating their) y* E- p, x; V7 ?) n9 U. a
late lunch, Miss Thomas and the girls returned from town.1 o6 [+ Z) V3 a, `5 E: B: u
Christie couldn't wait to tell her Mom the news.
) Y7 o9 l; D7 n& F" m+ ?* x! t% ]) v6 [2 [  l
"The chief of police made the lab develop the pictures; e& W4 I9 _. w4 }- N
today. He showed everyone in school the pictures of Kevin% G9 c3 d% R; Q% M
and the boys," She said excitedly.
* s/ X2 M6 g% p* [: G" G$ l& L: X0 y" c
"All the girls want copies. Mary Tucker say's Kevin has a, A5 u+ V" R. v- W; L7 {( X/ s; z
really cute cock. The Chief came to our assembly and showed
# y8 ^" e  |" f! d) U4 Q/ @us the slides he had made from the pictures. He told the
5 x, r% u/ _, m2 L! y  ]! dboys that they could wind up here if they didn't watch their
( a. r) W; O$ r0 esteps. You should have seen Jerry Wilcox's face, Mom. He2 c" o% I, y  \4 v: g2 F; N7 k
looked sick. I bet he's the one who made Kevin hold the/ r; ~' _; T% b# u* M$ e4 c
drugs. He's a really bad kid." She babbled excitedly1 @. o! y6 N, r0 t
7 t  P/ R* z1 B2 m/ i9 X
"Calm down Christie. Do you have any proof that he's dealing
2 t* K* A8 R. Dor do you just dislike him?" Mrs. Connolly asked. - L$ w/ e& M) y% m% V: @& c1 {* v/ g

/ J; _9 y  c8 L- t$ x/ }"Well Sandy Shelborne says he offered her a joint once but5 i0 r) n) D  l
she's such a fibber I don't know whether to believe her or! A, a9 _5 X4 k. ~$ P
not." Christie said.
0 V7 {  w, K( }: L1 {) V/ U  E3 g+ {8 r' \9 J% F4 w4 Y
"I'll ask the chief to look into it," Her mother said.
- [9 \' }9 H8 @, Y4 r"He'll find out. This doesn't get Kevin off the hook. He was
, R. J, j: d* Rcaught with drugs and covered up for someone. That makes him
/ S6 X* x" W, u; Fjust as guilty. But if he talks they may reduce his time
4 [7 z% ~* L5 c  [, There a little."
9 U& s# Y4 f  s' I! e& n) {6 l% g
+ q4 J8 K: i5 V8 k6 Z% T* YCaitlin was standing near the boy's table. "Whoo, You guys
  }6 ]: m' N7 a. X2 S+ ~0 ostink. I bet you'll be glad to shower.
( @: A$ r' j. ^She turned to her mother. "Mom, Why don't you let them' ~; X- D$ ~9 ]" u' A9 N
shower now. We can have the show before dinner. Everybody is" j) o5 C/ I5 `
. b4 X; D8 A% k. B
* t& A% [5 o$ J2 ~: I2 M"I'm gonna call the police chief and tip him off about that) O; a7 B. w1 ?- e! q0 d1 t4 E
kid Christie thinks might be dealing drugs. Jennifer why
7 d4 u. w9 [( D; o9 H3 ]* l' Ldon't you and the girls take the boys to the dorm? Check
! K: C( M. T% u2 nKevin's cock. The anesthetic should have worn off by now.
" R6 ?. C7 {! R2 S/ MI'll join you in a moment.  Miss Thomas, will you get the
) j- w' `# }* r) `9 C* jDoctor and Nurse? We'll remove the butt plugs and let the# W1 z7 D7 U* D5 V8 M
boys shit and shower. We can have the show in the dorm in
/ Q  S& F, U/ ^4 vabout an hour."   N2 h8 a+ k) N" p# G0 r' j

( ]: n6 A2 V7 f: q% w3 wEverybody hurried off to finish their errands. The four  a4 a% {: ^8 f1 }
girls and Lori led the boys back to the dorm. The forlorn) x' j9 Q. B) F4 ]* f$ Q  M# Z
group of males made quite a sight. Sweaty, filthy, With butt7 |4 e) U$ r$ V3 R: P, U: R
plugs in their asses they shuffled head down behind Jennifer4 O8 A0 g) D! x# U: N
and Caitlin.0 a  z8 S- W% O
5 M' u8 N+ B) @% H
At the dorm Kevin had been napping. He jumped up as the6 I6 e) O5 _# q
girls and boys trooped in. "Put your hands behind your
1 I6 B$ c  X3 T6 z6 Ehead," Jennifer ordered. "Kelly play with his cock. Lets see. Z; q; ?0 K; F! H# P0 O0 N* d$ C
if he can feel it."
5 |# U) m; I! R7 @$ l! P: Z
" s/ p& A. }6 R$ c/ X4 V. `Kevin stood blushing as Kelly stroked his dick. It grew: n! P' b4 m/ B1 r
rapidly in her little hands. She cradled his balls and ran
, H7 @$ G6 G. E% y! xher thumb over his cock head. He shivered as the little girl
2 v# L+ N9 K/ F5 {played with his genitals. "That's enough Munchkin," Her big
% p* _9 q" U% Y' a% c7 ~sister interrupted. He's fine."
$ y5 x/ C. P# W  z, B0 R2 s/ j
. T6 g# {+ N, {4 g5 {( r/ w0 @Mrs. Connolly joined them with Mrs. Maikowski and the Annie
2 Z" o2 ?) j9 L* zthe cook. "I spoke with the chief. He'll look into this kid2 Y5 O+ _4 g4 V* h' ]. A& b
Jerry. How's his cock?" She asked nodding at Kevin. % U+ \9 }4 @! K

1 u8 _& t: @: ~0 |"He's fine Mom. I let Kelly play with it and it got hard in; ^  U# l- a, k8 X" h* N2 f5 S! D
a hurry." Jennifer reported.
3 J, }% t% [, R
+ k4 h( C  _; U& W1 [' }"Good, All right boys you get to have the butt plugs, c& \( v  v  z7 `
removed. Anyone who can't take a cock in their ass tonight
7 l, j- ]! y, ^# {  fgets to wear their plug tomorrow so I don't want to hear any2 H: l7 Q' Q6 q+ f( |* {
complaints. Is that clear?" She asked. ) F8 V) i1 e* q% h0 C

( E2 i# Z8 u3 H# h# B& u$ _6 ^The boys all nodded. Anything to get those plugs out. Mrs.
4 K5 i  b" F8 JConnolly had them face the wall, hands on their heads and: A8 I$ y6 r8 M; N  N
Jennifer, Caitlin and Christie went down the line untying
  z( S: n1 b: uthe nylon belts and pulling the rubber devices from their
# T9 C' q6 E3 r& H5 ?. Asore assholes.
7 z& F  V8 S1 B9 F" _) @3 {2 \/ x/ w4 v/ J7 _8 ~0 u/ _* o
The boys heaved a collective sigh of relief as the plugs0 ~! l7 m9 T1 N( W5 {: T+ g
were removed. The suction was great and each plug made a
5 h7 L& p+ S* ?, n$ z' s6 s7 Z0 d4 F# _plopping sound as it came out. Each boy was then instructed7 x; r" C) m. U: N9 i3 {1 H
to take their plug into the shower with them and clean it up
+ F9 O$ h- {  z2 afor further use. They were dismissed by Mrs. Connolly who
* |  [+ j( H0 y  |! H1 ]2 atold them, "You have a half-hour to shit and shower. Be out
6 ^4 i' j0 H- m/ Z- l2 Jhere scrubbed clean with your plugs in your hands and be$ P$ T. q8 O! \' P& e
ready for an ass inspection."
% Y' D' o8 m9 O  N! D- d3 S; V4 V6 E. {& D
The boys ran to get ready. Miss Maikowski and the girls
. C4 S8 H% M3 b4 R+ O0 j: Sarranged the chairs so everybody could sit and watch the
2 o' H2 k0 k+ J+ r0 ]further humiliation of the six boys.
9 B# h3 _; R  M' S& P) }
- ?- K$ b$ L: }3 B" u7 QThe doctor and Nurse Randi drifted in with Miss Thomas and
' t- }0 ~# {6 e" g9 b/ B, Qtook a seat. % r3 T9 ?2 C. \2 E

% B, J# K9 S7 d( P3 H- n"Will you help me check their assholes, Doctor?" Mrs./ e* m% ]% @( b2 X! s! _/ D0 a, E
Connolly asked. The doctor nodded. "I've seen men get an ass$ S. ^& L7 x2 r; u7 ~. w! |% r4 ^
fucking in prison, but this is the first time I saw it9 h8 e4 W0 e4 }
organized as a social event," She laughed.
' F/ T7 {% r! h- K1 N1 w2 v3 p
; A5 @; W3 ^7 P+ e+ j: _"Its part of their discipline and training. They will learn. ]$ Q8 l" X, j( S1 X9 i
to instantly obey when they are told to do something by a8 M" r6 c0 c" l  B+ N* d- F& F3 U
woman. I want them to be ready to put on a show for the+ X, g5 ?$ C- U
governor when she visits. If she likes what we've done
8 y- _, X) h  c- z' Bshe'll give me permission to increase the school's2 _! W2 m  S) H; \' H
enrollment.": D4 u- r/ x; i" j0 d
' m0 z* t& h6 u: M; m& R; M/ j
The boys went to work cleaning themselves up. The shower
! N  r2 f  ~* b; }3 h! n/ K9 _could hold four boys and while some sat on the toilet the
! {- r9 K% N) [" V" z3 [* oothers showered and scrubbed their bodies. Andrew and7 v' P! h9 n. ~% T
Christopher used the toilet and hopped into the shower.
. X* G' g% U( R2 c1 y7 ]Andrew made sure his little brother was clean. He washed the
% G% q% a3 e- H7 h- u" pyounger boy's back and checked his asshole. "I need to make" t7 _" L) f7 q6 W
sure we're both clean, He told Chris. "They'll go easier on, I- _$ f) d* |6 N7 y( V
us if we don't give them a reason to pick on us."
, g% T; p0 f3 r% J% r& G: V) H+ [- [/ @+ S+ d5 L" O
Ricky asked Josh to check him out and bent over. Michael. a) w# c: Y  h+ |  i# a
still was Michael. He pushed Kevin aside and hogged the8 R8 F' ~+ v% v1 c/ v
shower, scrubbing his balls and cock. "I want it nice and) e% w! m9 p2 F
clean for when I ass fuck one of you," he snickered.
3 l9 b1 I7 }( O4 ?6 L. U( @7 f! R$ J& \0 X- {  L
The women were giggling and talking when Miss Thomas stuck2 m! I% [* Q( y  a$ T$ v5 a
her head into the bathroom and yelled, "The half-hour is up.$ P8 u, ]# \2 F% x( c* h- Z
Get those asses out here."/ N/ t8 u) x: h5 E( Q
" `6 ~0 p  S/ P# ]4 i
The boys emerged transformed.  Their bodies fairly glowed;% K! y5 h$ S& u- C6 W0 V3 V( X
they had scrubbed so much. Their hair was combed and they7 Z9 @9 W1 a3 d
had even cleaned their fingernails. They were lined up5 n/ P/ k: ]) a/ E' b! t
facing the women and girls. Mrs. Connolly nodded her: S& u' X) f7 O. V& l( @! a; s
approval as she went from boy to boy and looked them over& @2 z1 F7 Q( Y8 A  s1 t
head to toe.
" R% r$ v4 g( G0 C% G/ b' X* g; k$ t& U2 d9 W4 a0 `7 I9 D- n* K
The cock inspection took a few minutes. Each boy stood cock
- E4 D2 I5 M  ]9 N9 Gin hand, the foreskin peeled back as she knelt and checked) n4 s% M: d7 g) K7 u: F) z2 Q
them. Kelly followed her mother giggling as she too
( ~4 @. c7 t8 b6 L! e6 {inspected each cock. Then the boys were told to face the$ T$ l- g" V& r- g7 N$ o  o
wall. The moment of truth had arrived. . S. c; F- k) z3 ?6 u) s
7 N2 y8 v# r3 U+ Z  q- _. |
"Spread your legs apart and bend over," Miss Thomas
. M$ T1 ~' j4 e# m5 pinstructed. As each red faced boy complied he was made to/ m$ ?. ~8 P5 B5 x# v
pull his cheeks apart.
1 M3 }' A. m9 ?: a( _( u- ]: b0 e1 ~2 S
, b  B0 i" Y0 VSix assholes winked at the audience. The Doctor and Randi
; T) N& z+ h$ j% qchecked each one closely. "There is definitely some soreness. }  j3 l) m! q) e6 Q' T
but I think they'll all be ok," the Doctor told Mrs.; ~; g) ^4 `5 L1 A  \8 ?' E
Connolly as she straightened up. "You should lubricate them8 Z% [5 i( t: @8 L
before allowing anal intercourse."% e  R+ w9 e+ k% ~9 V

2 G5 k* Z7 a$ R6 J; q3 O. X; [3 o- GNow the selection process began. "Christie, you and Kelly5 X, @) i2 m8 d2 T
can have the honor of picking the first boy to be fucked. "
8 R9 W( ]: W; T$ b- ^* MMrs. Connolly said to her two youngest daughters. "Check
! t3 z* U2 c/ i" ^  c4 Veach asshole and pick the appropriate size dick to go in."/ B5 x: d/ N8 `/ X

/ M: c, k& C: |  b( Q% wChristie walked down behind the row of bent over boys. Kelly
8 X) _6 ~4 N# u& p$ m+ b1 Sfollowed giggling. They stopped and checked each open ass.  }) ~' i9 H# u) s1 N' Z8 x# Y
Then the two girls whispered to each other. Kelly pushed her
/ p* `- p1 `3 Dfinger into Michael's gaping asshole. "Him, I want to see
5 Q& e( p2 t5 a" CJosh fuck Michael's ass." She said emphatically. Christie
1 g$ C, [' O" e$ l7 X0 C4 m: ]nodded her agreement.9 F# y0 l- {  N6 F
7 _5 \! X0 _' t# a7 c8 w: e- l
"Excellent." Mrs. Connolly said. "Now lets select another# I$ e8 C" l# }$ }! r
pair. Doctor can Kevin user his cock so soon after the
' {7 i! M# K. l; \# U9 m6 voperation?"# `7 R& m& v% t: \. C

8 Z) P& T" G$ z8 B) e( }"I'd give it another day," The doctor said. "I'd rather he
1 A: h4 h+ E& h; J8 e6 z( Pdidn't use it that strenuously yet."
  |& [% T, |% S
8 h! Q5 h* t+ q( b  ^) yMrs. Connolly nodded. "Christie check your little friends
+ F  X% M1 o7 x0 ~/ dasshole and pick a boy to do him."+ P# f2 F/ K) j6 H
1 F8 f/ j( m2 \7 w3 F7 ^% Y
Christie pushed her finger into Kevin's pink asshole and+ R9 V7 r8 e2 t  p; o7 Y
wiggled it around. He grunted but didn't cry out as she went
! {/ e! v* r6 rin up to her knuckle. "Christopher straighten up and let me8 _0 \2 \8 W5 D" d& j
see your cock," she ordered. The youngest boy stood up and
% u' M9 C4 I# y0 R! c9 bshe pulled him over by his flaccid dick. Her other hand+ G0 G$ N' X3 O& O
still was exploring Kevin's ass. "I think Chris will be ok* j7 n" C& U% N
to do Kevin, Mom," she reported, removing her finger.
5 k0 a8 s& O% b, s
9 W% z- x# ?, m( [0 Q: T" _It was Jennifer and Caitlin's turn. They inspected Andy and
+ o) n4 n4 K- D. f# i; B. XRicky's widespread assholes. Then each girl inspected the
: j" M" G4 K% m+ t, n, \* Htwo boy's cocks carefully. Ricky was selected to ream Andy
# g+ b/ \/ E  l3 w1 X7 Ufirst. 5 o3 |. m6 E( @' o
  z. S- G" Z) ?  I1 f* r
Realization was setting in. The six boys were all sobbing by
" A0 U) S4 O8 j1 C5 dnow. They had known this was coming but they had been/ l# q& @  D: D1 I, Q
harassed all day and it was just now dawning on them. They
/ S) n0 {4 G, G, m- Cwere entering a new stage of training and didn't like it one8 E5 N7 T" O' ]- ]
+ D6 c3 t" q) |  _1 J% M7 G8 W+ Q, z" X
The women were all sitting up close as Jennifer and Caitlin
/ R. G9 q' E: R. R& carranged three beds in front of the row of chairs.
* S6 Q- ?& N: H# k) o/ k5 D& e
! j9 U1 o4 W" H0 i) |4 F2 ~% YMrs. Connolly addressed the boys. "Michael, Andy and Kevin,5 |* Y" Y) C' q
you three are going to be the first to get it. But don't6 C- ^- i% n; d
think the other boys are going to get their rocks off on; K9 x- m! y/ \1 Q- [, [( _! A/ s- R
your asses and you'll get nothing in return. In order to4 T$ |9 A* S. X1 D
make this fair each of the other boys will now suck your
+ o+ T$ e2 D0 M1 kcock until you cum. Then they can do your assholes. " h6 d+ q, i- b1 A* h( \. f4 D/ K

7 w7 j: N4 C4 x8 _( J  R- o. G"I need all you boys to stand facing us," She ordered. "Good  R, P2 `1 \7 y( D$ Q3 b- q
now Christopher kneel in front of Kevin, Josh in front of) v  b- {5 d$ x) |) j
Michael and Ricky in front of Andy." Each kneeling boy will% p0 {2 ]  D! x. a- H9 u* ]0 o
lick the other's cock and balls like the calf licked Josh.
. `$ r- N; V$ NNow get started."1 E$ E* h# M1 U8 `) ~

/ c7 C7 K) a2 y1 l# B& ^  L5 CChristopher took Kevin's balls in his hands and moved his4 D, b3 x8 r9 z9 X: E9 C0 b
mouth up close. His tongue flicked out licking the tip of. `5 F* ]) e/ N+ k' d
Kevin's velvet cock head. He licked at the underside of the: ~  p- W( ?2 V2 n, n/ I
stiffening shaft as Josh kneeling alongside him did the same
( u' m! }6 G3 O" ]7 uto Michael.  ' F. F! r. M/ Z/ k( }* L1 X
% e. m2 S; s+ ^
Josh peeled back Michael's uncircumcised foreskin, exposing9 t4 Q% a# M  Z- z
the red cock head. His tongue reamed the piss hole. Each
! }& a% S2 ]6 Z, s7 ?8 c! n8 gkneeling boy knew the consequences of not obeying. A
1 l' H8 F. }, a$ C0 T7 J4 n% ]# gspanking was the least of their worries. That awful remote5 W  k6 l) q5 G
control that could trigger such burning pain in their balls& Q$ s# t8 U: q3 y6 f. u0 h1 `
was what they feared the most.
) N0 ^, k/ a. D! |+ G: Y3 g
; j( {7 s+ |- k& I# IRicky was cradling Andy's balls in his hands. His tongue and) N" |; _) N$ L" `; s
lips washed Andy's cock, Then he turned his head and licked! B& f9 ]' T. k. F5 Z1 k# ~
the underside of the other boy's balls.
9 G! Z) v- u; H- A
5 |9 O8 b3 Z; Q8 w( ]# [! L& SThe three standing boys had their eyes closed as the three; y  Q$ n# A) E! @# ^# X2 s1 o
others sucked and licked at their throbbing cocks.
9 Q2 {0 h; a0 B5 G  S2 Q& SChristopher had Kevin's large cock in his mouth now his head
' [, B' j3 X0 S3 f. Smoving back and forth as he swallowed more and more of the
% h* N6 r: y" A5 _3 y0 Xthick pole. Josh was licking Michael's tremendous scrotum' l5 Y6 s; X3 T
and as the girls watched awed by the performance he popped
/ `! t9 S" q: C4 E0 Rone large ball into his mouth and sucked on it.
* X8 ?0 n% G: y2 g6 B; e
' R% ^2 p, F/ D4 yRicky was pulling and pushing Andy's cock with his hands as
/ x9 e' N9 j8 n, z5 j/ k+ Xhe continued licking the tip of it. His mouth was all over. T- p8 D0 _  ]/ X2 w
Andy's balls. The three boys were moaning and gyrating their- v9 ~$ ?' j  Z) k' |. z
hips as they neared climax. Andy held Ricky's head and face
7 ^" ]4 U  V; p/ Cfucked the kneeling blonde haired boy.; T. c- {) H, `; X7 M5 L/ B
. Y- x$ q2 w  Z1 q, C
Michael was the first to cum. He held Josh's head with both
  U: ^$ Q2 N# \9 H0 E0 a: K; ^hands and stiffened. He yelled out, "I'm cumming" As he
9 q" g+ q0 m1 n/ I6 z0 t) U3 ppumped a load of sperm down Josh's throat. 5 \$ @6 F0 F  ?" e1 M: m4 w
5 S  O- z3 o- Q- p1 d7 h
Josh choked as the thick fluid ran down his throat. He was
) o/ T! ~9 F$ u. ybeing held in an iron grip and had to swallow. Somehow he; F! u- ~0 Z) y: Q1 _1 \$ [
managed to breathe through his nose as more and more sperm
8 m2 f$ g  ?' p  `& c; u2 cshot out of Michael's thick cock. : ~( K, J6 z/ Q; f; _# f8 @
  I9 `& W4 H7 Z
Kevin was next. He stood up on tiptoes and stiffened . He" L4 Y. C& `; k; W9 F
moaned as he dry came. Christopher kept sucking as Kevin's
# X! |$ }0 p, I. N! }/ g2 lcock shrunk in his mouth.8 P1 d6 O) n6 i
2 z+ f4 h" ^; m; ^! T6 t
Now all eyes were riveted on Andy and Ricky. "Lick his balls
- Z7 d, I, u% |7 O2 k1 l, _- Jsome more," Jennifer suggested as she stood by the side of& q# S( z" V+ A+ l( u
the two boys. Ricky was cradling Andy's nuts in his hand and* `) v, C+ q! ?: Y+ A- }$ F- T( [
sucking on his cock. He removed his mouth and tilted his
6 ]% p1 p5 z1 A# ihead. His tongue flicked out and licked the underside of2 n" B" g8 p% d* `; N9 {
Andy's taut scrotum again. The combination of licking and
2 H8 V; S3 Q* ?0 c0 ~4 k; W; {stroking on his cock and balls was too much for Andy and he. {9 x5 D. D7 `& `
gasped and arched his back as he came. & o5 w+ Z3 M6 l
2 d  V( D  k0 B" {5 R/ N$ }0 ]
The room was quiet, as the boys sat down on the beds,7 z8 {) `5 V9 b8 n+ J, h. a9 R0 ^
exhausted, Their sides heaving from exertion. Caitlin broke
* J2 |6 m  V" P: Q7 @the silence. "Wow, That was awesome," she giggled.
% {. r6 T3 G2 H. G0 {) _  S& `. ^2 N7 O, z: O9 q& C4 L8 c
"Yes it was. Our pupils are learning," Mrs. Connolly said.
8 a0 M: w7 |, L, D"Good job boys, now lets get to act two." Michael, Andy and
+ ^' e1 P& i9 J4 d8 `Kevin got up as Miss Thomas gave them their instructions.
$ B) `3 F5 c! g& `! @6 b; g"Get on your hands and knees and face the wall," she5 W8 N6 [& V: U. C% u+ K
instructed each boy as she positioned them on the foot of
! K- [3 t( ~/ O2 j, `4 ~2 Meach bed. Their feet were dangling off as each boy took the0 X' o8 g9 a& B$ p
position. Miss Paulson stood behind and pulled their legs8 q- b5 j) L( U" M3 U. Y
apart. "Put your heads down and asses up," she ordered. ! F) G* W: O% v9 [' e/ i! s$ G- ]) d
Pull your cheeks apart so we can moisten you up."* J' p5 @$ K8 T
  J" [& X- t% O* s% X
Mrs. Connolly asked the doctor, "Will this damage their- u7 L; R9 f( K3 W0 Q4 e
assholes?" The doctor shook her head. "Michael had a large( s1 Y  ^3 b5 A6 r) Y% y
asshole and Josh's cock is slender. Once its in it'll feel
' m9 a" B1 p9 z1 T$ m- ]6 y- tuncomfortable much like a finger and he's certainly had
8 P1 C3 c4 K1 renough fingers shoved in there. Christopher's little cock4 u* @8 ^. I. I. Y2 y& J; F. q' N& i
will barely penetrate Kevin. And Ricky's cock should be all
! }8 c  \& S# Q8 n# jright in Andy's ass provided you lube it up good."8 k+ |8 C5 U& n* B" ^& O. E

, \. _0 o6 ]9 z* M( f/ u- QMrs. Connolly nodded and walked behind Michael. Removing a
2 P' Z* L* w1 H: ctube of KY jelly from her purse she squeezed a bit onto her8 o' s+ V* x% R( Y0 B- j
finger and knelt behind him. "Get your head down and ass
0 g7 E4 G  L: I8 d5 pup," she ordered the sobbing boy. As Michael complied she, _9 W% B1 Z  W. G6 P0 H1 C
inserted her finger up his asshole pushing the jelly in.% f& H. G0 E; n$ l
Then she moved behind Kevin and looked at his pink pucker.+ N3 d$ B) L5 _6 s8 d2 Q- Z1 k, F) ~
The butt plug had done it's work. Kevin's asshole gaped open5 N. E/ ]6 U' O  `
and looked large enough to take Chris's cock easily.
- b$ x+ ]# e; h' J% D
4 Z( E' G; H1 O+ ]3 \"Jerry Wilcox say's thanks for taking the rap," She
$ ?+ I3 K2 {% ~* K8 o" `8 K. D: D  Kwhispered to the startled auburn haired boy as she inserted
; k1 m! b6 j9 i- \# w% t9 ^  ]her greasy finger and pushed the jelly up into his asshole.
7 g. L" ^% K3 @2 R2 F; U; mKevin's head popped up. He looked at her wide-eyed. "H,h,
; i- k6 Y- I3 H" p( d$ mhow did you find out?" He stammered. Mrs. Connolly smirked.
  x* A$ x# L, [) N! p3 a) W"Never you mind now get your head down and raise your ass,"
$ f4 j: M' U! D6 R# n2 _& VShe instructed before moving on to Andy.
8 J/ d6 R* h" O# A; e* m3 d, b# p) d$ ?. X* ^+ R$ N2 }. k/ e  k5 N
Andy had already put his head down. He pulled his cheeks as
3 h) ~. z9 j- E4 k  l  zwide apart as he could. Mrs. Connolly nodded her approval.
, c( [% ~8 j% ]" N. l" e: F9 uShe greased her finger one more time and pushed it into0 ?7 N4 d9 t( U, \, t2 B$ |& \
Andy's ass easily. Now all three of the other boys were
$ I. t5 [! A+ I: q+ v- w% g2 [moved into position. Christie stood behind her friend Kevin
9 z: L9 E0 K6 G$ j3 uand as her mother nodded she rubbed and pulled at Chris's1 Z  b4 t1 m4 U( {
cock until it was standing tall and proud. Jennifer did the
) y8 V0 H* L3 b" @, csame for Josh and Caitlin and Kelly massaged and played with
6 n/ J' b. u' G# _Ricky's thin cock and his balls until his member was
+ c: p; g7 k! d( b! lpointing forward. Then the girls guided the three cocks into
. l$ ~0 c6 N9 C7 Qthe open assholes.4 F* Y+ B# S$ s2 w0 `4 }

3 g, P) h& x2 L6 BMichael grunted but kept quiet as Josh's stiff dick pushed" v. L  H; k0 ?- i* H1 e0 k0 s8 v. h
its way past his puckered sphincter and up into his bowels./ s' S2 d+ j  A6 m. N$ Q  |' F( r
Andy held his breath as Ricky's cock speared his puckered
$ X" o" O: S+ Z* D/ Z1 }muscled. Kevin was the luckiest of the three fuckees.3 j! |% d- L9 T0 \+ S" J
Chris's small pecker merely tapped at the door. Kevin had a
/ B- ~  ^) y; B6 I* i9 Sround ass and Christopher's cock was just too small. Kevin9 E% r  U5 ?4 }( I
merely grunted.  1 S# x; Z: q! R6 _: F, T/ {

% Z4 F' }  A. t' g/ f/ Z' sThe three standing boys held on to the other boy's sides as! j7 y# e; ^, ^8 M4 ~* }3 H& O
they poked tentatively into the open asses. Then Josh
* x8 l* ^- j' Qestablished a rhythm and soon was pumping away inside
: ]# k7 k. j- ^$ j! G8 ZMichael. Michael found himself responding much to his( S. t8 o+ }3 S' M4 m, A
embarrassment. It was humiliating enough getting fucked in- i" f& L& L7 `- x! Z
his ass but worse it was in front of the beautiful nurse) A; k' m. m# v3 w4 v& L9 `
Randi. His ass moved back and forth as Josh's cock pumped in
) J" K& ^  m7 x+ l: pand out.
: l. O: |& t( I4 O4 b" c& p; w
& t* A# ]1 a& a5 [9 Y+ V, qKevin thought about how much he hated Christie and her- H6 }6 F. Z4 y+ v+ g  V6 T3 i
family. "Damn it she used to be his friend. How could she
9 y! F" {% ~3 ^8 w* Q- r& ]' Wbetray him and stand by the side of the bed giggling as she
: c8 u" c" Y# V+ U3 O+ c0 e6 mwatched him get fucked in his asshole."9 J4 n, l8 v  w1 t9 s, [

9 Y) f0 D! t5 B3 c5 `5 ^Christopher was trying his best. His hips moved in and out# P* U4 G$ U7 s& o9 [
as his cock touched but did not penetrate Kevin. Not so with; l- S0 {4 R% a
his brother. Ricky's cock was long enough and shoved its way
% w# ?5 N( N/ winto Andy's greased up rectum. His hands were on the other
& m1 m% E- X& N  g( b/ |9 t* ]8 Nboy's hips as he pushed in and out. After staying still for
  l, g/ ~" i5 x7 y" C3 [: d3 w/ ta moment Andy started moving his body to the same beat as
3 _% u+ H! R' y7 nRicky's. Each boy was breathing heavy. Josh was moaning as
3 V: L. \* W$ d$ J3 ?; pthe friction from Michael's asshole brought him closer and/ b! R. G9 d2 H' \
closer to climax., K& m7 l; w7 @3 Y4 B9 p3 }6 w, ]6 U
+ @! e) `* H# H2 b1 O
Michael's thoughts were on Randi. She stood by the side of: i: Q; v7 H- n3 L
his bed watching as Josh's cock pumped in and out of his
. j+ K3 X9 B6 B3 S& r5 ~7 U8 basshole. That same asshole that Ricky had fingered when she- h8 `3 b8 i9 R$ x$ A7 k
gave him his physical. He shut his eyes and tried to imagine
1 C+ }, v2 T. y1 B) P9 ]' Z: mhis cock pumping into her pretty cunt. "I bet she has blonde
" [; B0 A4 M7 m* ohair on her snatch," he thought, shutting out the feel of
6 a$ K; I/ L/ ?5 MJosh's dick., v: M( O( p2 l4 D! y/ U
" ^+ m, G) B0 Z: V& D/ g. G# z0 c
Josh had his eyes closed too but for a different reason. He
4 [& N# p3 v( F6 c2 l. d# _was enjoying the feel of power he had over Michael. He knew* C( R8 H6 l. x
it was temporary and soon Michael's cock may be pushing into' b, }7 {  p3 C' H  b; @4 M' O
his ass. But for now, As he neared climax he was in control.: a8 r! W. x! y( F+ {

. @1 J9 T* k6 g  K7 `4 BRicky had his head thrown back, eyes closed as he pistoned
! |- w: c9 l0 I; ~' P4 e5 ]$ o7 [into little pink asshole. The feel of the other boy's tight) P' X* ~5 H6 I# ]' n
ass was pushing him closer and closer to cumming. The girls: A9 }! v& i' l+ ?6 }' y
had left their seats and Kelly was standing behind him
, v; e+ [# g; N! u. ^( c  jwatching as his ass moved back and forth. She reached under- q$ I. ]0 O$ b" a/ W8 o1 v
him and squeezed his nuts. The other girls gathered around.
% P) N9 t$ V; |5 ?. q' G) |5 j4 s) }Christie watched her friend Kevin getting fucked. She felt5 g7 K. q! G2 y1 P5 |3 k8 l
no remorse. If he wanted to protect Jerry Wilcox and get
. J/ Y! }& Q2 p$ Xfucked it was his choice.
8 a5 c9 {' x1 G1 M. T/ n5 |) C5 s& C9 s9 g4 F3 }- P
Jennifer watched alongside Randi as Josh tightened his grip$ g' e/ {( ?$ M" m: j2 v6 ~
on Michael's hips and arched his back. He stood up on
! y% {. K6 Y7 F7 p  l$ DTiptoes and let out a sharp cry as he pumped a load of cum
" F% J0 E0 O% F- }& vinside Michael's ass. Jennifer laughed and encouraged Josh,
$ @4 z: h; g7 E+ X" k+ t"Go baby. Shoot that load up his ass."
3 a1 y3 ~4 ^" C1 U0 |1 M% X6 U& N8 R1 ]2 e" J9 U
Caitlin had Joined Kelly and was fingering Ricky's ass as he
% \! ]6 I3 a  h8 ~neared climax. With one finger up his ass, a little girl's
  o2 G# j  `. C/ lhand cupping his balls and his cock up his friend's ass/ l& x2 {* I. i) b: g( N* _
Ricky couldn't take the triple assault on his body for long.
& U4 w/ g# J+ }He let out a sharp breath as he stiffened and arched his( Q2 B  Q) C* V5 A( }8 y2 t# Z
back. He thrust forward as he came and exhausted fell over- V3 t( Y( X4 Z8 V9 A
8 G" h( a2 \" C  j( J6 O4 q# l7 k( l6 q8 L: Y3 z& x1 r6 O: c
Christopher was holding Kevin's butt cheeks closed around8 y- ]* \4 O+ L0 w9 L( i% N
his little cock. The friction as he pumped in and out of the
! \4 g$ k* `# ?9 e9 W) Kother boy's crack was working. He was last but soon he too
. ~4 x& k, C2 H3 n8 ?came. The two boys collapsed together on the bed.
! f* {. b* k. w: J4 R, ~4 p; Q; g; m% c
Christie walked over to Caitlin. She was red faced as she
0 I, F1 p2 `+ {# Y7 d% Z3 Masked her older sister. "Do you feel funny, In there?" She' K) d  y3 `, c# M: c( D4 H2 A) t2 B
pointed to her vagina. Caitlin nodded. "Its perfectly
" ^0 `. V( X  Rnormal," she said with all the wisdom of a thirteen year
- {0 C3 d+ m7 T$ t9 Told., g0 C+ |9 q1 E6 D

6 c8 Q. `/ d7 @" U/ D' p2 H"What do you do when you feel that way?" Christie asked.. G5 ~# ~+ J, E5 a* m
, W9 d4 w7 D9 u8 l$ @
Caitlin shrugged, "I play with myself. I rub my fingers in
% @$ ?9 g# C( B: \! d6 C/ e% Tthere and play with my clitoris. Its sorta fun. Then I cum."+ Y* I0 k4 y1 S7 V9 m5 ~

9 k, r4 p; M7 T# z& W( ?, k# ?"I play with myself too," Kelly volunteered overhearing the7 _  }/ D( Z5 f! h
) {$ q# O' a: c" N
0 P5 p, e& }" S3 Q, ["So do I," Christie nodded. "But I'm not sure what a
8 }- n. G1 d2 W% \* k" {clitoris is. Do I have one or do you get it when you become
; O% d1 r8 h) j; Y9 Q( Aa teenager?"
# D. G# y0 G' Y" G" u0 i
- O& [( D2 ^3 i) G6 V9 D* ]"Why don't you and Kelly come to Jennifer and my room4 ^) ]) Z0 V" w
tonight and I'll show you." Caitlin smiled. "Jennifer had to
+ ~2 v5 o# ]& x4 D/ M1 T  e2 Z3 [7 U; jshow me when I was ten."
6 H% V- @- f1 Y
/ g5 v6 I8 y2 R( |% R4 I* N. v! QChristie smiled. "Ok that sounds cool."  The girls turned' }5 F$ U- x; v( O% T! @
their attention back to the boys.( Q4 I3 O) c& |! A3 k9 s0 |

. J# b' B! S5 A+ W4 F# s7 KMrs. Connolly had the boys standing at attention. "Your
( [7 e$ i) q/ u- Jcocks are covered with Grease and shit and the boys who got
) J0 }- w! d) b( R9 Zfucked need to clean up as well. Take a shower and clean up; o; D( H& \3 K
for dinner. We'll be back to get you in one hour." She6 g# `/ f. G0 N2 B* _
paused. "Michael I didn't forget what I told you at% a, a# R6 T" z. U
breakfast. After dinner you'll show us how to give a rim  }8 z: l. {5 Q, _4 c3 {
job. You get to lick Andy's ass. Pray he cleans it well."
6 W1 _; h9 J6 b" O
6 U0 ?" G1 l% W"You all need lots of practice ass fucking before the6 {+ L0 V! l7 L: Q
governor and her friends come for a visit," Miss Thomas told  w" ^- w: j2 J. B* l. u, j0 V# _" @
them. "But all in all that wasn't bad for the first time% v" S2 F/ w8 Z. x5 m# t# j+ T
Tomorrow after you meet your teachers we'll switch places
) Z* L+ d9 e: k% ]9 Gand The fuckers will become the fuckees. Now get washed."
" f5 U! t& H! M- R: t) {She ordered.
! _7 r" L# ^) _) @; W+ ~' I5 f& \( i. C' j' f. ]2 ]5 D
The women and girls filed out. The last sound the boys heard6 K2 n& Y: }7 J0 K5 @
was Annie cackling. "Does a body good to see men treated. H; W6 ~$ _; Z+ ?' Z7 U
like slaves."
- J( n. S+ C, I' n* d
% j0 F9 y3 u8 t( k- kIn the shower as they soaped their weary bodies Michael told
: U$ I0 d/ e% [5 z/ zjosh, "Wait until tomorrow queer boy. I'm gonna pay you back
- d/ x+ J9 t# Gin spades for that ass fucking you gave me."* a0 [! u# v  B! X: u+ V
6 `9 \' S7 f! B0 i- h( p
Andy looked over at Michael. "I saw you moving your ass and
: R6 {7 N/ l) h- }your cock was getting hard as Josh pumped into you. I think
- }, i4 y7 C0 |you enjoyed it."  D6 U# @1 Z9 K( `% i# n
# q. R* n. }) F+ f( B
"Fuck you Micelli. You've been riding me an awful lot,"
$ |' `% t) s$ N7 NMichael snarled." You wanna have it out? Lets go. I'll kick
8 p( E: `5 F% x6 L, l& U  `your puny ass."
9 y! x9 C7 D, }& e1 j, W+ O9 ^* ^. u+ L& K9 C' E
The two naked boys stood toe to toe. Kevin stepped in. "If( N' e8 l5 ?% p4 u
they hear us they'll punish us. I saw how you fell down
" c/ C' [  e, p4 x- ], u' qholding your balls. I don't think you want that or a
+ L; k  [( \: Z! I) z# c  Gspanking. Tomorrow is gonna be rough enough. Those two$ X0 s0 a0 g0 H! S( @* A+ g' @" F
teachers are the Bitches from hell."1 b1 w3 ?3 m1 O# z6 ]7 E$ y

1 {6 W2 ?% b1 @% v1 T1 TThat stopped the fight. "What you mean?" Michael questioned.
. r+ p4 i( W$ M) y) G( E% V7 z7 c
* C' x. \, S. x"Miss Fanelli was thrown out of high school last year. She) D' _+ H# V1 P0 w& i
was too tough for even the boys. They called her Queen
& D! m; J7 q/ I3 a7 ]& }& a$ t7 |; dElizabeth. Miss Walton is the gym teacher in my school. She
( A* \- l5 t  L9 O" y9 n% pstares at all the boys when we have swim class. Its as if" z* V. B' w8 T' L
she can see through our bathing suits. She kept threatening# W4 l$ _! p2 u" J, @! e# y
to pull my bathing suit down and spank me. Now she's gonna( M# k3 ^: B8 k! C: b
get to see me naked," Kevin started sobbing.  2 r6 d3 j+ n  @/ E/ P
5 O2 L- A) M1 t/ x
"This means we gotta stick together even more" Ricky said$ l( w* H/ {$ E8 r4 \
looking at Michael. "I got a feeling things are going to get
. y+ P. T# E; f5 w3 y' i- ja lot worse."
7 b- a! f" l) H% F  X5 G" K- H
$ T1 S* p& C3 O/ ~9 t9 b8 UChapter seven the endThe Grandview School For Boys 8
  W- q1 z9 _6 U! U. Q! ?The Teachers From Hell
: l4 ?2 j5 ~' R5 o% }
; Q$ U: h3 B$ p5 A. ^& K8 E' {6 T# ecopyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
  _( l9 b: w. H+ P, n/ {3 f8 uall rights reserved3 D. V) E, o6 E5 a4 l5 d
& V8 R  `6 ^9 S& k& K, ~* N" v6 q
' X9 A  E+ L6 |% @3 |1 G4 U* L/ P
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